Have debate with.
Verify Character V May 27, 2015 #4,889 Eat, which would suck considering he's a droid. Come to think of it, eating me wouldn't be a good idea either.
Eat, which would suck considering he's a droid. Come to think of it, eating me wouldn't be a good idea either.
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom May 27, 2015 #4,890 hang, though since I have droids in my service...that might end badly.
Tadietti Tann Snake Eyes Character Bio May 27, 2015 #4,893 Date and Scare, because for Tadi muse that's a fun combo. [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom May 27, 2015 #4,894 [member="Tadietti Tann"] Little scares me anymore, and I already have [member="Gherron Vael"] Hang, free
[member="Tadietti Tann"] Little scares me anymore, and I already have [member="Gherron Vael"] Hang, free
Break System Reboot Character Bio May 27, 2015 #4,895 Spank, you should know you can't kill a droid by hanging!
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom May 27, 2015 #4,896 [member="Break"] I know that just as well as anybody! Hang out, no spanking
Nyx Insert Hilarious Title Here Character Bio May 28, 2015 #4,898 Kill, then gut to harness the valuable components inside.
Jonathon Patches Information Broker May 28, 2015 #4,900 Avoid... It's not you, it's your Jedi title...