Prototype Armor
Armed With:
Nathan's Saberstaff
A Sith Soldier screamed as he was yeeted off a tall building by Nathan. Who then teleported to the ground, watching the soldier hit it and die on impact. Just enough time to think about what he had done.
Nathan almost never killed willingly if left to his own devices, the major exception being Brain Demon Cultists and situations such as this. He stared at the corpse a moment, made sure he was dead (The soldier had been killed in this manner for the particularly egregious offense of killing a family in front of him. If you read his bio, you will understand why that's a bit of a no-no.) and then turned around and resumed finding and evacuating the Ashlans.
Along the way he came across one of the soldier Biots in a skintight urban camouflage catsuit of armor weave. She was covered in blood, feeding on a Sith Lord who had been maimed by her and then rendered comatose.
His nose crinkled in mild disgust under his red helm. What the hell was the point in making the Android
also a vampire? Were they
trying to scare the daylights out of everyone? And what the feth was the reason behind making the Biots look like supermodels? Nathan couldn't comprehend the reasoning. Had the designer even tested any of them with focus groups to see what
wouldn't come off as creepy?
She stood up, and he immediately recognized her by the gold, needle-like Atrisian Hairpin that doubled as a weapon, securing her hair in a tight bun. Dulcinea.
"Hello Nathan." she said, ceasing her feasting as she stood up from the dead Sith, blood dribbling down her chin. Like all MasqueradeWorks Soldier Biots, she resembled a an athletic, curvy woman with very tan skin and gorgeous features.
"Watch yourself. Lots of Sith Knights in this area. This is my third one today." Dulcinea advised calmly, hefting a DLT-19.
"Come across any survivors?" Nathan asked.
"A few. But the Knights around here are going out of their way to find survivors and kill them. Caught this one before he could finish off an Ashlan Padawan." Dulcinea answered, gesturing to the Sith Corpse.
"His weapons. Where are they?" Nathan asked.
Dulcinea pointed to a small bundle and Nathan immediately went over to examine them. Twin curved hilts.
He concentrated, calming his mind, hesitantly opening himself up to the Force. He felt the darkness in the lightsabers. Dulcinea covered him on instinct, casually Arthur Morgan-ing four troopers that had taken aim with sequential headshots (She increased her Dead Eye Meter!).
"Thank you." he complimented quietly.
"No trouble." Dulcinea answered, sniping a Sith Soldier on a rooftop.
Green Lightning arced from his palms to the lightsaber hilts, purging the darkness as he momentarily became a conduit for The Force.
The process took five minutes. When he stopped, he activated the blades, and twin white blades popped out.
He shut them off, clipping them to his belt.
"Procure on sight." He muttered. (ID-tagged soldiers using ID-tagged weapons, fitted with ID-tagged gear: 700 XP)
"I'm going to go find more...survivors..." Nathan said, unable to stomach saying the word
Ashlan out loud.
"The transports are almost at capacity. We are holding our ground against the Sith but our ammo is starting to run low." Dulcinea advised.
"Are any full already?" Nathan asked.
"Four." Dulcinea answered bluntly. "You ask me, we should start launching
now. The Sith Starfighter coverage is getting bad, and they've already attempted strafing runs. We
will run out of missiles to repel them eventually."
Nathan sighed, pulling out his com link.
"Uh, Rom? Coat Check. Repeat, Coat Check. Out."
He put it back in his armored jacket. His form fitting red helm reflected Dulcinea to an unsettling degree.
"Withdraw to the evacuation site. Get in an interceptor, and
make certain those first transports escape." Nathan ordered, his stillness in posture, the inability to tell if he was breathing, came across as unsettlingly
droid-like to Dulcinea.
"Aye aye." Dulcinea confirmed, turning and sprinting away.
Alone again.
Nathan moved quietly through the ruined streets. It was not without some satisfaction he saw the Ashlans brought low. But that was personal. He was, of course, perfectly willing to rescue them, but that was more out of a sense of professionalism than compassion.
He sensed the darkness, an ugly spot against the back drop of the Force's effects on this world closing in on a mass of life deep in a building.
He closed in, moving between vehicles with his Force Teleport, He heard screams from the second floor and teleported onto the Balcony...and immediately jumped for his life when a Kinetite ball
demolished it.
He fell, his arm dislocating as he hit railing from another balcony. He did not yell in pain as he hit the ground, only popping it painfully back into place as a Sith Marauder wearing a form fitting black tunic and a red demon mask dropped down, armed with a lightsaber cane.
"Oh no. You have an actual
gimmick..." Nathan muttered, activating both of his pilfered lightsabers. One crate of the enemy's provisions is worth twenty of your own.
Several different Assassins jumped down behind, all dressed and armed identically...followed by three sets of several more.
"Oh..." Nathan added, "
Dressed to deliver a beating to Frank Castle, the Assassins zipped towards him almost faster than he could react, his blades barely deflecting the dozens and dozens of attacks from just three of them.
A rush of The Force to his muscles and Nathan was barely able to avoid being decapitated, though a nasty gash from just the tip of one sabercane glancing across his ribcage. Unable to shut out the pain, he rolled to avoid the slice that would have cut him in half lengthwise, teleported behind one assassin, and broke his spine with a punch, parrying stab attempts from three different Assassins who were relentless, bearing down on him with attacks so swift he was unable to concentrate long enough to try teleporting again.
He cried out as they
all gripped him with the Force. He felt the crushing pressure start to develop...
Then, almost as if she was right there, he heard her voice. The voice of that
thing that was a composite of his wife's killer and... something cast off from someone just as evil.
Let me help you...
Syd Celsius
Nathan didn't really have a choice, and they both knew it. With a great wave of self disgust and revulsion, he allowed her strength in the Force to seep into him, and the act was like a current to his muscles. To his brain.
A jerk of his hands and all of them were somehow yanked towards him, assisted by the freak's power. His blades snapped about in cruel spins, tearing off limbs and heads, and was forced back almost immediately by their renewed viciousness, their sabercane attacks striking from
everywhere. He took another cut to the arm, then a direct kick to the stomach from one, which sent him flying and almost made him black out from the air being forced from his lungs.
He hit the dirt roughly, barely scrambled to his feet to fend off the next wave of attacks...
The Android got the signal from Nathan and called out to
Inanna Harth
"Double time it! We're almost there! But things are getting so bad they're gonna launch the first transports. Hurry!" The Android encouraged her and the others, breaking into a sprint...