Fragile Dancer
Location: Lower Atmosphere - Elom
Time: Late Afternoon
Objective: I - Sith Pursuit │ Intercept Evacuation Ships
Call Sign: Dancer One
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Still on her six.
Unlike her rival, Seela didn’t cease her slicing break turn, committing her starfighter hard into the maneuver as the A-Wing held its advantage, staying hot on her engines in spite of the ECM and the Phase Masque. Even though she lacked a connection to the Force, the strand-cast knew what was coming next via instinct honed from a lifetime of flying. Where a less experienced pilot might have succumbed to panic or fright, Seela’s intuition dialed her into the conditions of the engagement. Just in time, a mental command triggered the release of countermeasure nano missiles, which then went off to unleash billowing clouds of pink gas capable of dissipating energy weapons’ fire. Trusting in the slicing break turn and the countermeasure nano missiles, Seela didn’t feel the need to initiate defensive anti-guns maneuvers yet, which would only cause her to bleed off speed and energy.
Nevertheless, it came as a sudden, albeit brief shock to the pilot when she registered the violent impact of a laser bolt on her starfighter’s shields, briefly unsettling the machine in the process. Seela grunted as a pained, aching sensation echoed into her awareness, derived from the intimate neural link she shared with her craft. As such, the strand-cast was immediately aware of the extent of the damage inflicted by the laser bolt, leaving less than 70% capacity to shields and some moderate scorching on the hull from the bleed through. Doubtlessly, it was a lucky shot, which had likely gotten through her countermeasures before they went off.
More alarming however, was the fact that the enemy pilot still seemed capable of tracking her.
Still maintaining her break turn a few moments after the impact, since the enemy pilot seemed to have pulled out of their own turn, Seela quickly rallied onto the offensive. As she looped around bring herself closer to the A-Wing’s six, she rolled her wings 180° to bring her starfighter back into level flight. Then, upon emerging from the turn, she maneuvered into a pure pursuit vector on the A-Wing’s six, while keeping slightly below its altitude. Simultaneously, she committed to opening a target lock on the enemy craft. An instant later, a lone concussion missile exploded out from one of her launchers, set on a screaming trajectory which would potentially bring it into contact with the engines of the A-Wing!
Time: Late Afternoon
Objective: I - Sith Pursuit │ Intercept Evacuation Ships
Call Sign: Dancer One
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>

Still on her six.
Unlike her rival, Seela didn’t cease her slicing break turn, committing her starfighter hard into the maneuver as the A-Wing held its advantage, staying hot on her engines in spite of the ECM and the Phase Masque. Even though she lacked a connection to the Force, the strand-cast knew what was coming next via instinct honed from a lifetime of flying. Where a less experienced pilot might have succumbed to panic or fright, Seela’s intuition dialed her into the conditions of the engagement. Just in time, a mental command triggered the release of countermeasure nano missiles, which then went off to unleash billowing clouds of pink gas capable of dissipating energy weapons’ fire. Trusting in the slicing break turn and the countermeasure nano missiles, Seela didn’t feel the need to initiate defensive anti-guns maneuvers yet, which would only cause her to bleed off speed and energy.
Nevertheless, it came as a sudden, albeit brief shock to the pilot when she registered the violent impact of a laser bolt on her starfighter’s shields, briefly unsettling the machine in the process. Seela grunted as a pained, aching sensation echoed into her awareness, derived from the intimate neural link she shared with her craft. As such, the strand-cast was immediately aware of the extent of the damage inflicted by the laser bolt, leaving less than 70% capacity to shields and some moderate scorching on the hull from the bleed through. Doubtlessly, it was a lucky shot, which had likely gotten through her countermeasures before they went off.
More alarming however, was the fact that the enemy pilot still seemed capable of tracking her.
Still maintaining her break turn a few moments after the impact, since the enemy pilot seemed to have pulled out of their own turn, Seela quickly rallied onto the offensive. As she looped around bring herself closer to the A-Wing’s six, she rolled her wings 180° to bring her starfighter back into level flight. Then, upon emerging from the turn, she maneuvered into a pure pursuit vector on the A-Wing’s six, while keeping slightly below its altitude. Simultaneously, she committed to opening a target lock on the enemy craft. An instant later, a lone concussion missile exploded out from one of her launchers, set on a screaming trajectory which would potentially bring it into contact with the engines of the A-Wing!
Craft: Lobeha Mwadu II
- Shields: 65%
- Hull: 96%
- FAE/S-05 ECM Array: Active
- FAE/S-02 Semi-Active Stealth System: Active
- FAE/S-03 “Phase Masque” Distortion Matrix: Active
- Ósýnilegt-class Personal Cloaking Device: Inactive
- Cannon Hardpoint (2)
- FAE/SW-11 Hybrid Beam Cannon - Medium
- Firing Module: Particle Beam
- FAE/SW-11 Hybrid Beam Cannon - Medium
- Firing Module: Particle Beam
- FAE/SW-11 Hybrid Beam Cannon - Medium
- Universal Missile Launcher (2)
- Concussion Missile (4)
- Concussion Missile (3)
- Pilot Equipment
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