Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [SO/GA] Caldera Crisis

Location: Lower Atmosphere - Elom
Time: Late Afternoon
Objective: I - Sith Pursuit │ Intercept Evacuation Ships
Call Sign: Dancer One
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Still on her six.

Unlike her rival, Seela didn’t cease her slicing break turn, committing her starfighter hard into the maneuver as the A-Wing held its advantage, staying hot on her engines in spite of the ECM and the Phase Masque. Even though she lacked a connection to the Force, the strand-cast knew what was coming next via instinct honed from a lifetime of flying. Where a less experienced pilot might have succumbed to panic or fright, Seela’s intuition dialed her into the conditions of the engagement. Just in time, a mental command triggered the release of countermeasure nano missiles, which then went off to unleash billowing clouds of pink gas capable of dissipating energy weapons’ fire. Trusting in the slicing break turn and the countermeasure nano missiles, Seela didn’t feel the need to initiate defensive anti-guns maneuvers yet, which would only cause her to bleed off speed and energy.

Nevertheless, it came as a sudden, albeit brief shock to the pilot when she registered the violent impact of a laser bolt on her starfighter’s shields, briefly unsettling the machine in the process. Seela grunted as a pained, aching sensation echoed into her awareness, derived from the intimate neural link she shared with her craft. As such, the strand-cast was immediately aware of the extent of the damage inflicted by the laser bolt, leaving less than 70% capacity to shields and some moderate scorching on the hull from the bleed through. Doubtlessly, it was a lucky shot, which had likely gotten through her countermeasures before they went off.

More alarming however, was the fact that the enemy pilot still seemed capable of tracking her.

Still maintaining her break turn a few moments after the impact, since the enemy pilot seemed to have pulled out of their own turn, Seela quickly rallied onto the offensive. As she looped around bring herself closer to the A-Wing’s six, she rolled her wings 180° to bring her starfighter back into level flight. Then, upon emerging from the turn, she maneuvered into a pure pursuit vector on the A-Wing’s six, while keeping slightly below its altitude. Simultaneously, she committed to opening a target lock on the enemy craft. An instant later, a lone concussion missile exploded out from one of her launchers, set on a screaming trajectory which would potentially bring it into contact with the engines of the A-Wing!

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Wake sat next to his new mentor with a small smile playing on his lips. His arms crossed, he took a moment to check in on the prison he had created inside of himself. That dark place within the crucible of black flames that fueled his power. Inside he could sense the wailing and screaming of so many souls, so many minds consumed in such a short time. Normally he had time to process each one, and rarely did he go for more than one within a twenty-four hour period. And these were Sith Spirits. His lip twitched, no, he wouldn't be able to use them just yet. He still had to digest some more it seemed. He felt the vessel pass into the atmosphere and glanced over at Caedes.

"It'll be a bit longer, I wish I had more time, it's a shame I can't show them everything," Wake said with a chuckle and crossed his palms behind his head in a relaxed pose. He snorted, "Good chance to work off all this extra weight, though, that was one hell of a feast My Lord."

He glanced at the death commandos stationed near and around him and grimaced at their unfeeling expressions. Turning to look out the window just as alarms began to go off. He felt a jerk in the vessel, the ship struggling to stay aloft as a chill washed over the ship. Wake's eyes narrowed and he leaned forward, what was- a pattern? He felt movements in the force, a pattern, a methodology. Like Sith Sorcery, but altered. Jedi Sorcery? Was that even possible? Didn't they see sorcery as an anathema? To his surprise, Caedes didn't seem as shocked as he did and openly confirmed Wake's initial thoughts. He whipped his head towards the movements of cold, sensing Caedes pressing his will on his surroundings.

Wake glanced to his teacher one more time, "Don't forget about me, sir," He bit out, drawing on the rainbow of emotions boiling within the crucible at his very core. Happiness, Love, Joy, Warmth, Fervor, Fanaticism, the intensity of spirit born out of worship. An ardent prayer to the darkness, a quietly breathed word, he clenched his fists around the armrests, leaning forward even further and breaking into a manic sneer.


"Please, allow me,"

He rasped as smoke and sparks began to billow from his lips. His entire body lurched as he slapped his palms against the structure of the ship ahead of him, concentrating on spreading warmth and heat throughout the ship, pushing back the cold and normalizing the temperature. He gritted his teeth, whomever was behind the chill was ludicrously powerful, but Wake had the element of surprise, the shock of someone contending with an opposing force should be enough to at least get them to the surface relatively safely. It was better than dead, Wake figured.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Darth Caedes Darth Caedes Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kyraj Kyraj Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar





"Hear, hear!"

I nodded at the Senator of Alsakan. What I am about to convey is not going to be entirely good news, so I have to make sure that I can start and end it on good notes. Some of the other Senators have shared their ideas on how to combat this crisis and offer their assistance, perhaps to the extent of overzealousness. It was a timely speech by Senator Ruto Tane, preventing what seems to slowly turn into a power-measuring competition. I looked at the faces on the pods, Senator of Jakku, Senator of Foerost, Senator of Montitia, Senator of... the Renascent Republic, one by one, before starting with my speech.

"The Caldera Crisis is a threat, one that endangers the lives of our kind. Let us proceed wisely and with cautions, without falling into the trap of the fearmongering that has been propagated by some actors within our Grand Alliance. Let us deal with this crisis without relenting control to those opportunistic, power-hungry actors."

It has plagued my system in the past, it has plagued the galaxy. Outside threats have always been weaponized by the reactionaries, the real crooks among us, to seize power for themselves. We might be fighting the enemies outside at the moment, but never surrender power to the enemies within us. That's how you ends up with a despotic, oppressive reign.

"I am by no means discrediting the threat of the Sith, nor the plight of the displaced citizens of the former Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. Yet in times of crisis, it is of the utmost importance that we keep our composure and react accordingly, on the Sith front and on the refugee front. Let me briefly summarize the position that our constituents in Korbin hold."

And here comes the bad news. I took a deep breath before continuing. Brace yourself.

"It should be widely known by my fellow Senators, that the newly elected government of Korbin has declared its intent to fight the corruption within the bureaucracy that has plagued our system for centuries, and that we have made significant progress on that front. However, a transitional period, as one might describe it, is prone to destabilization, economic, social, political. Thus, it is my duty, as the representative of the struggling people of Korbin, to accentuate that my planet is not in a healthy position to repurpose our land to a refugee haven. In which the details of our exact capacity will be attached by my aide."

I took a pause, studying the faces of my fellow Senators one by one. I am aware that it is distasteful to talk about economic and social impact when it comes to innocent lives, yet it is the reality that we are living in. Korbin was an irrelevant system for centuries, before we took the power from the corrupt, despotic oligarchy. If we are to maintain our progress, this is the step that we have to take.

I know that it's us against the galaxy, that the corporatist regimes all over the Alliance would despise this notion, and the success we have in burning the leeches that has been sucking dry the soul of our system for forever. Perhaps, there are temporary alliances to be made in all this. A compensation that might be attractive to a certain group of Senators.

"I understand that it is a generous favor to ask from our side, but it is imperative for me to answer the plight of my constituents, first and foremost. It is also a fact, that certain systems are more suitable for harboring refugees at the moment, as some of them have made explicit in today's hearing. As a compensation, the Federal government of Korbin can offer the Alliance a higher contribution to the GADF, in terms of tools of war, but more importantly, manpower. The recent regime change in Korbin has reinvigorated the passion and the love for life in our youth, one that would assist greatly in our struggle against the Sith incursion. Details will also be attached."

Hopefully, it is enough of a trade-off that we are offering.
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var Stolen Pride = Troops.carried(2) * Caedes _Elmindra Wake
var LAAT(alpha) = Troops.carried(15) * _Wraithwalkers
var LAAT(beta) = Troops.carried(15) * _Wraithwalkers

[ _(!) "While not originally designed for it, LAATs were later modified to allow for short trips in space" (Wookieepedia) //]
var Lambda T-4a = Troops.carried(8) * _Wraithwalkers
var Kom'rk-class = Troops.carried(24) * _Jumper Lizards _

Caedes' did not let the grin he felt reach his lips. Beside him, Wake swelled within the Force, drawing upon a unique array of fervent emotions. Sorcerous residue caused the hairs on the back of his neck to raise, then the ship began to grow warm again and the chirp of sensors silenced. Reaching out with his own senses, Caedes lent the other strength, a surge of his own pride, distinct within the Force.
"Take us down undeterred, Captain," he commanded, forcibly entering a state of utter calm and glancing in Nayne's direction, expectantly. With a deep, long breath, Caedes closed his eyes.​
"Hopeful Nayne and I will break their spell."

Placing his fists together in his lap, Caedes called upon the powers of fire. Behind closed lids, his eyes flared bright and red, showing the veins in his skin. A heat like the open door of a furnace, left open, poured sweltering into the space around him. Anchoring himself to the familiarity of nearby Rajakzânkut minds, Caedes reached through the Force brought heat to the engines of both remaining carriers. Never before had he used flame as a shield in such a way. Once established, he pressed himself further, embracing the sense of Kyraj and cloaking his Kom'rk-class fighter within a similar veil of shimmering, pale-smoking heat.
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Elom, Objective 2
Tags: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , Mago Leomax Mago Leomax


Loomi was brought back to reality by an explosion behind her, followed by the firm grasping of gloved hands on her arms. Before she could even process what had happened, she had been flown a few meters away from what was now a writhing and screeching, but still very much alive pile of flesh and sludge. The Godoan's heart skipped a beat. She had frozen up again.

"Get your head on straight kid! People need ya right now!"

"S-sorry!" Loomi apologized. "I-I just... I-it won't happen again, miss."

Her stomach was practically spinning now. She couldn't hide how upset with herself she was. She was back in the moment though. That's all that mattered. Before she could rush in to help finish the job, Mago had drawn his blade and cut the beast down, though it was clear he was still in the early stages of learning lightsaber combat. Loomi ran out to the Miraluka, a concerned look on her face.

"Golly, are you okay?" she asked. "Y-you aren't hurt, right?"

Loomi would have been beside herself if he was injured because of her, but he seemed to be unscathed. That was relieving. With a moment of calm, the Godoan decided to focus her senses again. She could still feel Braze Braze . He was still alive. That alleviated a lot of her present anxieties. Loomi resolved to keep her mind connected to his, hopefully to give him something to follow back to safety.

A series of snarls shifted her focus back to her present location. Off in the distance, four shadowy masses appeared, canine shaped and sporting grizzled and twisted features. There were more? Loomi gritted her teeth, readying her blade again.

"M-Mago," the teen muttered. "There's more."

As the sithspawn began to close in, more Sith Troopers arrived as well, closing in on Minerva's squad. This day was far from over.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Darth Caedes Darth Caedes Kyraj Kyraj Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar

"I figure there's no reason to hold back."

Valery calmly looked at her husband for a moment, but when she realized what he was planning to do, she shifted her gaze back up. Fighters, bombers and interceptors were clashing all across the Elom skies, but through this chaos, several ships were coming down to bring far greater enemies to the surface, all keen on cleansing this planet of Jedi and Ashlans alike. But Valery felt confident they could be stopped, and grinned a little when her husband's runes flared to life.

He was definitely showing off a little.

After watching the engines freeze up, causing several ships to start plummeting their way down, Valery turned her gaze to him just in time to catch his grin. She rolled her eyes, did her best to not look impressed, but he knew how she really felt. "Very impressive, love," Valery said teasingly to downplay his incredible use of the Force. Just for a moment though, before she shot him a wink and a loving smile to show her affection.

But when her fiery gaze turned back up to the sky, she noticed that several ships were regaining control, while another was on a collision course with them. Slowed down by her husband, Valery watched several Alliance fighters move in to try and gun down the other escorts, but her own focus was on the Lambda class shuttle coming directly for them. She raised a hand, let out a soft breath, and extended her grip through the Force. Every muscle in her body tensed for a moment, as she tapped into her power not to stop the shuttle, but to deflect it off to the side.

It would never reach them.

"What do you think?" She asked her husband in return, before she ignited one of her two violet blades by her side.

"They're coming."

"Golly, are you okay?" she asked. "Y-you aren't hurt, right?"
Mago shook his head, smiling as he panted lightly. He still had a ways to go to get into shape. "You're not hurt, are you? You were pretty close to being dog food. That lady really saved... you..." He felt that strange terrible aura again, as if it was pressing against his head. He tensed and let his sight expand, seeing the extra four creatures. Their snarls then reached his ears and his spine crawled.
"M-Mago," the teen muttered. "There's more."

He turned around and gripped his blade in both hands. They trembled, the tip of his saber wobbling wildly. Just one of them almost killed them both, and it took a lightsaber and a rocket to kill it! Now there were four?! What was the plan? Why wasn't Master Amani with him to give them directions? He wasn't experienced, he wasn't ready for this!


Mnoi Akûti was mildly surprised that the hit had been as effective as it had. Many Force users had an uncanny knack for sensing and avoiding danger. And the diminutive Sith woman technically had sensed it, she just reacted poorly. She had not expected the blaster bolt was actually a particle bolt, catching her off-guard, and knocking the strange lightsaber from her hand. She reacted quickly, though, and sent out two blasts of electricity from strange ornaments on her fingers. These pretend Sith and their bizarre fashion statements.

The Pureblood Outcast had already had his right hand on his sword hilt, ready to draw. As soon as the lightning was released, he drew the blade and gave a downward slash in one fluid motion. The blade caught the nearest bolt, while the other veered wildly off and struck the ceiling of the cave, causing a small explosion of icicles and rock that fell at the cave entrance. The lightning caught by the blade crackled across it as it was absorbed by the sword.

Mnoi held the curved blade up in a ready stance and fired several bursts from his pistol at his adversary. He'd noticed the shield, but for now, he'd see if the shots would simply keep her overwhelmed and distracted. It might even buy the people in the cave some time to escape, though they'd now have to climb over some rubble to do so. But that wasn't really his concern. He was here for only one reason, and it wouldn't be his fault if they didn't take advantage of the opportunity.
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A boom echoed through the sky, diverting the Dark Lord's attention towards the sky above. The clouds were punctuated by puffs of flame, cannon fire from below as well as predatory strafing runs from above. It was impossible to tell which side was firing where, as the fronts had become inexorably tangled together as orderly deployments clashed with panicked withdrawals. Several ships were falling out the sky by now, some still intact and on the correct trajectory, while others were hopelessly spinning out of control towards the ground.

Such as the ship heading right towards Him.

He furrowed His brow, more annoyed than anything at this smoldering intrusion, and then reached up with His right hand. The starship, little more than a hurtling missile at this point, pivoted to one side as it fell through the air. It would still strike Him, the momentum was far too great to adjust at this speed and with this little time, but it would fall on it's side rather than nose-dive straight into the ground. A barrier of shimmering energy encapsulated the Dark Lord moments before impact, the back half of the ship exploding on contact as the front half was torn loose and continued to drag along the ground for several meters before slamming into a nearby structure.

Fire burned all around Him, but none of it could touch Him. The barrier held strong, sustained by His power and His, but He soon dispelled it with a lazy gesture. A gust of wind blew aside the greatest of the blazes, clearing a path for the Dark Lord to approach the fallen ship. It was not of Sith design, that much was evident, so it was either a refugee craft or one dispatched by the Alliance to meddle in His affairs. Regardless, there would only be adversaries within.

Reaching out again, the Dark Lord tore free the glasteel canopy covering what remained of the cockpit. It had been spared the brunt of the crash, spared by the ship turning suddenly mid-fall. One of the pilots was still in fair condition, their hands scrambling for the weapon holstered at their hip. Carnifex shattered the pilot's arm in seven places with a thought, eliciting an agonized wail from the pilot before he was wrenched out of the cockpit and made to levitate in front of the Sith.

"Whom do you serve?" Inquired the Dark Lord.

The pilot was sweating, partly from the terrible pain lancing through his broken arm, and partly from the terror which now seized his heart. Yet, he still could manage to choke out an answer, even though his head was swimming. "The A... Alliance."

"And what is your purpose?"

The pilot heaved as pain blossomed up through his body, but again he still answered. "We were delivering... supplies... Recalled to Elom to help... refugees..."

"More's the pity," chided the Dark Lord, "I had hoped for something more substantial."

Fire, bright blue yet unnaturally cold, spontaneously burst forth from about the pilot's body. In moments, agonized wails became wheezing inaudible cries as the flame rapidly consumed his body, rendering him little more than a pile of ash that continued to smolder and burn even as it pooled on the ground. A sharp wind scattered the still alight ashes, sparking new motes of blue flame wherever they fell; for the fire was not satisfied with mere flesh, fabric, or tinder -- it caught alight stone and even metal as well.

But the Dark Lord cared not, for His dark gaze settled on the remains of the ship as it rested.

"Come out, I know you're still alive."

It seemed her little trick had worked... but not the way she had hoped. The Sith grew angry, declared them all weak, and then fled. But not before leaving a parting gift.

"Bomb!" one of the Ashlans shouted, just before it went off.

Several of them closed their eyes, bracing for a death that never came. As the seconds ticked by, they slowly peeked out at their unchanged surroundings. Above their heads, a bubble of Force energy housed an inferno.

Through the window Kass could be seen, her numerous eyes fixed upon the explosion. Though it took all of her concentration to keep it contained, the energy of the blast dissipated harmlessly, absorbed by the barrier. Sighing in relief, she turned her attention to the Sith troops. "I suggest you leave," she said, her tone warning.



"To live in fear is no life at all."
- Padmé Amidala

Inara shifted uncomfortably in her seat, listening intently to every word spoken by the Senators surrounding her. The rotunda was alive with conflicting ideals, one flung after another for the assembly to digest, only to produce a counterargument in its stead. The pale-faced Queen watched and waited, weighing for herself whether to speak or not. Naboo was beyond the reaches of Alliance Space, and while the Kingdom found many parallels to what the Core stood for, the two powers were not officially vested in one another.

But this lack of official obligation mattered not to the Sith, who loomed to the west, on the other side of the Rimward Trade League. How her people survived this long in their weakened state was beyond her, but she feared Naboo's era of peace would soon be threatened, just as the Alliance's had. She was here to shore the gap between their governments, to perhaps inflate a sphere of unity between them during such uncertain times.

When the moment presented itself, Queen Kalantha of Naboo stood to her feet. The scarlet-red Scar of Remembrance parted as she addressed the Senate.

"Good people of the Alliance," she began, her youthful voice chiming in with representatives, "I implore you not to allow hubris to overshadow this assembly. As many of you have professed, complacency reaps the assurance of destruction. My people understand this well."

She swallowed hard, a brief glimpse of her father flashing through her mind as she sought her next words.

"The people of Naboo, on behalf of their legislative assembly, have granted me the authority to make an offering of good faith: A fleet of Nabooian medical ships are supplied and prepared to aid in your efforts in the Caldera."

It was not the first time Naboo offered itself to the Alliance during times of war. Perhaps, as had been so before, the Core would appreciate their support.

A pause, then she pressed on.

"We also humbly offer safe haven on our world to those who require it in the coming days."

It was a bold gesture, one she deliberated at length with her legislators. The move was a boon, but truth be told, it served also as a bargaining chip. Naboo sought safety from the Sith, just as every system represented here did. Before her motives could be questioned, Inara spoke to explain their offering.

"We wish to help this grand Alliance against a common enemy, with the hope that it, too, would stand beside the people of Naboo should the Sith turn toward us."
Kyraj piloted his kom'rk class ship gracefully down into Elom's atmosphere following at the tail end of Caedes' entourage. The excited chittering of the two dozen hybrid soldiers carrying from the troop bay on the craft. He watched as the formation ahead of him suddenly broke and panicked messages came over the comms. The landing craft with the wraithwalkers pulled up and the Stolen Pride steepened it's descent. He pulled up slightly avoiding the same airspace and switched his cybernetic eye through it's various possible imaging technology. When he landed on thermal imaging he noticed it. Their engines were cooling.
"Damn" He muttered before keying the intercom to the rear of the ship. "Prepare to deploy. Follow the stolen pride to ground and secure their landing area." He turned to his co-pilot and switched over control to him. "Keep us high but bring us in line with the Stolen Pride's projected landing site." He then activated the floor panels in the troop bay and they slid open to the rushing of wind. "Rajakzânkut deploy!"

Kyraj opened a channel to the shuttle his master was aboard. "Master Xitaar. I have deployed troops to secure your landing site. The Breaker will remain above to provide air support. Requesting permission to personally engage on the ground." The soldiers began dropping from the vessel one by one, their jetpacks flaring to life. He reached for one of his own as he waited for his master's reply. He was glad now that he had been relegated to the rear guard. The engine trouble was concerning and he was quite fond of his antique ship.

Location: Elom, Elos City
Objective 1: Don't Die
Outfit: Jedi Robes/Attire
Equipment: Blaster & Vibroknife
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
It was the smell of fire and smoke that stirred Katherine, luring her to consciousness like a distant memory. Familiar, let still so out of reach. She groaned in pain, reaching up to touch her head, finding blood on her fingers. Whatever had hit her, had struck hard. The redhead Padawan glanced around, blinking repeatedly to try and clear her vision. What was previous up, was not turned onto its side. And the sudden breeze that passed through the wreckage made it clear it had been torn apart before impact.

Little did she know that was caused by a particularly annoyed Sith.

Katherine looked around, trying to see if anyone else was conscious, but there was no one. Those closest to her remained unmoving, and the back half of the ship? Well…it was just gone.

She felt her eyes falter again, the temptation to let herself slip into sleep was strong. That was until her ears were filled with the horrific sound of metal being torn apart. Her eyes snapped open as she heard one of the pilots struggle to grab something. Only to get forcefully pulled from the cockpit.

Dread and fear fell over Katherine like a cloak, she felt paralyzed in her seat. But only for a few moments, as she quickly unfastened the belts allowing her to quietly slide onto the floor. The Padawan immediately began searching her pockets for her commlink. Katherine remembered what Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had taught her. That during emergencies, especially if she was isolated on a battlefield, to get in contact via particular comm channels.

At first she was tempted to try and contact her Master, but Katherine paused. For all she knew, Kahlil wasn’t even on the planet. She doubted that fact, but even then she didn’t want to drag him from something likely more important. Instead, the Padawan opted for the alternative choice.

This is Padawan Holt, my ship has crashed down in the capital city…” She tuned her commlink into one of the secure GA channels. “If anyone is hearing this, please come and find me. I fear I’ve landed right in a hornet’s nest.” The Padawan spoke quietly, hoping it was audible enough to be picked up.

"Come out, I know you're still alive."​

Katherine froze in place, fear wrapping around her lungs as she found it difficult to breathe. Had she been too loud? Or had the enemy just simply sensed her presence. She weighed the pros and cons, wondering if remaining in the ship was the right option. It would be the safest, right? But Katherine doubted it would be.

Whomever was out there, who easily tore the ship apart, could no doubt just rip it open more to drag her out. So…Katherine went for the option that hopefully wouldn’t further annoy the enemy. The Padawan picked herself up, carefully and cautiously stepping out of the ship with her hands up in the air.

She prayed someone had heard her distress call.
More karking Sith. A tumor that would never, could never be rooted out. Just how the galaxy worked. Unless someone got rid of the Force entirely, the Darkside and it's ideologies would always come back in one form or another. A constant struggle of power and freedom. Obsession and joy. A struggle worth fighting.

Dominik didn't have a connection to the Force like the rest of the demi-gods running around, but he had intimate training and experience with the Sith themselves so he understood a lot of the inner workings of the Force, and how one uses it. Knowledge of the truth turns those demi-gods into just people with neat tricks, and people could always be exploited. Fighting Sith was never something Dominik liked to do. It was asking to die, fighting one of them. He would rather rig explosives to their escape vessel, drop a starship on their head, or asphyxiate them with toxic gas or the vacuum of space. But when they invade a planet's surface little of those options are available.

The call came in suddenly on one of his days off. They had heard whispers of Sith activity brewing and investigated most of them. And now in classic Sith fashion, they were showing themselves off to the galaxy once again. He suited up, picking his weapons for the conflict carefully. Sith trooper armor defenses, Sith Acolytes and, lets face it, possible Lords he might encounter, close and far... He ended up with a kit that wasn't his usual. But his usual wouldn't fair for this encounter, he needed more specialized weaponry, not all-around versatility.

He flew his personal ship, the Duskrunner, over the carnage. Ships falling out of the sky, fire and burned buildings everywhere. Sith Troopers swarming after refugees. He wasn't exactly sent here by the SIA, this was no official mission. IVI IVI might chew him out for this, but he didn't particularly care. In all honesty he cared more about routing out more Sith and protecting the many Jedi and Padawans who might have gotten in over their heads.

This is Padawan Holt, my ship has crashed down in the capital city…” She tuned her commlink into one of the secure GA channels. “If anyone is hearing this, please come and find me. I fear I’ve landed right in a hornet’s nest.

Padawan Holt? Thinking of which... His ship shot forward with incredible speed as he circled around towards the center of that distress call.

A downed ship, torn in half. Fire everywhere. A dark man in armor standing before it, a body being held in the air before it turned to flame. His eye widened as the other zoomed in as much as it could, ascertaining details and matching them to the SIA database. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ...! He had never met him, but he was a terror. And he'd kill or turn that padawan, the padawan who was already half Sithspawn if he didn't try something. He kept his ship high before aiming down at the man, guns on his ship warming up before firing down at the man. Three double blasts of the Laser Cannon before he set it to autopilot back to the GA cruiser in orbit, popped the hatch, and leapt. Three GH05-T SPARK droids following him.

Fighting Sith head on was suicide, fighting Darth Carnifex was going to be like fighting on oncoming train. But even trains had their weakpoints. With the Amulet of Many he stole from a Sith corpse wrapped around his wrist he wouldn't be able to be sensed with the Force, which meant he had to rely on sight. The blasts from his ship would have kicked up a massive amount of dirt in the air, obscuring his fall to a nearby rooftop.

Dominik activated the small tractor beam in his left arm, latching onto the rooftop and pushing hard, slowing his descent. When he hit the rooftop it only made his shins scream in protest, rather than shatter them. He rolled and came up on his feet at the edge, hand already pulling The Equalizer from it's thigh holster. The Cybernetic Eye in his head switched to thermal sensors to see the man through the debris, aimed it at Carnifex, and pulling the trigger to send the deadly Void bullet.

Fighting Sith had everything to do with hitting hard and fast with no nerf dung in between.
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(PvE) Objective II — Refugee Crisis

Tag: Loomi Loomi Mago Leomax Mago Leomax

Minerva and her troops had been shooting at the beast with little to no effect but the Jedi boy finished it off.

He needs work on his saber technique but otherwise a great job.

Descending to the ground next to Loomi and Mago she stayed quiet. Despite the fact they're Jedi she was quickly reminded their kind weren't usually raised to be warriors like she was. Her thoughts were interrupted by murderous snarls.

"Boss we got four monsters advancing in the center and a lot of troopers coming up on both flanks."

Said Irni through the comms.

"Copy Irni locate and eliminate the officers first. Squad one to the left and squad two to the right. Me and the Jedi will take care of those creatures. Hold the line no matter the cost!"

She ordered, reloading her gun. Already she can hear shooting and explosions followed by screams. Turning to the padawans she saw how uncertain they were.

"Get a hold of yourselves! Stay close, don't hesitate and watch each other's backs. I'll harass and soften them up while you cut them down or use your force powers to do it."

Rocketeering off the ground again Minerva flew toward the pack of abominations charging as well. She fired in two round bursts, aiming for the faces and front feets. Provoked, they aimed for her and she swung around to the left diverting their attention. She then reversed and fired again, emptying her clip but not before blinding the leading canine in both eyes as it screeched, tripping itself. Though not dead the beast was now vulnerable for the Jedi as it tried to get up.

However, the rest kept up the catch and one leaped with such incredible speed that it caught Minerva off guard. Pounced on Minerva thought fast as she fell using her wrist repulsor to knock the monster off of her. Still she hit the dirt with new pain and rolled back up to her feet. The monster trio roared again and attacked from left, center and right forcing Minerva to ascend via again as she put in another clip for her rifle. One saw Mago and headed for him and another rushed toward Loomi.

Before Minerva could intervene the same Sithspawn from before leaped at her again. Swearing in Mand’oa she bank hard to the right before shooting at its back. Roaring defiantly the canine monster turned around with a maddened expression. Minerva glared back underneath the helmet. Then the Mandalorian actually sped toward it and the beast leaped for a third time. Mid-flight she drew a thermal detonator, activating and tossed it before evading just as the Sithspawn swallowed the sphere whole.

Just as the beast landed on it’s feet, an explosion ripped through its stomach, splattering blood on the soil as it collapsed into now two large halves with several pieces and chunks scattered around.
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Tags: Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla

Hal found himself face down in the dirt, waiting for an explosion that never came. He flipped onto his back, looking at where he'd thrown the detpack. To his surprise, a rolling boil of explosive energy was contained above the heads of the soldiers, slowly fizzling into nothing. The black scorch marks on the roof were the only evidence that anything had even happened.

The form in the window was too much for the Sith troopers, the display of force, the loss of their weapons, and the Jedi's terrifying appearance brought their wills to the limit. One man slowly headed for the door, making slow deliberate steps. His compatriots hissed at him to stay, but the only thing he was focused on was the Jedi in the window. Once he reached a distance he deemed safe, he turned and sprinted out of the door, barreling past Hal in the process. The rest of the troopers fled too, some quickly, some slowly, but every one of them left, blowing past Halkin.

Had he been in a more rational, calm state, he might have left with the troopers. He might have taken the time to assess the threat that faced him, to understand the vast gap in power, experience, and mastery between him and this monster of a Jedi. But he wasn't being rational or calm. He was furious, angry that he'd seen himself in the dirty, helpless Ashlan soldiers. He reached for the stolen lightsaber on his belt, drawing the ornately detailed hilt and igniting the crimson blade, "I'm not going anywhere." Through his left eye, Halkin could see through the force, he could see the Jedi through the house, giving off waves of power. He was going to kill her.


Elom, Objective II
Tags: Mago Leomax Mago Leomax , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad


The monster trio roared again and attacked from left, center and right forcing Minerva to ascend via again as she put in another clip for her rifle. One saw Mago and headed for him and another rushed toward Loomi.

Loomi was ready this time. As ready as she could have been, anyways. She was still trembling, but she had a level of focus as the Sithspawn rushed her.

Water. The force was like water. She tried to remember the basics of weaving that Auteme Auteme had taught her in the midnight hours back when she was a fresh face at the Jedi Temple, a meeting that was, as far as she recognized now, greatly miraculous. Still, she had learned a great deal that day, even if her chances of learning from the chancellor ever again were slim to none. Threads permeated through all things. Through her, through the earth around her, even through the Sithspawn, even as the force was twisted and distorted around it.

The Godoan reached out her open left hand, reaching out in the force. She had found the thread she needed. With a tug, it materialized, pulled out of the forehead of the twisted canine creature. Loomi yanked on the thread, pulling the creature forwards. As it was pulled up from it's feet, sailing a good distance towards the teen, she placed her left hand onto the hilt of her sword and let out a breath.

Braze Braze was okay. He could handle himself. She had to be right here in the moment, fluid like water.

With a silent step, Loomi lunged towards the creature with her blade outstretched. The Sithspawn made contact, peeling apart in the center. Gooey strands were sent flying around the epicenter as the strange weapon passed through, followed by it's wielder. As Loomi and her sword emerged on the other side, two halves of the Sithspawn hit he ground, reduced to warped flesh and writhing sludge. Loomi was frozen for a moment, then let out an exhale of relief. She had done it.

Her anxiety quickly returned, unfortunately. Loomi quickly turned to where Mago had been standing.


Was he alright?

Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

Braze's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted through the chaos, cradling Aliris in his arms. He could feel her weight against him, her frail body trembling with each shaky step. Fear gripped him tightly, knowing that every passing moment brought them closer to danger.

The deafening shouts of Rimu reverberated in Braze's ears, fueling his determination to escape the clutches of their pursuers. He focused on navigating through the maze of blaster fire, his agile movements guided by instinct and sheer willpower. But deep down, he knew their chances of survival were dwindling.

He paused behind a wall, a brief respite of cover for them. This would have to do. He moved swiftly and set Ali down gently taking a few heavy breaths and getting ready to start giving her cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He needed to be able to give her normal-sized breaths after all, so schooling his breathing had to be done.

Braze was about to reposition Aliris onto her back and impart her with the kiss of life...

And then, in a moment that seemed both miraculous and horrifying, Aliris awakened. Braze's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the transformation in her eyes. The piercing blue he had grown accustomed to had been replaced by an ominous Sith yellow. And those golden sickly looking eyes were much, closer. His grip tightened instinctively, uncertainty seeping into his core.

As a grenade hurtled toward them, Braze's heart skipped a beat. But instead of panic, he found himself in awe as Aliris deflected the explosive with a mere tilt of her head. The metallic matter formed a protective shield, shielding them from the impending devastation. It was a surreal sight, both beautiful and unsettling. He raised a hand protecting his eyes from the debris that pelted them.. His hearing was briefly damaged as a loud blaring came next.

Standing on unsteady legs, Aliris exuded an aura of power and darkness, her attention fixed on their enemies. Braze watched, paralyzed by a mix of terror and fascination, as she effortlessly deflected a sniper shot aimed at her. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—Aliris was not just a girl, but a vessel for something far more sinister.

"Boy." Her voice was not her own. Older, deeper, colder. "For protecting the vessel, I'll show you something fun."
A voice, not her own, echoed through the air, chilling Braze to the bone. The older, colder tones seeped into his very being, sending shivers down his spine. It was a voice he couldn't ignore, a voice that demanded his attention and obedience. A rippling of abject horror and terror permeated out from him, unable to keep his own mental shields sustained at this point with the sheer depth of fear he felt growing sickened and cautious at that very moment.

Rimu's fear was palpable, his realization mirroring Braze's own. The memories of his past love, the possession, and the monstrous entity that haunted his nightmares resurfaced with a vengeance. The First, the matron of the Tremiru family, had resurfaced once more, instilling terror in the hearts of all who witnessed her power. Ali stood on the battlefield the picture of resplendent glory a testament of the vast power in that moment.

As death consumed their enemies, Braze stood in stunned silence, the magnitude of the situation sinking in. The tendrils of metal that extended from Aliris's hand, tearing through flesh and bone, painted a gruesome picture of her newfound strength. It was both awe-inspiring and petrifying, leaving Braze to grapple with the realization that he had unwittingly become entangled in something far beyond his understanding. The image of their deaths was carved into his memory.

As the First's gaze settled on him, Braze felt a shiver crawl up his spine. He knew he had become a guardian, entrusted with the task of protecting Aliris until she grew stronger for the dark entity that dwelled within her. The weight of that responsibility settled heavily upon his shoulders, mingling with a sense of foreboding.

Dumbfounded he just nodded his head unable to find his voice in this moment as he reached up to pluck Ali up. He had to get them both away from here. To disengage and find safety.
var Stolen Pride = Troops.carried(2) * Caedes _Elmindra Wake
var LAAT(alpha) = Troops.carried(5) * _Wraithwalkers [ _10 deployed]
var LAAT(beta) = Troops.carried(5) * _Wraithwalkers [ _10 deployed]
!) Lambda T-4a = Troops.carried(8) * _Wraithwalkers [ _Compromised]
var Kom'rk-class = Troops.carried(0) * _Jumper Lizards _Kyraj [ _24 Deployed]

Their Lambda-class shuttle careened through the air, sputtering repulsorlifts struggling against the sudden telekinetic grip of Master Valery's display. The pilots inside shrieked and hissed as they died, their vessel dragged by the Force and ripping through a landing tower from Elom's capital spaceport, detonating to sling detritus in a rain of destruction atop the surrounding landed craft. Open fuel lines and volatile starships caught fire and exploded at their docking bays, setting off a chain of earsplitting booms as relief workers and pilots were consumed by sticky fire. The air grew quickly thick with black smoke...

Without relenting, blaster fire split the haze and pelted the Jedi's location, Kyraj's rocket troopers hurling through the air to form an aerial cordon formation, surrounding the Nobles in a halo of red bolts.

Gliding through the turbulence of a war-torn sky, the Stolen Pride set down on a nearby landing-pad and amidst a cloud of cinders. Underfoot and crushed by the Infiltrator's deployed landing gear were the flaming remains of many corpses and melted droids. Swooping low behind it them, their LAATs disgorged Rajakzânkut warriors like a fish pushing eggs, then took again to the open skies. One rocked beneath three consecutive explosions, near misses from Galactic Alliance gunners, but each made it clear of the LZ and pulled away.

To their pilot, Caedes indicated the captain's chair.
"Remain with the ship and keep our engines primed. Engage the stygium cloaking field and keep power on those shields."
"Yesss, my Lorrrd," responded the Tiss'shar, obediently.​

The Pride's boarding ramp fell open and Caedes descended its length. He scowled as he surveyed the battlefield, littered with ships and petty buildings set aflame, stacks of smoke and the panicked sounds of desperation. He breathed it all in, letting the palette of war collude with his senses and drawing power from its taste and smell.
"Spread out," he commanded the Wraithwalkers, gesturing with a hand by splaying his fingers.​
"Surround the Jedi but do not engage them. Seek cover and create a secondary cordon— thirty meter radius. Clog their routes of escape. Slay those who try to interfere or who get in your way. Remain vigilant. These are no ordinary Jedi, we will adapt as required. Move!"

With a snap-hhHiiisSSsss and a sickly, emerald glow, Darth Caedes activated his lightsaber in a Makashi dueling flourish and snarled in the direction of the near-distant Nobles.
Lower atmosphere
Seela Leini Seela Leini

Lao-ta exhaled her frustration as the pink gas billowed into the air behind her enemy. It was unclear whether the shots landed as the dark fighter continued in its intense turn. She'd made a mistake. She'd come out of her turn too early and now the enemy would capitalize on it. She rolled and turned to avoid her opponent but she suddenly heard the alarms signaling an enemy target lock and incoming missile.

She dove toward the surface of the cold planet. Accelerating towards the floor of a nearby valley before briefly flipping on her sensor jammer and pulling up hard right before hitting the ground. The maneuver was enough and the missile sailed past and impacted the valley floor. She double checked to make sure the sensor jammer was off. No need to overuse it. If she could keep it secret it would serve her better. Hopefully her opponent hadn't noticed. Lao-ta however noticed that she was still being pursued and began to weave between and around the mountain peaks hoping to create cover.

The enemy pilot was good and the ship itself seemed to be loaded with all sorts of countermeasures. If this was the quality of opponent she would face in the Sith Order she would likely need to upgrade her ship. The Force was a great ally but technology was still important. Especially in flight.
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