Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, I'm overwhelmed now

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Ayden Cater said:
Good! Embrace that feeling. Channel it. Use it. If you feel overwhelmed, imagine what your character must be feeling. Surprises like this can yield even more surprises.
I'll start building the EMP bomb from the Clone Wars.
As my profile says, I am a collector of weapons & blueprints.
He had magic visions?

@[member="Hanna Lissiri"] I mean that afterwards the status quo of who owns what goes back to normal. If it's all too much for you just RP in normal threads and forget about Clockwork Revolution. I really think you'll enjoy the experience though if you try....

Flint Pherson

I love you Jhar. Send me a PM anytime you want to talk. I'm pretty good at destroying a galaxies worth of enemies. Thanks. :D
Well-Known Member
Love you too Flint! I'll terrorize the Republic for you some time, you know, after your robots stop malfunctioning.

Hey, I have a opinion based question, do you think that Jhar would make a good Clockwork?

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Please don't. You're not only a Force-sensitive, you're also a trained assassin. It would be too much for everyone else. I mean, we already have a mega-corporation leader already part of the Clockwork. An assassin? Too much. But that's just my opinion.
Well-Known Member
I'm also a padawan with low potential in the force and is an insane amputee that never got his arm replaced. I'm fairly certain he wouldn't be that much of a threat really.
Don't worry about the billions dying......Daxton is doing his best to replace their would you want a billion Daxtons running around the galaxy is another story all together.
Well-Known Member
Anyway, I'll actually be gone for a more concrete time than I had originally anticipated guys. I don't know when I'll be back exactly. But I will be gone 100% for a time like several days, possibly even for a week or two. I don't know quite yet, but pray for me that I can boost my grades up! I am very upset with myself.

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