Student At Kor'ethyr Academy

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Leshanna’s attack on the creature, seemed to save the other boy’s life, as whatever the demon seemed to hurl at him missed and instead slammed into part of the building behind the boy, causing further instability and damage. The girl hardly registered this, too focused on wounding its wing enough to prevent it from flying off. Chunks of duracrete began to crumble around them, and for a moment she stressed that the boy beyond her would be crushed by one of the falling pieces - but he dodged away just in the nick of time.
The boy agreed with her line of thinking, but that was all the focus she could give to him as the beast turned its pained and angered attention to her. She noticed the strange tendrils of power too late, before she was caught in the grip of blue flame-like energy that seared her and drew her closer to the demonic, winged beast. Lesh cried out in startled pain, a spike of fear thrusting its way through her as she shoved her make-shift spear towards the creature’s face and eyes…anything to force it to drop her. The newcomer seemed to recognize the danger she was in, and in swift action retaliated against the creature and used his dagger to slice deep into its flesh, forcing it to release her.
More slabs were beginning to crumble and fall, and the girl realized that if they didn’t get out of the situation quickly, then they were going to be crushed, trapped, or both. Her eyes were searching around the area for anything that could be used to aid them in their battle, and she spied the precariously balanced duracrete slab around the same time that the boy did. It was also hanging above a doorway that would lead them upward, and probably towards the cache they needed to get to.
The boy seemed to have the same idea she did, and he reached her side as she made a dash for the opening. The devilish creature was hot on their heels, and she could hear the swipe of a paw as its talons whistled through the air just behind them both. It shifted, its body colliding with the walls further, unable to fly due to a damaged wing. Once beyond the danger of the falling slab and into the doorway that led up a set of stairs, Leshanna turned around and drew upon the adrenaline and fear that pumped through her body - and with a fierce cry demanded that the Force move on her behalf, sending forth a wave of invisible energy that slammed into the loose piece of duracrete, knocking it free just as the devilish gargoyle tried to force its way into the doorway. There was a loud, heavy crashing thud and dust and debris kicked up to cloud their vision.
Lesh didn’t wait around to see what had become of the creature, she grabbed the boy by whatever item of clothing she could grab and hauled him up the stairs with her.
“There is a cache up here, somewhere! We need to get to it, like now. Maybe it has something that we can use to fight off the rest of the creatures or even help my allies.” She barked, her voice sharp but carried with it a sense of urgency. She didn’t know where her other ally, Micah, was. She had lost sight of him in the brief battle with the creature. She hoped he had found safety somewhere. Maybe he had gone back to the others? Maybe he found the cache already?
A trickle of fear spiked through her with that though, for some reason. Would…would Micah be the kind to betray them, take the most important things for himself then ditch, leave them to die? She wasn’t sure - she hoped not. She didn’t want to tell Naamino that she saw Micah fall out of a window, for some reason, and that it totally had nothing to do with her.