Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate [SO Populate of Empty Hex] Survival of Ozzuk Thren


Student At Kor'ethyr Academy


Direct Tag: Haro Aven Haro Aven
Other Tags/Mentions: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano // Kivah Kivah // Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl // Myunnah Myunnah

Leshanna’s attack on the creature, seemed to save the other boy’s life, as whatever the demon seemed to hurl at him missed and instead slammed into part of the building behind the boy, causing further instability and damage. The girl hardly registered this, too focused on wounding its wing enough to prevent it from flying off. Chunks of duracrete began to crumble around them, and for a moment she stressed that the boy beyond her would be crushed by one of the falling pieces - but he dodged away just in the nick of time.

The boy agreed with her line of thinking, but that was all the focus she could give to him as the beast turned its pained and angered attention to her. She noticed the strange tendrils of power too late, before she was caught in the grip of blue flame-like energy that seared her and drew her closer to the demonic, winged beast. Lesh cried out in startled pain, a spike of fear thrusting its way through her as she shoved her make-shift spear towards the creature’s face and eyes…anything to force it to drop her. The newcomer seemed to recognize the danger she was in, and in swift action retaliated against the creature and used his dagger to slice deep into its flesh, forcing it to release her.

More slabs were beginning to crumble and fall, and the girl realized that if they didn’t get out of the situation quickly, then they were going to be crushed, trapped, or both. Her eyes were searching around the area for anything that could be used to aid them in their battle, and she spied the precariously balanced duracrete slab around the same time that the boy did. It was also hanging above a doorway that would lead them upward, and probably towards the cache they needed to get to.

The boy seemed to have the same idea she did, and he reached her side as she made a dash for the opening. The devilish creature was hot on their heels, and she could hear the swipe of a paw as its talons whistled through the air just behind them both. It shifted, its body colliding with the walls further, unable to fly due to a damaged wing. Once beyond the danger of the falling slab and into the doorway that led up a set of stairs, Leshanna turned around and drew upon the adrenaline and fear that pumped through her body - and with a fierce cry demanded that the Force move on her behalf, sending forth a wave of invisible energy that slammed into the loose piece of duracrete, knocking it free just as the devilish gargoyle tried to force its way into the doorway. There was a loud, heavy crashing thud and dust and debris kicked up to cloud their vision.

Lesh didn’t wait around to see what had become of the creature, she grabbed the boy by whatever item of clothing she could grab and hauled him up the stairs with her.

There is a cache up here, somewhere! We need to get to it, like now. Maybe it has something that we can use to fight off the rest of the creatures or even help my allies.” She barked, her voice sharp but carried with it a sense of urgency. She didn’t know where her other ally, Micah, was. She had lost sight of him in the brief battle with the creature. She hoped he had found safety somewhere. Maybe he had gone back to the others? Maybe he found the cache already?

A trickle of fear spiked through her with that though, for some reason. Would…would Micah be the kind to betray them, take the most important things for himself then ditch, leave them to die? She wasn’t sure - she hoped not. She didn’t want to tell Naamino that she saw Micah fall out of a window, for some reason, and that it totally had nothing to do with her.



Tags: Lady Falentra Lady Falentra Domina Prime Domina Prime Itzhal Volkihar Itzhal Volkihar Gavin Vel Gavin Vel Neeva Soocha Dena Neeva Soocha Dena Thel Kaan Thel Kaan

Wherever Rellik laid, there was a giant piece of rubble underneath him. "Unbelievable."
He thought to himself.

His energy had returned, the battle with Domina had left him cut and bruised but something even better than Bacta had restored him to practically full strength. Whatever it was, it worked wonders.

His eyes slowly opening between the chatter of what seemed to be several people. He looked around, A Twi, another Sith Spawn and Domina. He wondered what they were planning to do. He thought his deal with the Mandoa spawn was going to have him separated from her so he could have some time to think and heal but that was not the case. He heard another groan to his side. Gavin Vel Gavin Vel was with him as well. He also looked fairly healed.

One of the three women there must have done the healing. It would make what Rellik was to do next sting a little. He looked around at the absolutely destroyed city block. The remnants of their battle leaving buildings collapsed, giant craters in the ground and even though it appeared to be the next day to him; there was still smoldering ruins within the road.

He watched as Gavin started to move and he knew his time was now. Domina bested him when it was a battle of hand to hand combat and he learned his lesson. He noticed a column of a building, somewhere around 6-7 Meters long and around 1.2 meters wide both ways. He gently lifted it up with the force.

This time, he would not fight the spawn with his hands alone.

Rellik rolled unto his shoulders and flipped himself up to his feet, staring Domina down as he did so. "HEY YOU BARVE! I never asked to be healed Mando. You dishonored me, took me like some kind of prize. I honor my word and when the fourth day comes you will realize I limited myself in our bout. If I did not want to beat you in front of your gods and shame you in the old ways I would kill you now. You have seen but a fraction of my power. Your fiery blood will taste sweet upon my hands." He tilted his head and gave a condescending evil grin. With that he flung the column straight at her. Once it seemed to hit her and remove her from the equation, Rellik pushed the other two women away with strong bolts of lighting. The Diarch was furious. Each one of the three attacks was sent with malicious intent and were near the full effect that he could use.

With the success of his initial attacks he wanted to get Gavin out of the situation. Not because he doubted the courageous warrior but because this fight was now a matter of his pride. He slung the large brutes arm over his shoulder and ran into the city scape before anyone had a chance to stop him.

Once they were AWAY: -

The two men had gotten so far that they were now near the outskirts of the city. Walking along an edge looking into one of the stone valleys.

The Diarch and Gavin were speaking casually, the two looking for a cache for food, healing supplies and weapons. The two now bonded over their mutual fight and Rellik spoke openly to him with a smile. "I hate it when they are as stubborn as a ronto in rut" he laughed as he spoke. "I appreciate your aid in this fight brother. You should be proud of what you have done. I would be lucky to fight with you again. For this fight with Domina in a few days though, I must go alone." He stuck his arm out to embrace his new friend in a strong handed grasp.

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

The two barely evaded the swift swipe of the devil's claw but the creature got caught in the doorframe as they dashed through and into the center of the room. Both teens whirled around wide-eyed to find that, unfortunately, the impact had not been enough to loosen the slab as Haro had hoped. He was about to turn tail and run for the stairwell when the petite girl cried out with remarkable ferocity. It was as if the power of her voice lashed out, slammed into the slab and brought it crashing down upon the unsuspecting gargoyle with a heavy thud that sent a tremor through the building. Despite knowing it to be the Force at work, Haro almost didn't recognize it because of how different it felt – ruthless, violent, commanding, powerful.

Mouth agape, Haro just stared at the girl as she marched up to him, took hold of his sleeve, and pulled him along with more strength than he'd expected, causing him to stumble after her before he fell into step. He gladly allowed her to manhandle him though, not daring to protest, especially after such a show of power. He just really hoped she was factoring him in as one of her "allies."

"Agreed! I know where it is. I saw it from the roof top. Follow me." His tone, by contrast, was amiable and eager to be helpful. He slipped past her with a lithe grace, his long legs clearing two steps at a time to expedite the final push. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, he ducked to the side, keeping low and close to the wall as he approached the upper level of open ledge. He scanned the exposed landing from the doorway. The cache was in the middle of the landing, practically begging to be opened. More gargoyles didn't appear to be forthcoming. If there were any left, they were apparently still engaged with the others below. The boy looked back over his shoulder at his pretty little accomplice.

"Looks clear," he said, gesturing for her to follow him out from their cover but making it clear that he would pander to her if she wished to be the one to open the cache. He wanted to make it clear that she was in charge, at least for now, as far as he was concerned.​

  • Vibroblade
  • Fusion Cutter
  • Macrobinoculars
  • Medpac
  • Field Rations

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Domina Prime Domina Prime Gavin Vel Gavin Vel Neeva Soocha Dena Neeva Soocha Dena Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

Force healing was taxing on ones own vitality, and sure enough, Falentra began to feel the toll of her ability as she was healing the unconscious lithe man. She could only partially heal the other, else she herself was sure to fall unconscious. By the time she was done, the first man was stirring awake. She had not expected what he was to say next, words that did not convey even an ounce of gratefulness for being saved from the grasp of death.

In any other circumstance, if she wasn't so drained from healing, she would have rebutted, she would have gotten angry, instead she merely let out a low huff. Dima had no intention to heal them, Falentra herself insisted. "Imbecile." She muttered, wearily. She was too tired to notice the block being lifted, until it was being thrown.

"DIMA-" As she exclaimed, extending her hand she weilded the force around Domina, lifting the titaness upwards and away from the tragectory of the heavy column. Too distracted helping her bond, she could not avoid her own attack, feeling the electricity strike. She fell to her knees, every muscle in her body tensing up painfully so. It was far from the aquatic's first time being the subject of force lightning.

Darkness overcame her as she lost consciousness.
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Well Worn Boots, Model 6 modular backpack (currently empty), military fatigues
1 black coin, 1 red coin
Tags: Leshanna Leshanna Haro Aven Haro Aven

Linked in text


After ensuring that Kivah Kivah had her opponent handled, zabrak and tuk'ata charged their way toward their other companions and the cache. They regrouped with a new addition, sorted items from the cache to distribute amongst themselves appropriately and debriefed from battle while on the move to find a proper place to set up camp. All the while adrenaline wore off and the reality that this challenge would be a marathon, not a sprint sank in for each of them in their own ways.

For his part, Naami was far more cold and surly after the initial excitment of battle wore off. Of course, he appreciated the support of Myunnah Myunnah carrying him so they could make haste toward camp, waiting to treat his wounds until after they settled in for the night. Wounds which were rough and annoying to the sturdy teen, but not truly concerning once tended to. The zabrak busied himself with cutting away the burnt edge of his pant legs from the near miss feiry breath, meticulessly checked on Myunnah's barding, and behaved unusually distant toward everyone else including his favorite cathar. He showed none of the usual enthusiam he might otherwise have had about his turn to keep watch (electing to take last watch of the night) and was generally a dark cloud the rest of that evening despite his successes that day


Morning of the Second Day
Breaking Camp// Parting Ways

Well Worn Boots, Model 6 modular backpack (3 ration packs),
Military fatigues, 0 Coins,


Having risen before the rest of his party, Naami was fully packed up and ready to go at first light. He waited until Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl showed signs of wakefulness then curtly asked the kit for a private word. He pulled the boy away from the main group a bit and spoke in a low voice so as not to be overheard. His body language was tense and his face serious. If their companions thought to be nosey, they might catch snippets like "...need to prove myself..." or "...won't be the weak link..." but the interaction was brief, Naami's scowl brooking no argument. Despite the fiersome temper that seemed to have hold of him, he very gently took Micah's clawed hand and pressed the boy's coin as well as his own into his palm. No matter what the kit said or did, Naami was resolute and marched away from him after a goodbye squeeze of the hand he held in both of his.

The headstrong teen then marched directly to Myunnah, kneeling before her and planting a fist against the ground as he bowed his head to her and held the new spear in his other hand. This time the words he spoke could be freely heard by any in the group that cared to listen in.

"There is unmistakable strength in the pack, Denmother. Please understand that I must prove myself capable without it. I cannot grow by living in the shadows of greater warriors than myself."

Keen tuk'ata eyes considered him sidelong for a long moment before she relented and nodded. A silent release from superior to soldier. Naami took to his feet, a resolute expression on his face which wavered only for her to see. He gave in to the urge to hug her great head and press his forehead to hers, allowing himself a brief moment of kinship as their spikey silhouettes were cast onto the ground by early morning light. Myunnah made a gruff noise and practically lifted him off his feet when she pressed into the arm he was hugging her with. He snorted a quiet laugh, nodded to Kivah Kivah in hopes that she'd understand, then turned on his heels to set out without further pause. He was careful to school the slight limp he still had from the freshly bound leg wound and he kept his spine straight, marching double time toward a sector they hadn't explored yet.

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Student At Kor'ethyr Academy

Leshanna hardly noticed that the boy was staring at her, mouth agape, as she marched towards him and pulled him along with her. She mentioned the cache and he seemed to perk up and told her that he knew where it was, and to follow him. She let him take the lead from her, watching as he slipped by her to traverse the stairs with long legs. Lesh was right behind him, sticking close as she didn’t know who this was and she didn’t trust him out of line of sight - especially with the possibility of loot being around.

Both were alert and tense as they reached the top of the stairs, and the boy checked it first before he glanced over his shoulder at Lesh and told her that everything looked clear. That was all she needed to hear before she slipped past him, bumping him slightly as she did so, though not intentionally. She did her own visual scan of the area and confirmed that it did appear clear; there were no more enemies, at least for now…and the sooner they reached that cache the better.

Leshanna inspected the large chest, noticing that it had no complicated locking mechanism. With the simple press of her fingers, the two locks disengaged and the lid opened to reveal all sorts of items - from weapons to food and mess kits to other items that seemed mundane - like sewing kits. She glanced up at the boy, guarded for a moment, before she motioned with her head for him to come take a look.

Since you helped me, I think it’s only fair that you get some stuff from the crate.” She said as she reached in herself and began to snag up a couple items-rations, medical supplies, a vibro shortsword, and what appeared to be some sort of armor piece that fitted over the chest - all the while keeping a look out for a black coin to add to her red one. Her attention was pulled and her spear in a defensive-ready position as she heard noise quickly approaching - but the disturbance proved to be Naamino astride his fearsome companion. Lesh blinked upon seeing him, and only him, and she wondered if the others were okay as well - but those fears were quickly put to rest when the others made their appearance shortly thereafter.

The atmosphere and energy between them all was tense. No one really spoke to one another, other than to confirm if the others were okay for the most part, check out the new guy and concede to have him tag along, then grab what gear they needed or wanted from the loot before they all made a hasty exit. There was no reason for them to stay longer than what was necessary.

They moved onward, fresh gear on board, along with food and medical supplies and eventually found a place to set up camp. Lesh noticed that Naamino was rather injured, though not seriously, but she was nonetheless concerned for her friend. Gathering some medical supplies, she marched herself over to the Zabrak and tried, nicely at first, to get him to settle enough for her to tend to his injuries. He was stubborn, more so than usual - and at that point she’d had enough.

Naamino, sit your karking ass down right now. I’m tending to your injuries, whether you like it or not. Can’t have you getting an infection out here. We need you.” she snapped, no longer playing nice with the surly teen.

To his credit, her fierce warrior friend sat down where he was and was as still as a statue as Lesh did what she could for the injuries that were available to her to tend to. At first, she was a bit rough with her doctoring, being agitated and still on edge from the day’s events, but soon her care turned more gentle and thoughtful. When she had finished cleaning and bandaging what wounds she could, she gave him a warm squeeze on the shoulder.

Good work out there, by the way. Knew I could count on you and Kivah to take care of those other beasts.

And what that, Lesh turned away to settle down for the night herself, setting up between Naamino and the new boy, who had introduced himself to her as ‘Haro’. The boy was rather talkative with Lesh; he made sure to tell her how thankful he was to her for saving his hide from the winged gargoyle creature, as well as complimenting her on her skills. His chatter was pleasant and helped ease some of her tensions, and though normally shy, Haro seemed to bring her out of her shell a bit. His compliments did make her blush though, which she was thankful was hidden in the near darkness that surrounded them.

Eventually, the group’s chatter settled down. First watch was assigned, and the rest bedded down - though sleep would be hard to come by as the night was filled with the screams of unlucky souls, and the haunting cries of creatures that lurked within the shadows. It was a reminder that they were not truly safe, and that life and death hung in the balance for them all. Still, Leshanna felt some measure of safety; they had a Tuk’ata with them, and she doubted any of the other participants did. Even with that reassurance however, the girl knew better than to completely let her guard down. One of the most important lessons she had learned thus far since her start at the Academy, is that the only person she could truly rely on…was herself.


Dawning of Day Two

Leshanna awoke not long after Naamino and Micah did, and winced as she moved to sit up. She was sore; muscles she didn’t know existed hurt now. She had a pounding headache, no doubt from the dump of adrenaline and other chemicals her body had released the day prior in an effort to keep her alive. She sat there for a moment underneath her dew dampened cloak, blinking away the exhaustion from her eyes. Idly, she glanced over and saw Naamino talking to Micah in a hushed voice, but his expression was serious and perhaps even angry. A faint frown creased her brow as she watched him take hold of the kit’s hands. There was a further exchange between the two, but the Zabrak would hear none of it, and he turned away from the younger cathar to approach the mighty Myunnah. They had a moment together, and something about what was transpiring made her spidey senses tingle.

What is going on?

Naamino spoke aloud to the Tuk’ata then, and Leshanna’s frown deepened. Was he planning on splitting up? He can’t be serious…

No…he most certainly was. Lesh watched with shock, and growing agitation, as her friend simply turned around and…walked off. Didn’t say good-bye, didn’t say anything.


Leshanna glanced from the retreating back of Naamino to the others still in the group, torn on what she should do. Clearly he was having some issues with individuals in the group, for whatever reason, but to wander off alone? They were supposed to be a team! She debated back and forth for a few moments on what she was going to do, growing more and more agitated as the seconds passed by and he got further away from them.

Are you kidding me” she huffed, before whipping her cloak off of herself and turning around to hastily shove what items she had into a small pack she had taken from the cache. The hustle and noise she was making was sure to wake Haro, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was following her friend; no way was she going to leave him alone, without a battle buddy. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in his skills but…they were a team, Bogan dammit!

Sorry guys. I’m not letting him be a dumbass and go off alone to prove….whatever.” she said to the others, her scowl and tone of voice brooking no argument or dissuasion. Irritated, damp from the night's dew, and still very much tired from lack of true restful sleep, Leshanna set off after Naamino, prepared to rip him a new one when he inevitably turned around to tell her to stop and go back.


Wild Space
Orinackra System
Ruins of Ozzuk Thren

Outfit and Gear


Close of Day One
"Lord Seer," he summoned."Let us... get to know our friend, the Diarch...!"

Without hesitation A'Mia turned those large, strange eyes upon the many monitors, projections and various screens. Her attention suddenly captivated by the drive to complete the orders of her Lord Master. Her pets were best used as ambush predators, in a combat scenario it would not do to let someone know they were coming. Though they were hardy and frighteningly resilient, their strong suit lay in the element of surprise. That, plus sheer overwhelming mass. The neti approached one such display wherein camera-droids has focused in on the Diarch's most recent actions, then brought forth her datapad to consult the map alongside his whereabouts. Se ran a few mental calculations, figured in the landspeed of an average humanoid, then pieced together the whereabouts of the man's most likely locations for making camp. Once done processing through that information so determined the most tactical placement of her sithspawn. In the span of 1.48 minutes the woman turned back to Darth Caedes Darth Caedes with a faint smile and bow.

"Your will be done, my King."


Ruins of Ozzuk Thren
Amongst Hazardous Environs

Tag: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

Opening of Day Two

Unwelcome back into the Obelisk due to his disregard for the rules of the contest in favor of answering one of the most primal calls to protect one's own lineage, Diarch Reign found himself treated as any other contestant. Once provided her initial orders, A'Mia sent ten of her pets creeping at last light into the locations she thought most ideal. When they reached their destinations, and not without intense concentration on her part to keep them all focused on the task at hand, A'Mia entered a state of deep meditation.

With general coordinates for Diarch Reign's position being fed to her by a helpful droid working in the control room, the neti laid her formidable trap as most in the arena sought a moment of respite to tend their wounds and formulate plans for the coming day. There was only one mishap, where one of the unruly sithspawn pulled a solo contestant into an early grave without her say-so. She soon regained control of the large, hungry creature and was in fact satisfied that the biomass gained would support the goal of testing the Diarch appropriately.

In the early hours of the morning, before dawn was even a twinkle on the horizon, there was a stir near where the Reign rested. Then all at once his world was engulfed in strangling vines and the crushing mass of nature's fury, though almost nothing about the three creatures attacking him was natural.

Sithspawn currently engaging: 3Sithspawn laying in wait: 7



Location: Ozzuk Thren | Arena
Tags: Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

The Diarch was resting, recouping the little bit of energy he had expended. He was wary however, knowing that Darth Caedes Darth Caedes would not let his interference slide.

He had finally closed his eyes to sleep when the world exploded around him. Masses of grabbing vines trying to pull him in.

The Diarch instinctively reached for his lightsaber before realizing he had left it with his daughter upon her exit of the arena. Finding himself without a weapon, other than the force, he took to the defensive.

Jumping dodging and diving, as well as utilizing the force to push away the vines that got too close. As soon as he was free of the cacophony of green, he put on speed to get some distance between himself and whatever it was that was attacking. He needed to asses the danger before he could formulate a plan. From the brief interaction, he figured it was some spawn of the tree witch. Acceptance mingled with rage as he fought to get his wits about him.

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Ruins of Ozzuk Thren
Amongst Hazardous Environs

Tag: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign


Swift as lightning despite deadly grasping vines, Reign seemed to escape immediate danger in his bid for freedom of movement and a moment to catch his wits. It was his immense speed which worked against him though as he escaped one trap to be ensnared by another. It was more accurate though to say that all at once the open path on which he ran became a wall like bramble. The terrain, which had moments before appeared to be solid ground, churned and roiled with violent movement. Hours earlier, several of A'Mia's largest creations kept their distance when first deployed but buried the bulk of their forms along his most likely escape routes.

So that was how roughly one tonne of sithspawn greeted Diarch Reign as the man made a near flawless evasion from the first batch of unsettling and violent creatures. The neti controlling them from on high in the tower had a serene smile on her face as she sought to tear the man limb from limb with her proud new creations. He wouldn't go quietly of course, and she suspected Darth Caedes Darth Caedes might feel some sadness at his loss, but if she could in fact defeat the man with sithspawn it would be a great boon to her. If he survived? It would be reassuring that a friend of Korriban was so capable with such little notice.


Sithspawn currently engaging: 2Sithspawn in pursuit: 3Sithspawn laying in wait: 5

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

Haro lit up at the girl's invitation to join in on looting the cache and he thanked her with a bright smile as they began sorting through the items. He did keep an eye out for a coin but didn't assume she or the others she'd been fighting with would be willing to let him have it. When the girl suddenly readied herself for combat, Haro responded immediately, brandishing his dagger and spinning to face the threat which appeared to be a hulking four-legged beast with sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. Haro's eyes went wide with fear but he instinctively moved in front of his new ally protectively until the boy with a horned head and tattooed face, now splattered with black ichor, leaped from its back and approached them. The girl seemed to relax and so Haro tried to as well but admittedly both the boy and his beast made him nervous.

Haro remained relatively silent and out of the way as the group reconvened, divvied up the loot, and checked on each other. He took the opportunity to take stock of his own injuries and concluded that he was mostly fine–a bit bruised and the back of his head was still throbbing faintly but otherwise he was unscathed. When the other's turned their attention to him, he introduced himself and explained that his sponsor had registered him in the games to determine if he was a worthy investment to enroll in Kor'ethyr Academy, so he would very much like to travel with some of who he hoped would soon be his peers. The taller Cathar, who introduced herself as Kivah, appeared to be the unspoken leader among them and, fortunately for Haro, she was surprisingly accepting of the new addition. Though not necessarily warm or friendly as her priority was clearly on the safety and success of her crew, Kivah was accommodating in that she made sure Haro had what he needed and was open to him tagging along, at least for now.

With the first battle under their belt and fresh loot in their packs, Haro and the Kor'ethyr crew moved deeper into the outskirts of Ozzuk Thren and eventually found a place to rest and recuperate. Haro stuck close to the pretty raven haired girl he now knew to be Leshanna, or Lesh for short, chatting her up as they set up camp. He was glad to see that his gratitude and compliments seemed to land well with her, catching sight of the heat that rose in her cheeks with the natural low light vision his Kage eyes granted him. Otherwise, he maintained a respectful and friendly disposition with the others, but he kept his distance from the terrifying beast Lesh explained was a Tuk'ata called Myunnah and the grumpy Zabrak, Naamino, who seemed inconvenienced and vaguely annoyed by Haro's mere existence. He remained vigilant throughout the time he spent with the group, taking note of the dynamics he observed, like the almost comical interaction between Leshanna and Naamino, and the way the Zabrak and the smaller Cathar seemed to gravitate to each other, and just how the whole group seemed to have a pretty tight knit bond in general. If Haro wanted to succeed, he needed to proceed with caution and tact.​


The next day, Haro woke to the jangle and clang of Leshanna's agitated packing. He sat up quickly, revealing the dagger he'd clearly been sleeping with and he looked about in a daze, thinking there must be some emergency.

"Wha–what's...? Lesh?" He managed to slur together a couple incomplete questions, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he looked up at her. She turned and stomped off, stopping momentarily to address the others.
Sorry guys. I’m not letting him be a dumbass and go off alone to prove….whatever.”​

Haro was on his feet and gathering his effects in a moment, even if his brain wasn't fully online yet. He ruffled and shook out the mess of charcoal black hair atop his head as he stood and blearily took stock of the scene. He glanced at the two Cathar and the Tuk'ata, his mind sluggishly taking note of the Zabrak's absence, then glanced at Lesh walking away. Ah, there he was. Naamino was lready a ways up ahead but still visible, marching away from the group like a boulder rolling down a slope. What Lesh had said just a moment ago clicked. So the grump had decided to defect. Haro blew an arrant piece of hair from where it dangled too close to his eye. Why did Lesh have to follow him though? Haro looked back to Kivah and the others once again–probably the smarter choice. His eyes met Myunnah's and, in that moment, he made his decision. He offered them a charming albeit tired grin and a casual salute.

"Good luck out there! Hope to see you on the other side!" He called as he trotted after Lesh.

As he got closer to the two, it became clear that they were engaged in a heated discussion. Leshanna seemed pretty upset that Naamino had just up and left. So Haro gave them some space and stayed a respectful distance away, waiting to see if they would resolve their tiff. He couldn't help but try to catch any of what was being said, his curious mind spinning theories about their relationship while he contemplated breaking into one of the rations in his pack.

Once he got the signal from Leshanna, he jogged up and fell into place beside her and behind the grump who was apparently now in charge.




Assigned overwatch, though by all accounts it was own decision, Itzhal reflected on just how quickly a tense situation could grow tedious as the seconds passed and the adrenaline of his previous battle faded with the awakening of every bruise and wound he'd taken. Far more than he could have hoped for, although as he shrugged his shoulders, stretching out the worn muscles across his chest, he had to acknowledge that he'd been fortunate to take nothing overly serious. Not when he'd competed with Sith, even if the thug had still been in training; not many enemies had the ability to dodge blaster bolts or leap multiple levels in a single bound.

Compared to his adversaries who could shrug off near-fatal wounds, The Mandalorian had been lucky that he'd acquired some armour beforehand, even if he dearly missed the majority of his usual equipment. A feeling that he'd had for a few months now, even if the circumstances of the current event had been a voluntary disarmament, not that everyone seemed to have followed such rules. Maybe, he was a little bitter to find others stretching the rules while he had to scavenge for every weapon and explosive at hand, the latter in particular a rare commodity.

Perhaps it would have been better to drop the thermal detonator before he introduced himself, but Itzhal doubted it. Force-users were tricky that way.

With a scan of the horizon through the scope of his rifle, Itzhal's eyes gazed over the devastation of aeons, time and disasters having worn away at the remains of Ozzuk Thren until only the hollowed out ruins stood above it all, the shape of the monolith visible in the distance.

Out of the corner of his optic, barely visible, Itzhal noticed a shadow flicker and shift against the crack in a building with what should have been a miniscule change. Yet, his instincts tugged him to take a deeper look as he turned away from the ritual healing of Falentra, an unusual creature, though an ally of convenience with the agreement he'd made with his fellow Mandalorian, unhinged as they were. He ignored the screams they made, promises of retribution thrown around like cheap currency, as if neither of them had entered a game of death or prepared for the consequences of such. Quietly, he wondered if he'd ever been so ridiculous, a few seconds and he knew the answer even if he dared not voice it.

The sudden awakening of Diarch Rellik was announced with fury and rage, his screams a torrential flood in the previous tirade of babble, Itzhal had only begun to turn his blaster in their direction when the Sith attacked again. Using The Force in what might consider a signature move now as they captured an object and threw it at Domina, a tactic he'd already seen with the previous car, though their was something interesting about seeing Rellik throw a column of duracrete with the same violence a toddler might chuck their toys around in displeasure.

Sudden and unexpected as it was, the Mandalorian had no time to stop the first use of The Force, though he tried to disrupt their follow-up strikes as he aimed down the sight of his scope. An adjustment to his own aim made on the fly as they swung out their arms, a crackle of ozone thick in the air, before Itzhal pulled the trigger and a scorching red hot bolt flew through the air towards the right side of Rellik's rib cage, then another shot followed as the Mandalorian tried to buy his allies time while they recovered or even disrupt his enemies technique. He'd rather not a killing blow, not when any such strike would only draw out a battle and ruin all his hard work of the day.

Eventually, he even got his wish as the duo retreated into the distance, a beacon for all the other challengers that might bloody the sands.

While his own attention returned back to the wounded he'd agreed to ally with, though he acknowledged it had only been for the previous duel as he slowly began to creep along the edge of the building towards a new vantage point. Curious to see what the others would do.

It seems like he really enjoys long-range weapons, unlike me, who's more into technique and close combat, especially using magic with the power of the Sisters of the Night.

There's no way I'm using my magic here; he might discover my true intentions, and I'd lose the only ally I have right now.

"I hope you enjoy your new rifle. As for me, I've got my fair share too."

Now that we're better armed and equipped, it's time to think about setting up camp. The night is approaching quickly, and if we don't find a secure spot to spend the night, we'll be struggling in the darkness, exposed to everyone.

Our enemies would probably do the same, seeking a hideout or shelter to stay safe and continue the next day.

In this fight, it's as much mental and psychological as it is physical. Of course, we need to ensure we get the best possible sleep and stay in shape to be sharp during the confrontations.

I can thank my master's teachings; without him, I'd probably be dead by now.

I check the holo-map while he's playing around with his little rifle and come to show him a specific point that interests me.

"Look at this, for a plant, it's perfect, isn't it?"

The point I'm showing him is elevated, which will give us a good view while also allowing us to remain discreet. That way, in the morning when we wake up, we'll be able to control everything happening without drawing attention, and we can act accordingly.

Of course, I'm not forgetting the secondary objectives—namely, placing the two medallions in their final spots to complete the trial.

For now, it's not the right time to use my assets.

I'm saving that for later.

I really hope I don't have to do it.

It's stressful, but I don't show my weakness, or he'll get suspicious.

not using my powers for 5 days is suicide for someone like me.

Thel Kaan Thel Kaan



Second Day
Trekking Through the Ruins

Well Worn Boots, Model 6 modular backpack (3 ration packs),
Military fatigues, 0 Coins,

[DISCLAIMER- Opening dialogue/scene blocking written collaboratively with Haro Aven Haro Aven & Leshanna Leshanna ]


"And just where do you think you're going, Naamino?"

"Gotta prove myself, can't do that with a legendary Sith warbeast and other warriors surrounding me."
Naamino responded, continuing to march- perhaps a little faster than before

"Seriously? We are a team, Naamino. We are supposed to work together to defeat our enemies. That's the whole point! We stick together. I'm sorry but I'm not letting you just wander off into this Force forsaken place. So I'm coming with you."
Leshanna marched faster to catch up.

"Besides...someone's gotta be there to back up your stories that you were a badass and defeated your enemies in epic fashion."
There was a smirk in her voice as she said it.​

Some way behind, Haro jogged to catch up but soon realized he should maintain a respectful distance.
He considered snacking on a breakfast ration.

Finally turning to look at her, Naamino's resolute expression faltered for a moment as he took in her words and the sight of her. A moment of guilt settled like a weight in the pit of his stomach when he realized that she'd had no real time to prepare and decided to depart the main group anyway. Then his expression hardened as his eyes found the lanky form of Haro following her- though he wisely maintained some distance.

"Ok Lesh…"
He leaned closer conspiratorially and turned his body to block Haro from the words he shared, resting a hand on her shoulder.
"I won't stop you."
More like couldn't stop her.
"I just… have to prove myself ok? Don't want you getting hurt either though, particularly not cuz of me."

Lesh glared at Naamino for a moment, making it known that she was not happy. But her glare eased as he momentarily faltered, feeling that maybe her words had reached him. She wasn't sure if he would return back the group or not. Something was telling her he wasn't going to.

Her gaze shifted to look at something over her shoulder and Lesh noticed the new boy, Haro, eating food of some sort and watching them both curiously from a respectful distance. Naamino stepped in and angled himself, placing a hand on her shoulder as he told her he wouldn't stop her from following him -she would have ignored him anyway- and maintained that he still needed to 'prove himself'. Lesh scoffed softly.​

"Hurt? We could be killed out here, Naamino. Being alone isn't smart. We need each other if we are going to survive this. Especially if you are turning away the Tuk'ata. I think you're being dumb but...I get it."
She smiled, more like smirked.
"I wanna be there to see you 'prove' yourself anyway, Battle Buddy. And I gotta show you up. Can't have you thinking you're better than me."
It was clear she was jabbing at him playfully now...her attempt to ease the tensions that still seemed to be there.​

Haro saw Lesh look over mid-bite, smiling sheepishly as he gave a little wave.

"Yeah…" he conceded gruffly, "Yeah yeah."
But despite the otherwise dismissive words, Naami offered a small grin with genuine appreciation for her companionship. He gave her a gentle squeeze of the arm then made to keep marching.
"You uh- seem to have a shadow."
The boy remarked coolly, not sparing a glance for the new kid while he spoke loud enough to be overheard.

Naamino seemed to almost dismiss her words...but his grin and the squeeze on her arm said otherwise. Her blue eyes fixed upon the new boy for a moment, offering a small smile to his wave, before she turned her attention to Naamino's hand on her shoulder, and she was thankful that he was already turning away - hopefully he wouldn't notice the slight blush creeping into her cheeks then. He didn't tell her to go away, and she was relieved for that. She really didn't want to fight with him over it. His comments cold about the new boy tagging along behind made her brow furrow slightly. He seemed distrustful, but she didn't blame him for it.​

"Yeah - seems so. Honestly it's probably a good thing his tagging along. Another set of eyes and ears would do us good. Besides, he's pretty nimble and quick on his feet. He helped handle the flying demon well enough. He could prove useful."
She motioned with a jerk of her head to tell Haro to keep up as she fell in behind her Zabrak friend, allowing him to take point.
"You're in charge now, Naami. So...what is our next move? What's your plan?"


Evening of the Second Day
Making Camp

Lay low and keep moving, that was the best plan he had while still a bit sore from his earlier injuries and newly responsible for more than one life. Walking and getting blood flowing through his resilient form was just what he needed and given the opposition they faced out here, he had no desire to leap into the next scuffle ill prepared. A patient warrior was often a victorious one. So Naami took the role of leader he so relished and guided his little group along routes with little to no cache activity indicated on their maps. His goal was to scout, rest up a bit more, then make a plan for tackling the next few days.

Leshanna already knew him to be a boy of few words, at least when he was focusing, but with Haro's presence he seemed to be even more reserved. That first day he spoke little save for providing direction or instructing them so they all stayed out of view of fellow contestants and sithspawn alike. More than once his companions spotted trouble before he did, for which Leshanna was verbally appreciated and Haro received a terse nod or grunt of acknowledgement. By the time they found suitable camp for the night, they are surely all sore, tired and hungry. Having fasted most of the day, stopping only once to snack on half a ration. Naami took off his pack and sat down in their make-shift shelter which must have once been an old shed or stable of some kind. He reached for the half eaten ration and pulled forth another one, groaning slightly as he stretched out sore legs.

"Everyone needs to eat, then we need to plan," he stated in a matter of fact tone which waylaid any pretense of a desire for small talk.




Location: Ozzuk Thren | Arena
Tags: Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

He was free, or so he thought. One moment he was sprinting down an alleyway, and the next... pain. As the very ground he was running on starting to shift and roil, he found himself slammed into the wall of a building.

As he gathered his wits and removed himself from the crater he had made in the wall, he got his first good look at what was assailing him. They were massive, undulating coils of vines and vegetation. The Diarch knew that the Sith would test him, he only hoped he was up to the challenge.

Opting to not run any more, he dived inward, attempting to find the heart of the sithspawn. His clothing being ripped and grabbed by the vines as he did.

As he dove further in, he managed to catch hold of one of the brambles, amplifying his strength with the force he obliterated it in his hand. Only to watch as it almost instantly returned.

So the battle progressed, although Reign knew he needed to get out of there quickly, he still was unsure how to contend with these beasts. Finally catching a moment of reprieve, he looked to the building he had been thrown into, noting that the damage from the action had caused a structural imbalance, he utilized the force to pull the wall down on the creatures. Hoping to put them out of his misery, and gain a moment of reprieve.


Ruins of Ozzuk Thren
Amongst Hazardous Environs

Tag: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign


Verdant fury blinded and bound with wicked vines. As the Diarch was engulfed and his clothes were cut, he could feel a faint sting which was more than merely physical. The things attacking him seemed to be actively trying to digest his lifeforce and were not waylaid by simple martial attacks. However the man's clever use of physics, the Force, and a very large amount of building did have an effect more favorable to him. The grating scream of stone against stone, a visceral squelch as one attacking Sithspawn was all but buried beneath the rubble. The thing didn't scream so much as it bubbled and hissed horribly.

His other assailant moved quickly, yanking itself and therefore Reign away from the crushing architecture. What was left of the buried spawn writhed angrily and though it may yet live, it was likely out for the count this battle. Its brethren tightened its hold and Reign felt as constricting vines attempted to cut off his airways. The rest of the pack he'd left behind would surely arrive soon and then every hungry creature would be vying for a piece of him, despite A'Mia's guiding hand.


Sithspawn currently engaging: 1.25Sithspawn in pursuit: 3Sithspawn laying in wait: 5


Finishing the last of his nutrient tube, Thel felt the faint surge of energy it provided, barely enough to sustain him. It had the texture of paste and the flavor of stale chalk, but his years as a rebel outlaw had dulled his expectations. Survival often demanded gratitude for even the most meager provisions.

His companion, Lyssara, had already begun scanning the surroundings, her sharp gaze wary. Their current perch offered a commanding view of the ruined streets below, but its crumbling walls and lack of cover left them dangerously vulnerable. Moreover, the cache they had raided still pinged on the holo-maps, a beacon for others who might soon come hunting.

"You're right. We should move," Thel agreed, his voice steady but fatigued. "The sun's setting soon. Darkness will give us the cover we need to move unseen."

As Lyssara highlighted their next potential waypoint on the holo-map, Thel's attention was drawn to a towering structure dominating the skyline. The spire stood in stark contrast to the dilapidation surrounding it, its sleek silhouette untouched by the decay that claimed the rest of Ozzuk Thren. Intrigued, he leaned closer, studying its imposing form. Unbeknownst to him, this was the Obelisk of Ozzuk, the final destination of the deadly competition he had unwillingly entered.

"Lyssara," he said, pointing toward the spire, "that building... it's not like the rest of the city. It looks intact. Maybe it's some sort of safe haven? It's worth a shot. I doubt it could get much worse than this."

As he spoke, his thoughts drifted back to the horrifying creatures he had spotted earlier, their grotesque forms prowling the streets like predators in a feeding ground. Without realizing, his grip on his disruptor rifle tightened to the point where his forearms began to cramp. The pain jolted him, and with a deep breath, he forced himself to relax, loosening his grip.

It wasn't just the creatures that unnerved him—it was the sense of constant, unseen danger. Each shadow felt alive, and each sound carried the promise of violence. If they were going to survive, they needed to keep moving, keep adapting, and stay one step ahead of whatever lurked in this forsaken city.



Dull crimson rays of light filtered through the jagged remnants of a shattered windowsill, illuminating the splatters of red on the opposing wall with a glowing shimmer that almost appeared alive as the lethargic shadows crept away, revealing the darker patches that lingered close to the floor, where a copper tang spread from crusted pools of something not quite crimson. The same specks clung underneath Paeko's fingernails, crisp enough to feel as he ran his thumb along the edges, catching across the faded scab on his index before his eyes glanced down towards the canteen at his hip. He coughed, dry and harsh but muffled as it was by the crook of his elbow; the men around him didn't wake, tired as they were after escaping horrors and death that lingered in the city.

For a second, he lifted his hand up towards his head, ready to trail fingers through dirty brown locks before he stopped himself with a grimace shared towards the state of his hands. The snort that erupted from his throat was a raw, jarring sound reminiscent of scrunched-up glass and the violent grind of scrap metal being mangled through a woodchipper. Wyvan had always said it was one of Paeko's worst features, along with the mess that was his bird nest of a hair. Fortunately for Wyvan, he wasn't one of the voluntold watch who stared in disgust as he stepped out of the room, the empty frame where a doorway once stood no obstacle.

"So, we're still alive, then," he addressed Tali, a diminutive man barely four feet tall and with a cherub face that could almost be dismissed as a child. They had been ignored more than once in their lifetime, much to their target's woe. Personally, Paeko was never sure how the fools didn't see the glee in his green eyes until he stuck the dagger in their back. Maybe it was because most people weren't willing to shoot the little shits, even if their grubby hands dared to reach for property they had no claim to. "What happened with Brix's body?"

Lounging in this godforsaken hovel, Tali's legs didn't lift high into the air, yet spread across an armchair half his height, he still somehow leaned back just enough to stretch them over a nearby table. "Gutted and left for the beasts to find, Billalk took three of the others out with him; one of them was Terrik."

Smacking aside Tali's leg to sit down at the table, Paeko glanced over towards the nearby set of armour, still bloodied but physically uncompromised despite the struggle that must have been acquiring it. "Didn't come back, I take it?"

"Loyal to the end,"
Tali nodded, although not before kicking at Paeko's shins. "Apparently even tried to convince the others that the Ca... Brix couldn't have known, not that any of the others agreed. I guess convincing us all to walk into a death trap for fame and credits will do that. Still, I heard it was Mithish who shut him up. Billalk finished it, of course. Thankfully, one of the others convinced him not to bring the head back for proof. They figured we'd rather avoid attention before we make a move."

"Well, what do you know? It sounds like you really can teach a Gammorean new tricks,"
Paeko smiled as they heard footsteps coming from the doorway he'd left, others wakening up and bothering the rest of them in turn. "Colour me surprised. The moment we get rations, we'll need to give him a couple extra. That should keep the good behaviour in check, at least for now. Keep an eye on him, though. We don't want him getting any smart ideas while we're stuck in the same place."

Tapping against the table, Paeko let the quiet pass as his thoughts dwindled back to the last night. "What about the travelling beacon?"


For a second, Paeko paused, long enough to disturb the tapping that returned, a little more forceful than the last time, as he squinted his eyes towards Tali. "Still?"

"We don't know why either,"
Tali admitted with a shrug, throwing a holo-emitter down into the space between them as it flickered back to life and displayed an image of the sprawling arena. "It was moving all night, then it stopped. One of the boys figures its current coordinates lead into one of the old Imperial railways; we're talking ancient; chances are none of the tech works anymore, and that which does might be more likely to break on us than function anymore. Lot of them think it's a death trap."

They both knew what happened last time they thought they'd been dragged into a death trap.

Eventually, Paeko asked, "And you?"

"I think if they went to all the trouble of making one of those blasted things move, then it had to be for a reason. It doesn't mean it'll be easy," Tali leaned forward, close enough to whisper. "Could even get a lot of us killed."

Close enough to hear Paeko's response, "Is that an issue?"

"Not as long as I'm one of the ones who live."

"Then, I think it's time we hunt for our beacon."

Last edited:


Tags: Itzhal Volkihar Itzhal Volkihar

The air in the new desert terrain was cold and crisp. The two warriors forgoing a fire as they laid out looking into the night sky. They wanted to avoid attention and although the healer had done wonders for Relliks recovery he was still aching from the battle the night before. The healing only progressing the wounds from a dire open state to one where they were now bruised scars. Bypassing much of the process but not the pain.

Finding a comfortable rock as a pillow the Diarch laid his head. Pondering the entire day before and how close he might have been to death. Through all of his bravado and showmanship, he had come close. If it were not for the quick thinking upon the nature of the beast, he would not have had a chance to recover. Being killed in his unconscious state. If anything, he did not feel any better from before the fight as to now. He had limited himself and pushed himself through the confrontation but it was not the euphoria he was looking for. There had to be a better challenger.

As night passed the epitome of the cold had struck. The worst of it was always before the sun rise and that was natures alarm clock. Too cold to sleep, life was now one the move. Walking to Gavin Vel Gavin Vel and reaching his hand out he offered one last goodbye as the two separated for the remainder of the event. As the two came face to face in a friendly show of force the large man used the stretched out hand as momentum and flipped him to the ground. Both laughing the Diarch reached out for his leg and grabbed his boot. Hoping to use a force push in his chest as his foot was immobilized to send him to the ground as well but when he clasped the leather he felt something within the shoe.

"Gavin, there is something in your boot. Probably a small creature looking for warmth. It would be best to remove it my friend." Watching as the young man took it off and shook it out. A tracker beacon from one of the caches dropped down unto the rocky ground beneath them. "We are being followed it seems." A moment of silence between the two before Rellik spoke up again. Gavin lifting his foot to stomp the tracker. "Let me take it. I will owe you a favor that one day I will return. I am looking for a fight." No other words were necessary as Rellik leant down and picked it up. Putting it into the sash of his tunic where his blade sit.

"Your honor and determination will not be forgotten." He said as the two clasped hands before parting.

Moving back towards the city knowing he was now the hunted and not the hunter the Diarch determined that it would be to his benefit to limit the lines of sight from weapons on him. Seeing a sewer grate heading to the lower level prisons of Ozzuk Thren he took his opportunity. Lifting it and entering the dimly lit shaft he landed on surprisingly well built ground. Honing his senses through the flickering hanging lights he could see he was now on the main track of some kind of train system. A hollow large opening leading down a long tunnel in both directions. He must have been at a station. Slipping into the shadows he began to slowly move through towards a cache that had come unto his scanner.


The derelict train system of Ozzuk Thren lingered as an ominous reminder of a bygone era, left to rot without the iron will and dedication of their former caretakers. Over the centuries, the ancient walls had succumbed to the relentless grip of decay and neglect, their once-pristine surfaces now reduced to crumbling fragments marred with deep fissures and flaking layers of moisture-stained stone. Tendrils of rust snaked across the tarnished plates of durasteel and other metals, covered in thick layers of grasping vines and weeds, which fed upon the gathered pools of refuse and fetid water that dripped from errant gaps in the ceiling.

"Never take us anywhere nice, do you, Paeko?" echoed Tali's voice from one of the more open tunnels, the beam of a flashlight cutting through the darkness as the shuffling sound of footsteps carried over the old duracrete and metal lines.

Squeezing his fingers wrapped around the barrel of his blaster rifle, Paeko's expression twisted into a scowl that ended with a squelched spit against one of the nearby walls. "Everyone voted, yourself included. This counts as a group effort."

He didn't mention the discussions that had occurred beforehand, the exchange of favours and promises that had swayed things his way even before he allowed the vote to go ahead, all the better to allow them to feel like they had a choice in the matter. Not that they'd been entirely powerless, of course. Paeko already knew the consequences of thinking his grip was durasteel; Brix had thought the same till they put a bolt in his head.

With a glance, he looked towards the diminutive figure of Tali, their smirk already erased as if it had never been there in the first place. He was tempted to shoot them on the principle. The rest, though, wouldn't look fondly on him exercising executions so soon. At least until he'd proved, he was better than their other options. It was a shame Tali was smart enough not to badmouth Billalk; the Gammorean would have torn his head off if they thought they were being insulted. No one would have blamed Paeko either; only an idiot made that mistake. The Captain might leash them, but you didn't stick your hand in the kennel.

Behind him, the Gammorean in mind continued to stomp through the ankle-high puddles; the nearby stench was interwoven with his particular odour of pig-flesh left to mould for days under a desert sun. If the lump of muscle wasn't currently carrying a blaster cannon taken from one of their previous finds, he might have justified leaving him behind. Unfortunately, the brute was their primary source of firepower. For all that he quietly complained, never in Billalk's hearing, Paeko couldn't deny his sense of smell had gradually adjusted to the suffering.

The others had been equipped with whatever they could find, mostly blaster rifles and pistols, with a handful of vibroblades either for the 'Sith' or, more likely, just because there was always something more visceral about a blade tearing through sinew and flesh at arms reach versus the distant fire of a blaster bolt. It was probably the reason why they didn't have many explosives. Only a couple amongst the full group of twelve hunters, probably because someone higher up was worried about one of their special little projects getting blown to pieces by something as mundane as a thermal detonator.

"Mithish, update on the target," Paeko demanded loud and clear with all the authority he'd stolen in the past day. They were never going to be quiet anyway, with Billalk stomping around.

With one hand on a blaster pistol, a male gran reached for the map marker on his belt turned bandoleer, another piece of acquired equipment that he'd wrapped around his chest when the measurements didn't quite fit properly. It took him only a moment to activate the device as the entire map bloomed in blue, the small red dot of their target nearing another one of the caches. "Close, Cap."


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