He knew the moment Caedes walked in the room.
Not from the hiss of hydraulic doors opening - not from the sudden quieting of conversation as the whole room turned to observe - not from the subtle adjustments in posture from the engineers, guards, and other administrators throughout the chamber. No, he knew because the moment the King of Korriban put one finely booted foot through the door, the artifact in his pack
woke up.
His shoulders stiffened as he felt the awareness rise in the chunk of ancient stone, its sudden sharpness of interest and sense of purpose. It had had a presence before, but a faded one... echoes of purpose, fragmented, hibernating like a seed in winter. Now that seed could feel the sun, and it was reaching, pressing to be taken closer, to take the next step on its fated path.
He half expected every force-sensitive person in the room to turn and stare at him, but this sort of impression from objects had always been more distinct for him than it had for others, and an object with a strong personality wasn't necessarily potent in the Force. Many force-imbued objects were actually more difficult for him to make sense of, like trying to have a conversation on a poorly-tuned comm line, or channeling high-energy plasma through a low-volt capacitor. Whatever receptors he had been gifted with that allowed him to sense the singular purpose, identity or echoes of an item were usually blown out, overloaded when it came to something with actual Force potency. So despite the sudden intensity of the artifact's awareness, no one actually turned to look, or seemed to take the slightest bit of notice.
Easy there, he muttered to it under his breath. Haughtiness, a presence of command in response. A push to action.
He settled down in his seat stubbornly, watching without seeing as the handsome Chiss orchestrator bowed before the king, as the Court of Korriban took their places beside the elite of the Sith Empire. He wasn't going to let some old chunk of stone boss him around, no matter how intricately carved and historically significant it might be. He would act with the time was right -
And the right time was NOT, he thought sternly in the Keystone Fragment's direction,
anything that would involve interrupting a conversation between some of the most powerful Sith in the quadrant. Keystone Fragment? He hadn't know that's what it was, but he knew it now, knew it as though it were obvious.
He rubbed his thumb across his knuckles, frowning slightly as he searched his impression of the item, hunted through his consciousness for other details. He had a sense of place, somewhere the thing belonged, and sense of the greater whole the fragment had been a part of - something with four spokes? He pressed, but had no clear image of it, just a sense of movement and rotation, of a function and a yearning to be whole, to be seen and to be used by the hand destined for it.
Unknown hours passed as he contemplated, lost in his reverie. On the screens, the contestants fought and dueled, and in the chamber the elite played out their own contest of skills, more subtle but perhaps no less deadly. Elim wasn't out there fighting for his life in the ruins, but he was painfully aware of the fact that the tower in which they all stood was itself inside the arena. How easily he could be tossed from a window if he made a misstep, to plummet to the ground and join the game of life and death below, should he be lucky enough to survive the fall. The image felt ridiculous, but he found it unsettlingly hard to dismiss.
His eyes searched again for Caedes, found him alone, aloof from the conversations that swirled around him, watching the screens in inscrutable contemplation. Elim took a deep breath, and stood. He may not get a better opening. And once the King's attention was drawn to Lao-ta, once the meeting was requested and arranged... well, there was no real need for grizzled old 'Modran Grellik' to stick around overlong. Linger long enough to be forgotten again, and he could take his leave. But first he must dare greatly.
He moved forward, pack over his shoulder, and began to make his way towards the king.