Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solitary Man

"I...didn't want to interrupt".
All very considerate and typical of Kay Arenais though his Wife, long after all was said and done, still never came off as though she were interrupting him in his affairs. Whether this was the opinion of the others however, Veiere didn't know, nor would it matter as now that she had answered him, his business here would conclude hopefully walking away with her to talk about their own affairs which were often many nowadays.

As for his former Apprentice however, [member="Romi Jade"]'s words were harsh though not without justification and the pain in hearing them came in part from the acceptance that he had indeed hurt her so. Veiere couldn't blame her for the way she felt, he himself would have had a hard time accepting the situation were it his former Master and as far as forgiveness went, he wasn't so bold as to seek her out for it; frankly it didn't seem realistic to hope for such things having acted and done what he had back then. To her reaction, he did not argue; in fact he didn't speak at all. What was there left to be said between them where an apology seemed more like an insult given the moment and the emotions he could feel surrounding them all, Romi especially.

It was here that HK-36 seemed to intercede and in this Veiere suddenly realized where his Wife had been preoccupied for so long, subsequently chosen to leave rather than intervene until Veiere had called for the [member="Lady Kay"]. "Droid, if it's the price on my head. You're too late..." Veiere answered the would-be Bounty Hunter, only soon to note the droid's particular interest in [member="Aten Ramses"] himself and soon tighten his jaw, his head tilting ever so slightly as he considered the inevitable. If there was to be a fight, he was still unarmed and reaching for another's weapon in this situation would likely see them killed. In present company, that particular outcome wasn't an option.

Still, [member="Atheus Voidwalker"], Romi Jade and the Jedi Padawan himself, three against the [member="HK-36"] who would see himself considerable bested in number and knowing two of them, Veiere was leaning towards skill as well. "...If it's the boy, I would reconsider. Your chances of survival don't seem likely..." He added suggestively to the Droid while Veiere himself moved slowly to put himself closer to Kay that he might seek to keep her out of the line of fire were things to become violent.

The Power of the Force was still with him, after all.

Sorry for the wait.
The arrival of the droid bringing mention of a bounty seemed to set everyone on high alert, every force user in the area seemed to instantly harden. The look of shock on Romi’s face as she turned to the Morellian, causing Aten’s cheeks to flush. Dubrillion had been awhile ago, not only that Aten had dealt with an assassination attempt by another Sith Knight having come to claim the Jedi’s life. Cornered in a bar on Taris.Its me…” The boy spoke aloud to all those surrounding and even found himself touched by the fact of Veiere even seemed to be slightly protective of him. Slowly turning to eye the droid Aten sent out a tendril of will to the powerguants he always wore. The boy wasn’t one for the saber, no he preferred a much more intimate touch.

Taking stock of the armor the droid wore Aten decided the high setting was for the best. Crab armor was known for its durability and ability to counteract lightsabers but what it wasn’t known for was dealing with incredible pressure and force. Something the gauntlets applied in tremendous amounts shredding both Sithspawn carapaces and heavy armors. How well would that crab armor hold up then? And how about that metal chassis of the droid once he was out of that shell protecting him from the force? The hum of the gauntlets grew audible Aten more than willing to use the highest setting on a droid. “I have no intentions of going peacefully, it is nothing but a lie perpetuated by a Sith whom I defeated. I took his arm, then I took another of a Sith that followed in an attempt to collect what you are.” Pausing Aten’s eyes hardened.

The boy was but a padawan but one that had been punching far above his weight class for a long time. Right leg pulling back, and left forward, shoulder-width between them both his feet pointing to the right Aten’s arms raised. “If you wish to claim it I have no intentions of going quietly.” This was not another sentient they were fighting which meant that there was no reason for the Morellian to hold back if he chose to engage.

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Romi Jade"],

"A bounty is a price on someone's head, a reward to kill or capture them and bring them to whomever posted the bounty. People who make living off of seeking these bounties out are called 'bounty hunters'"

The droid informed Romi, misunderstanding her question and assuming she was asking because she did not knew what a bounty was.

[member="Atheus Voidwalker"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Aten Ramses"], [member="Lady Kay"]

"And while I find the idea that you would think you could defeat me hilarious, you can relax, if I wanted to claim this bounty I would have not given you a warning by revealing myself. Despite appearances I suppose we are on the same side here, I will never do a Sith's bidding, and anyone who pissed them off enough to get a bounty on their head from them deserves at least some degree of my aid."

From underneath his black cloak the machine would produce a small holodisk, tossing it onto the ground in the middle of their group he would activate it remotely. The disk would spark up in blue light, showing projection of the bounty placed on Aten,

"This went live on the public bounty networks of holonet while the lot of you were talking about Sith rocks or something, which means soon enough you will have more than just Sith after you. No offense kiddo,"

The machine would look at Aten from below the chitinous plates of his Vong armor that covered his faceplate, laid out to form a helmet like structure with a Mandalorian T-shaped visor,

"But the last time I accepted a bounty before I retired I was literally paid in planets, even if I was willing to take bounties from the Sith, 60 thousand credits is not that high on my priority. That said, I am willing to help you dodge this bounty while the star-vultures will eventually come to circle around you."
HK-36 said:
"And while I find the idea that you would think you could defeat me hilarious, you can relax, if I wanted to claim this bounty I would have not given you a warning by revealing myself. Despite appearances I suppose we are on the same side here, I will never do a Sith's bidding, and anyone who pissed them off enough to get a bounty on their head from them deserves at least some degree of my aid."
Body relaxing slightly Aten straightened up not completely trusting the droid but what he said did make sense after all. What reason would a hunter have to introduce themselves or even approach the group, if they had they’d either be incredibly arrogant or skilled. In a galaxy where it seemed more and more drifted to the side of darkness, allying themselves with the Sith the fact that there was a potential ally willing to help gave Aten a small sense of hope. There was still skepticism in the youth but he’d take the droid at his word for now. If worse came to worse there were still enough forceful beings that would hopefully back him up.

Stepping forward slightly Aten looked down to the bounty, perhaps the droid had miscalculated or its photoreceptors had missed the extra zero, the bounty was for 600 thousand. Aten wasn’t going to mention this, he’d be a fool to point something like that out. The fact that this droid was paid in literal planets was awe-inspiring to Aten though partially unbelievable, who could possibly afford such a bounty? “Hmmm, so whats in it for you? What are you looking for me to do for your aid in removing this bounty? How do you propose to do so? It seems that they want me delivered or my right arm as proof…” This sounded almost too good to be true but Aten couldn’t be completely sure, he’d bite at the bait laid before him. Nothing in the galaxy came free, he’d learned that even as a youth. Also taking candy from strangers could land you in a decent bit of trouble.

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched as the events unfolded. It seemed that the young man [member="Aten Ramses"] had made a bit of a name for himself. That wasn't quite surprising, given the tensions in the Galaxy as of late. And it was usually both the Jedi and the Sith that were in the thick of it.

She didn't move as [member="Veiere Arenais"] stepped in near her to keep her out of harm's way. Ever the protector of her. Even in these times. There was no doubt in her mind or heart that he would lay his life down for her, though she hoped that that day would never come.

Her eyes were drawn to [member="HK-36"] , glad that he wasn't going to try to claim the bounty. However it was interesting that he was offering aid to the boy. Just what kind of bargain would be struck, she wasn't sure.

[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]

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