Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solutions that are not Map Reset

HK-36 said:

We have an NFU in Protectorate who can take on 4 Master FU's on by herself, [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"],

We would be willing to lend her to rebellions if the map won't be wiped.
I thought it was three?... Eh, four works. Maybe that number will go up to five if we can get my armor sub approved...
Valiens Nantaris said:
Or allow minor factions to own a single system, neutral or rebelled. Either way.

If no change to invasions are forthcoming then simply limit characters to being in one invasion at a time, or having to write leaving one to go to another. Sure, some will gripe, but it means you can't blanket invade multiple planets with the same masters.

THIS IS AN AWESOME SUGGESTION!!! I have been wondering for the longest time why minor factions can't own a single planet. They can't expand until they go major, but still can at least take over 1 system.

The whole allowing major factions to send in agents to cause rebellions can also have another fun side effect. Even if the faction can't get to the rebelled area in time and the system reverts to neutral. It still weakens the faction being attacked, because they have to spend time and resources to take it back. And of course lose what resources and capabilities the system possesses till it is retaken.

And I still agree with characters being only allowed in one invasion/rebellion at a time so factions can't start spamming rebellions all over the place.


Morality Policeman :)
But I don't want to be
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Force-Dead-Sithspawn-Ven+Phrik Armo
in order to have a chance. Historically, and historically in Star Wars--canon or EU--rebellions are not usually caused by the rich, powerful, and well-armed.
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
I thought it was three?... Eh, four works. Maybe that number will go up to five if we can get my armor sub approved...
Pssh...psst...ppsh. Rest assured, if I wasn't on my phone, I would have a gif for this.
Ven actually took on those Masters pre-Sithspawn, pre-Force-dead, pre-armor, pre-death. She took them on as a soldier of the Protectorate and that was good enough for her. NFUs can beat Masters without a bunch of toys if they play their cards right. Keep playing the game and they can get all the goodies and curb stomp more FUs. Rebellions will be lead by all sorts of people. Some FUs, some NFUs, the rich, the poor, the smart, the stupid. They'll be made up of a large variety of characters.

Ven is just one girl who apparently might be helping them out. She's been kicking ass since long before she turned into what she is now. Same with a lot of other NFUs. She started from the bottom and now she's where she is. It took time. Effort. Support from other characters. All that sort of stuff.
Not sure what your reaction is. I'll put a smilely face anyway: :D

And as a note: Ven is pretty much at the strongest that she can be. Once she gets that number up to 5 (if she does), it's going to stay there. That's her cap. She's done improving after that. She's reaching her prime as we speak/type.


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

I have written with PC NFU allies against a single FU before, and still was trumped (and they tried to decapitate my character before I put my foot down) because apparently FUs are able to make this Force stop-any-and-all-projectiles shield thing.

And while it's true that I have had success playing NFUs against FUs on occasion, those were in private threads.

So my hypothetical moisture farmer uprising would be negated within 20 posts by a couple of Dark Jedi due to handwavium. *shrugs*
That's true. Some FUs write themselves like Gods. It's annoying. Everybody has a weakness. When that happens, you gotta hope that politely speaking to them with logical reasoning OOC will fix things. If that doesn't work, maybe get Staff involved (only if they are literally refusing to see logic). Or just move on. Go past them. Don't start God-Modding, of course, but find a way around their stuff. Throw logic and reality at them until they have to understand. Explain why they're wrong.

Some people won't listen. I know that from experience. Others will just passive-aggressively tell you that you're the wrong one. Sometimes we can't do anything about that.

Just fight the good fight. IC and out. Because those moisture farmers may not have the best weapons or armor or training... but they have their own set of skills. They have advantages of their own. They can rebel in more ways than one. Riots? Yeah. Boycotting lead companies? Yeah. Shutting off the government from water? Hell yeah. If the faction wants to put that down with violence... they're gonna lose a whole lotta servants.

Wars are more than people shooting at each other, after all.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

Scuse me while I grab a sonic weapon to shake your invulnerability apart. :3

Solutions that are not a map reset... Implode the Universe. If there's nothing you can't have a map reset.


Morality Policeman :)
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Just fight the good fight. IC and out. Because those moisture farmers may not have the best weapons or armor or training... but they have their own set of skills. They have advantages of their own. They can rebel in more ways than one. Riots? Yeah. Boycotting lead companies? Yeah. Shutting off the government from water? Hell yeah. If the faction wants to put that down with violence... they're gonna lose a whole lotta servants. Wars are more than people shooting at each other, after all.
*high fives* And that's what I've been pushing for. ;) Something that goes beyond Super Smash Bros and emphasizes the story of people who can do things other ways. Which is why I support rebellions as a way to enact a 'map wipe' without destroying what people have worked so hard for RP-wise... and yet it's also why I think there needs to be a serious redraw of the mechanics of the map.

Why can't propaganda, politics, religion, and terrorism/rebellion change the galaxy? These are just as valid methods of attack, and yet they don't matter on Chaos [yet]. I think if we acknowledge these, we'll have more people playing different characters such as politicians, zealots, etc. The people who "don't matter". We need to make them matter, because they do, and because it will open up *gasp* more stories! :D
[member="Strider Garon"]
I don't think my body is capable of reproduction due to it's creation. Up until recently it didn't even have a gender.
Sorry bub. But if a Garon and a Sekairo were to mate, they would, indeed, create very strong offspring.

[member="Rayl Wilded"]
*flees into the distance*
What I would like to see is not a map reset but a way to curb the power creep with the Force that has gradually occurred here. How many people use an ordinary lightsabre any more?

I don't know how it could be done, but it's on the wishlist for the event to magically limit the scope of force powers. :p


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

You mean you don't like invincible-nesis and alchemized swords made of ultraphrik that 'splode everything within a 20-meter radius? :O
there is a way. I have seen sites place a NFU mandatory character. You have to rp a Non Force user for a set amount of time and keep said character active in order to get a FU character. And no more rank transfers.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

And thus you have learned I not only think outside the box, but am outside the box. Shaking it like a giant and ruffing up those inside. I have bested you without having to fight. The day is mine, but I'm a nice guy, so I'm gona share my ice cream with you.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
I agree with [member="Valiens Nantaris"].

Just recently we saw a guy cover a planet in an ash storm by detonating a volcano chain.

We've seen people single-handedly do what it took a collective of augmented Masters in canon to do. And I love some of these people dearly, but I still would take a Force-user nerf any day. And you know what? I would gladly bust Qae back to apprentice. Hell, I would willingly sacrifice all my characters back to Apprentice, for a Force-user nerf.

Kix Tal'Verda

Kixi - Tal'Verda Aliit'buir - Cereal Box Clone
Okay- I can agree entirely with Strider, as much as a map reset sounds like fun. Its not a real fix, the fact of the matter is that within several months or half a year it will end up the same way it is now, certain factions will reign supreme and RP will be restricted within their pseudo-political spheres. It doesn't sound worth it to throw away hundreds of days of work only for a temporary solution, because with the board's forumla the same will happen again. It seems more of a punishment to the long-running factions than a boon to younger ones as the the positions will merely reverse again.

My suggestions are as follows:

1.) Edit the scale of the map, make it larger, add more worlds, and include larger sub sectors and sectors themselves and create planets to fill in gaps left by canon. Surely new worlds would be viable for population since the timeline of Chaos and the Old Rep.

2.) Revamp invasions, an invasion should be more than a back and forth duel between players, it should be a long-term, grueling campaign over supply lines, cities, and even entire continents of a world. If Medieval sieges lasted a year than Intergalatic sieges could go on for years, look at the Battle of Salucami in the Clone Wars for example. Have so that entire sectors come under threat and make it so its more than one battle or a thread that decides invasions, RP and direct entire campaigns between opposing forces. Yes, it would take longer and more work but the experiences would be grander and the rewards more fulfilling then three days of back and forth posting.

3.) Follow HK's original idea of a new Galactic Frontier.

This one is going to be really unpopular,

4.) If a reset is entirely needed that characters and tech should be filtered too, as particular characters and their cadres would use their old standing to form pocket Empires in days and would force new factions and players out again. No offence, Vets, but its inevitable. The old Powerful characters would just be able to field marshal over everything on their own if all semblance of galactic society collapses both ICly and OOCly.

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