Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Some Like it Hoth [Galactic Alliance Invasion of First Order Hoth|Bespin Hex]

Location: Engineering, hyperdrive
With [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Ipsy"] [member="Keric Dynt"] [member="Deacon"]
Contacting:[member="Lucien Studley"] | [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Sieb Tevv"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] @brasser… @Brakir….… [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"]

Allyson Locke said:
Everything rested on her and she didn’t have much time. Spark was going to hit the jump button at any moment and just before she did, Allyson quickly typed in the coordinates that would give them the best success rate. “JUMP SPARK!”

Fiolette Yvarro said:
"not unless you'd like to live." She put a hand on her pistol. "I've an idea of who you're with and I'm going to give you this one chance to leave." She addressed the creature simply. A cadre of engineers along with Dr. Kay and Colonel Eldrel rounded out the personnel behind her. "We're evacuating this station I suggest you do the same."

If anyone was doing anything to the station it was Fiolette and it would be blowing it to smithereens. Fortunately, she'd rather like to keep the crime scene intact for later investigations. "And the answer to your question is no, this station cannot hold for a microjump. Otherwise I'd have already microjumped this station into that bloody thing you call a flagship." "You've done enough here." She said and then looked over to Colonel Eldrel who withdrew the sidearm. Fiolette handed her tablet to the Colonel, and adjusted her tunic.

Micah Talith said:
[ Auntie? ]

The trickling revelation that barely began to register brought with it a sense of shock that hit him like a ton of bricks. A sensation that Vexen would sense rushing through their own bond as well.

Vexen held stock still as she processed what she was feeling. The pace of her little heart sped up until it reached a frantic cadence. First Order officers with their hands on their weapons before her and Micah in the distance struggling to cope with whatever he was being put through. As best she could she tried to shield him from her own feelings. She tried to convey to him that they were all fine. She tried to convince herself they would be.
Her keen eyes scanned the two before her. Vexen had spent too much of her life being intimidated and doing what she was told. The stormtroopers on Kafrene had forced her into old habits and it had left her with near crippling shame for weeks afterwards. Her eyes narrowed in determination. The first thing she needed to do was protect Spark.

“No,” she growled in defiance. In the moment it didn't matter that she wasn't answering a particular question. The one word carried all the intent necessary. As she stretched out with the Force the lights around them all winked out with a loud pop as each was blown. The Defel wraith had no need of bright light. Her goggles became nearly transparent and her sensitive eyes could still make out shapes in the near-perfect darkness. Her hearing was perfectly attuned to their surroundings, the Force guided every action.

She leapt to her right and gave Spark a gentle nudge to the left. Hopefully as she kept the hyperdrive going anyone shooting wildly would aim where she had been. Drawing the Force around her she moved as a blur. A shadow flitting through the darkness. Vexen jumped, softly pushing off the bulkhead to the right and gracefully twisting in the air. She swing with her baton for the head of the colonel who had drawn a weapon. Perhaps, she thought, Ipsy could use the critters she had drawn along to provide a distraction.

The Itsukusk had deactivated its sector-wide interdiction capabilities which just left the grav mines. These, however, were in the distance and not in the direction the station was headed. Her stomach lurched as it forced its way into hyperspace.

Location: Ison Corridor
Objective: Control the Corridor
Allies: [member="Zark"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] [member="Silara Varis"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Maira Varan"]
Enemies: First Order [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="T'yr Dellos"]
Engaging: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Achim Veers"]
Music: Believe in Yourself (Luminous Arc 1)


"All bombers, return to ship! All other squadrons, screen the fleet, position yourself behind the enemy fighter cloud"

It was obvious that they were taking heavy Y-Wing losses, but they were going to take those losses regardless of whether they would target an anti-starfighter corvette or the Nolantia. Hopefully the Gravitational Anomaly would still be able to rearm the lone Y-Wing squadron remaining before being destroyed, while still firing at Venoms. But also, the captain of the Mustafar, in a desperate attempt to protect the pocket carrier, made itself as big a target as possible in an attempt to intercept as much of the fire directed at the Gravitational Anomaly while knowing how vulnerable it is, and getting as close to the enemy formation as was possible, and especially at the Spirit of Justice, which was still being fired at. Once the monitor finally exploded as a result, the cigar-shaped monitor exploded close enough to the Spirit of Justice and the Nolantia that debris are sent flying in their direction, with the remains of the heavy turbolaser turret sent crashing against the destroyer's gaping hole, and the reactor pieces flew towards the anti-starfighter corvette, threatening to take some quad-lasers down with it, and then potentially scoring some firepower kills.

"Casualty report"

"The casualty count has risen to 5,300" the chief medical officer reported after additional hits were taken.

"Double aft!" Tanith ordered.

"We can't take another volley" the chief engineer reported.

"Send out what Neimoidian Yachts we can for medvac: we need to rescue the survivors from the Defiance"

"Channel open to the Defiance" the chief communications officer warned Cathul.

"This is Admiral Thuku of Therapy Command. Medvac is on its way to recover the wounded and the dead, over"

Cathul promptly returned to her meditation while the Neimoidian Yachts used for medvac, and tagged as such, were being launched out of a damaged hangar bay, headed for the Defiance. And hopefully they will not attempt to fire on the Neimoidian Yachts used for medvac, or else Carlyle would be perpetrating war crimes. Meanwhile, [member="Aedan Miles"] realized that, while his Kaga was being rammed, there were other targets to fry than her own. It was then that the remaining Inimicas began to fire on the Venoms, while the remaining squadrons opened fire from behind on what fighters they could: Venoms, Devastators, Arrows, K-Wings and Remnants, supported by point-defense batteries from the Excubitor proper, as well as any point-defense on the Resolute and its escorts, so the enemy cloud of fighters was being sandwiched, and compressed from behind, with the enemy fighters launched by the Kaga not noticing that there are buzz droids on the hull of the Malice. Of course, the enemy point defense was able to shoot down some missiles, but some of the missiles they did shoot down revealed buzz droids, although not always their full complement. Even then there were hundreds of buzz droids remaining, scattered across the enemy ship, almost a thousand, with almost half of the droids surviving even though their vectors may not have. Also, by magnetically polarizing the hull, the enemy failed to realize that it made the buzz droids' work much easier. They tore at the kyber-enhanced hardpoints, as well as the kyber-enhanced shield generators, while some of the enemy hardpoints, in their attempt to hit the buzz droids, actually caused some fire to follow through them and hit their own hull, or even other hardpoints, as a result. After the next volley was fired, the buzz droids would then be able to hit systems deeper inside the enemy command ship.

"Perhaps... perhaps if we could position buzz droids between hardpoints, rather than at them, we could cause the enemy to blast their own hardpoints while firing at buzz droids!" the chief slicer suggested.

Also, with the only significant threat still remaining being aft, that is, the Malice, all remaining shield power was positioned aft, with those shields finally giving out; however, the angle of flight meant that the enemy could not fire at the ventral great guns, limiting the firepower kills the enemy could potentially inflict. Also, with both sides having battle meditation to bring to bear, they seemed to have negated each other at long ranges from each, so while the enemy fired at some batteries, inflicting some firepower kills by way of destroying the aft HVCs, whom they believed to be a greater threat due to them firing rounds that could penetrate what aft shields are left, and also hitting some lighter guns, other enemy guns, most of those are on the dorsal arcs, could still only fire at the edges of the ship, and others still landed on the aft side of the command tower and superstructure. The bridge crew shook from the enemy fire as a result, making some of the crew posted on the command tower dangerously close to breaking bones, but the Excubitor is now on the same level as the Malice as a result of its flight angle. More enemy hits to the command tower made the communications officer nervous:

"The enemy took out our communications array!" the communications officer complained to the chief engineer.

"Damage control, get to work repairing the communications array!" the chief engineer ordered.

"The enemy Halberds have maneuvered out of the nebula!" the sensor technician reported.

"Now fire on those Halberds, using trench guns!"

"Targeting solutions established, ready to fire" the chief gunnery officer reported back in, after the missiles' firing solutions were established.

"Ventral battery, keep firing on the Kaga, stealth MIRVs must be fired at the reactor dome, aft batteries, aim for the enemy command tower!"

By now the equivalent of about 400 turbolaser shots, and 20 MIRVs filled with five discord missiles apiece, containg seven buzz droids each, were fired at each enemy Halberd. And now the Excubitor fires its remaining non-stealth MIRVs at the enemy ship's aft, some of them being programmed to position themselves in full view of another hardpoint so that they could attempt firing at buzz droids, a dozen MIRVs or so due to some losses taken aft, targeted to hit in the space between hardpoints. As for the stealth MIRVs: all three of them are fired at the enemy reactor dome, which would then cause the enemy point-defense to have to choose between hitting buzz droids and hitting the missiles. Also, because the enemy concentrated their attacks on the guns close by and in the command tower, six of the 88mm HVCs fired baradium shells in 15-second bursts, promising large explosions at whatever they could hit on the enemy battlecruiser's superstructure, for a maximum of 180 possible explosions from baradium sources. Followed by twenty-four large turbolaser bolts aimed at the superstructure close to the command tower, and about 150 standard turbolaser shots arcing from the ship's stern towards the enemy battlecruiser's stern. The enemy realized that, yes, it had scored firepower kills and make the volume of fire decrease somewhat, but they mostly hit the command tower. Finally, the necessity of avoiding hitting [member="Maira Varan"] made it so that the nine super-heavy turbolaser bolts and the nine 380mm HVC rounds were fired at the enemy supercarrier's forward section, close to the pincer hangar.

  • Cathul continues using battle meditation
  • Bombers are recalled to ship, while the remaining fighters attack the enemy fighter cloud from behind
  • ANS Mustafar explodes close to the enemy anti-starfighter corvette and the enemy destroyer
  • Fired trench guns, missiles at the enemy Halberds
  • Fired ventral guns at the Kaga
  • Fired missiles, aft guns at the Malice

Capital ships:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser) Shields: 0% | Hull: 60% | Firing at: several
ANS Gravitational Anomaly (Peregrine-class pocket carrier) Shields: 10% | Hull: 70% | Firing at: Enemy fighters, FIV Spirit of Justice
ANS Lictor (Duquesne-class heavy frigate) Shields: 0% | Hull: 0% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Mustafar (Mustafar-class monitor) Shields: 0% | Hull: 60% | Firing at: N/A

Attack craft:

73 OS-G2s
10 BTL-A-4 Y-Wings
10 Inimica-class gunships
FIS Kuragin
Allies: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Magnus Ren"] | [member="Lydia Finn-Camden"] | [member="Aralu Sar"] | [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"]
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Ipsy"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Keric Dynt"] | [member="Taheera Sollo"] | [member="Atham'aali'kema"]
Objective: Beautiful Sleep

But he couldn't. For all his strength and exhaustive efforts to purge his body, his entire being of weakness, Cameron had failed to live up to the impossible standard he forced upon all others in his life. There had been a time. A time before Amorella when he cared for nothing and no one. Life had been simpler then, but that was because he played it safe. Perhaps not where combat and the general course of his life was concerned but certainly where his heart was concerned. It was impossible to be hurt, truly hurt if you allowed yourself to feel nothing but the empty void of life in pursuit of power.

Then he'd met Amorella. The young, light-hearted woman that had shattered all of his preconceived notions about the strength of unity, true unity. Their pairing never made sense to anyone, but it made perfect sense to the both of them. In Amorella, Cameron had found the counterpoint to his very soul. They were two fractured pieces, finally joined. The feats that Cameron had accomplished both personally and professionally with Amorella at his side would only make it into a handful of history books. It was not the stuff of conquering mere worlds or performing impressive feats on a battlefield. There was that, yes, but it went deeper. The ability to influence entire civilizations as simply as breathing.

However, life was not without a cruel sense of irony. Just as quickly as Amorella had been given to him, she had been snatched away. Cameron fought hard to keep her safe. He refused to accept the will of the Force in its decision to take Amorella from him. In doing so...he had condemned her to a fate worst than death. A state that he did not fully know how to pull her from. How long had it taken to find her when she'd disappeared in her own body? Several agonizing months? Now it was almost impossible to locate her truly. Her presence was not completely the presence that he knew, that he was bonded to undoubtedly for however long he remained alive. It was somehow diluted, and it only made fleeting appearances.

Another sick game of the Force. Just enough familiarity to taunt the Sith Lord, tossing success at his feet only to immediately snatch it away. Observers could say what they wanted. That took a toll. Weeks and months of pretending like nothing was wrong took a toll. It was a type of stress that Cameron had never trained for, never even truly experienced. In this...he was a novice, acting completely on emotion. Emotions this very moment had been forced into one tight sphere of agony in the core of his soul.

Whatever light remained in the corridor seemed to slowly extinguish as a dark smoke rose around the Sith Lord, pouring from his fingertips, his eyes. The pressure of the dark side flooded the entirety of the Kuragin, regardless of what point of hyperspace transition it may or may not have been in. Cameron did not care. The Force did not care.

As Cameron's hand slowly lowered to his side, the Sith Lord's entire body tensed as his knees started to bend. In the next second...only one two words were uttered, so quiet as if to be lost on the thin air of the corridor. "Forgive me." To whom he was speaking wasn't exactly clear, but it didn't matter.

At the completion of the last syllable, Cameron's body erupted. A veritable nexus for the power of the dark side, raw energy exploded from his hands, eyes, mouth, feet, and stomach. The destructive nature of the involuntary action, the release of all that Cameron Centurion was both as a person and in the Force, carried with it an intensity that hovered somewhere just shy of Force Storm eruptions of old when Sith Lords created wormholes in space. This, instead, was more like Cameron's body had been converted into a massive, 114 kg ball of exploding dark side energy. Flashes of purple-white energy would be visible mostly only to Micah before it interacted with fuel reserves and various pieces of equipment. Anything in the direct path of the energy would most likely be vaporized. If Micah did not take care, his very proximity might end up in him being torn asunder.

If the station was in hyperspace, it would undoubtedly be summarily and dangerously ripped back into realspace. If not, well, there was no saving the Kuragin either way.

Just as there was no saving the entity that once was Cameron Centurion.

[SIZE=11pt]Violence gripped the solar system. Mara didn’t need the facility’s sensors to tell her that: the empathic fabric of Bespin was in terrible flux. The panic burrowed through her min, or would if she let it. She needed, absolutely needed, something to do. Without the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Scar of Ilum, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]or Eiarra Denirel, or the rest of her crew, her options boiled down to three. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Option one: unacceptable. Remain here in the little saferoom inside Baobab Astrography headquarters, with the other employees. Do nothing about the battle. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Option two: equally unacceptable. Take one of the evac speeders, get to Cloud City, find a way to intervene...and risk exposing Baobab Astrography on Cloud Nine as a longstanding front for the Underground. Not the most dynamic or active cell, to be sure - the First Order maintained a thorough and overwhelming presence on Bespin. No, the Baobab Astrography facility just did innocuous nonprofit mapping things, and kept an extremely quiet eye on the region. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Option three: find some way to contribute, or at least something else to do, that wouldn’t draw down First Order attention on this area of Cloud Nine. Option three had brought her to the saferoom’s commscan gear. She cycled through its many modes and filters, ignoring the other Undergrounders’ apprehension that she’d get them caught. She passed the time with ration bars and sensor data, slouched against the console. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Her fingers paused; she stopped chewing and dialed back filter modes and directional focus. The First Order had brought genuine, even admirable, prosperity to this planet: of the many corporations that did their work here, plenty had their own communications gear. Cloud Nine was a hub of transmissions, all encrypted one way or another, all eavesdropped upon by competitors with varying levels of success. The Underground played those SIGINT games on occasion, but nothing serious. This place had been set up long before the First Order moved in, and its prime directive ever since had been to keep the lowest of profiles. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mara isolated one of those encrypted transmissions. “Hey, Barth?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]An undercover Undergrounder with a Baobab nametag got up from his saferoom couch and shambled over. He’d been here a while. “Yeah?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This signal. You seen it before?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“That one? That’s nonsense noise. Midgrade encryption, mid-to-heavy data traffic. We’ve poked at it, but we’ve never had a reason to look closer. Comes from…” The heavyset Undergrounder called up a holomap of Cloud Nine. “ three blocks away. Why?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I’ve seen this pattern before, when I was bumming around Ossus and the Asobi system. Credits to cronuts...feth, that’s a Silver Jedi signal. Low-profile, but still.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He blinked and blinked again. “The Jedi are here?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Not a chance. No, that’s not a Jedi beacon or a military feed. That’s…” Mara bit her lip. How this might affect the balance of power on Bespin was anyone’s guess - but if she was the one to guess, it wouldn’t do anything. So why do it at all? Except that it seemed worth doing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Barth adjusted the holomap overlays. “Three guesses what’s there.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Tell it to me.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“A karking [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]spa[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mara found it was her turn for a double take. “Say what?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Private retreat on airspace rented, owned by an outfit called [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shion Resort and Casino[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].” Barth scratched his head and glanced back at his associates. “We ever looked into the Shion resort, guys?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]An emphatic negative resulted. Mara grimaced and called up a HoloNet link. “Well I’ll be karked. It’s a subsidiary of Sasori. I think I know what this fething signal is - I used to hang out with Silvers a lot.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“It’s an [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]astrometrics lab[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt],” said a quiet voice. “Linked to all the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]monitoring stations[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] that oversee every cube parsec of Silver Jedi space.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]All eyes went to a dingey corner of the saferoom, and the girl they’d forgotten. That was how Rissa preferred it. A former Silver Jedi Padawan, she’d been enslaved and sold by the notorious Miss Blonde. Mara had secured Rissa’s freedom at a terrible cost, only to drag her into the heart of the Sith-slash-Mando raid on Ossus. The mousey ex-Padawan liked to be alone and go unnoticed. If she spoke, it tended to be relevant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mara tilted her head. “Keep talking, Rissa.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You know about the stations?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Yeah, I know about’em.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“The astrometrics labs are linked to all of them. The labs are soft targets; they rely on the starship around them, and the Jedi, for protection.” Rissa brushed back her lank hair and raised her head to meet Mara’s eyes. “Real-time monitoring, or close enough. Comprehensive surveillance. The Silver Jedi know every ship that enters or exits their territory. That’s all.” She looked down, and her hair fell over her face again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mara sucked her teeth, pondering. “Barth, how much SIGINT do you suck up that never gets decrypted?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Everything we can snag, rolling deletion after a month unless it gets flagged.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Two minutes’ work downloaded a month’s worth of those particular intercepts. Another five minutes put Mara outside the Baobab Astrography facility with a data tap under her shawl. Another ten put that data tap right where it needed to be, just outside the big private spa. Nothing unusual about a quintillionaire coming in to ask about a booking, after all. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Total operating time: about three-quarters of an hour. Smelling faintly of petals, Mara slipped back into the Baobab saferoom. “It’s done.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rissa and Barth looked up from the commscan gear. “We’re getting feed and starting decrypt,” said the bulky man. “Can’t punch a transmission outsystem with all that battle noise, but we can sure as heck find whatever there is to find. I’m seeing not a lot of impressive encryption on this, just midgrade like I was saying. Might not have the resources to really crack it here.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“So we store it and keep storing it until this whole fight blows over.” Mara pulled out a small square of flimsiplast and stuck it in the corner of the screen. “Or just try that. Whispered it out of a manager’s mind while I was talking stress management-” She gestured vaguely at the ceiling, and the orbital battle far beyond. “-and complimenting his tan.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In a relatively short amount of time, Mara was watching starships move through sectors at the other end of the galaxy. This level of connectivity had, apparently, been going on for some time: Shion had built the spa long before the First Order moved in - but had kept operating it, probably hoping it wouldn’t be noticed, even [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]after[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] the occupation. It seemed they’d hoped successfully, at least until now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]There was no question that the Silver Jedi were a neutral-to-friendly power so far as the Galactic Alliance and Outer Rim Coalition were concerned. Would it change anything for Bespin? Feth no. Even so, information like this had its uses, the most important of which was giving Mara D. Merrill something to do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][member="Imka Larue"] [member="Cameron Centurion"] - Mah family Angst!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt][member="Vexen"] - Cause Force Bonded[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]That was the cry that went erupting out of Micah’s lips, snapping out of his reverie. Whatever entity of his Aunt the two blood kin had seen had completely snapped to the rear of his mind as he felt the bubbling inferno coming from his uncle. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Grief doubled tenfold, ripping across the familial bonds that connected [member="Kaili Talith"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Kira Talith"], [member="Vexen"], and Maleah Talith. The pain, the grief, the desperation to try and halt the inevitable one of the last agonizing and hard to swallow lessons ever given to Draith by [member="Cameron Centurion"].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A hand hand gone reaching out towards his uncle to draw him, close, to bring him in a salvage tug to his body as if that would allow the man writing in suffering, pain, confusion and grief for just a half second longer. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It did not.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The eruption blew out, blasting the Talith’s right hand and up his arm to dust before he could instinctively react to try and contain the blast within a set diameter, the Talith using every bit of his power to sustain the blast and localize it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]His [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Bracers of Salee[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] activated, doubling up on the bubble of protection. The [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Covenant Rings[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] upon his hand seemed to burn and sear, ripping from it the additional energy stored there to double up and enhanced the attempt to contain the blast. The [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Circlet of Salee[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] poured through even more strength as a savage cry at the loss of his uncle went shouting through the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Would it stop the station from being ripped back out from hyperspace? No.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]But it would stop the subsequent blast from ripping the space station apart. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Flesh burned, bone charred, and Micah felt the heat and the echo of Darkside Energy rip through him. It left a permanent stain upon his body, his eyes flickering with a deep well of of a vibrant orange red glow that completely seemed to engulf the young man. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The tattoo ink where the Talith crest lay over his heart and chest seemed to burst on fire, burning the dark alchemized ink as it unconsciously cried out to his father, far too much emotion and strength being utilized to try and contain the blast.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]He could almost feel how armor cracked open, flesh pealed back, and the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Eyes of the Dunaan[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] glow in a massive blaze of Force energy.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Time stopped. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Then [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]SLAMMED [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the station right back into realspace, leaving the charred, shattered remains of the seemingly breathless body of Micah Draith Shamalain Talith slumping to the floor. The blast contained with the lingering ooze of the Darkside charring a sphere black where Micah and his uncle had once stood. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The stress of the area could not sustain itself, that particular area now collapsing on itself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The rest of the station, safe. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Outpost Veers exterior[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: The First Order[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: The Galactic Alliance and associates | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Draco Vereen"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Support the First Order[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]War was… messy. Bamuf had experienced battle before but not warfare. Now he had to see with his eyes the clansman he’d split meat with earlier impaled on icicles. Bamuf’s Tauntaun came to a halt just a few inches from the sudden wall of ice. Many of his fellow Talz were not so lucky and slammed directly into the jagged surface, the gory sight of riders and beasts stabbed. The lucky ones would die on impact. Even through the sound of war, the cry of a slowly dying Tauntaun reached his ears.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Bamuf reacted as quickly as he could, snatching the carbine flamethrower from his back and dosing the obstacle in flame. He’d carve a gap through the deadly ice with beautiful fire. Sweet, beautiful flames. There was something reassuring about it. Through all the death, the charge into the unknown, the reliability of his precious flames could still be counted on. He continued spraying fire, making an ever larger gape for his people to pass. The charge would continue, Bamuf waved them through, their numbers lessened and morale weakened, but they’d continue nonetheless.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Then something caught his eye. Just as Bamuf was about to rejoin the charge, something slammed into their side, something with a brutality Bamuf had never encountered. Although the Talz had no idea what they were, they were the Eaters of the Dead Cult and their brutality shocked even the experienced Bamuf. Talz would clash with the variety of aliens there, they fought bravely but they were hunters, not warriors and the strength of their foe was overwhelming. If a Talz could roar in anger, Bamuf would have done so as he watched a deranged Wookiee brutalise a young hunter, the creature was trying to [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]eat[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] one of their own. These were who the Galactic Alliance associated with? The ones who would claim to be liberators? Everything the First Order had said was true. Their enemy was evil.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Bamuf blasted the Wookiee with his flamethrower, taking a grim satisfaction that the enemy would feel every burn through his fur.[/SIZE]

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Aleksander Miles"] | [member="Face"] | [member="Magnus Ren"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] | [member="Aralu Sar"]
[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Keric [/FONT][SIZE=18px][FONT=georgia]Dynt"][/SIZE] | [member="Ipsy"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Micah Talith"] |
Get Off the Kuragin

There are moments in life that give you an opportunity to reflect. Some of them come easily, during the stillness of the night as you lay awake in your bed. Others come when you least expect them, and still others arrive when you don’t expect them. For Fiolette Yvarro the latter of the three occurred, and it happened as she felt the hyperspace jump come to a sudden and violent end. Her blue eyes looked over at [member="Vexen"] and then they shut, as in the split moment the First Imperial Station Kuragin ripped apart. Torn into jagged sections, the Admiral turned to her companion she gestured for the stairwell but the Colonel refused. Instead, the Colonel rushed for the Admiral and pulled her by the arm and did her best to latch onto anything, a railing that had gotten caught between the wall vents and grate would have to do.

Aboard the Warspite they watched in absolute horror.

In one moment the station looked as if she was to conduct a hyperspace jump and in the next moment, pulsemass mines denied her such a jump. Tearing at her already stressed hull, and then like an egg the station cracked. “Captain...” Galeway addressed as she approached him, “lifesigns?”

“Ensign Farrah?” He turned to the young officer who shakily handed the report.

“Still signs of life, c’mon let’s get this boat going, keep target on that bloody Sionoma,” Walzer ordered and as the Warspite began to move. Life aboard the Kuragin struggled to survive, emergency systems in some parts of the now broken station came on, and in others it did not. Once more the consequences of the boarding pods from earlier, worse from the Admiral’s own virus preventing some of the systems in certain areas from kicking on.

And at the very same moment, that the Kuragin was so violently ripped from hyperspace - a force user by the name of [member="Cameron Centurion"] unleashed what would most assuredly be the end of the station herself. It took with him whatever would have been left of the station, this then agitated the self-destruct charges within the Kuragin. Leaving them to detonate at the upon Cameron's boom - causing them to vaporize parts of the Kuragin while still others somehow; miraculously even would hold out, and as for the Admiral.

She’d been grateful that engineering, or rather this part of engineering maintained [SIZE=11pt]semblance[/SIZE] of emergency systems. Life Support worked, but it wouldn’t hold for long. She looked down at her tablet, the Warspite maintained a remote connection and so while the Kuragin’s local commands were gone. The FIV Warspite still maintained some manner of control as the Kuragin’s commands had been transferred sometime ago. Fiolette studied the tablet and looked at the now shattered station and the many vectors that now floated in space. “I’m going to try to vent the core, if I don’t it will blow-”

And then she realized the Kuragin was now in the heart of the Galactic Alliance’s fleeting battle against the First Order and Mandalorians. “Incoming!” She shouted as the blonde looked up to see a fighter hitting smack against one of the Kuragin’s floating scraps created another explosion, rippling throughout the graveyard. Shields held, as did the forcefield behind it, “there isn’t much time, go - get out of here.”

Fiolette took her tablet and headed for the stem, the console was dead she knew that most of the power was being used to keep this section floating. “Captain Walzer, I’m placing my feed into the station’s stem, I need you to vent the core.”

Captain Walzer silently looked over at Senior Chief [SIZE=11pt]Rennic[/SIZE] who worked with Lieutenant Commander Galeway on the controls. The feed from the Admiral’s tablet would allow the Kuragin to briefly work the core. Just enough to vent - and then from the Warspite’s position the station’s core could be seen jettisoning from the station itself.

On the Kuragin once more, [SIZE=11pt]Fiolette[/SIZE] stepped away from the stem. “It should freeze in the depths of space, but Life Support on this ... Vector, will not hold.”

Colonel [SIZE=11pt]Eldrel[/SIZE] who had been silent up until now, rested with her back against part of the hull. Her sidearm having since been dislodged from her hand. “There might be a few escape pods, but I’m not entirely...” her eyes went to the vastness of space before her, the depths of it all and how now they all seemed so small. The impact of the fighter against one of the other vectors could be seen as furniture from the promenade floated into space and the Galactic Alliance’s flagship was no longer a silhouette but rather a neighbor. An extremely close one at that, “sure what’s survived or not. C’mon Yvarro, we’re not breaking anymore hearts today.”

It was in this moment that [SIZE=11pt]Fiolette[/SIZE] reflected on her life, she recalled the day each of her children were born. Even Ferrathias of whom she disowned ages ago for his despicable loyalty to the then Galactic Republic. Lucy, Ryssa and Ariel - her girls, her beautiful girls and she realized in the here and the now that by placing her career first she left little room for her girls. Natasi and Pierce came to her mind next, and of the two more notably Natasi. The now Grand Moff Fortan had made her aunt swear that she would not leave her. The promise was made on a hospital ship on the way back from Castameer. “Of course, Colonel - no more broken hearts, or lives. I believe there’s been enough of that today.”

She wasn’t ready to give it all up today, she wasn’t ready to give up.

Kuragin goes into hyperspace, is then ripped out of hyperspace by [member="Face"]'s pulsemass mines.
Cameron Centurion's ball of boom goes off right at the sametime.
The station is now in several pieces, back in real space.
The station has decelerated with lethal intent into the battle between the Itsukusk and the Chimera

Location: Outpost Veers​
Allies: [member="Pharazon Draken"] [member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Bamuf"] [member="Torian Pierce"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"] [member="Pierce Fortan III"] [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] [member="Hatori Ikari"] [member="Anora Shaw"] [member="Kira Solvani"] [member="Arcana Altana"]​
Enemies: [member="HK-36"] [member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Xel"] [member="Rusty"] [member="Naomi Carolina"] [member="Aver Brand"]​
Directly Engaging: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tomas Yarrow"] [member="Draco Vereen"].​
Kyrel was still using his anger, from the death of Ara Ren, and the wounds he had suffered to fuel his power. He was still coming in and very near hit Kerrigan in her weak spot, but by some stroke of luck had dodged the attack. He growled in anger, as this woman should not have been able to have such speed. She was by far only mortal, and even now she was going to pay. Pay for all the lives she took, pay for what she had done to him. His hatred would not stand for it, it would not rest until she lied dead at his feet, and so prepared himself to unleash himself on her again.​
He was about ready to unleash himself when his danger sense triggered again. He looked back, and saw the Marine come at him, he was a fool for coming at him head on, especially like this, and so as he was flying towards him, he used a protection bubble around himself, and nudged the hammer flying far away from him, as for the explosive rounds, with his free hands, he sent them towards the red headed demon in attempts to damage her, and then as the Marine launched himself, he had made an even bigger mistake, without any weapon he was easy pickings. He with all of his rage, he sent a powerful force push his way with the potential of sending him flying towards a crashed AT-AT.​
The next thing he did not expect was when Kerrigan delivered a powerful Telekinetic assault, sending him crashing to the ground in a blast of snow and dust. Kyrel shook his head. His hate was now skyrocketing providing him almost limitless reserves of Dark Side energy, but he too had wondered how long he could keep going, he knew that he could not last forever against these foes, and so he had to think of something quickly or else he could end up in a very bad spot, and when things couldn't get any worse an EMP grenade exploded. Some of his systems had a hard time staying on, but due to the updated design of Lord Vader's Armor thanks to Suravi Teigra then he was able to remain to stand and fully functional, but now the problem is he would be moving slower, and so if he wanted to move fast, he had now relied on the Force to do so. He then felt something try to interfere with his connection to the Force, but the Dark Side was never ending, it hardly had any effect on him due to his rage, hate, and pain. It fed his power and made him strong. He then looked to Siobhan and reactivated his crimson blade. "Time to end this."
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Bespin, Nightclub
Objective: Get our shet together
Allies: [member="Jorg"], [member="Canal"]
Oh Dear: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Enemies: Time.

While Canal was waiting, Locke went back to that same backroom behind the bar. He passed the corridor with Jorg and Raj, peeking in for a moment, before seeing him come out with the Doc over his shoulder. A realization hit him just as that happened, they weren't exactly conspicuous with this and no matter what... this would get spun one way or the other. The First Order would probably find out what had happened here at one point or another.

Didn't mean they had to make it easy for them to spin the PR.

"Shove her in the duffel bag, Jorg, that will attract less attention." Locke told him, before brushing past and into the backroom itself, where the ladies had been hiding out.

It wasn't a high-profile nightclub and as such it contained their computer screen. Which were attached to the various security systems enabled throughout the club - most of them were disabled, but not the cameras.

"Wiping the cameras, less crap they can pin on us the better, yeah?"

With a blink of his eyes his internal cybernetics linked up with the system. It was a nightclub, not some kind of military facility, so the security wasn't as tight as it could be. Half a dozen access points vulnerable to just the right kind of pressure, he pushed his attention towards one of them and there.

Locke was in.

From there it didn't take a long time to localize the files, the back-ups and the internal mechanisms. One by one Locke burned them out, before frying the entire system itself.

"Won't be getting out of that, not even with their best slicers." Can't slice what ain't there anymore. "Let's go."
Location: Bespin, Hotel Suite
Objective: Arrest the First Order Spy Who is Clearly Not a Doctor
Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"] | [member="Canal"]
Enemies: [member="Irajah Ven"]

Jorg stood there for a few seconds, his lips thinning as he glanced up and over towards his partner. For a few seconds he wasn't quite sure what to say, only the fact that stuffing this woman into a duffel bag seemed like a harsher sort of fate than he would have gone for. The Soldier frowned for a moment, glanced towards one of the bags, then simply shrugged.

Elliot was the Counter-intelligence guy, there was no reason to argue. "Sure."

Jorg said finally as he slowly moved over towards one of the duffel bags and put her into it. He frowned for a moment and then shifted Irajah around, moving her so that the cloth fit snuggly around her. After a few seconds Jorg looked down, shifting and then moving Irajah one last time so the cloth actually covered her entire form. It was a good thing that the duffels they had brought were actually pretty big, better that they were heavy duty.

After a moment he zipped the bag up, ensuring the womans hair didn't get caught with an odd sort of gentleness.

He had elbowed her in the face but there was no reason to be rude.

After another moment he slowly hefted the now very heavy Duffel bag, shifting its weight around for a moment until eventually he tossed it over his shoulder. A muted oof passed through his lips and the visor once again became opaque, a second later he followed after Canal and Locke, dashing out the door and into the alleyway. In the Distance he could hear noises, the sounds of battle and blaster fire, he frowned for a moment and then pointed to a nearby sign.

"Hangar bays." It was an obvious enough path. "We take whatever looks fast."

That should also have been obvious.
Location: Engineering, hyperdrive
With [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Ipsy"] [member="Keric Dynt"] [member="Deacon"]
Contacting:[member="Lucien Studley"] | [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Sieb Tevv"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] @brasser… @Brakir….… [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"]

Micah Talith said:
He could almost feel how armor cracked open, flesh pealed back, and the Eyes of the Dunaan glow in a massive blaze of Force energy.


Time stopped.

Then SLAMMED the station right back into realspace, leaving the charred, shattered remains of the seemingly breathless body of Micah Draith Shamalain Talith slumping to the floor. The blast contained with the lingering ooze of the Darkside charring a sphere black where Micah and his uncle had once stood.
Vexen said:
[member="Micah Talith"]

As darkness came to this part of Yavin, so too did Vexen uncurl from the bundle of sheets tucked into [member="Micah Talith"] 's ship. She'd found a nice quiet and dark corner of the engine room as a sleeping space. Somewhere where the walls were close in around her, and the machines thrummed constantly. Somewhere the light struggled to reach. Somewhere, like the tiny corner in the maintenance corridors of the Ithorian herdship she had grown up. Vexen had no idea that her species lived in dark subterranean corridors, which went some way to explain her choice of nest. She'd only just discovered that the floating city she'd grown up on wasn't the entire universe.

Of course, she also had no idea that her species were fiercely loyal creatures who survived due to their tightly knit societies. Which was why she didn't fully understand quite why she felt so concerned that Micah wasn't there. Vexen knew instantly. Used to a world of almost no sound and light, the absence of another living creature was conspicuous. She'd conversed with only one other creature during her existence, and Micah was the first who saw her and didn't chase, beat or use her.

After skulking about pining for a few minutes, Vexen found the way out of the shuttle. The darkest night was to her, as daylight was to most, she looked out and quietly whimpered. She could easily follow the teenager's tracks by sight and smell. Appearing nothing more than an indistinct shadow, Vexen slipped out into the night and followed the only being that cared that she existed.
As it was then, it was now. The Defel awoke to a world that was defined not by what was but by what was not. There was an absence where the connection has been. She knew that he had been tied to the build of dark energies that any sensitive creature could feel. The sudden, overwhelming spike of power and then the wall of grim determination that she - so intrinsically tied to Micah now - had experienced. Vexen had been slammed into the bulkhead hard enough to knock the air from her lungs. She whimpered. Not because of the pain, but because she couldn't feel him. The station's systems were all intermittently failing. Yvarro had sent a command and code around the system to erase all control except for manual intervention and the systems had been shutting down. Being thrown into hyperspace and wrenched back out had pulled at her with all kinds of forces and she could feel consciousness slipping away from her. They weren't near the battle as they hadn't jumped in that direction. If she could have found out before she slipped into darkness she still wouldn't have cared to find out where they were. None of that mattered now. She was helpless, powerless and alone once more.

Allyson Locke said:
the Force – focusing on the grav waves. Her mind began to crunch the numbers for the route that gave them the best chance at surviving. Allyson was inept at sensing things through the force, but with this control based Force power – her mind could distinguish quickly where they needed to go for the best probable location of survival. [Instinctive Astrogation Control] The route would be a weird one, having her mind register the fact that there are mines and the like blocking the typical entry and exit routes.
Vexen said:
The Itsukusk had deactivated its sector-wide interdiction capabilities which just left the grav mines. These, however, were in the distance and not in the direction the station was headed. Her stomach lurched as it forced its way into hyperspace.

An indistinct shape hovered before her vision. She had seen this before and more than once. She didn't truly understand it, but knew it to be a benevolent presence. She felt a gentle touch down the side of her cheek. She knew what came next and savoured the moment. Turning her head, she drew a long breath through her nose. Familiar smells elicited emotions that did not come easily to vexen. She felt calm, safe, loved. Vexen had seen this vision several times and now she was beginning to suspect the truth. That it was memory. She desperately tried to cling to the moment, tried​ to stop time in the dreamscape.

The peace was interrupted by a high pitched whine. She clung to the familiar presence with all her strength. Confusion and panic ruled as she mewled pathetically. There was a commotion of noise and light. Flashes burned spots into her vision. There was a low growling sound, then another flash, and the noise was silenced. That familiar shape loomed before her again and she reached for it. Vexen knew that every time it was beyond her reach and forever would be. This couldn't be changed. It was, it had been. There was a throaty gurgle and the shape vanished. Something dark descended upon her.

All faded to white. The benevolent figure appeared before her again. This she had seen once before. When she had crashed with the Taliths on the planet of warp spiders. But this time the shape resolved further. Ears, fur of many shades across the broad spectral range a Defel could see.

"You need to be brave. Don't despair.” The voice was distinctly female. The words were spoken in a language she didn't know, and yet she was aware of their meaning. "My Vexh’arini. I'm so sorry. But I am so proud. I wish...”

It started to fade. Vexen didn't want it to. She wanted to wrap herself up in that familiar safe space and stay there forever.

“Go to him now. You
are brave.”

Vexen blinked her eyes open. It was darkness still. Of course, she remembered, that was her fault. But there were different kinds of darkness. She could see in this. The bulkhead she was propped against thrummed. Her ears flattened at the scream of tortured metal. This time it didn't stop. The station's structural integrity was failing now.

Go to him? Vexen felt herself looking into the pot of despair once more. That was a darkness even the wraith could not see through. How could she go to him when was he wasn't… but he was. Her pulse fluttered and she raised her maw upwards. He was. The tether was faint, weak. But it still was.

Despite everything​ she pushed herself to her feet. “Ipsy,” she called. “Get Spark out of here.” With her first step the artificial gravity failed. She called on the Force to drag her back down to the deck and activated her grav boots. Vexen growled. She growled at the universe and dared it to get in her way.
Location: Space Station Navagation Room > Core location room
Allies: GA, [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Deacon"] [member="Keric Dynt"][member="Ipsy"]
Enemies: FO, [member="Magnus Ren"] [member="Aralu Sar"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] etc
Objective: Get to the core holding room, fuel the station's life support > blow things up :)
Equipment: SI-HD Armor, Multi-Weapon Elite Model tool, a pair of blasters with extra energy cells, Vital Communication Security Monitor First Order Issued (Loot from incapacitated Trooper)

“WHAT THE KARK!?” Allyson felt the hyperspace thrust feeling fade from her. Everything that could siren sirened and Allyson was left in the middle of the navigation room at a loss for words. Looking around, she cursed and tried to think of something that would make this all better – yet then it happened. The Core floated away from the station and then instantly, Allyson went into full panic mode. Took in a few deep breaths she tried to think quickly. Remembering the layout of the space station, Allyson quickly took off. Her suit read the time about left in her life support, she would switch over when the stations life support finally went out.

She ran as fast as she could, it was a good thing that the place that the core was ejected from wasn’t too far from navigation. It also helped that a lot of the station had begun to crumble. Which left some nice holes for Allyson to hop through. It didn’t take long for her to find the room where the Core was once located. On her way down she picked up any intact explosives. Once she did what she needed to do – she was going down with her station…well the station she tried to navigate. Her life support kicked in, the door that opened evacuated any oxygen that was in there. Still, Allyson needed to do what she needed to do.

Setting up the explosives, Allyson fixed everything so that she didn’t have to worry about it once she finished doing what she needed. Allyson placed her hands onto the core’s former receptors, she inhaled deeply and focused all of her energy to give the station enough power through the Force to fuel the stations life support system. A small radio in her suit registered to the others or whoever was listening. “Get off the station, - no life support for long.” Groaning, she cursed and finished. “Don’t worry about me. Allyson out.”
Location: Anoat Space
Objective: Assist GADF
Enemies: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] | [member="Face"] | [member="Aleksander Miles"]
Allies: [member="Sieb Tevv"] | [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] | [member="Lucien Studley"]
Ship: The Arkuhn

Kiran stood quietly behind Rigor, his gaze following the flashes of light that erupted every few seconds.

A part of him didn't really understand all of this. He knew why the engagement was happening, and he was more than happy to help of course, but starships really weren't his bit. The whole aspect of fleeting, moving armada's around, it was all kind of a mystery to him. The old Mercenary supposed that it wasn't really all that different from waging a campaign on the ground, but it just seemed a tad more confusing. He frowned slightly, scratching his beard.

"The Alliance has requested our Assistance."

He glanced towards Rigor. "Well, yes Rigor that's why we're here."

The Droid stopped for just a nano-second, then slowly looked up at Kiran. The expression on the automatons face was of course neutral, droids didn't actually have an expression most of the time, but Kiran couldn't help but feel a little bit of disdain dripping off of the Droid. After a moment it simply looked back towards the viewscreens ahead of them.

"They wish us to fire upon the Chimera."

Kiran looked down at the droid for half a moment, then glanced towards the Viewscreen. The oppressive amount of firepower that the Arkuhn was unloading into the other ship seemed to be having some effect, though in Truth Kiran couldn't really tell whether or not they were getting anywhere. So after a moment the Zeltron just shrugged.

"Do it." He said simply. "We're here to help."

Another nano-second passed, and then The Arkuhn's batteries ceased their relentless fire for half a moment. Seconds of silence raised on the bridge as the ship slowly began to re-position itself, then a second later a powerful roar reached over the entire ship as they began to unleash a new barrage directly at the Chimera.

Fleet Actions
Changed fire to The Chimera.
skin, bone, and arrogance
A L L I E S​
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Magnus Ren"] | [member="Aralu Sar"] | [member="Cameron Centurion"] (RIP) | [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"]​
E N E M I E S​
[member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Keric Dynt"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Ipsy"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Taheera Sollo"] | [member="Atham'aali'kema"]​

Lydia looked out the viewport and spied a Chiss and some others entering the bay, appearing to be in various states of ability. "Keep it up," Lydia called to her cohort. "I'm going to see if I can help." She ran down the central aisle of the vessel -- again, followed by her mute and faithful camdroid. It hovered over her shoulder as she shouted a greeting at the group. She helped [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"] load the civilians in her care onto the ship, directing them into the ship's lounge for the time being, before welcoming [member="Brask'ari'sabosen"] aboard with a friendly greeting -- a greeting cut short by a feeling of sudden dread in the young reporter.

We have to get off this station. We have to get off this station.

"We have to get off this station!" she shouted, her eyes flicking open. She turned and hauled herself back to the bridge, nearly consumed with a feeling of dread and terror. "Nalyr!" she shouted.

"Just about -- "

And three things happened -- either all at once or in a rapid succession --

First the deck lurched, a huge groaning sound reverberating through the station, causing the shuttle to begin moving -- first slowly and with great difficulty, but soon momentum picked up. The station had been wrenched out of hyperspace -- violently, or so it seemed.

Second, the yacht's engines thrummed to life, sending power through the yacht. Systems came online.

Third, the hangar deck wrenched away from the main station, along with a huge portion of the Residential section, Lydia would come to find out. All she knew in the moment was that she was thrown off her feet against an instrument panel. She grunted in pain and flung herself into the pilot's seat with as much accuracy as she could. The camdroid was clattering against the floor and walls and ceiling as the ship slid and rolled with the section of the station that went flying. She couldn't find the intercom switch at the moment, and didn't care because she was too busy trying to fly a ship that was in the process of crashing roughly twelve times a minute, so instead she called down the hall to: "Hold on!"

She slammed her fist onto the shield control, and the deflector shields came up; that was something, and it helped to protect the ship against the bits of machinery and wreckage that were now flying around. Liddy activated the ship's repulsors and throttled forward, doing her best to match the hangar's roll, now that she was moving independently of the station -- or, really, the bit of the station that had been ripped off by the force of the abuse the Alliance had given it. The sublight engines whined and Lydia held her breath as she slammed the engine power up. The ship lurched, resisted, then finally leaped forward, engines whining in protest. The yacht was apparently new enough that it hadn't been put through its paces, but it got them out of the hangar.

Well -- almost.

The top weapons emplacement -- a minor quad affair, for light self-defense -- was torn off when Lydia misjudged the angle of the roll on their way out of the hangar. Lydia banked away from the battle ensuing below, and the wraparound view of the bridge gave her a clear picture of the FIS Kuragin in its death throes. A chunk of the residential section that had housed the hangar they just escaped from had been torn off, and other chunks of the station were careening through space a explosions rocked the main station. "My God," she whispered, a hand going to her mouth. "How many more people must still be on board?" she whispered, almost to herself as she piloted her ship away from the battle. She wasn't sure, she didn't know where to go, who to contact, but she wanted to get these people away from the battle as fast as she could.

"I don't know, man," said Nalyr as he wiped blood from a cut in his forehead. "I just, like, make the sliders."

Lydia looked over at him, his glasses broken and sitting askew on his nose, which was bleeding. His forehead was cut and bruised, and his eyes glazed.

"I know," Lydia said quietly, reaching over to pat him on the shoulder. "They were good, too." It was a small lie, meant to comfort Nalyr, and he mumbled a breathy thanks before falling asleep in the co-pilot's chair.

Glassy green eyes looked out over the carnage of the station. Stang.
Allies: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Face"]
Enemies: [member="Sieb Tevv"] [member="Lucien Studley"] [member="Kiran Vess"]
Flagship: DRS Chimera
Mood Music: Get back up by Iniquity Rhymes


Aleksander Miles angrily surged to his feet pointing out the three ships targeting his fathers ship, his clan's ship he angrily barked a series of orders. "All weapons from the Chimera are to target that Sionoma-class Star Destroyer I want its shields down now. Have the Roche-class begin long range bombardment of the Itsukusk continue to rotate the Chimera so that our munition's bays are untargetable also start decrypting that transmission we intercepted I want to know who sent it and what it contained to make them change their tactic. I want all boarding pods prepared to launch at the Arkuhn-class have the Red Fang and Clan Akaata Milita kitted for ship takeover combat Red Fang to lead once they board let them know the fear that is my father's personal force. All fighters are to return to the Chimera the explosion from the Kurgain decimated the enemies fighter corps. Also hail those First Order fighters tell them we have room if they would like to land as well things are getting hairy out there. Also activate retribution shielding to have the damage from the Itsukusk hit it right back I am tired of that pitiful ship we are going to burn it to the ground and send the remains home to the GA Capital." True to their young commander's words the ship rotated as the retribution shield activated sending a burst of damage to the Itsukusk for each weapon that hit it while continuing its forward momentum target now changed as over to the Arkhun as the first 24 of the shielded and ion equipt shard-class pods launched flashing dangerously flash across the void and towards the ship carrying their deadly load of Red Fang soldiers who were more than ready to take the ship for their leader. The fighters that remained and could move started to make their way back to the Alor-class while the ones that couldn't move like the cockpits of the Rekali-class that had been made out of Beskar floated in space sending out a constant ping to let the ship know they were alive. The Roche-class corvettes turned their missile launchers to the Itsukusk throwing out all the missiles they could while advancing forward and dodging through the fire from the ship clearly aiming for a very odd tactic their gatling cannon's acting to destroy any missiles sent at them.
Allies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Achim Veers"]
Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] @Zark @Silara Varis [member="Maira Varan"]
Ship: DRS Kaga
Mood music: Aces in Exile - Sebaton

Ship complement.

Aedan Miles bit back a curse as he sensed the panic from the shield controller focusing on the man he alleviated his fear allowing the man to think quickly as he disabled shields for a moment letting the ship closed on what he hoped they would believe to be a ship thats shielding had failed as it rotated trying to lessen the impact that was to come before he quickly at the last possible minute activated all the shields quickly hoping to at least lessen the damage as the XO of the ship was busy shouting for people to evacuate the starboard aft section of the ship. Men and women running in panic to get away from it as at the last possible second the hatches sealed magnetically to prevent boarding and the depressurization of the ship as a whole. The fighters seemed to ignore the fighter swarm trying to push them towards the Execubitor sense from its micro jump they had plenty of space and instead turned their noses towards the Pocket Carrier that was attempting to let the Y-wings land. Flashing after them was a variety of fighters and bombers all aiming to remove the ANS Gravitational Anomaly. From the lot of them missiles, laser fire, and in the case of the K-wings slightly weaker turbolaser fire emptied into the shields as they fighters dove in and out of the remains of a ship. Back at the Kaga everyone aboard felt the sudden impact as the enemy ship impacted it broke through the shields and started to sheer violently through the aft section of the ship luckily the ships design kept the reactors away from the aft so the only thing truly damaged as half the engines being all but removed and the hyperdrives being damaged. The ship continued to rotate the impact from the collision allowing them to finally turn faster almost doing 180* turn as they brought their weapons to bare on the enemy ships facing off against their allies firing on the ANS Execubitor suddenly.

All fighter craft turn their attention to the ANS Gravitational Anomaly firing missiles and torps before firing lasers in an attempt to disable.
Kaga deactivates shields for a moment to preserve energy before reactivating them to lessen the impact from the ANS Eraidu's Fist (Sorry if I butchered the name spelling weird names is hard.)
Using the impact from the ram Kaga turned and fired upon the Execubitor.
Objective: Save dem Wampers
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Leo Vandermolen"], [member="John Shepherd"], [member=Nawago], [member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Enemies: Poachers!


After disembarking, the team took a moment to breathe in the fresh—yet frigid—air, now able to move about more freely. Nawago took the lead, pausing outside the mouth of the cave to warn the others of any potential nastiness inside. Hopefully with him there, they’d be able to not only convince the remaining Wampas not to attack them, but that they were here to help.

“Would pheromones help?” Joza inquired, looking up at the cyborg Wampa while the ORC members who decided to journey forth started into the cave. While still cold, it provided protection against the howling winds outside. “Not like—not trying to put a bunch of Wampas in heat!” She corrected quickly, making sure to enforce that a Wampa mating session was not her aim. “I can help make them feel calmer, but I know of a few individuals who get aggravated with pheromones. I don’t know if Wampas will react differently.” Most species were uniformly more relaxed in the presence of Zeltron pheromones, but she’d stumbled across an individual or two who didn’t like them or those they simply did not affect. Probably Force users who were hyper-aware of any mood change they had.

A shout echoed from the front of the cave where a few of their buddies had elected to stay posted, followed by the roar of snow speeder engines before they hummed to a stop. The sound of blaster bolts sizzled as they hit snow and ice, and more yelling bounced against the cave walls.


The Zeltron whirled around sharply on her feet, giving pause as she found the motion to be a bit disorienting given the crash and her injuries. She drew the pistol at her hip, prepared to barrel forward when an animalistic snarl tore through the air from the direction they’d been heading in, deeper into the cave. The walls began to shake and shudder with heavy footsteps, chunks of ice and rock falling from the ceiling and onto those below. Joza's head whipped back, surprise written across her features. Ever been stuck between a Wampa and a hard place?

“Well sheeeeeeet.”
Location: Engineering
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Deacon"] | [member="Keric Dynt"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | @Brask’ari’sabosen

“There’s no need to apologize, Vexen,” Ipsy said. “I would gladly join you again if I had the choice. You’re my friend, and when you need me, I’ll always help.”

She remained silent after that, her mind focused on communicating with the rats scuttling through the ship’s airvents. When the lift stopped and she prepared to step out, Ipsy sent a thought to the small animals, telling them where to find the group. Moments later, the rodents were crawling in the space above Vexen, Ipsy, and Spark. They would follow the group until it was necessary for them to engage.

With her thoughts engaged, Ipsy fell behind. She was about to step around the final corner to the control panel area where Spark Finn and Vexen were when she heard a voice. It belonged to someone she’d never met before, but Ipsy was certain the person meant them harm. Her breath caught in her throat as she inched closer to the wall and peered around it. A blonde woman stood with a data pad in her hands. Her eyes were locked on Vexen as she continued speaking. Beside her was another woman and at least one man whose hands were covered in a white cloth.

Ipsy remained close to the metal as she crept toward her friend, lightsaber in hand. The blonde hadn’t seemed to notice her yet, so Ipsy reached once more toward the rats above them and urged them to approach the blonde and her group from behind. A few moments later, an explosion of force powers streamed from Vexen and knocked out the lights. Ipsy took that as her signal to move.

“Now!” Ipsy shouted through her connection with the rodents.

Rat after rat began pouring from vents behind and above the blonde woman. If Ipsy was lucky, the attack would draw the blonde and her group’s attention away from Vexen. The distraction could be costly. It would give Spark Finn more time to jump the Kuragin somewhere else, and it would give the wraith a better opportunity to engage their attackers.

As the rats continued to pour out, Ipsy ran around the corner. She barely had time to activate her light saber before the Kuragin bolted into hyperspace and was then wrenched back out. Ipsy struggled to stand, realizing she’d fallen to her knees during the jump. Ignoring the blonde who still stood in the cooridor, she then raced toward Spark and held out a paw for her to take.

“C’mon, we’ve got to go,” she said. “Vexen, aren’t you coming with us?”
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: [member="Ghorua the Shark"]​

Alkor scowled beneath his buy'ce as the two locked in combat beyond his reach. He kept the firearm trained, but he could only do so much good with that shield up. Worse, if he continued to fire, he ran the risk of a stray shot hitting Samka. He wouldn't risk that, so it was all he could do just to watch.

"This is Evac Command," a voice finally squeaked across the comm. With the sounds of explosions and carnage in the backdrop, he could tell that they were preoccupied elsewhere. "The main installations of Cloud City have been evacuated, other than non-mandatory personnel. If you could assist the defense forces in driving out any hostiles, it would be greatly appreciated."

Alkor heard another shot, and it sounded far closer to the comm than the last. "What is your position?" he questioned urgently. Another loud blast sounded, he heard a wail, and the comm screamed in his ear. The Mando cursed loudly and cut the channel. "They're flooding in and overrunning the city," Alkor muttered. "So why can't I see more of them in the plaza?"

His absent thoughts were drowned by the loud scream of his HUD, with a warning about gases released in the area. He saw a cloud billow within the shielding that the Shark had erected and instantly understood. He stowed the pistol and hurried back toward the bubble.

Alkor pulled the long knife hidden under his right arm plate, a secondary weapon in the event of disarmament. It wasn't the ornate or beautiful beskar used when constructing his armor, but lower grade ore that was still higher end than most metals on the market. Called "Mandalorian Steel," it was a weapon of his newfound culture in its own right.

He had get her out of there. Now that the evacuations were successful, there was no reason to continue fighting. The First Order military could deploy in earnest and eradicate the Alliance occupants without fear of losing civilians.

Alkor had no intention of getting caught in that crossfire.

Ishana Pavanos

[member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Anora Shaw"] | @TK-4621 Strain | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | @Ashard Graush | [member="Chron Terix"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"]​
[member="Kaalia Voldaren"]​
[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Tomas Yarrow"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Aeron [/FONT][FONT='lucida sans unicode']Kreelan"] | [member="Rusty"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Xel"]​
Inbound FIMS to Outpost Veers

Ishana had come to know a lot of pain, heartache and the meaning of the word no. She'd also come to know that life doesn't always go as planned, the Ithaquas however great weren't exactly made to go head to head with the Galactic Alliance's fighters. As a command decision, she cut her losses ordered them to peel off and help FIMS conduct search and rescue. Black, ell-class medical transports, Ingham-class rescue cutters and Steadfast-class medical cutters seemed to pour out orbit and down into the atmosphere of Hoth. Ishana meanwhile found herself ordering the Shrikes to escort the medical ships, leaving her to tango with a lone Alliance fighter. Her eyes caught the sight of the photograph on her dashboard, the one [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]. Her instrument panel lit up like Empire Day, and her fingers squeezed down on the trigger as she pulled back on the yoke.

The TIE/R was alone facing against three B-Wings, it was a dance. A dance that Ishana knew all too well, but a dance she hadn't practiced in ages. Kaeshana was different, while caught off guard they were able to get reinforcements quick. Hoth? Hoth was nothing but it was something and the clatter on the radio mentioned something about Kuragin and Cloud City. Kuragin she knew, Cloud City? The Galactic Alliance was certainly swift, weren't they? Ishana's hands pulled at the yoke maneuvering her craft through the cannon fire. Death felt like a memory now, as she closed her eyes to blink and swerve to miss another barrage and then she heard it. Multiple lock-on warnings. Chit, she thought and her heart raced eyes looked down at the picture again. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry," the Balmorran began, "wait, wait, wait c'mon Pavanos pull yourself together."

She cut her speed and dropped down, turning her craft around to fire off a few more shots of her ion cannons. Ishana worked to build up speed again, "not today, we're not biting it today. No, no, no - not when you've finally got something to live for, Pavanos, no." The thirty-something-year-old pilot glanced back down to the picture of Kaalia. Refocusing herself she pushed on the throttle and lit one of the B-Wings up and coursed through the air, and still, she heard the lock-on warnings. "From where?"
What the pilot didn't see were the stealth fighters and as the alarm's intensity grew. Ishana realized that so late in her life she had found something, someone worth living for, worth fighting for. As a myriad of thoughts and emotions flooded through her mind, she heard the voice of her Kro Varian lover, her girlfriend.

::This is Voldaren. There's an escaped captive on the loose, requesting aerial support.::
:: Striker Four to Voldaren. Think you've got the wrong bird, rerouting your request to Overwatch Actual ::
The alarms continued to blare, and she was already having trouble dodging more of the Alliance's fighters. Was the thing just jammed? These were new birds, could totally be jammed. Except not - something in her gut told her this wasn't a dud, and that this was not a false reading. Her heart beat like a drum as it pounded against her chest, the brunette to remain professional over comms. Screw it, they could keep her at Lieutenant.

:: Baby, I love you. I love you - and I am so glad that you kept trying to find me because I have someone to live for, it's you. It's you Kaalia Voldaren ::
She didn't even cringe at the use of real names over the comms, and then it hit - the missile that had haunted her finally struck. Hitting the back of the TIE/R that admittedly had already been beaten and bruised by the numerous B-Wing fighters that had come to strike it down. Alarms went crazy and all anyone down below could see was a First Order TIE spiraling. B-Wing fighters fired on her still, even as she tried to yank the yoke back and regain some semblance of control.

:: Kaalia, I will always find you, okay? I will find you, in this lifetime or the next baby I promise. I love you ::
Life doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes what we want isn't always in the cards, and as Ishana fought for control of her Raptor she could see the snow-white surface of Hoth. It got closer and closer, and so the Balmorran looked down at her seat. Eject, eject, eject she thought and fumbled with the control. The fighter ejected from the doomed craft watching as it spiraled downward toward Outpost Veers - or rather what was left of it. Her seat also sailed through the air and the lieutenant now helpless as the only thing she could adjust was her parachute. Ishana isn't entirely sure what happened next, other than between the flak of the Outpost and the winds of Hoth it was hard to maintain the parachute as it failed on her some twenty to thirty feet above the ground. She shut her eyes and felt her stomach lurch. Blackness. It was all she knew after that was that she woke up with a screaming pain in her right leg and that taking off any of her gear just seemed like a bad idea.

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