Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some R&R, I hope.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Harkness looked up a little when he heard the woman behind him and turned around offering a wide smile before going into a slightly puffed out chest with a peter pan pose. "And who are you? I thought I had met all twelve supermodels from Senator Chi's calendar of the Republic's most beautiful women but clearly she has failed in her job missing you."
Vulpesen exhaled a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Life with the Amarans had been relaxed, but that was about three years ago. Since then, he'd been a scholar and a street rat. In truth, there were the most relaxed clothes he had. And following orders that included the words "strip down" wasn't exactly something he was prepared to do on this adventure. At least not when the order came from well... him.

As for the words to the distraction, Vulpesen was half tempted to swat the man upside the head for such conduct, but considering he was the leader of the free galaxy, such an action may not work very well in the jedi's favor. Instead he simply sat back in his chair, petting ace and using the force to send a silent thank you to @[member="Leori Sheltrak"]
@[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori smiled when he turned around. "You must be the Chancellor. I am Leori Sheltrak, a Jedi healer. A pleasure to meet you."

She offered her hand to him.

"Have you come to show the Jedi a good time, or yourself?"

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

"Oh I am always having a good time it is just a matter of perspective." Harkness kept the smile but took her hand shaking it before looking her over and raising an eyebrow. "But I will make sure you all have fun as well, Zeltros is a great place and a master jedi like yourself can relax with a massage."
@[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Jack Harkness"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Ordo came back from the cockpit shaking his head. The shabla kids wouldn't lower the inertial dampeners even 10%. It wasn't like a gee force or two was bad for anyone. He looked in to see the current Chancellor of the republic as he began pulling out clothes for Vulpesen and DragonsFlame. Ordo stifled a laugh and did his level best to avoid the situation and head back toward Rianna. His sleeveless black T-shirt was as far as he was willing to go without a substantial amount of alcohol or prodding from Ri'ika.
Oh bloody hell.

He looked over at the sleeping dragon and put his book down. Might as well go make sure Harkness wasn't causing too much trouble.

Walking out, he walked over. The Grandmaster and Supreme Chancellor in the same room, on the same ship heading to Zeltros. This was an interesting situation.

"Chancellor" he said calmly. "What... The hell are you doing?" he asked, referring to the clothing. He shook his head, and chuckled a bit. "As attractive as Master Sheltrak might be, Mr. Harkness, I don't believe she's one of your supermodels. Jedi usually have more of a... Conduct then to do something like that" he joked.

@Rianna Organa @Jack Harkness @Vulpesen @[member="Ordo"] @Leori Sheltrak @[member="Tallia Farn"]
@[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori laughed. "A massage you say. Wouldn't that be lovely." She hadn't had one. Ever. "I do aim to relax and have a good time though. What kind of fun do you have in mind, Chancellor?"

She was only slightly familiar with the Chancellor and his reputation. However, she reserved judgment since she'd never met him. Until now.

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

Harkness looked at Dragonsflame for a moment and kept the grin while flicking his eyes to the jedi master. "Well I'll have to show you, get some oils, some music, a couple of scented candles and well I'll show you why I was called captain of the innuendo squad." Then he moved his head to look at the jedi master. "Oh Joshua haven't you heard the old saying everyone is like pasta stiff and straight until you get them hot and wet." The chancellor flicked his head back and held his hands up. "Not to give offense I respect you master jedi far to much for that but I have a larger pool shall we say of experience. We we went through my back list of ex's we might be here until the next elections."
@[member="Jack Harkness"] @Ordo @Vulpesen @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @ Aran Ordo @[member="Rianna Organa"]

Leori shook her head. Innuendo was putting it mildly. "I don't doubt that you are most deserving of that title, Chancellor. And we wouldn't want to waste our trip hearing a list of your exes. That's fun for no one." She grinned and moved to take a seat. The Jedi Master made a point of crossing her legs. Not at all discreetly.

"So tell us about Zeltros. What can we expect?"
The Grandmaster raised an eyebrow, and sat down. Bloody hell, why did they elect this guy again? At least treat your position with respect, Mr. Chancellor.

"I don't think Leori, or any of the Jedi women on board, mind you, would be too happy about getting wet by your hands, with all due respect Chancellor" he said calmly. "While this is a pleasure cruise, do try and treat them with the respect that their position carries, just as they and the other Jedi do for you. Many of them I'm sure are very... VERY capable of severing your crotch from the rest of your body if you get too happy" he quipped with the faintest of smirks.

And he didn't doubt that either. Leori seemed very capable of taking care of herself. Rianna was married and if she didn't break his balls, Ordo would. Tallia was a tough cookie, he'd seen it personally, and would probably be all too happy to knock Harkness down a peg if the Grandmaster okay'd it. Vulpesen.. Wait, which gender is Vulpesen again?

@Rianna Organa @Jack Harkness @Vulpesen @Ordo @Leori Sheltrak

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

He looked from Dragonsflame and shrugged and turned to take in a breath before speaking. "Well depending on where we touch down of course there is much that can happen. The common district is usually where first timers go with the basic show. Some clubs, restaurants, dance area's and homes. Most of the apartments have spa area's and hot tubs. Though where we should be wanting to head to is the Akibalian district that is where the real fun comes from in terms of cultural influences. The parties have themes and costumes, holograms from fun world are used and you have not lived until you have eaten some of the most delicious sweet cakes you could try. Then of course there is hologram fun world itself and all the things one can get into there."
@[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori laughed "Are you sure we should start there? That sounds a little over the top for us first timers." Not that she wasn't game. She could handle it. She could cut loose, even though she was reserved the rest of the time.

"Are you suggesting we jump into the deep end and learn how to swim, Chancellor?"
Vulpesen grinned as he listened to the activities. He was not a lustful person but, he did enjoy his entertainment. "I personally find that method acceptable for any time of learning." He said, looking over to @[member="Leori Sheltrak"]. Having faught people far above his own abilities, he was used to this kind of thing and he had always told himself to face his fears and fight them. He may not be afraid, of Zeltros, but it was intimidating. That was what made it so fun. "Chancellor, considering you have the experience, I think I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Still, I'm not wearing that." Making his point, he took a small step away from the man's selected "clothing" which he was pointing to.

@[member="Jack Harkness"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"Well what better way to experience it then to see how much you can get into. I don't expect all of you to be dancing in the streets naked but first timers should not experience the common area's you should, partake of the party from the area's of the city where all the politician's come to make their scandals." He looked at the others while waiting for them to arrive. "Though I would say if you see any such things to keep it to yourself, as honest as I am about my preferences and enjoyments not everyone is."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Jack Harkness"] @[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

Aran came out just in time to hear about massages and getting wet. His eyebrows went up as he heard the Republic chancellor talking about Zeltros. It did not actually sound like his kind of place. He walked over to an empty seat and sat down.

"Sounds like trouble to me." Aran said simply while running scenarios through his mind.
@[member="Aran Ordo"] @[member="Jack Harkness"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

Well it seemed that her suggestion was not that far fetched. It was one way to learn. Not her preferred method, but that was fine. "Discretion. I don't know guys, have we ever had to use discretion as Jedi?" She looked around to the others and chuckled.

"I think we can handle discretion, as long as we can expect the same of you, Chancellor."

Leori looked over at Aran. "A man of your clan doesn't like trouble? I don't buy that for a minute." And she smiled. "But I think I can keep you from getting into too much trouble."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Jack Harkness"]

"Men of my clan don't need to look for trouble." Aran said smiling. "It finds us just fine."

He leaned back his his seat and crossed his ankles.

"But I think a good massage could be worth it."
@[member="Aran Ordo"] @[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori grinned at Aran "Well you're in luck Aran. The Chancellor here was just offering massages with oils, candle light and soft music." She couldn't help it. She broke into giggles. "Look at the trouble that has already found you." The Jedi Master commented, still trying to stop laughing. "Imagine the trouble that awaits you in a matter of hours."
Vulpesen found himself laughing at the conversation. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into, but as he said before, that was all the fun. As for the trouble in hours, that time period soon ticked away as the idle conversation continued, holding very few if any noteworthy remarks. After a short nap, Vulpesen felt the ship drop out of hyperspace and moving out of it, he looked out the window to see the lush environment of the party planet Zeltros. "Hang on to your robes, your beskar, and your..." He cast a look to the chancellor "Whatever it is your wearing. It seems like we're landing." Giving his jacket a small flap to straighten it out, Vulpesen called Ace to his shoulder and prepared for the beginning of his next adventure.

@[member="Leori Sheltrak"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Aran Ordo"] @[member="Jack Harkness"] @[member="Joshua Dragonsflame"] @[member="Rianna Organa"]
@Ordo @[member="Aran Ordo"] @[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Jack Harkness"]

Leori was pleased to feel that ship had dropped out of hyperspace. "Oh good, we're almost there. I'm going to get my things." They would have a few minutes before they would land. She looked at Aran "Would you like to help me or do you have too much to carry already?" The Jedi Master smirked. She was only teasing of course.

Either way, she walked toward the quarters she'd claimed earlier to gather her things.

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