James Vader
So out of your league

A cigarette dangling from his lips, and every hair magically in place from the Force, James Vader flew right up to the entrance of the Jedi Academy on Ossus in his modified Flash speeder, Babe Magnet. He did a hood slide out of the speeder and gave its coat a shine with his dark black Sith cloak. With its ability to seat at least six people comfortably along with a hot tub in the back, Babe Magnet was quite the party wagon for those hot summer Coruscant nights spent with spooky Sith ladies. Damn it felt good to be a Sith.James yanked off his aviators and looked around, then strutted through the archway, up to the main stairs, and paused. It might have seemed like Vader was pensively contemplating just how strange it was to be back at his Alma Matter, especially since he'd joined Team Dark Side. But in reality, James just wanted to take a selfie. He turned around and snapped a Holopic of himself, leaning his head a little bit to the side, with the Ossus Academy behind him in the background. Boom. Force-instagramed.
Yeah that was kind of his thing.
James wasn't quite sure exactly what drew him back to the Ossus Academy. Perhaps it was nostalgia. Perhaps it was the chance to see the hot babes he used to go to lightsaber practice with like [member="Claire Solo"] and [member="Ally Skycrawler"]. Ok, maybe Ally was more like a weird babe, but weird was hot, and hot is hot, so she was a hot babe too, ya know?
James also wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to try and one up his bronemeses [member="John Karrde"] and [member="Brad Skywalker"]. In fact, he was hoping that he and Brad could bust out their lightsabers and have a go each other today. Or dance battle. Didn't matter to James because he knew he would win both.
With a Force-pop of his collar, no hands necessary, James lounged on the Academy steps. Humming the tune above, just biding time until one of his old friends arrived.