Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Something Borrowed

It had been nearly a week since Nil’s ascension to the upper levels of Coruscant. In that time, he had learned his way around well enough. He’d managed to scrounge up a bit of food here and there, too. Most importantly of all, though, he had finally figured out a more efficient way to earn money.

On the crowded streets of the city, it was easier than ever to blend in with the flow of traffic and disappear. The chaos of the hustle and bustle provided ample opportunity to fish into the pockets of unsuspecting passersby. Even better, he’d discovered that bumping into people on “accident” yielded plenty of odds and ends to pawn off to anyone who’d take them.

That scheme was the exact one he’d used earlier today–and it had worked like a charm. After running into a boy who looked a bit younger than him, Nil had snagged a… well, he wasn’t sure what it was. It appeared to be the hilt of a sword, but it had no blade. Nil couldn’t be sure why someone would walk around with a weaponless hilt at their belt, but the reason didn’t particularly matter. All that mattered was the profit he stood to gain from its existence.

Nil turned the hilt over in his hands for the umpteenth time as he walked through the doors of a small pawn shop. The inside was poorly lit save for the occasional flickering glow provided by the neon sign in the front window. Shelves and display cases overflowing with items of every sort took up all of the floor space. Staticy music played from a device someplace he couldn’t see, and the shopkeep, an Ishi Tib called Zertuch, hummed along to the quiet melody.

“What can I get for this?” Nil asked as he placed the hilt on the countertop.

Zertuch stopped what he was doing and moved over to the counter, scratching at his chin. “What is this, some kind of decorative ornament?”

“I was hoping you’d know,” said the boy.

Zertuch picked up the object and tapped on it a few times with a clawed finger. It was quiet for a few moments as he examined it a little closer. Nil leaned against the counter, trying to ignore the ache in his legs and the gnawing feeling in his stomach.

“Call me crazy, but I think this here might be a lightsaber,” Zertuch told him. “It’s not worth much if it doesn’t work, though… Where’d you find this thing anyway?”

Nil shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn’t matter. How do you turn it on?”

“I’m not quite sure…” Zertuch replied as he leaned in a bit closer to the lightsaber hilt.

Nil simply stood and watched as he fidgeted with the thing.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska


Requiem was an elegantly designed hilt. It featured a filigree-style hand cage with hidden finger rings for extra stability. An almost flower-like guard covered the emitter, and intricate metalwork adorned the polished hilt. The youth who wielded it was a snowy-haired, green-eyed boy dressed in rich fabrics with a satin sheen of black and white, looking rather elaborate and decorative. Perhaps it was just a fancy toy for a fancy brat.

Nevertheless, that didn't matter. Nil had left him none the wiser once the blade was stolen... right?

The little escapade with the stolen weapon came to a short-lived end as the very same snowy-haired youth entered the shop. He wore a peculiar arm Brace on his left arm, seemingly compensating for some kind of disability. A smile adorned his face as his jade green eyes scanned the shop before settling on Nil.

"Having trouble turning it on, friend?"
Braze called in a playful tone as he padded over.

"Allow me," he said, pausing halfway through and reaching out his hand. There was a long, still moment of tense concentration before the hilt seemed to fly into his outstretched hand. The blade flickered to life like a dim light bulb before a celadon-teal hued blade was flourished in his grasp.

Braze showed off a few quickly executed tricks, tossing the hilt up and catching it without cutting off any fingers. He caught it and turned the blade off before offering it back to Nil. "See? It's easy if you can just reach the internal activation switch. Now you try."


The opening and closing of the shop door didn't prompt Nil to turn his head. He kept his focus on the elegant hilt of the lightsaber as Zertuch continued to toy with it. It wasn't until another voice broke the silence that he looked for the source of the noise. When his gaze came to rest on the familiar face of the white-haired boy, he realized that he'd been tracked down.

Zertuch gasped as the boy willed the lightsaber back into his open hand. As soon as his fingers closed around the hilt, a bluish-green blade sprang to life with a hiss. Nil took a step back, his eyes wide with bewilderment at the weapon before him. He'd only heard of lightsabers once or twice, but he'd never seen one in person. It was even more unbelievable up close.

Nil was silent as the lightsaber was deactivated and extended to him. It wasn't his in the first place, but the boy was offering him another opportunity to try to turn it on. Nil didn't quite understand his angle, though now that the weapon was in his hands, it would be a waste not to take another crack at turning it on.

"I'm terribly sorry, young man. I had no idea that lightsaber had been acquired through completely illegitimate means!" Zertuch said, his voice wavering.

It only took a bit of effort for Nil to drown out the sound. He channeled all of his focus onto the weapon in his hand, his eyes raking over it as he attempted to figure out how to activate it. A quiet fear dwelled in the recesses of his mind, one that sought to warn him about the dangers of handling a weapon he had no experience with. Nil ignored it, however, and closed his eyes as he tried to picture the inner workings of the hilt.

In his mind, he could work out fuzzy images of various components he was familiar with; a power cell, insulators, and energy channels. It took a bit more concentration for him to begin to see the vague shapes of parts he wasn't so familiar with, and he gently pushed against them with his mind until the sound of Zertuch's voice began to seep into his ears again. Nil couldn't parse through the words before the hissing sound of the saber cut through the room again, and when he opened his eyes, he was holding a fully activated lightsaber.

"I did it." The words came quietly out of his mouth at first, then a bit louder as he looked at the boy in front of him. "I did it! Check it out!"

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

Braze smiled at the shopkeeper. "That's okay. Things happen... they could always have been worse," he said lightly, offering a reassuring smile. He then turned his attention to the youth, watching curiously.

The blade was set to training mode and had a lock on it that Braze himself probably couldn't undo at present. He wasn't worried about anyone or anything being seriously damaged; at most, some nasty welts might be caused by its current power setting, but nothing major unless it got too close to the eyes. His connection to the Force was shaky at best, and he wouldn't be able to undo his own puzzle lock.

He stepped back to watch what Nil did. "Most excellent... that's a very impressive use of skill. Most younglings and novices wouldn't have been able to manage that," he praised with a bright tone. He didn't seem upset but rather admired Nil's skill in using the Force. "Perhaps you might like to make your own?" Braze asked lightly. "I could show you how. Granted, you're willing to give up petty theft, of course. But if you'd like to hear what I have to say, maybe you can talk to me over a meal, my treat?"

Braze paused, then added with a friendly smile, "Oh, by the way... my name is Braze."
Nil couldn’t deny that the idea of making a lightsaber was alluring. Over the course of his training with Meshi, he’d become familiar with a few different bladed weapons, but never energy blades. The thought of starting with something as dangerous as a lightsaber made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Before long, his brain reminded him that it was merely an idea–something it would likely remain for the rest of his life–and he calmed down a bit as he deactivated the weapon and handed it back to Braze.

Even if his dreams of building and wielding a lightsaber were dead in the water, a free meal was something he could get behind. It had nearly been a day since he’d last eaten anything, so he was in no position to deny the invitation. Plus, it couldn’t hurt to make nice with the kid in the hopes that he wouldn’t go to the authorities about the petty theft.

“Nil,” he said. “I’ll bite. C’mon, let’s get out of Zertuch’s hair.”

The shopkeep waved as Nil stepped past Braze and moved for the door. He held it open for the other boy, tucking his free hand into his pocket and sizing Braze up for a moment.

“You’re not mad about the lightsaber thing, are you?” He asked.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska


"Excellent. I know a great place not too far... but first, we're going to need a ride to get there. It's nice to meet yuou Nil... you and I ware going to be teh best of friends we are... regular partners in crime ya know?"
Braze stated, stepping out of the establishment and inclining his head to the shopkeeper.

Braze was a lightly built youth of short stature, standing at only 5'2". He had supple, soft features just beginning to mature into a hawkish look. His ghostly pale skin was faintly flushed with a pink hue, coloring his extremities. His hands, visible despite the odd coverings, bore remnants of burns and scars. His muted jade green eyes, an unusual color for an Echani, were sharp and keen, noticing even the subtlest of body movements. He was relaxed and calm, yet something about him felt off. Braze was acalculating predator, no doubt a 14 year old who had seen the field of battle mor ethan once and survived.

"Mad? Why ever would I be mad about someone stealing my lifeline and an integral part of a Jedi's identity? I wouldn't dream of being angry over someone stealing my very first lightsaber, one I had to face trials and tribulations on the freezing planet of Ilum just to begin... oh no... Jedi aren't taught to foster anger," Braze practically purred in a demure, sickeningly sweet tone.

He continued, his voice a soft, unsettling melody. "You see, Nil, buddy, oh pal of mine... I am what you would consider an artisan sabersmith. Where you take one weapon, I have many more at my disposal. Each one painstakingly designed, crafted, tested, and honed to perfection. It takes a lot of dedication to become a battlemaster within the New Jedi Order, after all. One must know the art of combat inside and out, to know the weapons they use and the way they work better than the backs of their own hands, to understand how to teach others, to read intention in the flow of battle... it takes all of that and more."

As he spoke, Braze's calm demeanor and sweet tone only heightened the sense of unease. His eyes, sharp and perceptive, never missed a detail. He was leading the other boy with a languid grace, his every step deliberate and controlled.

"But all that discipline and hard work gets to be a little dull, don't you think? You've given me a spark of interest and joyful glee. You've inspired me to have a bit of fun outside the strict confines of the disciplined life of a Jedi. I want that same thrill you got from taking my blade... and you are going to help me," he said, his voice laced with a chilling excitement.

All the while, Braze walked along, leading the other boy to their destination. His presence was both comforting and terrifying, a paradox that left a creeping dread in the air. They paused just aside from a large, luxurious storefront. Inside were high-end speeders, gleaming under the showroom lights.

"What say you... which one do you think is the coolest looking one?" Braze asked, his glance flicking quickly toward the speeders on display beyond the glass. "I think I rather like the black one with the gold trim."

His words hung in the air, sweet and inviting, yet underpinned with a sense of inevitability. There was no mistaking the edge in his voice, a hidden sharpness that promised this was not a simple question but a test, a moment that could shift in any direction.
It was quite a challenge to parse through the actual meaning of Braze's words. There was something about them that didn't quite sit right with Nil, but he couldn't put his finger on why. Words had always proven more difficult for him to understand than actions. Anything left unspoken was often translated into barely perceptible movements and cues from the body.

Braze's unsaid words, however, eluded Nil. It wasn't for lack of trying, either. The knowledge and experience that Meshi had imparted to him throughout his life had provided him with the means to read body language like a natural-born echani. Yet, there was so much about Braze's demeanor that made his intent close to impossible to pin down. The recent situation was so far removed from his words and his friendly tone of voice, and the graceful manner in which he moved left Nil wondering what he really had in mind.

As they walked along, Nil was silent, his hands tucked in his pockets and his attention on Braze while he spoke. Though words were not his strong suit, he could at least detect the hints of sarcasm sprinkled throughout Braze's musings. It was enough to make Nil avert the other boy's gaze entirely. His eyes remained anywhere else up until Braze mentioned that Nil would be helping him.

Nil didn't have to wonder what he'd be helping with for long as they came to a stop just beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of a speeder dealership. On the other side of the glass, luxury speeders of various sorts dotted the showroom floor. It was hard not to feel like he didn't belong anywhere near this place as he peered inside before turning to look at Braze. Was he asking Nil to do what he thought he was asking him to do?

He shifted his gaze back to the speeders, eyeing the one that Braze had pointed out. It did look pretty cool. The black finish had a slight shimmer to it, like stardust had been sprinkled straight on top of it before the paint dried. The gold trim only contributed further to the vehicle's elegance. Nil got the impression that it would be more than capable of going really fast. The only trouble was that he didn't know how to hotwire a speeder.

"The black and gold one is really cool," he said. "I don't know how to hotwire a speeder, though... or drive one. How are we gonna get it out?"

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

Braze's eyes glinted with amusement as Nil expressed his concerns. He placed a reassuring hand on Nil's shoulder, his touch comforting. "It's easy. I'll show you how," he said with a confident smile. With that, he held the door open and invited Nil inside the dealership.

He approached one of the salesmen with a confident stride, his presence both disarming and captivating. "Ah, yes, hello there! My friend and I have come to take a look at the speeder... Maybe even take one out for a spin?" His charismatic demeanor and the mention of a cash offer from his parents as a birthday gift quickly convinced the salesman. Braze's relaxed and confident air made it seem like they were just two friends looking for a bit of excitement.

Braze asked numerous detailed questions about the speeder, inspecting every aspect and ensuring the salesman believed in their genuine interest. As they were escorted to one of the balconies, the keys were conveniently left in the ignition. The salesman moved to switch places with Braze, getting out of the driver's seat to presumably step into the passenger's seat.

Just as the salesman approached the passenger side, Braze acted swiftly. He shoved Nil into the speeder and over to the driver's seat, slamming the door shut and locking the salesman out. "Go, go, go, go, go!" he urged urgently, his voice filled witrh excitement and command.
The confidence Braze spoke with was enough to convince Nil to go along with the plan. Though Nil was still apprehensive about everything, he found quite a bit of reassurance in the way that Braze waltzed through the doors and spoke with the salesmen. It was easy to forget his nerves as he split his focus between watching Braze earn the trust of the employee and admiring all of the different speeders they had sitting out.

Nil had never given much thought to what type of speeder he would get if he could. In the scenarios he concocted in his head just before bed, he’d never pictured himself driving a specific type of vehicle. Now that he was here, though, he couldn’t deny that he was particularly interested in having a speeder of his own someday; a blue one, to be exact. Maybe with a white stripe right down the middle.

For a while, he allowed himself to imagine the places he would drive his imaginary speeder, only returning to the present moment when they circled the one they’d seen through the window. It was even more gorgeous up close, and Nil whistled under his breath as the salesman opened the door. In the blink of an eye, he found himself being shoved into the driver’s seat, his eyes wide with surprise.

“Go?” Nil asked incredulously. “Right, go!”

He started the speeder and gripped the yoke with both hands. The vehicle lifted off of the ground and into the air. When he pushed forward on the yoke, the speeder lurched forward and into the air, causing Nil to let out a gasp. In seconds, they were zooming through the Coruscant traffic while fast-paced music played over the radio.

“Holy kriff!” He said, unable to stop the laughter that floated past his lips as he looked over at Braze. “We stole a speeder! I’m driving a speeder!”

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

Braze leaned back, laughter bubbling up from his chest. "Well, you stole one," he teased, his eyes glinting with amusement. After a few moments, he took a deep breath, still smiling. "But didn't you say you wouldn't steal anymore?" He nudged Nil playfully, enjoying the mischief of the situation. "First lesson... don't get caught up in bad ideas. We 'borrowed' this speeder from my company. If we hadn't, we'd be in very big, very real trouble right now. But luckily, we're safe."

He pointed ahead, guiding Nil. "Go right up there by that bend and take us two clicks before taking a left at the blue-green tower." Braze's eyes lit up with excitement as he added, "We're heading to Le Serenità. They have this incredible Alderaanian blue-roasted nerf steak. It's the most tender, flavorful thing you'll ever taste. Trust me, you're going to love it."
Nil rolled his eyes good-naturedly for the first time in a long while. He didn't feel it necessary to remind Braze that he'd made no promise to step away from crime. It would be more trouble than it was worth to explain that he relied on thievery to keep himself alive. Besides, he didn't want to kill the mood. This was some of the most fun he'd had in years, even if the stakes weren't as high as he'd initially believed.

There was a bit of comfort in the reality of the situation, at least. Grand theft speeder was something that likely carried a much heavier sentence than the petty larceny that he resorted to day after day. He wasn't stupid enough to think that law enforcement was as sparse here as it was in the lower levels, and he'd never have been able to forgive himself if he ruined his life before it could even truly begin. With those fears put to bed, he sat back a little further in his seat, navigating the speeder quickly but carefully through traffic with Braze's instruction.

The restaurant they were headed to sounded quite fancy. Never in his life had he ingested a nerf steak. The fanciest meals he'd ever had came out of cans. If he were lucky, he'd get whatever little treat Meshi had been able to scrounge up during the day. Nil couldn't even imagine something as tender and flavorful as what Braze was describing, but he found himself so eager to try it that he couldn't bring himself to care if its richness made him sick afterward.

"It better change my whole life," he deadpanned, though the grin that still lingered on his lips betrayed him.

There was a brief moment of quiet as Nil thought about what he knew of Braze thus far. The boy was a sabersmith—and a skilled one, at that—and he'd mentioned that this speeder belonged to his company. He'd assumed that Braze was somewhere around his age, but the fact that he owned a business had Nil reassessing everything. Of course, the only way to know for certain was to ask, and he glanced over at the boy in the passenger's seat before he took a left at the blue-green tower.

"You have a whole company?"

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska


"Well, yes... I have a few companies. That was actually my father's company, but I own it now. I have more interest in building ships and fun tech projects like lightsabers," Braze offered softly.

"Being a Jedi and running a company are very different avenues. I more so oversee certain things and have people who mostly run it for me. I was one of those 'lucky' trust fund kids, you know? It's too difficult to run companies the way a CEO should and be a Jedi. It's not really my thing. I have more fun being a Jedi instead," Braze added.

"I was serious about teaching you to make a lightsaber of your own... I didn't really get a choice in joining the New Jedi Order. My parents dropped me off when I was younger because Force-powered temper tantrums are hard to deal with; You on the other hand... You're free to make your own choices in life. And I envy that freedom. " he continued.

"But I mostly work out in the Outer Rim now with my Master, Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . We have a small ragtag band of good guys trying to keep the little guys out there safe. If you wanted to change your life, I could help you. Be it an honest living, a place to stay with the New Jedi Order, or joining me and my friends out in the Outer Rim; There's a lot of nasty people out there that will see your gift and try to take advantage of it. " Braze offered. "I've run in to enough nasties to know. "
The way that Braze's voice softened spoke to a seriousness that Nil hadn't anticipated. So far, most of their time together had been mischief and light-hearted antics. Receiving such a genuine answer gave Nil the impression that maybe Braze didn't mind being known by him—that maybe they were getting along better than he thought.

It was a pleasant surprise, even if Nil couldn't always be sure what the other boy was talking about. He had no idea what a trust fund was, much less what it meant to be a trust fund kid. He also had no frame of reference for what being a CEO was like, but it was easy enough to get a vague idea from the way that Braze spoke about it. It was plainly obvious that he came from a different world than Braze did, though it was shaping up to be much less of a hindrance than he imagined it would be.

According to Braze, however, they didn't need to remain in two different worlds. The offer to create a lightsaber of his own had been a genuine one—and so was the offer to help Nil change his life for the better. From the moment that Meshi died, he knew that his destiny had finally been placed into his hands alone. Now that the opportunity to take the next big step was looking him right in the face, he felt frozen.

Braze's warning echoed the very same one he'd received from Meshi when he was younger. There wasn't a single doubt in his mind that it was the truth. Still, he found himself hesitating on the front of making a decision. Would the New Jedi Order really be the best choice for him? Was he truly meant to harness this gift from the Force so that he could have a hand in protecting the galaxy? The idea was equal parts inviting and overwhelming.

"Do you like being a Jedi?" Was all Nil could think to ask as he weaved through traffic.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

The question was complex, but Braze didn't hesitate. He knew the answer well.

"I do. I don't just like it... I love it," Braze began, his voice steady. "It's not always perfect, but I've made friends and found a family I never would have met otherwise. These are people I care about deeply, and I know they care about me too." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before continuing. "I think that's something most people want... to feel cared for, to feel like they matter, to have a place where they belong, where they are wanted. A place where they can feel like they're doing something meaningful with their lives instead of just going through the motions."

He took a deep breath, reflecting on his journey. "Being part of the Jedi has given me a better understanding and clarity on how to deal with being 'different'. I'd probably be a lot worse off if I had run away when I was younger. The Jedi offer opportunities for education and a brighter future while teaching you how to use your connection responsibly. You can learn skills that you want to learn."

He said thinking about how true it all was.

"You should meet my best friend, Loomi Loomi . She's really sweet and didn't have the best life before joining the New Jedi Order either. I think things are a lot better for her now too. And if you just want to come and see what it's like, you can do that too; No strings attached. " Braze added, his tone sincere.

He couldn't help but think about the people who had become his family. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el were more than friends; they were his family in every sense. Loomi Loomi , with her gentle nature, was the kindest person he knew, and some oen he was proud to have as his best friend. Some oen he could tell anything to. Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , with his wisdom and strength, felt like an older brother. Even Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , with her unique perspective, had become like kin to him in many ways. Thre was always lots of peers, and older wiser indviduals watching out for you there.

Being part of the Jedi had given him a sense of belonging and purpose.

"But it's up to you. You don't have to accept my invitation, but I think it might be fun to play with you more and introduce you to my friends like Aris Noble Aris Noble and Vera Noble Vera Noble . I'd love to show you how to fight with a blade. I have a bunch of fun building projects too. Like droids and other neat little gadgets. " Braze chirped. It seemed Braze really did want to invite Nil in to his world.
The life that Braze's response painted a picture of was something Nil could never even dream of. It sounded too good to be true; the friends, the family, the sense of belonging, and the feeling of being wanted. There wasn't a lick of doubt in Nil's mind that it wasn't as wonderful as Braze made it out to be.

Yet, he still found himself hesitating. The promise of something good brought with it the inevitability of it someday being taken away. He had seen it happen far too often in the lower levels not to be afraid of it... but that was there. This was here. Maybe things could be different.

Nil wanted to believe that everything could play out differently now that he had crawled out of the darkest part of Coruscant. He wanted to believe that the sun would shine day in and day out, that he would be able to connect with people in a way he never had before, and that he could actually find a place to rest his head for more than a few hours at a time. He just couldn't bring himself to believe that he deserved it.

A chorus of self-doubt began to echo in his mind. The voices were purely his own, but they spoke to him as if he were some kind of monster. They reminded him of his misdoings and all of the ways that he had failed in his life. It was almost too much to bear. Almost.

In the midst of all the chaos in his head, a memory of Meshi stood out to him. She was speaking to him, though he couldn't hear her voice. All he could see was the kindness in her eyes and the faintest hint of a smile on her lips. A terrible ache started somewhere deep in his chest, and he tightened his hands on the yoke of the speeder as he let out a slow breath through his nose.

If he couldn't do it for himself, he would do it for her.

"You really mean it? No strings attached? I can come and see it... and if I change my mind, I can just go?" Nil asked.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

Braze nodded lightly. "I know Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale has been looking for students lately too if you wanted to try talking to a teacher," he offered gently.

"Tell you what. Come spend the night with me, and I'll show you around the temple in the morning. I can introduce you to some of my friends. Since the big battle, there are still some places being fixed up. I think exploring it could give you a good idea of what the structure is like... would you like that?" Braze asked curiously. "Oh... I think that's our stop. You can probably pull in there to park," he said, pointing out the area designated for their building visit.

"I would love to show you my other weapons too," Braze added. " What do you want to do?" He asked curiously. "Surely you have some ideas that might be appealing. "
"I... I think I would like that," Nil replied quietly.

A smile threatened to pull at the corners of his mouth, but he caught himself before he ended up grinning like a fool. There was no sense in getting excited over unfulfilled promises. Visiting the Jedi temple didn't guarantee him a spot in the Order. It certainly didn't mean that he was Jedi material, either.

Nil's face remained expressionless as he guided the speeder to the parking area. Other fancy-looking vehicles occupied the lot, though he couldn't help thinking theirs was the fanciest (even if he was a bit biased). Carefully, he brought the speeder to a stop and figured out how to put it in park. With the engine cut and the adrenaline ebbing out of his body, Nil's shoulders finally relaxed.

He looked over at Braze. "I definitely wanna see your other sabers... I guess it'd also be kinda cool to see some spars. Other than that, I'm not really sure what to expect... What's the coolest part of the temple to you?"

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska

Braze hopped out of the vehicle and stretched, arching his back with a relieved sigh.

"The coolest part? Hmnn... That's a tough one," he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose a lot of folks like the gardens and the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It's pretty and full of nature-y things—a rare sight on this planet." He glanced at the youth, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "It's where I met my friend Loomi Loomi . She'd taken a nap in the gardens, and some of the younglings stole her prosthetic legs and hid them. I was dodging classes at the time, if I recall correctly. That place is special to me because it's where I met her."

He continued, "The training halls are where I spend most of my time. I study combat extensively." Braze led the youth towards the restaurant, his pace measured and confident. Upon arrival, he spoke briefly to the hostess, and they were soon seated without a wait—a perk of the upper crust establishment.

The dim lighting created an intimate ambiance, with soft music from a live band enhancing the atmosphere. Braze and Nil were shown to a spacious booth, just as Braze had requested. Freshly baked cheesy bread was promptly brought to their table, its warm aroma mingling with the subtle scent of exotic spices wafting through the air. Once they were seated, Braze handed Nil one of the menus.

"There are other temples on different planets," Braze began, his tone thoughtful. "There are even temples on ships. There's one called The Saber on Corellia, and a new temple being refurbished on Veridia. There's also a temple on Hurikane and even one on Lothal. I'm hoping to be part of the efforts to retake Tython," Braze shared, his eyes gleaming with quiet determination.

Turning his attention to Nil, he asked curiously, "Do you have any friends or family, Nil?" He knew that traveling could be more difficult for those who had established lives and connections elsewhere.
As Nil exited the speeder, he listened attentively to Braze's answer. He was immediately interested in being surrounded by nature, especially since he'd never experienced it before. There were no fountains in the lower levels of Coruscant. There certainly weren't any gardens, either.

The upper levels had proven to be quite the departure from everything he knew. Even now, as he walked after Braze toward the restaurant, he felt completely out of his element. The air was so much more breathable that it was almost dizzying. He felt a bit of relief as they entered the establishment, though he was instantly conscious of how out of place he must've looked with his greasy hair and grimy clothes.

Fortunately, he couldn't dwell on it for long. The intoxicating aromas of freshly baked bread and piping hot food were more than enough to distract him. Nil sniffed the air as they walked to their booth, trying to ignore the incessant growling of his stomach. He accepted the menu from Braze with a quiet "thanks". His efforts to read it, however, were fruitless. The bread on the table kept drawing his eyes away from the words in front of him.

By the time Braze spoke up again, Nil's mouth was watering. He listened as closely as he could, promptly deciding that it would be for the best if he simply ate one piece of bread so he could properly maintain his focus. He grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth in one swift movement. His sharp teeth helped him make quick work of it, and he savored the heavenly flavor before swallowing the entire mouthful.

Was this heaven? Had he unknowingly met his demise in the pits of Coruscant? The only way to be sure was to try another piece of bread. He grabbed a second piece, chewing it feverishly before realizing that Braze had asked him a question. Nil swallowed his food and wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand.

"No," he answered shortly, reaching for more bread.

Though he hadn't known Braze long, Nil didn't think the boy had raised the sore subject to upset him. It was a perfectly fair question to ask. Here Nil was, all by himself in the big bad world. Anyone in their right mind would wonder why he didn't have anyone to watch his back. He couldn't blame Braze for being curious.

"Will they bring more of this?" Nil asked as he pointed at the remaining bread.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Nil Heska Nil Heska


"I'm sorry to hear that,"
Braze offered lightly upon hearing the response.

"Mnn... I can ask for extra if you really like them. Do you see anything on the menu you might like?" Braze asked. "If you need help, I can read the menu to you... my best friend wasn't always the best at reading. I took her to lunch on our first date. Every so often, we go out to a nice place to eat, and I get to see how much she's learned since last time," Braze said. As their waiter approached, he requested more bread, ordered sweetened iced tea for each of them, and asked for a lovely appetizer of stuffed cheesy mushrooms.

Braze was well acquainted with different kinds of people from all walks of life and had come to expect that certain individuals might struggle with things he often took for granted. He was trying to be reasonable about offering help without making anyone feel belittled or demeaned.

"I've never been to an arcade... I was thinking of taking her to one the next time we go out... would you like to go too?" Braze asked, thinking it might be a fun experience. Most of his time with the Jedi was dedicated to studying combat, and he didn't do much in the way of 'typical kid' relaxation. But since he'd been given mandatory off days where his master didn't want him training as usual, it left Braze with a lot of time and uncertainty about what to do with himself. Trying new things with friends did seem like a good use of his time, however.

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