Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sometimes Family Is Important

[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Lorna felt herself wanting to fall over and not move. She was kind of in that place where her body felt stiff all over but if she tried to move it was like jello all soft and gooey. She could hear her master talking and the woman offered her arm willing to help her up as she reached up and slowly started to get up. Blowing out the tension and pain into the air as she watched it look almost physical. "Thank you for the compliment master but I do not know how you do it.... I don't know how my family did it. Catch a saber blade, grab a blaster bolt I can do that like it is instinct but move a little box and I am ready to sleep for a week."
"Umm, interesting you say that you are good at catching a sabre blade and grabbing a blaster bolt. Can you please explain to me how you apply yourself in the Force to do that? I need to know because perhaps I can help you modify whatever technique that you are doing that with, to then do other things that currently you struggle with. Like telekinesis for example."

Jade helped Lorna up and put her arm fully around her to help her stay up. She could see that her padawan was fully exhausted, fatigued and was struggling to stand upright. They began walking slowly towards outside with Jade still keeping her arm around Lorna, conversing about Lorna's abilities.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Lorna was up and looked at her master as her hand went to her pocket and the small cube in her hand glowed blue as she was holding it and the marking on the side were ornate aurobesh. "Well I followed the lessons on here." Her holocron, her families holocron as she activated it and the gatekeeper of Corren appeared. The image acknowledging Lorna and showing where she had been with them talking about how to use the skill to cover the entire body and stand in the middle of an explosion to absorb the fire and energy to power an illusion of a fleet. "One of the things I got from my family aside from the crystal in my saber was this holocron. All the Halcyons through the generations have added to it."
Jade starred at the holocron that Lorna had just produced before speaking.

"Corran, that is Corran Horn. From the Halcyon blood line. You're bloodline. I have read much about him. Indeed he was able to create Force bubbles to protect against explosions. I remember one time reading when he did so during a mission while trying to get something to save his wife Mirax. Some stormtroopers commanded by some Moff were after him or something. An explosion occurred somewhere, he created a shield, he survived but all his clothes were disintegrated leaving him bare naked. I vaguely remember the story, but yeah, that is an awesome skill you have there Lorna. Perhaps we can modify it to help with your levitation of objects?"

Jade asked the question to her padawan, but in reality she had asked it to herself too. She didn't know how this could be achieved, but felt that it could be since the whole ability to be able to create a shield with the Force to protect from explosions was well, like with levitation, a manipulation of the Force itself.

"Since only you can unlock it, may I take a look at it while you hold it Lorna?"

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Looking at her master as she thought about it and yeah she had gotten to hear that story as she had the holocron and standing there she was thinking about it with a grin on her face. "Hahaha oh that story is in there and a few others." She said it with a grin. "The training he provided helped when my first master disappeared trying to find her friend so I have worked on it. The ability to absorb explosions and energy can be converted and channeled into the force abilities others can use easily but you need something to fuel your energies first." Which was the trick, she knew Selena had often just slashed with her saber and if need be absorbed then used the same technique back at them.
Jade had a quick look at the holocron and the information it contained regarding the art of channeling Force energy from explosions. She thought for a moment before handing the holocron back to her padawan.

"I have an idea. Let's go for a walk onto one of the larger balcony terraces."

Jade motioned Lorna to walk towards one of the temple's very opened terraces and the two walked towards that direction.

"This is what I am going to try with you Lorna. I am going to create a tiny explosion say five or so metres away from you. It will be just a small one so no temple parts will come raining down on us of course. The objective of the tiny explosion is to create ripples in the Force, the same ripples any explosion regardless of magnitude generally create. Then I am going to get you to concentrate on the same energy that you normally are able to channel, but get you to levitate a container that I will place say a metre in front of you in the air."

The two arrived at one of the temple's larger front view terraces and the two stopped momentarily to take in the splendid view of below and from a far.

"Personally I think Lorna that you will ace this exercise. I am doing this to evaluate what exactly works for you best and what doesn't. You have any questions before we begin?"

[member="Lorna Halcyon"].
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

I am going to teach you, by blowing things up in your face.... The padawan was nervous but at the same time well she had used the skill before to better effect for using abilities. She wasn't opposed to using what worked while she followed her master and was ready for anything with her attention and focus on the course ahead. Looking at the balcony and the crate she was supposed to lift a little ways away. "Alright I am ready for it." She moved and stood there feeling revitalized and pumped up for this while she slapped her hands together for a moment keeping her glove at the ready. She breathed in deeply for a moment to center herself and crouched bringing her hand out while the other was pulled in near her side.
"Okay great. You look ready, you feel confident because I believe in you Lorna. You can do it. Trust your feelings that you can and you will succeed."

Jade moved about five metres directly in front of where Lorna was standing and waiting. The small container had already been placed about a metre in front of her. Jade then placed a small explosive on the ground. It was more like dynamite, but not overly destructive in power. When ignited, it would only send an explosion around two meters in all directions from where the explosive lay. Perfectly safe for her padawan who stood five metres away. Jade herself then proceeded to walk around five or so metres away from the explosive in the opposite direction and pulled out a blaster.

"Okay don't ask yourself now why I'm carrying all these blasters and bombs, just maintain your focus on the objective Lorna."

Jade readied her blaster to fire at the dynamite like explosive on the ground.

"Ready? Here goes."

Jade then proceeded to fire her blaster at the small explosive. One shot and boom! Dead centre on the target. It sent out ripples of energy through the Force, just as Jade had wanted. Now she awaited on what her padawan would do next.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

'Don't question why I have all of these things.' She wanted to laugh was saw the explosion an was focused while she pulled at it. Slowly opening herself to the force and receiving it over trying to control it she could just channel it into her hand as the metal band glowed white above the blue on her skin. The absorbing technique shimmering like a cascade of fire when the explosion rippled across her palm and almost became like a whirlwind going in and she could feel it. That warm sensation of heat under her skin like scolding water that was there but didn't fully burn her skin while she pulled it through her arm into her chest letting it radiate throughout her core into her body before her other hand was pointed towards the box and she was focusing the force energy to it and wrap around the box. Gripping it with her fingers int he force before she lifted it and jerked it letting the energy from the explosion finish while the glove glowed with her skin blue but she had some red in her other hand focusing as it went a little higher up into the air.
Jade walked over to her padawan with a grin of satisfaction on her face.

"You did it, well done, well done."

Jade clapped her hands as she then patted Lorna on the shoulder.

"The blast is nothing more than energy. Energy of similar matter can be found on an engine exhaust, a sizzling laser bolt, even your lightsabre."

Jade looked up at her directly lifting an eyebrow as she said the last part.

"I wonder if you turn on your lightsabre and concentrate on the energy that it is emitting, if you can then use it in the same way you just did with that exploding bomb?"

Jade then put her hand under her chin thinking.

"Ummm, would you wanna try it? I think you have a good chance at succeeding padawan."

Jade then bent down and put the container where she had before during the previous exercise. She stepped back a metre or so and then would gesture for her padawan to ignite her lightsabre and concentrate on its energies like she did with the explosion previously, and once again attempt to lift the container.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Lorna looked at her master with a grin on her face while she was thinking about it with a small bit of amusement as she grabbed her saber. The gold hilt less for show and more the material while she was presenting it with the pyronium hilt that gleamed from the micro kyber crystals within it. "Well the jedi thought of that, the jedi artisans crafted this to gather and store energy I could draw on with the gemstone in there and the hilt itself. It might not be the strongest but the saber can take grounded lightning from a darksider and absorb it like a battery being charged. The I can absorb it or siphon energy from an explosion off in case it is needed later."
Jade carefully observed Lorna's sabre as she listened to what she had said.

"Okay then. With that energy that you're gathering from your lightsabre, focus on it as you just described, but then redirect it to the box on the ground. Lift it into the air and then hurl it directly at me."

Jade now would patiently wait for her padawan to follow through with the task at hand. She felt confident now that Lorna could pull it off. Jade was searching her padawan for her strong points and then work it from there. She now appeared to finally be getting close. Once discovered it would most certainly pave the way for her padawan to learn many new skills.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Lorna understood what her master wanted and she was looking focused and ready as she held the blade and ignited it THe force energy flowing through it as she looked over at the crate and the crystal from her family while it made the blade a deep rich amber before she was feeling the force energy from the power and blade channeling through the metal. To her arm and then to her chest while she was focusing with the force allowing it to flow out and wrap around the crate to lift it up. "Alright." She didn't know exactly how much of a charge there was in the crystals or the saber but she could work with it into a powerful and more useful telekinetic technique.
Jade was impressed at what she was seeing. Her padawan was making inroads. She lifted the crate with ease, unlike before when she had melded with her, had struggled. Now she could see just how her padawan was harnessing the Force. From this she could now teach her padawan how to manipulate it to best use and to do many things with it.

"Great work Lorna, that's impressive. Now that you have the crate in the air, using the same energy, concentrate on redirecting it to where I am standing and hurl the crate at me at full power. Don't worry about actually hitting me, I will stop it with my lightsabre."

Jade quickly finished off as she ignited her own lightsabre to ready herself.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Looking at her with herself ready while she breathed in deeply the scent of the force and the force. She was prepared for more things before listening to her master about throwing the crate at her. That had Lorna semi worried but she wasn't going to question her masters ability to dodge and protect herself. She focused for a moment drawing the force energy into herself before she was letting the telekinetic energy launch it at her master with as much force as she could get it going. "Alright now here it comes." She flung it while letting her saber deactivate and the energy going to guide it and accelerate it towards her master.
As Jade had instructed her padawan, her padawan did. The crate came hurling at her and at accelerating speed. Jade of course was prepared for this as afterall she had been the one to instruct Lorna to do it in the first place. Stopping the crate with her own lightsabre was obviously not going to be a problem for Jade. She swung at it and it broke instantly into several small fragments. A few hit Jade on the back of the neck in the process as well as some dust fragments from the crate getting onto her clothes, but it didn't bother her one bit. She then deactivated her own lightsabre as she dusted the small fragments off her clothes with her hands and walked up to her padawan.

"Well done Lorna, well done. You passed that with flying colours. Now I know exactly how you work or do to harness the Force. Now we'll move on to the next level before calling it quits for the day."

Jade then pulled out a drone droid and set it to the lowest level before releasing it. The droid would hover in the air waiting for Jade's command to begin.

"Lorna, using the same technique as with the crate, concentrate on the energy of your sabre's blade and use it to deflect the bolts from the drone. For now you just need to deflect them anywhere. Sounds too easy right? Wrong?"

Jade would then pull out a blind fold as well as using the Force to pull the largest remaining fragment of the crate she had just destroyed, and then placed it about half a metre in front of Lorna's feet.

"Take this, you will do it blind folded. Concentrate on the energy of the source of the drone's blaster bolts and it will guide you to where the drone is. Oh and using the previous technique I want you to simultaneously lift that crate fragment and hurl it at the droid, hit it and disable it."

Jade put her hand on her padawan's shoulder and smiled.

"You can do it Lorna, I have full confidence in you. Are you ready?"

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Lorna watched her master with awe as she felt the force energies and awarenss of the way she moved. Allowing herself a moment of slack jawed wonder before she was going over the movements in her mind to some enjoyable music and highlight reel. She listened hearing her master say she had done good and would be doing the next stage. Something easier sounding but deflecting shots when you could see them was hard enough.... deflecting them blindfolded wasn't impossible but it was harder and the force was what you relied on more and more. A place she was solely lacking before getting the blindfold and checking her hair with a small grin on her face and moving to her own vibration of energy as she closed her eyes and put the blindfold on. Activating her saber while she held it and prepared for the shots.
Once Lorna had placed her blindfold on, it meant she was ready. Jade took a few strides back to make sure she would be well out of the way before giving the command to the droid drone to begin.

"Remember to disable it by lifting and hurling the crate fragment at it. With all the added energy blasts coming at you, plus the energy of your own sabre, that part should be easy now. Just don't actually get it by the incoming bolts that you will deflect anywhere."

Jade paused to make sure Lorna was ready in which she was.

"Okay here goes, droid initiate program level 1."

Just as quickly as the words came out of Jade's mouth, the drone began moving around in all directions circling Lorna, and slowly began firing at her with it's blaster bolts which were set to stun of course, and coming at her at high velocity.

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]
[member="Cynna Jade Sunrider"]

Okay she could do this as the sound came, the whirring sound of the droid while the repulsors let it fly. Her k\own saber humming and in her hand as she focused on the force clearing her mind. The tingling sensation of blue fire on her skin before she was moving her blade up. The hilts end a couple inches from her mid section, the slow humming of it while Lorna was feeding from the blade when she allowed the movements to come, a first shot sizzling the air near her cheek while she scented the mild ozone before she caught another with her blade. The blaster shot dissipating into it while Lorna was channeling the gemstone as she was wrapping the blade to absorb the energy and direct it into herself. First once, then twice and her movements with the force were getting faster as she could expand those senses out to the fragments of the crate pulling at them into the air.
"Very good Lorna, very good. You are doing well so far. Don't lose your concentration."

Jade would call out to her padawan as she first dodged a shot from the drone and then deflected laser bolts from it in all directions. In fact one came straight at Jade by mistake, sending Jade ducking for cover. Of course she wouldn't be annoyed about it, after all she was the one who had told her padawan to deflect the laser bolts in any direction. As Jade quickly got up, she saw that Lorna had lifted the crate fragment into the air while still deflecting laser fire from all directions.

"Oh that's excellent Lorna, really I'm impressed!"

Jade would comment to further encourage her student.

"Now end this exercise by hurling that fragment into the drone and disable it."

[member="Lorna Halcyon"]

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