Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Sons of the Empire

tag: Adera Vellas Adera Vellas Kanollic II Vethres Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Sabe Aner Aschwin Vethres


Bastion curiosity peaked up even more as the lovely lady introduced herself. What had started off as naughty flirting was now becoming an opportunity. A pretty lady in a pretty dress was a nice distraction, but an Imperial Knight with ties to another Moff was far more interesting and potentially more advantageous, not to mention considerably more fun.

There was a risk of course that in this game of sabaac that Bastion was betting on he could lose the hand, but the potential reward far outweighed the risk. A wiser more cautious man might heed the information as a warning to stay clear, but Bastion liked playing the game, because he was good at it.

"Speaking of people it's good to meet" Bastion played off Sabe Aner word "It's always good to meet other heroes of the Empire particularly at nights and ceremonies such as this. An Imperial Knight no less"

"Alas Sir Knight, I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the Red Devils"
Bastion admitted with curiosity "Moff Velran Kilran, of course I know of in passing. Us Moff's tend to keep an eye out on and for each other."

"Hence we tend to start gathering together in quiet corners at parties"
Moff Bastion joked with a slight chuckle. "Habits from studying too hard at the academy"

"I find it hard to believe a beautiful lady such yourself would be hard to forget"
Marcus stated somewhat wryly "I for one am not likely to forget someone so enchanting anytime soon."

Marcus had to admit to himself he was laying it on a little thick. It then occurred to him that he might be just a little drunk.

"Perhaps I have had a little too much of the pleasures of Zeltron. I had a glass of your homeworlds finest this evening. I tend to enjoy myself on the rare occasions I'm allowed to."

Marcus was brought back from the delightful distraction of flirting badly by the ceremony.
"Excuse me, Moffs. The event is starting and we best take our places."

"Excuse me, I must follow my father."

"Indeed. Speaking of the rigors of the Imperial machine. We had best follow the dutiful members of House Vethres example and take our place"

Moff Bastion took his place along side the other Moffs Kanollic II Vethres Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis and Adera Vellas Adera Vellas . Truthfully he was glad of the excuse to break off conversation so he could get his bearings.

"Next time warn me before I start making a fool of myself" Marcus muttered to Adera Vellas Adera Vellas quietly
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"Mhmm." She replied rather unenthusiastically to Kav's enquiry. She supposed there was no such thing as off-duty in her line of work but it didn't make it any less frustrating that she had been roped in as the first responder at an event where she was little more prepared than the next person. Didn't any of the fools gawking at the attacked learn basic first aid?

"Thanks." She replied as she took the cloth from him and used it to wipe off what blood she could, though there was only so much she could do. "At least we have black uniforms." She told Kav with a wry smile before looking down to assess the damage but as expected it was hardly visible on the dark uniform. "Let me know if you ever need blood getting out of clothes. I might know a thing or two." She finished cleaning off what she could and dropped the bloody rag back onto the bar which the bartender tentatively picked up, pinched between two fingers.

"We should probably..."
She trailed off as her gaze sought other members of their squad. Her gaze firstly settling on Leto whom she beckoned over with her hand.

Sabe Aner



Location: Fortress Imperator | Ravelin | Bastion
Tags: Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis | Adera Vellas Adera Vellas | Kanollic II Vethres | Aschwin Vethres


Sabe could sense the distrust from House Vethres, both father and son. That neither surprised nor insulted her. She shouldn’t be trusted. None of the Moffs she had just met should be trusted either. That was the nature of the political scene of the Empire. The only thing all people present could be trusted in was to do what was best for the Empire, in a way that would be best for themselves.

Moff Bastion was looking for a hook up, but now that Sabe had given her name and purpose he was interested in more than just the curves of her body. That was a common response to Sabe’s chance meetings. Of course those were few and far between, most of her meetings were quite purposeful, and underhanded. Thus the validity of the others not trusting her either.

“I’m not one for formalities Moff Bastion. Please call me Sabe.” The Zeltron Knight responded before starting to talk of her military involvement. “The Red Devils are a relatively new squadron. Currently consisting of a dozen AT-ATx walkers. The official commander is Captain Ringbey,” Sabe explained. “An Imperial Knight can’t be expected to drop what they are doing to oversee every mission so I chose a decorated Captain to lead in my stead when necessary. We were on Ilum, had a little mishap with one of the walker commanders and lost one. That situation has since been remedied.”

“Velran is a bit of an eccentric,”
Sabe said with a smirk. “It keeps me on my toes. I like that. Uses my talents and lets me keep my many different interests going. He will make a mark on the galaxy though one way or another.”

Sabe feigned a demure shyness when Bastion stated he would have a hard time forgetting her. If he gave her a reason to hang around him for a while she’d probably make that a complete impossibility. “Intoxicants are the least of the pleasures of Zeltron origin,” Sabe responded with a wink to the comment leading her to believe the Moff had one too many. She doubted any of the Moffs would actually let that happen. But maybe this party was more of a chance to relax than Sabe initially thought. “I try to enjoy myself on all occasions. Perhaps you should stick with me for a bit.”

The Moffs went off to their own spots to listen to the Lord-Regent. Sabe gave a bit of a chuckle and after allowing the Moffs a bit of space she followed and took hey own spot a couple meters away, wishing to make that connection again once the party resumed.

Enzo Demici

TAGS: Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Cosimo Demici | Contessina Demici | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Antonio Borgias

A laugh escaped Enzo at his uncle's remark. "Only on weekends, uncle, nothing too serious." He joked as he gave his stomach a tap. The thought about food had him getting hungry all of a sudden. Though he didn't have much time to react as a slap had him lurching forward with a wince. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't hear that, Cossy." He gave his older brother a smug grin as he rubbed the back of his head.

Contessina spoke up, causing his smug grin to grow further. "Still more brains than my older brother has." He flashed a wink as his shit-eating grin stayed right where it was. Things only got better for the younger Demici to continue pestering his brother when Uncle Pietro wrapped an arm around them both. "Never better, Uncle Antonio! Fleet command's cleared me to lead my own fleet finally." He spoke up from beneath Pietro's arm. He used the opportunity to give Cosimo's ear a light flick from behind... though the pleasantries went out the window as a blaster shot ripped through the air.

Enzo immediately moved in front of his uncle as he reached for where his pistol would usually be on his hip, only to remember that he didn't carry it to venues like this.

He glanced at his uncle as the nearest troopers rushed to deal with the situation, allowing Enzo a few more moments with his family. His gaze followed the Mirialan passing Raina for a moment with an impressed look. "Say, Raina... what's the policy for Knights around dating?" He muttered as he leaned in a little towards her.

'All attending personnel - FORM UP!!!!'

Enzo blinked as he glanced over to the Lord-Regent. "You think he means navy too or just ground forces?" He joked before giving his family a salute and marching off, falling in line with the rest of the personnel.


Katja Javik Katja Javik | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin | Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar

It was a good change of pace from what he'd seen of her usual behavior. Though of course it wasn't as if he depicted much different. In New Alderaan, they were down range, in combat. It only made sense that they'd be so cold and calculated- given the weight of their profession of arms- anything less could get those they went through the breach with killed.

Here? The weight of burden and obligation was gone and they could be more at ease, more...human. For Kriegan, those layers of academy training and regimentation shed off if only for a brief moment of time and the worries of whether or not he'd return from his next mission more than likely taking place on some decrepit, war torn hellscape against an enemy with a far greater sum of power than his own unit could conjure fell along with it. They would endure, of course. But the cost would bare a great toll on their bodies and minds in the process. While he was young, healthy, in one piece, he had to enjoy this moment.

It made him crack a warm smile to see Siyndacha was enjoying it all the same. To see a more genuine, warm and welcoming side to a woman who'd otherwise only shown that characteristic Echani lethality. A trait that was, attractive in its own right, even if the change in setting did her just as well.

She breathed out and looked at Kriegan again, with an easy smile that reached her eyes. “Unfortunately few and far between,” she replied, “I suspect,” she folded her arms loosely, one elbow cupped, the other held, “but that makes them brighter,” her brow lofted, faintly, “fonder.”

"I'm glad you've decided to come as well, I quite like this side of you. So long as we both stay in good company, I certainly see the night only getting better." He asked, lofting a brow in mirror to hers with a warm smile before soon enough his attention is drawn to another disruption. He furrowed his brow as he turned to face the direction of the voice, only for his eyes to widen and his expression to brighten once more once he traced its familiarity. Corvallis.

"Second Lieutenant Tavlar,"

Not long after, Kriegan reached a hand out to clasp his brother's before pulling him into an embrace with his other arm, smacking his hand against his back with a tight pull as he offered up a faint laugh. Were it not for his profession of arms as a soldier, he probably wouldn't have approached with such jovialness. But straddling the line of mortality and death so often made him innately more grateful for those in

"Well if it isn't Knight Tavlar. Good to see you brother, been a while hasn't it?" He asks before motioning a hand to Siyndacha.

"This is Knight Errant Siyndacha Aerin- the cold blooded Echani beauty recently assigned to my unit in the 501st.. I can only assume the two of you had run into one another before as Knights, yes?" He says, offering a warm smile the way of Siyndacha in a faint tease before looking the way of Corvallis, arching a brow to accompany his inquiry.

"I'd meant to reach out to you after I commissioned but, there's hardly been a break in the action, until tonight that is. Last I heard you were doing quite well for yourself on the field. Probably could've used you on New Alderaan or Ilum." He remarks with a smile.

"Regardless- good to see you. Had no doubt you'd be doing just fine. Should see if they'd embed you with the 501st in one of these upcoming ops. Not sure what the Alliance would do if we shared the battlefield." He adds. While the majority of their adolescence had seen them split apart making forward progress down their respective training pipelines, they were able to keep a bridge of contact and visits well enough to gauge one another's development.
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Jorus Fel




Tish Cowen Tish Cowen
"Never thought someone of your standing to be a coward. What a shame."

He scoffed and without a word grabbed her by the hand and pulled her with him towards the forefront of the ceremony where the stormtroopers were forming up. Bold or foolish; an act like this towards an Imperial Knight could just as easily leave you hanging, literally.... with one hand less.

"C'mon, Lady, don't think court gossip's your favorite pastime." he was bluffing -- maybe it was, but he was already gambling; might as well keep rolling the dice. Jorus threw a smirk back at her as they shuffled through the crowd, "Right?"​
2nd post

'Greetings, Lucien.... Will talk with you soon, but first - speech for all, then you an' I handle our separate wheelhouses simultaneously.'

As all their subordinates were forming up, Lord Erskine had finally noted the presence of King Lucien, standing next to his hoverchair at the speakers' podium, and a welcome presence it was, as the image and impression of strength-under-fire was needed more than ever before. Matters had changed greatly for the Empire since the untimely passing of the realm's previous leader, but in light of all that was changing around them, no changes would be entertained in the quiet agreements made between Barran and Dooku on the night of the former's ascension.

'As for other matters - our quiet accord still holds, my young friend.... Let us begin.'

With attention diverted back to the audience and the drill-square formation before them, the Lord-Regent's eyes then scanned the room from left to right, stifling sneers he was never known for expressing as he leaned towards the microphone and orated,'Greetings, Imperials.... Glad you're all settled down, nothing stopping the mayhem when we're done here though, by all means - but our defiant Empire takes dedicated precedence first an' foremost.', making eye-contact with the front of the three-ranks-deep formation of soldiers, airmen and Imperial Knights of every sort. Watching for every collective's reaction as they stood in all their separate segments in the line, Lord Erskine continued,'And as people are so quick to forget, that same dedication was needed to attain the sort of defiance that forged our Empire in the first place!', lifting his posture from within the hoverchair to lift his face even farther above the microphone.

'Our efforts were dedicated almost twenty years ago, were they not? Dedicated as one in our revolt against the Sith Empire and all who decreed against us, toppling giants as we went.... An' for as long as we persist, I guarantee that each and every salvo we send declares the realm: ETERNALLY DEFIANT!!!!'

Turning to the Serennoan, the Woad flashed a knowing smirk before nodding with a simple, muttered,'Its time, eye-level for the next bit. You handle the Imperial-Knights, I'll handle the conventional elements. Free to do whatever you want when you order them to fall out though.... Good luck.', floating down to the soldiers and fleet-staffers below as soon as his well wishes were imparted. But as the Lord-Regent drew down to an eye-to-eye level, he finally noticed who'd been shot before, and though the urge to laugh was clear and present on account of the friendly-fire matter bearing twisted karmic fruit, another assassination attempt at such high rung in the Imperial ladder displeased the old Woad greatly.

Grievances though I no doubt hold towards this one, the fates of Imperials were never for our enemies to decide.

Just more wood for the fire that is our Casus Belli.

Korvan, and unlike other Moffs of his standing, was being brought back to his feet and passing a message to one of the aides who were helping at the time, and by the time Moff Ignacious was dusting soot and smoke residues from his coat, the one whose ear was whispered into was already marching towards the Lord-Regent and his tigress with a message for the old Woad in particular. Fortunately for the staffer, Misha could read no hostility in the officer's posture as he approach, and when he leaned in to whisper,'Abeodan Charidot.... Admiralty, unexpected bravery. Korvan suggests these, both.... Thats all, Lord-Regent.', in Barran's ear before pivoting to return to his duties. It was in this quick rundown that got Lord Erskine thinking about what might have transpired in his absence, and in the curiosity alone, the Lord-Regent couldn't help but think on the courage of the fleeting caste, and for the first time in decades.

But time was wasting away, and the old Woad hated that, and especially so with such a vast array of proud soldiers formed up in their best attire standing before him.

'Some of you ponder the meaning of your presence in parade-formation here, so I'll keep it simple by saying that some among you will carry entirely new ranks before the ceremony is done! But before I get on with the promotions, I believe it pertinent to bestow impromptu awards on a particularly brave individual first.'


'On account of his bravery in the wake of an assassination-attempt on a prominent Grand Moff of the Empire, and for going above and beyond with absolute conviction, and for the sole sake of his comrade's life alone, I award Abedoan Charidot, Imperial Admiral, both with the Naval Cross and the Iron Sun for his valour here today.... A valour of which we all know should be met with appropriate honours as our wars progress.... Step out, Charidot!'

Then with a cheeky, smirking glance to Korvan, Lord Erskine tilted his head as if to order Lord Ignacious to follow suit, despite the fact he had only just been shot minutes before; though much to the old Woad's surprise, his political subordinate would proudly march out in rhythmic timing just a few paces behind the Admiral who was likely in a very similar physical predicament, making their dismissals to the infirmary all the more ethically quick in the process. Barran hated hospitals, and sending any Imperial to the infirmary felt like cruelty, but the Lord-Regent understood that further treatments awaited the two admirals, and these treatments in particular would no doubt get both Korvan and Charidot back to their best form. But first, the matter of killing two birds with one stone was there to be capitalised, and as the two officers formed up in front of his hoverchair, the true ceremony could begin.

People were to be promoted, and the clock was ticking.

Handing over the medals to Abedoan, then the new rank-strip surreptitiously to Ignacious, Erskine looked into the eyes of the new additions to the wounded-politicians club, and saw exactly what he would hope to see in the eyes of Imperial survivors of his own ilk - the sort the Empire needed for the next phase of the war.

'For you, an' for you.... Its alright, lads. We'll get you off to the Infirmary soon. Just need to get past this part, then you're good to go for medical assistance from the moment you're ordered to fall out. Keep your chins up an' I'll do the rest.'

Already shaping up to be the most violent so far.

'Look to your left, my young friend.... For the life you endeavoured to save was that of your new Commanding Officer! Congratulations are in order for both of you - thus commencing our promotion ceremony in the most unexpected way imaginable.'


'Congratulations, Korvan! You're a Grand Admiral now - hand over that obsolete rank-strip!'

After letting the congratulatory applause sink in for the two Naval officers, and for more than a few moments at that, Lord Erskine eventually saw that the honours, the praise and the likes had been more than enough, seeing easily for himself that Lords Ignacious and Abedoan were just eager to stop over-exerting themselves. Thinking on the Hell that would be his muscle-rehabilitation in the following months, Barran understood this need almost too acutely as he finally muttered,'Alright lads, here we go.... Lets get you a proper triage, shall we?', with last cursory nods of respect before straightening his posture as well as he could for the next part.

'Marked officers will move to the right, in file.... Faaaall OUT!!!!'

The old Woad would respectfully keep the ceremony on hold until both admirals were clear of the three-rank formation, calmly thinking on all the doctors would put them through on their paths to recovery, calmly thinking on his own before the ceremony itself took precedence once more.

'Brave men they are, of this I haven't a doubt in my mind. I value such traits highly, this is known to all in attendance.... An' that same kind of bravery is known on a stalwart, commoner's level, the same heart with which my good friend fights on with, time and time again, proving his worth to warriors in every walk of Imperial life in the process. A rarity, and in every conceivable aspect.... Nines, step out!'

'And on the merit of his constant, loyal efforts as an Imperial Stormtrooper, and as an exemplary Lieutenant-Legion Commander at that, and for all you have given in honour of our Eternal Defiance.... I dub thee - Nines, Baron of the Empire!'

As they shook hands, Lord Erskine couldn't help but think back to Victory Day against the Sith Empire, drinking together with Tyrell Lockhart in the Great Imperial Library, enjoying whiskeys from Faslane and Dunwall and shooing off every attendant and librarian who opened the door to their reading room. These were good days in their service to the very idea of Galactic Imperium, but not many remained from the Third Imperial Civil War to tell of these days, and there were no doubts or denials from Erskine and Nines that they both lived with their constant, daily reminders of this fact, a sad revelation in war that would vexx them until the last gasp.

'Congratulations, my friend.... We've come a long way, an' it gladdens me to see you progressing with the other prominent IMPAF-officers. So I bid you a warm welcome to the heights of nobility - you've made us better in the higher-rungs of society as a result. I mean this sincerely, Nines. You belong, the ones who favoured you from the offset clearly agree.... I am quite sure we can discuss the teething pains of aristocracy later though, so ready up to fall out.'

Brutalities like these always found their ways to invade the mind, and with all the vanishing faces piling up to add to their burdens, but the Woad, much like the friend who stood proudly before him, was much too strong-willed and stubborn to let such things affect him for too long.

'Marked officer will move to the right, in file.... Faaaall OUT!!!!'

Afforded the same respects as the Naval officers before him, FN-999 (likely in search of a real name beyond that point) would remain uninterrupted as his marching paces to a real, human identity were enacted proudly in clear sight of everyone. A thunderous applause had met Nines' marching exit, and like the cheering and clapping were the very cadence of the Lieutenant-Legion Commander's ascension, it was quite easy for Barran to sit back and appreciate without cutting off the newly Baron of the Empire's spotlight, his friend had earned it tenfold in the years since they first fought the Sith Empire together. Any defender from the Second Battle of Bastion, especially as a first major engagement like it was for the Free-State in it's infancy, deserved to rise as Lord Erskine had, and the old Woad made sure to reflect that in the extended pause to watch his departure from the parade-formation.

'And now.... Last but not least - of all the brave soldiers and commissioned staffers serving within the IMPAF umbrella, I will be calling out seven names in particular for promotion! An' all seven names will receive promotions on the spot, so when I call out your name, your obsolete rank-strips will be removed before you step out beyond the front rank!'

Pocketing Korvan's former rank, all the others would be laid out in the hoverchair as the Lord-Regent's eyes scanned across the main bulk of the conventional elements formed up before him, muttering,'Alright, last stretch.... Here we go.', to himself as he straightened his posture for the last time that day. Barran's arms, shoulders and back-muscles were all starting to burn a little, and though he had will enough to keep going for hours yet, there was a telling sign in the fatigue of how far along his recovery was going, made worse by a slight sickly feeling in his stomach - an occasional after-effect of inducing high painkiller dosages in the attempt to regain coherence and functionality.

'First on the list, representing Galidraan - Brigadier-Generals Tarring and Gowrie. And from SCAR Squadron, Master-Sergeant Vaiken along with Sergeants Liaeris and Stevens. We'll also have Sergeant Dakari of the Imperial Police Force and lastly, of the 313th Legion, Corporal Mannarra.... ALL NAMES MENTIONED, TAKE THREE PACES BEYOND THE FRONT RANK!!!!'

Just enough to fulfil his duty as Lord-Regent of the Empire.

'After years of devoted frontline service, Lords Aron Gowrie and Bex Tarring both arrived here today as Brigadier-Generals, a strategist duo like no other; but from this day henceforth, both scions of the Free-State will serve the Empire as Major-Generals, as befits the divisions they lead.... Congratulations, lads.'

'And now for Hal Vaiken, the ever-decisive leader of SCAR Squadron, has served with a hero's distinction as a Master-Sergeant until now. Earning himself the well-deserved rank of Commander for exemplary service as SCAR's squad leader.... Looking forward to seeing you here again, Vaiken! I know an officer in-the-making when I see one!'

'Blessed are the NCOs today, ringing especially true for Margo Liaeris and Lily Stevens in particular.... But now, both enjoy the same rank their Commander just vacated moments ago. Making this an auspicious day both for SCAR Squadron and for the Empire alike, for merit such as this is hard to find in this day and age - always has been!'

'The same can also be said for one Orik Dakari, though on one particular matter, I was too unconscious to notice his efforts to keep me safe in my hour of need.... But I have learned much and more of our Sergeant since, becoming increasingly deserving of the promotion to Master-Sergeant as I learned more, solidifying his promotion with each and every act of valour I saw noted in his file. Congratulations, Dakari!'

'And now, for the last promotion today, I present a Sabretooth tank-operator who acquitted himself admirably on Ilum.... And though his commander watches on in civilian clothing, I can still see the pride for Corporal Hall Mannarra there. For no longer is the young man a Corporal, this Sabretooth-Trooper is now a Sergeant, rising through the ranks as he ought to!'

The old Woad's duties had been fulfilled for the day, at least for the most part, as all that remained was the formation's drill-dismissal order, letting them off to their drunken gathering once and for all. But Lord Erskine couldn't help but glance at all his subordinates some more, resigned to looking on a gathering of heroes as his eyes scanned from left to right, and in his best hopes for all of them, pondering on whether most would survive to receive such honours again in the following years. Barran could only hope that his hopes weren't misplaced along the way, knowing that hubris would only bite him more harshly this time around, knowing exactly what became of IMPAF's best and brightest before them.

'Alright, let us draw this ceremony to it's natural conclusion, shall we?.... NAVAL CADRE, IMPAF CADRE - WILL MOVE TO THE RIGHT, IN THREES - FAAAAAALL OUT!!!!'
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"Yes, thank you! I am number one!"

Admiral Velran or his brand-new title: Moff Kilran strolled through the party bragging to anyone who would listen to his sheer genius. "Thank you very much! I'm the one who dominated the Galactic Alliance in the battle of New Alderaan! It was through my superior tactical brilliance that utterly annihilated those Alliance hypocrites that rewarded me with this title!"

Velran took a sip of Wine trying to force a genuine smile but couldn't resist cackling at his success. Why should Velran be humble over getting a citation and a Moff title over the ruins of New Alderaan. OF COURSE, he deserved them for his service to the Empire, it was pretty funny seeing the Galactic Alliance's ships being thoroughly dominated by the might of the Empire. They were woefully overmatched too busy being occupied by the Brotherhood of the Maw.

"A toast to myself and the other people who helped!" Velran declared raising his glass. "To a planet under a new jurisdiction and glory to the Empire!"

Zorah Fel Zorah Fel , Varon Jahordel Varon Jahordel , Sabe Aner, Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575'


The Order of Imperial Knights
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin | Katja Javik Katja Javik | OPEN
Corvallis reciprocated the one-arm embrace, though the mirrored gesture lacked the same effervescence his brother exhibited so easily. His genuineness, though almost lost by his seemingly forbidding rigidity, was instead inflected only by willingness, and the small, boyish chuckle his brother's initiative provoked. As the embrace parted, Corvallis retained a grip on his brother's shoulder for a moment, subjecting him to a reflective lookover before they separated entirely.

"Well if it isn't Knight Tavlar. Good to see you brother, been a while hasn't it?"

"That it has," Corvallis affirmed. "Too long, I'd say. I am pleased to see that after all this time, the corps hasn't yet managed to whip you into total obdurance." A harmless smile accompanied the sardonicism in his observation. As fond as his memories were of their father, he dreaded the same immutable austerity to grow into himself or his brother. In fact, Kriegan seemed perhaps even more good-humored than Corvallis would have expected.

A spark of recognition took the young Tavlar's face as the other introduced the Knight beside him. A gentle, respectful half-bow was offered unto the Echani. "Of course," he confirmed Kriegan's assumption. "A few times in passing, but never a real introduction until now." Siyndacha was offered a welcoming smile, uncannily analogous to the Kriegans, though lacking a certain inappreciable undertone present in the former. "A pleasure to finally be properly acquainted, Knight Errant Aerin."

"I'd meant to reach out to you after I commissioned but, there's hardly been a break in the action, until tonight that is. Last I heard you were doing quite well for yourself on the field. Probably could've used you on New Alderaan or Ilum."

"I had similar intentions, but the late Imperator Fel's tutelage didn't beget much free time. I wished to lend my presence to both conflicts, but Fel's posthumously curated regimen kept me tied down longer than I expected. I haven't had the privilege of choice when it comes to assignments."

"Regardless- good to see you. Had no doubt you'd be doing just fine. Should see if they'd embed you with the 501st in one of these upcoming ops. Not sure what the Alliance would do if we shared the battlefield."

"And you as well, truly. I'd be lying if I said I didn't occasionally doubt or fret for your well-being. That's not to say that I lack confidence in you, though. I suppose I must have inherited Mom's fatalism." Corvallis shrugged, then segued away from the subject of linage. "That privilege I mentioned lacking earlier is one I'm to be granted soon. Embedment with the 501st will be my top request. We'll give 'em hell like they haven't seen since Yinchorr."
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Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Zorah Fel Zorah Fel Sabe Aner Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575'

Varon hadn't considered join the Empire, having never quite seen eye to eye with them. Only because the Sith had been cast aside did his mind change, and now he had arrived with hope for a new age of order, ushered in by a force now absent of the Sith's grasp. It was not their brutality that put him off, he didn't deny that some situations required a cruel hand for the greater good. It was their limited views, and overbalance on hatred and fear, two chaotic forces they believed enabled their stable rule. On the contrary, it was anything but. He did not despise them enough to join in the battles that saw them overthrown, but he was still elated to see them gone.

Varon was no Jedi though, and considered them to be as foolish as the Sith. Only a fool deals in absolutes, and the ego and hubris of the Jedi blinded them to the notion that they too, were among them. Each cast their own blame upon the other and spoke of the benefits their way carried, and the glory that might be were it to be implemented without obstruction. Were all force users Jedi, they'd still find something to fight about. Instead of Sith fighting Jedi, there would be these Jedi fighting those Jedi – Likely over some principle that had never helped any nor meant anything to anyone but themselves.

Truly, Varon was pragmatic. And he sensed the Empire might share that pragmatism. They had already been successful in throwing off the shackles of the Sith, and there was a galaxy in need of their order. Varon brought both high hopes and cautious reservations with him in pursuing a position as an Imperial Knight. He was not about to put blind faith into anything, but an organization that could establish order warranted investigation. Were things as he hoped, it further warranted investment. Stable rule was best for all who would accept it, were the Empire able to forge order to bring it.

"Honour upon those victorious in conquest, and glory to the Empire!" Varon raised his glass and bellowed out his toast with an energetic tone, spurred by the hopes he carried. The words were true, and the compliments genuine. A force that could fight off the Sith could accomplish so much more, and Varon truly shared the same aspirations held by all.

To bring order that would bless every world taken, and spread the rule through conquest and acquiescence. The Empire had a useful role to play in doing so, and Varon was hopeful they'd fulfill the part. Hope from him was not easily earned, yet the Empire truly had.
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Location: Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Tag: Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Kanollic II Vethres Aschwin Vethres Sabe Aner

Adera gave a curt nod. Bit of an unusual time for making friends, but the Empire was unusual in many respects. Bastion- the Moff, that is- was clearly... drawn to the zeltron. Tsk, and here she'd hoped he'd be a little more careful of where he stepped.
“And you too Knight Vethres. I have heard all of your names in my service of the Empire, so as I said it is pleasant to meet you.”

Moff Bastion led her into introducing herself. “Sabe Anser. Imperial Knight. Unofficial Commander of the Red Devils, heavy armored squadron. Even less official aid to Moff Velran Kilran of New Alderaan. I like to refer to myself as a hot pink shadow. Everyone seems to notice me, but by the time I have left no one really knows why I was there.”

She gave a fake ditzy giggle before continuing. “At least that’s when I’m on a professional mission. When I’m in attendance at a gala I’m just here to enjoy a little break from the rigors of helping the Imperial wheels turning. And honor some of my worthy men.”
Adera could not help but smirk at the comment, and Bastion's reaction. Well, at least someone was having fun here today. She focussed instead of the name: Moff Kilran. An unusual Moff, even by Moff standards of the New Imperial Order. She'd have to keep her ear to the sky for more information on he and his posse.

"Excuse me, Moffs. The event is starting and we best take our places." Kanollic II said moving away from them to take his spot within the crowd. Anything to get away from her at this moment in time.

"Excuse me, I must follow my father." Aschwin said with a slight bow before turning around and marching towards his father to join him.
Adera followed suit, taking her place and listening in to the ceremony as it began.

Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Sons of the Empire
908th Legion, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon
Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Objective: Receive promotion
Equipment: nice uniform
Tags: FN-999 Katja Javik Katja Javik Leto Karazyn Kav Canthar Lily Stevens Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris Zorah Fel Zorah Fel Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh Aschwin Vethres Castor E-196 Castor E-196

With the perimeter finally secured, Orik joined the formed-up soldiers at attention, suddenly very aware of the many eyes on him and the others. The ceremony began, and he watched the luminaries receive their accolades. Korvan, Charidot, Nines.

'And now.... Last but not least - of all the brave soldiers and commissioned staffers serving within the IMPAF umbrella, I will be calling out seven names in particular for promotion! An' all seven names will receive promotions on the spot, so when I call out your name, your obsolete rank-strips will be removed before you step out beyond the front rank!'

'The same can also be said for one Orik Dakari, though on one particular matter, I was too unconscious to notice his efforts to keep me safe in my hour of need.... But I have learned much and more of our Sergeant since, becoming increasingly deserving of the promotion to Master-Sergeant as I learned more, solidifying his promotion with each and every act of valour I saw noted in his file. Congratulations, Dakari!'
An attendant removed Orik's stripes with practiced ease, timed perfectly so that when she stepped out of the way, the Lord-Regent's last syllable echoed through the hall. Orik stepped forward to receive his new rank.

The Regent's words echoed in his ears. Many acts of valour... he could not consider it his sole glory, remembering all he and his men had lost. But nonetheless, for a moment, the Military Policeman let himself feel a measure of pride and glory for a moment.

Katja leaned over the bar and spoke briefly to the bartender who produced three shot glasses which he filled with a bright blue coloured liquid and once Leto joined them, because he had no other friends so there was realistically nowhere else for him to go, then she forcefully handed him one of the glasses and offered another to Kav.

She picked up her own shot and glanced between her allies with an absent-minded smile. "I love you guys." She told them before downing her drink and wrapping an arm around the waist of each to try and bring them closer into a hug.

The minor transgressions of Leto's tactless comments earlier were all but forgotten after a few drinks, at least temporarily absolving him of any wrongdoing, but she remembered his words and in doing so, her gaze fell back on Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar and the company he was with which seemingly included a third person now. In an effort to decipher his identity, she didn't realise that she was staring until she caught herself a few moments later.

Kelinna Tryn



SCAR CLOCKING IN: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Kav Canthar | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Leto Karazyn | Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Castor E-196 Castor E-196




Things happened quickly.

One moment she was helping to save lives and the next she found herself formed up next to Stalker, facing the Lord-Regent as he dished out awards and promotions.


It both meant a lot but also very little in the grand scheme of things. They still killed people that needed killing and reconned what needed to be reconned. No amount of ranks would remove that fact.

She was a killer.

"Don't know about you, Liaeris, but I need a drink...or ten." she told her comrade as the Lord-Regent ordered them to fall out. She motioned with her chin toward the bar. "Seems like Spectre and the boys have already started. Let's go fall in." she smirked.

Clapping Katja on the back in passing, she wedged herself between some other soldier and Kav.
"Don't look now, Javik, but you're staring." she said, motioning for a shot for her and Margo from the bartender. "You're about to bore a hole in his jarhead." she continued with a quip.
She elbowed Kav's ginormous frame. "Might wanna grab hold of her collar if she tries going over there. It won't end well if she does - for anyone." she told him in a lower voice.

She may have decked the Spectre on Ilum, but she was still part of the team that Lily revered above all else.

The very dysfunctional comradery that was SCAR Squadron.



TAG: Jorus Fel




Before she could get far, she was jerked back in the opposite direction.

It was Raina's turn to scoff as she was unceremoniously dragged into the formation.
"C'mon, Lady, don't think court gossip's your favorite pastime. Right?"
She gave him a pouty smirk.
"No, it's not." she conceded with a smile. "You've got some lucky balls, Fel. Don't make a habit of it." she added.

The Lord-Regent's speech came and gone along with the awards and promotions, while the Inquisitor felt oddly out of place between the military uniforms. Thanks goodness it was over fairly quickly. As the ranks were given leave to fall out, she turned to the First Class Private.

"Seeing as you are holding me hostage, Fel, what now?" she quipped.


Abeodan Tyiskore Charidot




Abeodan watched with pride as the Lord-Regent DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran gave his speech which radiated with confidence and authority over the gathered men and women here today. The hoverchair came down to their level once the starting speech was over. Gripping the wooden cane for support for his still aching body. Charidot had to smile as he stepped forward to generously accept the reward of the Naval Cross and the Iron Sun for his prevention of the assassination of Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan .

Bowing his head a little in reverence to the emperor in all but title of the empire. He accepted the medals with caution as to not appear overly wanting them. He sent a warm smile towards the Grand Moff Korvan as the Lord-Regent personally appointed him to the Rank of Grand Admiral which gave Korvan considerable power as the 4th most powerful man within the empire. Someone not to make an enemy with at this time due to his considerable support within the moff council.

Charidot moved himself through the crowd once the Lord-Regent called for them both to be dismissed; sending a hidden hand signal to Kanollic II Vethres as he limped past on his wooden cane to head to the infirmary within Fortress Imperator. The signal was subtle in a way that no one would understand what it meant except for the Moff of Bal Talmshaa.





Tag: Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra
Location: Fortress Imperator | Bastion

Listening to DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran hold his speech was very impressive and he really had a way with his words to making one feel very patriotic for the Empire. As the Lord-Regent began to give out awards to those who had earned them in combat, Keylee felt a little weird, or maybe she felt silly as she had earned no rewards or medals of honour or otherwise like many of those among her. She was still a cadet after all who was still under training at the academy. And yet, here she was, standing amount giants within the Empire and she felt a certain sense of proudness to be part of it.

She wished she could tell her family. Be cheered on by her parents for being part of something great, at least in her eyes. Or get excited with her brothers over the types of military vehicles she got to train in... And yet she couldn't as her entire family still hoped and prayed she would reconsider and return to the Galactic Alliance and continue her education there.

To make the saddening thoughts worse, was the fact that she couldn't even talk about her time with Zoraya Dara like she could when they were children and the best of friends. Granted, she had gotten some good friends at the academy, it just wasn't the same...

And then Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra 's name was mentioned and she was pulled out of her own spiral of thoughts and would clap cheerfully for the young man with a wide smile, even if no one else did! She didn't care, it was a big thing getting promoted and Hall deserved to get applauded.

"Congratulation, Sir Hall!" congratulated Keylee to Hall with a sweet smile and felt genuine happiness for the man, even though they had only not long ago.

However, when the ceremony was over, Keylee felt she had overstayed her welcome at a gala she still felt awkwardly out of place given the fact that she had never been to any high-end or rich parties before.

"It was really nice meeting you, Sir Hall. Good luck with your career~ and don't be a stranger." saluted the girl with a wide cheery grin, which made her cheeks puff a bit due to her grin. However, before Hall could respond or even ask Keylee to stay or even ask for her name, the newly promoted man felt a cheerful slap on his back from Kale who pulled Hall in for a half-congratulated hug.

"So, do we have to call you Corporal Commander Mannarra now?" Asked Kale jokingly with a teasing tone and began to pull Hall over to where the alcohol was as this should be celebrated!

Meanwhile, right as Hall's attention was pulled away from her, she saw it as her cue to live and took a couple of steps backwards before leaving the incredibly beautiful gala. Stooping one last time, she looked back at the gala and found Hall in the crowd and really did hope he would have a fulfilling career for she doubted they would meet again.

With that, she turned around and walked out of the gala proper and planned on returning to the academy to kick her fellow cadets' asses for ditching her at such a fancy gala.

~ Exit thread ~​
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Location: Fortress Imperator

'Brave men they are, of this I haven't a doubt in my mind. I value such traits highly, this is known to all in attendance.... An' that same kind of bravery is known on a stalwart, commoner's level, the same heart with which my good friend fights on with, time and time again, proving his worth to warriors in every walk of Imperial life in the process. A rarity, and in every conceivable aspect.... Nines, step out!'

'And on the merit of his constant, loyal efforts as an Imperial Stormtrooper, and as an exemplary Lieutenant-Legion Commander at that, and for all you have given in honour of our Eternal Defiance.... I dub thee - Nines, Baron of the Empire!'

At his introduction, FN-999 stepped forwards, his anticipation growing.

At his ennoblement, every previous thought was vaporized.

The colonel had expected an Iron Sun for one of his most recent campaigns, or at best a promotion to Brigadier General. Never once had he considered himself a political figure, even as his military responsibility had grown over the years to include the command of tens of thousands. While not a de jure direct promotion, FN-999 would now have to bear the responsibility of an estate and contribute to the legacy of the esteemed Imperial aristocracy for decades to come.

It was a great honor, one which the newly minted Baron would never forget.

The moment was further cemented by the thunderous applause that followed, seemingly coming from every corner of the room. From now on, many of them would hold FN-999 to an even higher standard than in previous years. He swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to exceed those expectations.

While the Admiral and Grand Moff Korvan promptly departed to receive intensive medical care, FN-999 elected to stay and stand. Yes, his back stung sharply if he did as much as breath. However, he had suffered much worse. Compared to the nightmare that was Dosuun, FN-999's gunshot holes were little more than scratches.

He would hold his position to the side of the ceremony, paying the others honored in the ceremony the same respect they had given him.

One name in particular caught the Baron's attention.

Orik Dakari Orik Dakari , the MP that had been so vital in maintaining order on Chandaar and after the 908th's victory on Nirauan, was being promoted to Master-Sergeant. Since they first met at Chandaar, FN-999 had admired Sergeant Dakari's confidence and competence, daring to challenge even the Lord-Regent's son when his actions became reckless. The sergeant reminded FN-999 of himself in the early days of the Third Imperial Civil War, a young officer who through sheer conviction sought to distinguish himself and give back to his adopted state. It was a single-minded drive that the Baron greatly admired. As the MP fell in with the other newly promoted NCOs, FN-999 walked over, his armor hiding the strain of his muscles as his back was seared with pain.

"Congratulations, Master-Sergeant Dakari." commended FN-999, patting the MP on his shoulder. "What you did on Chandaar and Nirauan was invaluable for the 908th Legion and the Empire as a whole. If you ever need any assistance, let me know. The Reborn and I will welcome you with open arms."

The newly minted Baron walked away, following Admiral Charidot to the infirmary for a well-deserved checkup.

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Kav Canthar



ALLIES: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Lily Stevens | Leto Karazyn | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Castor E-196 Castor E-196


Kav could sympathize with Katja.

It was difficult being the only one to take action, despite most of the personnel assembled likely having some remedial first aid capability. But, the heavy supposed that was what made SCAR different, they didn't stop and get lost in thought, they acted and did what was necessary to get the task done. And while the cloth didn't do much, at least it might provide some symbolic closure to the event.

"Black uniforms hide the blood, true," Kav nodded as he smirked. "And I'll keep you in mind when covered in biological soup. Thanks."

It wasn't long after that the promotion ceremony began. Kav watched from his place near the bar, beside some fellow SCAR members, and remained at ease for the duration. The Ragithian was surprised to hear the names of Margo and Lily called, each earned a new rank, with Sarge also climbing the brass ladder. Then followed some other Imperials, each presented with promotion in turn, before the address concluded.

And then Katja had shot glasses lined up.

"Alright, now we're talkin'," Kav muttered as he took one, then scoffed as Katja exclaimed she loved them. "Bottoms up."

Not long after, Lily and Margo arrived at the bar. The former stepped in beside Kav, to which the heavy offered a nod and chuckle as Katja staring was pointed out. The elbow to Kav's side caused him to lean down somewhat, as he listened to the words spoken in a lower tone, before a grin crossed his face and he nodded; though, his gaze passed over Margo for a moment, before he focused back on Lily.

"Copy that," Kav said in response, as he downed the shot, and glanced to the point - the trio - of Katja's attention. "Who are they, anyway?"

Kav didn't ask anyone specifically, but he glanced between the assembled SCAR squad curiously.

He was one of the new guys, after all...



Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Open


Watching the brothers embrace, greet and jab one another with words, was a fine thing. Siyndacha could easily grasp the fondness of family, her clan having been a large one, though it had been almost a decade and a half since such memories. Yet she had no siblings of her own.

Being described as such - cold-blooded - was apt in the context of the fray of chaos, and Kriegan wasn’t the first person to use such words, but to be called a beauty in tandem with that was new, and with the faint tease that tinged his expression in his query… it made her warmer, just a smidge. Threatened to make her just a little less pale, if she considered the tilt of their innocuous, on-and-off conversation... was it the wine? But she only had two glasses! Surely not!

"Of course," he confirmed Kriegan's assumption. "A few times in passing, but never a real introduction until now." Siyndacha was offered a welcoming smile, uncannily analogous to the Kriegans, though lacking a certain inappreciable undertone present in the former. "A pleasure to finally be properly acquainted, Knight Errant Aerin."

She softly cleared her throat, reining in the faint, further straying of her composure, and looked to the other Knight. “Likewise,” she responded with cordial warmth in her smile, “Knight Tavlar.”

She continued to follow their conversation, finding anchors in her mind with the subject matter. The late Imperator? Had Corvallis lost his mentor at the same time as she had lost hers? A moment's consideration gave her an answer - Imperator Fel had fallen at Tython, just as Rafe had. Victory, at a terrible cost.

Having another Knight attached to the 501st would further bolster their survivability. Better reduce the kind of losses suffered in previous engagements. Her first outing with Kriegan's unit had been proof.

After all, they were Knights of the Empire. The entire Empire, and its people.

"Another knight would be a welcome addition," she spoke up, glancing from one Tavlar to the other, "for certain." The effects it could have weren't lost on her. It could be far-reaching. "It could be quite the boon to the Empire in the times to come."

And that? That was just as much a feeling as it was fact. There was no mistaking where they were headed.


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