Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Sons of the Empire


Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin | Lily Stevens | Kav Canthar | Leto Karazyn | Margo Liaeris | Hal Vaiken

"You're about to bore a hole in his jarhead."

Her gaze sluggishly moved to find the source of the person greeting her, who she already knew to be Lily whom she greeted with a similarly affectious side hug with one arm while the other reached for Margo.

"Maybe I should." She replied, bitterly but with an unserious chuckle. It was a little over the top, a dramatic effect, but it clearly displayed her feelings of anger towards him which were tinged with embarrassment from her own part of falling for his trap.

Leto's words had been steeping but had left her only to her own speculation which naturally always came to the worst and without a clear mind to begin with the outcome wasn't looking promising.

She gestured for the bartender to add another shot to the two Reaper ordered and took it for herself.

It was almost surreal. Despite the unity between the Imperials present who shared a uniform, a cause and an ideal, there was still a noticeable juxtaposition between the soldiers and their superior commanders.

"Bottoms up."

"No, that's later tonight." She joked with a mischievous smile, momentarily breaking the tension when the opportunity presented itself. Still, it was not a topic that was so easily forgotten.

"The woman is a Knight, Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin and the man..." She tried to determine if she had seen him before but didn't give it too much thought. "Another Knight... I don't know." She replied, curiously.

"But I can find out." She downed the shot and began towards the trio.

Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to SCAR

Objective: enjoy the gala : )
Tags: SCARFAM: Lily Stevens Kav Canthar Leto Karazyn Margo Liaeris
Others: Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar

The ceremony was nice, as was the Navy Cross he was handed after the big speech was over. Castor looked at the ribbon, the colours bright and stark against the grey around him. He felt... well, he felt a small measure of pride at that.

He soon rejoined the others at the bar, who were already drinking again and talking about others.
"Copy that," Kav said in response, as he downed the shot, and glanced to the point - the trio - of Katja's attention. "Who are they, anyway?"

"The woman is a Knight, Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin and the man..." She tried to determine if she had seen him before but didn't give it too much thought. "Another Knight... I don't know." She replied, curiously.

"But I can find out." She downed the shot and began towards the trio.

"Spectre might have imbibed a few too many intoxicants," Castor commented, watching Katja down her ... - fifth? sixth? - shot before getting up.

Not to mention, Castor remembered what Leto had told her about Kriegan. Judging from the information he could garner from the comments... well, an intoxicated Katja going to have a talk with Kriegan had a fifty percent chance of either a dramatic conclusion or some other comment that would result in a notable decrease in squad cohesion.

Castor took a sip of his own drink, a fruity, low-yield Bespin Fizz (taking a second to appreciate the steam. very nice) at his seat and caught up with Katja.

"Was that other guy here earlier?" he asked, referring to the unknown of the trio.

Antonio Borgias



Location: Fortress Imperator - Bastion
Objective: Meet with family
Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Enzo Demici Cosimo Demici Contessina Demici

"It feels so wonderful to have so many family around all at once. And yes it was the wedding Contessina Demici . I trust married life treats you well? Maybe we need to make a trip to Seranno soon, or our home on Epica is always open to family" he smiled at the warm responses from his nephews and neice.

"Yes, we are even going to go to a property auction to look at a vacation home in a few days, once we have purchased that, I insist we fill it to the rafters with Demicis." His wife added.

Antonio looked around at all the pomp and ceremony, he had never had much taste for all this military tradition, preferring the rolling hills of his home, but he was proud to see his family thrive. "Congratulations Enzo Demici . Being given command of a fleet speaks volumes of the work you have done for the Empire." He made an Imperial salute, not a very polished one, being a civilian Ashlan priest, but the respectful gesture was there. Before more could be said, a booming voice rang out and enlisted soldiers and officers alike started running to their posts. Antonio moved closer to Pietro Demici Pietro Demici and nodded in agreement to find their table. "I am glad I followed you into the priesthood and not along the military lines many of our family enjoy. Maybe I could have gotten used to all the orders and rushing about, but I don't think so." He pulled put a chair for Evangelina and allowed her to be seated first, putting his hand on her shoulder affectionately for a few moments as he and Pietro spoke a little more then eventually took his own seat at the table.

"I mean it, we need to get you out to Epica soon, you have built such an Empire in the Kaisereich, and you have plenty of people around you who can hold the Fort while you take of the vestments for a weeks." he smiled and took a sip of his wine. "Have a think and let me know." he hastened to add just how much more laid back his life was in comparison to his brother's being able to drop everything to entertain family was a luxury he knew the Cardinal did not enjoy.



Katja Javik Katja Javik | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin | Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar

That change in expression from Siyndacha wasn't lost on Tavlar. It was in fact, precisely what he was looking for. Nor was anything he'd said a feint in the slightest. She'd shown many times that she was cold blooded, lethal and dangerous. Even here, that was evident. As other women were donning dresses that might flutter away at the faintest breeze, she was dressed in a manner truly prepared to respond to the crisis not minutes before. It was a trait not too dissimilar from his own personality. While many might've taken the light hearted opportunity to shed their military skin in favor of civilian fashion sense. Tavlar opted for what he knew, the uniform. In the end, it took out any real thought or debate out of what to wear to the occasion.

And of course, the beauty was remarkable obvious. The scars which he could see that she bared from conflict and struggle hardly bothered him. After all, he'd already accrued his own. But of course, no other occasion which they'd interacted had been nearly appropriate enough to make a remark of it so overtly in her company. Until now. Her reaction that he could gauge was the best he could hope for. She seemed to appreciate it.

His own expression warmed up even more at that realization as he shifted his attention momentarily back to the Lord Regent as he announced the several promotions and commendations. His name wasn't among them. He was almost relieved by that. His time in service and record to this point hardly merited moving him to First Lieutenant. After all, it'd hardly amount to any change in obligation or responsibility given his current role as platoon leader.

He gave his bout of applause with everyone else in honor of the Lord Regent, the Heir and the rest of those awarded commendations. His attention then was finally able to shift back to his immediate company. He arched a brow at his brother's claim. It was only fitting that a Knight, son of the founder of the Imperial Order and a student of the Iron Emperor himself would see himself embedded with the 501st Legion. It was the Galaxy's most tried and tested military element and their pace hardly looked like it was going to slow in the coming days, as Aerin remarked.

He offered another smile to that remark, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Now I understand my body of work isn't the most impressive to this point but I wouldn't be so lacking of confidence, brother. One doesn't hang as a platoon leader for long in the 501st if they aren't capable." He said, uncrossing his arms and offering a pat on Corvallis's shoulder with one of his hands.

"Regardless, it's probably about time you see real combat and deploy with the Empire's finest. Another Knight in our element and we'll be damned near unstoppable. That is if you can keep up with Siyn, we went down range together at New Alderaan and I don't think I've seen anyone slay a Jedi Knight with less effort. Certainly fared better than when I fought two at Ilum."
He remarked, glancing Siyndacha's direction before looking back to Corvallis.

"What have you seen of combat so far, brother?" He asked overtly, he'd heard distant rumors and whispers of his brotherly counterpart, but not any of the gritty details of Corvallis's body of work as a knight.

Katja approached the trio with a confident stride, even if it didn't always remain straight. How she imagined herself appearing at this moment didn't quite line up to reality. She was clumsy at the best of times and intoxication would do little to assist in that department but she reached the group without issue.

"Heyyy, Kriegan." She greeted him with a smooth movement of sliding her arm between his to interlock them in a friendly, almost affectionate manner, acting with ignorance to the conversation he was currently holding. Many social inhibitions were but a memory of the past. She could only hope this night wouldn't make it into her memories.

"Sorry about that earlier, Siyn." Now she ignored Kriegan and focused on his companion with curiosity, though still maintaining hold of him. "I'm Katja Javik. She extended a handshake with her free hand. "Oh I'm just some stormtrooper. Not an officer," Her head rolled slight to the left of her as a gesture towards Kriegan "Not a Knight." She indicated towards Siyn. "Just some soldier." She introduced herself, her gaze shifting to Kriegan on conclusion of her passive aggressive greeting.
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The Order of Imperial Knights
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin
As the Lord Regent spoke, an intermission in the conversation naturally encroached. Corvallis turned his body in the proper direction of attention, offering his applause at the appropriate queues. At the conclusion of the speech and commendations, Corvallis pivoted back to his company to resume where they had left off.

"Now I understand my body of work isn't the most impressive to this point but I wouldn't be so lacking of confidence, brother. One doesn't hang as a platoon leader for long in the 501st if they aren't capable."

"Of course not," Corvallis acknowledged. A humourous scoff, disarming the clumsiness of misunderstanding, escaped a still-forming grin. "I didn't mean it like that," he assured. It was an oft-shunned anxiety born from the unpredictability of conflict rather than any lack of confidence. One that he gave as little thought as possible, as a Knight's mind required discipline and grit unmuddied by poisonous perturbations. Corvallis might have tried to elaborate had he not long grown out of the need to overexplain everything, rational or otherwise. He settled instead on the expectation that his previous assurance would get the point across in some vague but good enough fashion.

"Regardless, it's probably about time you see real combat and deploy with the Empire's finest. Another Knight in our element and we'll be damned near unstoppable."

"I've been more than ready, I assure you." Excitement was evident in Corvallis' otherwise measured tone.

"The Order wouldn't disagree on the subject of my readiness in either context, but they've had conflicting plans for how I was to be utilized. Aside from the obvious issue of paternity, I would guess Fel had hopes for me in such a sense that overt risk was prohibited for some time." Corvallis' hand reached to scratch at the back of his neck; a break in his otherwise rigid composure. "I realize that sounds terribly vain, but it's the only explication I've been able to piece together believably."

A look was granted to Siyndacha at the queue of his brother's revelation about her accomplishment. "Impressive, certainly. Yet another testament to the tangible gap in martial prowess between us and the Jedi, no?" he posed to Siyndacha with a congratulatory tone. Attention returned toward Kriegan at his following claim. "You survived, triumphant regardless of how well you fared. That is far more than most men can say when posed with the baleful edge of a lightsaber, let alone two when they've not one of their own." Once again Corvallis' confidence in Kriegan was assured despite the anxieties of wartime. "

"I suppose no one told them that a wont toward overcoming that disadvantage runs in your veins?" he posed as an acclaiming rhetorical.

"What have you seen of combat so far, brother?"

"Nothing quite to the scale of what you and the 501st are accustomed to, but I am no stranger to combat. I abhor bragging, but I've neutralized my fair share of Jedi. I am not at complete liberty to disclose every detail, but I will say-"

"Heyyy, Kriegan."

Corvallis' words were cut with the arrival of a fourth. A brow raised inquisitively at the woman's immediate, nigh-intimate contact. His olfactory senses caught a vestigial whiff of alcohol cast out by the stranger's breath, causing a few pieces of the situation to piece together quickly. However, an almost immediate sense of general discomfiture taunted his Forceborne empathic inclinations, scrambling those same pieces into unintelligibility.

Subconsciously, both of his hands retreated behind his back, leaving the gleam of the saber which draped from his belt unflanked by limb nor shadow. A look toward Siyndachara selectively exposed his supernatural awareness of the unspoken. At the very first pause in Katja's interjection, Corvallis would retake his place in the conversation, softly remarking; "I have an inclination that I'm missing something here. Is this-?" He posed an unintrusive glance at Katja before his eyes wandered back up to Kriegan. "Another of your associates, Brother?"

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Kav Canthar



ALLIES: Hal Vaiken | Margo Liaeris | Lily Stevens | Leto Karazyn | Katja Javik Katja Javik
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Castor E-196 Castor E-196


Kav smirked at Katja's retort.

"Hell yeah," The heavy chuckled as he looked for another drink. Kav got the bartender's attention with a few taps of knuckles on the wooden surface. "Let's keep the drinks flowin'."

But, mere moments later, Kav watched as Katja walked over toward the trio. Seemed his query about them had resulted in his teammate deciding to make rash decisions under the influence of alcoho--

"Where the hell's Leto?"

--the heavy looked around, suddenly, as he spied for his drinking buddy. Turned out the other wasn't far away. Kav motioned with his head toward the situation unfolding, as he grabbed another beer from the bar counter, and smirked before having a gulp.

"We taking bets on the outcome?"


Jorus Fel




Tish Cowen Tish Cowen
"Seeing as you are holding me hostage, Fel, what now?"

"Oh, don't think I am, Demici." he raised his arms demonstratively, "Tsk, it's getting crowded over here." he remarked. "Let's get some air." the disgraced scion shuffled towards the massive terraces of the fortress where barely anyone lingered.

There was a cool breeze in the night air lightly ruffling his chestnut locks. The rainy cycle on Bastion was drawing near and Jorus wanted to bask into the last remaining warmth before their next deployment. An attractive noble of the perfidious house of Demici was an added bonus; a lost bet that was starting to feel more so as a victory rather than defeat.

The lights of speeders and vessels endlessly scurried about in the distance, some going somewhere, others going nowhere. The fortress loomed over the sprawling capital, where much like Coruscant, life never went to sleep. And yet here, in the remote safety of the castle, a tranquil silence fell over the two nobles. His eyes adjusted to the dimly-lit area of the terrace by the time he lit up a rolled a cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke to the side.

"How long before they send for you?" he offered her a cigarette from the tinbox, wondering how soon would anyone of her house come hurrying to summon hear back. There wasn't much prestige to be gained in socializing with a disinherited scion, a landless lord. ​

Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to SCAR

Objective: enjoy the gala : )
Tags: SCARFAM: Lily Stevens Kav Canthar Leto Karazyn Margo Liaeris Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar
Others: Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar

How she imagined herself appearing at this moment didn't quite line up to reality.
Squadmate at lowered efficiency. No way he'd let her walk into an increasingly-likely-to-be-catastrophic situation...

...without backup.

Castor sped up.
"Heyyy, Kriegan." She greeted him with a smooth movement of sliding her arm between his to interlock them in a friendly, almost affectionate manner, acting with ignorance to the conversation he was currently holding.

A brow raised inquisitively at the woman's immediate, nigh-intimate contact.

Subconsciously, both of his hands retreated behind his back, leaving the gleam of the saber which draped from his belt unflanked by limb nor shadow.
Situation critical. She'd walked into a prepared position, the Knights already seeing her and passing silent judgement. Not just on her, but on SCAR, nay, the entire honour of His Late Majesty's Armed Forces!

"I have an inclination that I'm missing something here. Is this-?" He posed an unintrusive glance at Katja before his eyes wandered back up to Kriegan. "Another of your associates, Brother?"
By the Force. A brother. The pair definitely smelled blood. No way he would not hold this over Kriegan's head for the rest of his pension-qualified life. There was only way to salvage the situation, normalise it through an unexpected flanking manuever, jumping into the line of fire-

Castor slid his arm into Kriegan's other arm, stoicly staring down the Knights.

"I'm Katja Javik. She extended a handshake with her free hand. "Oh I'm just some stormtrooper. Not an officer," Her head rolled slight to the left of her as a gesture towards Kriegan "Not a Knight." She indicated towards Siyn. "Just some soldier." She introduced herself, her gaze shifting to Kriegan on conclusion of her passive aggressive greeting.
"Soldiers of SCAR squadron, pleased to meet our compatriots." He also extended a handshake. With luck, the Knights might be confounded, thinking this some sort of Armed Forces bonding ritual they were simply too uncultured to know of.

They never saw it coming. The power of Special soldiers. Err, Forces.

It did not occur to him that even his enhanced liver might not protect fully against intoxication.

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TAG: Jorus Fel




"Oh, don't think I am, Demici. Tsk, it's getting crowded over here. Let's get some air."

Raina narrowed her eyes at him coupled with a smirk.
"Semantics." she said, but followed him to the terrace, nonetheless. Whether it was because of some form of morbid curiosity or her rebellious nature, was uncertain.

Yet, the night was beautiful removed from the commotion within the hall. Bastion did not hold Serenno's beauty, but it had its own captivating magic in its bright restlessness - especially just before the raining season. It was almost hard to think that a war waged in the Galaxy with the little bit of peace that reigned over Ravelin in that small moment in time, people going about their business before the wheels started turning again.

She had just settled into an easy silence as she looked out over the city when he broke it once more.
"How long before they send for you?"
Raina waved away the offered cigarettes. "Probably only when my brothers can get out of one another's hair long enough for Cosimo to realise where I am." she smirked, a mischievous glint in her violet eyes as she turned around to lean back against the balustrade. "That might take a while as my uncles would be keeping them busy." She had never been one to hold onto the age-old familial feuds. She had already crossed one of the lines by making peace with a Dooku. What was one more crossed line? Her family was used to it by now.

She looked toward the disgraced Fel then.
"Why so interested in my family?" she asked him, the impish light still present on her face.


Kanollic II Vethres



Kanollic watched with some semblance of interest as DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran started the ceremony and began handing out awards and titles to the people assembled. His Associate Admiral Charidot had gotten himself several awards for saving the Life of Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan from a poorly planned assassination attempt from the Galactic Alliance due to his actions at Ilum. He could hardly blame them for wanting the Grand Moff now recently promoted 'Grand Admiral' to be eliminated. The Galactic Alliance would not so easily bend the knee to the empire but the triumvirate was adamant to throw away lives in order to become the new rulers of the known universe.

What they don't tell you about ruling an empire is that the more you expand the more opportunities for sabotage you create from the people you conquered. Then there is the idea that their army would be stretched so thin that they would not be able to respond accordingly to the Brotherhood of the Maw should they return to their border due to manpower being at the Galactic Alliance front. He watched as Abeodan Charidot gave him the subtle hand signal and that was his cue to leave the ceremony. He had recently secured a spot on COMPNOR's Ruling Body as one of the Five Commissioners. It would do him well to feign ignorance on his slow rise to power from a mere Chief Inspector to a Moff and now to Commissioner.

"Pardon me, My Son and fellow moffs. Something urgent has come up."

He replied towards the others nearby his current position. Moving with his cane to exit out from the door into the halls of Fortress Imperator. The Tarkinist Administration would survive for a few years more it would seem. However he no doubt would find supporters looking to install a more stable minded regime to the throne.




Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Corvallis Tavlar Corvallis Tavlar | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Castor E-196 Castor E-196


The true ceremony came and went with appropriate pause, and the conversation resumed, her own remark segueing into its continuation. She was content to listen in, watch, note how the brothers differed. Details all too easy to pick up on. At Kriegan’s mention of her own recent work, her smile firmed up - she had simply been performing as she was meant to - but with Corvallis’ follow-up to that, she broke into a momentary grin that simply couldn’t be helped. The night thus far had slowly stripped away a measure of her inhibitions.

she replied.

But when it came to talk of Ilum, and how Kriegan had fared against two Jedi, the pair of her brows crept upward and she floated the man a glance while his brother pressed the point that most couldn’t have managed what Kriegan did. So it was a Jedi that caused the relatively fresh scar she’d spotted on him at first glance, back on New Alderaan… but that was caused by no lightsaber. The angle of it alone, and the length and cleanness of it spoke of a failed beheading by a solid blade, as far as she could figure. A blade longer than what she knew he carried. One finger tapped at her elbow as she thought this over. Jedi using swords. Her eyes briefly narrowed. They continued to speak…

"Heyyy, Kriegan."

…until all conversation ceased at the… fourth interruption. She shot a look to the sound of the voice, her expression of momentary deep thought dissipating at the sight of the blonde re-joining them, and how she clung to Kriegan, clearly soused. Far more gone than she’d been earlier.

"I have an inclination that I'm missing something here. Is this-?" He posed an unintrusive glance at Katja before his eyes wandered back up to Kriegan. "Another of your associates, Brother?"

Siyn swallowed the bemused feeling that threatened to bubble up at the sight of the medic, in light of Corvallis’ words, instead offering a cordial smile, only to then have her brow furrow in confusion with a pointed look at Castor when he entered their company as well and hooked himself on to Kriegan’s other arm… what? But now a touch more enlightened than she’d been after their earlier, briefer encounter, she looked back to the drunk blonde.

"Sorry about that earlier, Siyn." Now she ignored Kriegan and focused on his companion with curiosity, though still maintaining hold of him. "I'm Katja Javik. She extended a handshake with her free hand. "Oh I'm just some stormtrooper. Not an officer," Her head rolled slight to the left of her as a gesture towards Kriegan "Not a Knight." She indicated towards Siyn. "Just some soldier." She introduced herself, her gaze shifting to Kriegan on conclusion of her passive aggressive greeting.

Siyn flicked her silvered gaze at Kriegan for a brief moment, when Katja indicated him in the midst of her words with a passive-aggressive tone… and at once she regretted the lack of intel. That this felt like an ambush. That she’d taken her default stance and hadn’t inquired about it, for the sake of one. free. night. away from their day-to-day reality. Then she took the offered hand as if this were just another op, first with one of her own, then the other joining it in the shake, continuing to smile despite it all.

“Nonsense!” She insisted emphatically the moment the Hapan finished saying her piece, “You’re SCAR, and a medic, which…”

"Soldiers of SCAR squadron, pleased to meet our compatriots."

She didn’t even look at him, but her nose wrinkled at the increase in alcohol-breath around her. Right. Someone else could handle that one.

“...which is admittedly impressive,” She resumed in full honesty, briefly leaning in towards Katja, And you’re incredibly beautiful,” she pointed out at a lower volume in a very direct tone, then pulling back, one corner of her mouth curling in a rare smirk, “Not ‘just some soldier’, I assure you.”

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Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Sons of the Empire
908th Legion, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon
Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Objective: Receive promotion
Equipment: nice uniform
Tags: FN-999 Katja Javik Katja Javik Leto Karazyn Kav Canthar Lily Stevens Margo Liaeris Zorah Fel Ruaridh Aodh Aschwin Vethres Castor E-196 Castor E-196

Still riding the buzz, Orik was surprised to see Nines approach him in formation.

As the MP fell in with the other newly promoted NCOs, FN-999 walked over, his armor hiding the strain of his muscles as his back was seared with pain.

"Congratulations, Master-Sergeant Dakari." commended FN-999, patting the MP on his shoulder. "What you did on Chandaar and Nirauan was invaluable for the 908th Legion and the Empire as a whole. If you ever need any assistance, let me know. The Reborn and I will welcome you with open arms."
"Thank you, sir. It's an honour to serve." And he meant it. The 908th under Nines had been nothing if not impeccable and reliable on the whole. He shook Nines' hand before he left. He idly wondered how long Nines had served, and how valorous he had been over the years to be raised to baronhood. He knew the Stormtrooper commander had been around for ages. Perhaps one day he'd ask.

With the ceremony dismissed, Orik's men huddled around and cheered, steering him out of the hall towards the bars in the lower wards of Bastion.

"Rank Rave!"

"Drinks on the house!" "You can afford it on your new pay Sarge!" They shouted for him. Orik laughed as he watched the happy faces of his men, laughing and joking as security stood down and the MPs ambled out as a group. Seldom did they get to celebrate and relax, even today, and Orik would not let his men down even here.

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Imperial Knight shizz


The primary ceremony had reached its end, leaving an open stage absent one Lord-Regent and a crowd now mostly left to attend to the festivities once more. All was well enough to end the night as it was, but for the Imperial Knights present below the ceremonial stage, it was finally their time to address several of their own.

The noise of the soldiers gathered reverberated loudly across the room as Lucien stepped into the foreground of those present, settling himself only steps away from the edge of the platform where each soldier previously had come to be awarded. His eyes scanned through the crowd, stopping for only seconds at a time to focus upon the Knights who'd fought alongside him, or his brother at one point in time. He held great respect for them all; even the lowest of the Knights stood above their peers elsewhere, and knew what the stakes were if they failed in their duties. The fate of the Empire sat upon their collective shoulders, a weight left behind after the passing of the greatest of their kind gave their life in battle upon the world of Tython.

It was a legacy that he chose to carry forwards, if only to preserve the legacy of his brother, so it too would not be corrupted by the flaws he'd long spotted out in the Imperial system. They would remain great; The Knights were the Guardians of the Empire, and no matter the state of the Empire's governance, that in itself would never change.

The air within the room fluctuated, the presence standing upon the edge of the stage no longer blending into the ambience of the festivities background. No longer did his eyes travel between the knights, but close tight as he focused upon his fellow brothers and sisters left mingling throughout the great hall they occupied.
"Imperial Knights."

He called out-- but not audibly. His words pierced through the collective minds of those gathered, echoing across their minds until the words reverberated themselves back towards the Empire's heir to their front. Yet those few sparse words touched upon the Knights with much more vigour; he reached out to them directly through the force, calling upon them in specific, no matter where they were. It was the time to honor one of their own, after all, and Lucien wished to do it right.

His eyes freed themselves of the darkness behind their lids, amber orbs burning across the room until they finally settled upon Mira Mira Aoki. She was a younger Knight, and one who he'd never interacted with directly, yet no amount of limited interaction would've made him blind to the merits she earned as a Knight of the Empire.

"Mira Aoki; Knight-Errant of the Imperial Knights."

A smile curled onto his lips, and words escaped audibly where before they had not, loud enough to command his will above the revelry occurring elsewhere. He stepped off the stage without regard to the small drop to the ground, and came to a feathery landing with unintentional grace in his step. He continued forwards, a path of souls removing themselves from his intending path of movement.

"A squire to Tish Cowen Tish Cowen , and a most patient, and diligent champion of the Empire in her own right."

To his right he was flanked by none other than Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis , his most loyal confidante and friend, and a champion of the people in his own right. To his left walked Atticus Draco Atticus Draco , ever the vigilant, ever the watchful in the name of the Knights and their mission. They were handed the legacy of an Empire lost in identity without their Emperor, who himself crafted what it was from the fires of the New Imperial Order It was left to them to guide the next generation, the same one that Mira would one day find filling his shoes, when it was all said and done.

He came to a stop only steps away from the Knight, his boots touching the ground almost in step with the two men behind him.

"Knight-Errant Aoki. You have served the Empire faithfully, and it is time for your merits to be rewarded properly." The smile softened, and he gestured for the woman's attention once more.

"Kneel, Knight-Errant. It is your moment."

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As the brilliant knights approached, Mira properly removed her hat, letting it fall to her back. She could not meet the eyes of these remarkable and talented knights, not at first. But as Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , flanked by Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis and Atticus Draco Atticus Draco , gently smiled, she looked up and gazed into his eyes. All her nervousness melted as she felt something she had not felt before. A sense of... accomplishment. A sense of satisfaction. A sense of something other than the emptiness and confusion swirling in her reserved heart. She smiled, doing as Dooku said.

As she knelt, her movements were elegant and poised. She was graceful like a queen, and silently strong like a warrior. As she kneeled before Dooku, for the first time she did not feel any shame tonight over her exposed scars. Tonight, she felt a spark of worthiness.

To this point, she had struggled with everything. The Empire's darker policies, her place as an Imperial Knight, her role in carrying her parents' legacies. While speaking with people like Huang Shoushan and especially Michael Barran Michael Barran certainly helped, she had been unable still to shake the imposter syndrome of all the good she had tried to accomplish. Her disgust over Ilum, her mourning for the Chiss. Despite everything, she was reminded of the good in the Empire... and the good in herself.

She was ready to become a true knight. She had been, no matter how much she questioned why. It was... worth all the pain.

All she had to do, as a true knight, was fight for Pellaeonism and grace all the more. Michael Barran, Tish Cowen Tish Cowen . She was not as alone as she always assumed she was. And even Lucien Dooku smiling upon her warmed her isolated soul.

This was her time...

So she knelt before the Knight's noble leader.


Imperial Knight shizz


He stepped forwards once more, reducing the space between them to no more than a single stride's distance at best. A hand shifted to the weapon kept clipped to his side, and into his hand it went before the brilliant white of the lightsaber's blade ignited before the eyes of those present to see. The blade lingered to the right of the two Knights before being raised to the woman's shoulder, hovering just high enough for the weapon to not touch her clothes. But of course she would've been seared by the heat of the weapon regardless, and so he'd quietly had his lightsaber set to stun beforehand.

"Knight-Errant-- no. Knight Aoki. The Imperial Knights have recognized your merits, and your loyalty to not just the Empire.."

His eyes lingered across the room, impassive yet simmering with a fire that settled upon the sight of the aging Lord Regent. Lucien had once held major respect for the man, but such a time was long since in the past.

"...But the people who call the Empire its home. Who commit themselves to what was once an experiment of what a society might be without the oppression of those who sought nothing but power and greed above all."

He flickered his gaze back towards the Knight. "It is our duty to rise where others may cower; it is our duty to fall where others may live, but our sacrifices should never be done in vain."

He turned his gaze to the side, a blatant shift of the head directing his sight at none other than Sahar Sahar , the Knight who this specific statement was directed to.

"And our heroes should never be deified beyond the mortal souls of who they are."

The lightsaber hummed into the woman's ear as it floated above her head, then settled in place above the opposite shoulder.

"We are Imperial Knights. We are not the heroes of an Empire who calls upon us to fight its wars without question, or to commit atrocities against the innocent. Remember this always, Knight Aoki, moving forwards."

The blade retracted back towards the charcoal hilt in his hand, and back onto his hip the hilt went once it had finished dissipating. He helped the woman to her feet, so that he could look her eye-to-eye as he spoke up for a final time in the lessons he wished to impart upon his junior.

"Our Empire no longer needs heroes, Mira. They need guardians-- men and women who will stand against the darkness probing at our Empire, who understand the mantle that we as the Imperial Knights have the authority to protect."

Besides, all of our heroes have long since died, or returned to the force. All but me.

He thought to himself, but did not vocalize the words. The thought was quickly suppressed into the farthest corners of his mind, and instead the newly-promoted Knight was met with a smile, and a medal being pinned to the right of her chest.

"And as of today, Mira, this mantle has been placed upon your shoulders as well."




Lucien Dooku, the grand Lucien Dooku. The untouchable, the elevated, the grand master... he spoke directly to her soul.

How? How did he learn of Mira's internal conflict? How did he know? Mira's face was a stone. Even her sensei, Tish Cowen Tish Cowen , had taken a long time to learn to read her. How did he know? The things she was terrified to voice. The things she was positive would mark her as a target for the thought police. Here Dooku was, spilling it plainly. Her concerns about loyalty. Her disgust at the Empire's more evil deeds. Who she was as an Imperial Knight and child of the Empire. What her parents would think of all of this...

There was this way that Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku was so calm yet empowered as he spoke grandly. And he did not scorn her, question her loyalty, or brand her a traitor. No. Just like Michael Barran Michael Barran had done, he answered her. He met her where she was, he treated her in a way that did not shun her thinking. He answered her. He reminded her of why they were fighting for their Empire. He remembered the people, and that the Imperial Knights were protectors. He answered her, and he soothed her oh so troubled soul.

As usual, her face did not portray much of what she felt. She wore a face of calm respect, bowing her head gracefully as the ceremony commenced. Her body was still and serene, relaxed. Not a single move portrayed any of the stormy weather inside. However, she had to blink back tears as Lucien extended his hand to her. She was a true Knight now. She was no longer just another silent figure in the background, without a significant role. She was here. She was in the forefront, and all eyes were on her.

Admittedly, she was not used to this. The silent shadow was used to being a background character. Only in her childhood had she truly been given any kind of forefront attention. And those days were long gone. Still, standing in the light now, she remembered all Michael Barran had told her. Change was coming. And she would play a part in it. True peace, freedom, justice, and security in the Empire. And now she was taking her first step.

She rose.

As the pin was placed on her chest, as Dooku gave her a mission she would continue, she lifted her head in silent duty. This was a mantle she would happily wear.

And looked Dooku in the eyes with steady determination, and the tears barely being held back in this momentous occasion. She bowed properly, giving her response.

"I will carry this mantle with honor," She said, "Thank you, Warden Of The Empire."

She gave him a proper salute, filled with a vigor unfitting of her soothing demeanor, before bowing with a return to her serenity. A single tear escaped her eye, spoiling how humongous this moment was for her. One of the biggest moments of her life. Aside the tear, she externally appeared as elegant and calm as ever. Internally, she was bursting with explosions of emotion, duty, honor, and pride. For a singular moment, the humble stage prop felt like the star of the show. And for once, she did not shy away from it. She stood, strong and vigorous. Still cool and contained, but filled with a confidence she never felt before. She was not alone. And for all her doubts, she was now ready to be the change she wished to see. She was an Imperial Knight of the Empire, and she would have it no other way.
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Jorus Fel




Tish Cowen Tish Cowen

"Why so interested in my family?"

"Your family?" Jorus raised an eyebrow and shook his head with a smirk, tapping his cigarette over the terrace's marble railing, "Tsk, tsk, tsk-- if I was, I'd be in there with the whole lot." his intentions were clear. It had started as a lost bet and should've ended with the brief dance, but the snobby boredom he'd come to expect from fellow nobles was nowhere to be found in Raina Demici. Her pull crossed beyond just the physical allure and it had dragged him out here with her, alone. The wager now looked nothing like a loss, but rather an investment on the verge of a sweet dividend payout.

Before he could open his mouth again, her name was summoned to the Knighting stage leaving the stormtrooper with nothing but a bitter thumb between his teeth.

The Empire takes it all.

Next time, Demici.




Melvain gave Lucien a sidelong glance as he spoke. He stood dutifully beside his friend and he too felt as Lucien did but he wondered if announcing it to the whole of the Empire now of all times with two assassination attempts and their recent defeat at Ilum hanging over the heads of the military elite. He could feel the air grow thick with anticipation, the silent challenge cracking as loud as a turbolaser battery to those with the ears to hear. Either way, he would be there for whatever came.

For now, all he could do was smile. Smile and prepare.




Location: Fortress Imperator
Interacting With: TBD | Open


'Tis but a scratch.

FN-999 exited the infirmary only a few minutes after he entered, his wounds relatively minor and easily healed.

Having secured a new back plate for his then-damaged stormtrooper armor, the newly appointed Baron was back in business, having just returned to the Fortress to observe the continued festivities. Additionally, FN-999 hoped to begin to glean the political situation in the Empire. He knew that the Imperial leadership was far from a single unified body, held together by a commitment to the prosperity of the Empire rather than a single given policy. Even FN-999 found that he agreed more with the doctrines of some leaders than others, most notably in the juxtaposition his positive interactions with the Lord-Regent and his dispute with the Lord-Regent's son, Michael Barran, over styles of command.

Still, beyond these basic assertions and anecdotes, FN-999 was completely green. For the first time since his teenage years, he was a novice in an operation essential to the state he served. With his new rank came new responsibilities, from making an estate to claiming suzerainty over a planet and getting into contact with the myriad Moffs and Grand Moffs of the Imperial realm to determine how he would contribute to their sector and oversector operations. If he could find a group of Moffs or nobles with similar ideologies at the ceremonies, even better.

Still, the Baron found himself gravitating towards the secluded bar.

For thirty-two years, FN-999 had thought of himself as a soldier above all else, a mere bantha among the herd. He spoke plainly and honestly, appealing to men whose lives quite literally depended on him. It was easier to talk to ten comrades on the front than a single politician, whose philosophies and ideologies were so thoroughly crafted that FN-999 could barely break the surface before another wave sucked him under.

It was no wonder then that FN-999 sought shelter with the bartender.

"Bottle of liquor, please." stated FN-999. "Whatever you can find first."

"Only one, Baron?" teased the bartender. "I'd thought you'd go for at least five."

"Apparently I'm nobility now." replied the Baron. "PR says I can't get wasted yet."

The bartender nodded before returning to his work, FN-999 taking the seat he had vacated barely twenty minutes earlier. He turned around to face the crowd, hoping that promotion ceremonies were still ongoing. Surely enough, they were.

A knighting ceremony was now occurring, the Imperial Knight equivalent of a promotion. Much like the Knights themselves, the ceremony perplexed him. For one thing, knights of the ancient orders had been extinct for millennia, making the idea of a "knighting" laughable at best. Still, he would watch, observing exactly which supernatural warrior to look out for.

The warrior manifested itself in one Aoki Mira.

FN-999 watched attentively as the green-skinned humanoid walked up to the stage to receive her honors, his hands instinctively clapping to join the round of applause. It didn't take long for the Baron to find something unnerving about her.

The Imperial Knight's movements were incredibly fluid, her strides perfectly even and her posture impeccable. It was if she was in control of the air itself, righting her frame to a perfectly elegant position. Her graceful bow to the Warden of the Empire did little to ease his anxiety.

The Baron had seen Force-wielders slaughter his comrades as if they were ballet dancers. Such unnatural elegance brought up no good memories, and already he felt his guard rising.

Still, FN-999 forced himself to watch, reminding himself of his agenda to learn all he could about Imperial politics. If Aoki Mira was in cahoots with the Warden of the Empire, then it suggested that she was likely a rising star among the Imperial Knights.

The Baron felt oddly uncomfortable about that.

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