Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soul Searching

Vulpesen let out a small breath of relief as he slid the blaster back into his coat. While prepared to take the shot, he'd hated to do it. "Then perhaps the promise of other students. The Vitae is a place where many may gather. I ca provide some of our students to you. Those who wish to learn the ways of the night sisters will be sent directly to your clan and your clan only should you accept. Is this agreeable? Maybe when she's older and less afraid of spiders, Nokomis here maybe one of them." He couldn't lie. Vulpesen wanted those secrets. He just wasn't prepared to sacrifice his only kid for them. Of course, to say he was short of alternate payment was an insult to his skills as a trader.


Her attention went back towards him now while she remained there standing on the other side of the alter. "So what? We will be your loyal little dog as you give us your scraps? That is not payment that is giving those who fail in your circle to us hoping they'll be taught." She kept her face looking at him more to be polite over looking off while some more of the spiders came. "The price has not changed, a child of yours is more a price to you then sending some failed apprentice."
His eyes narrowed a bit and and reached into his pocket, retrieving Ace who he set on the ground before putting Nokomis beside him. "Ace, take her to the ship, and keep her entertained while I speak with our host." Of course, he would wait til Nokomis had gone to continue with his business. "As you can see, I'm fairly short on family, even she is not mine by blood. This in mind, how exactly do you expect me to give you a child to train?"


Now he seemed to be understanding and stood there while waiting for the spiders to whisper that things were in the clear. "A ritual preformed under the full moon tonight with one of my little sisters. They shall become pregnant and should the child be female your debt will be paid and I shall teach you the transformation that you seek." She steepled her fingers together while movign forward now towards the window as more of the sisters were there preparing the alter outside.
He rose a brow at the suggestion and took a moment to think it over. Several of the decent parts in him begged for a refusal. But then again it wasn't like he had any reason not to be with another woman as Alexandra was gone and all. With a small sigh, he nodded his head. "Then I guess I accept." He leaned back up in his seat, letting the coat fall from his shoulders. A part of him was embarrassed for not picking it up as quickly as most possible deals. But then again, it's not every day someone asks payment in the form of turning yourself into a sentient stud.


Lavania was a whirlwind of the magics and work as time went on to speed it up. Stripping vulps down as they gave him sacred oils and painted on him with the sister being prepared for the alter while the others were dancing and chanting. To draw more spiders out of the cave that were gathered around, the rancors they kept gathering there in a herd while the dragon rancors petra brought in to them with Lavania and anastasia. Their wings flapping before more of the beings came. The ritual at night was preformed and Lavania looked at the one sister as she stood there among the others looking at Vulpesen and a thought came to her.... she could keep him drugged in one of the shacks as their baby maker but if they forgot to drug him he might get all uppity as she waved him off and was leading the others back itno the caves.
Everything moved fairly quickly and before too long, he was quite convinced that the witches didn't pay around. Well, I came for business anyways not fun. Noticing that he was still on the altar, he rose up to sit, using the force to call his clothes to him. Getting dressed on the way to the shack, he thanks Ace who had made sure Nokomis stayed away from any view ports and the like that might show the ritual taking place. "I was right. You witches aren't very cuddly at all."


Lavania looked at him as she was standing there with her rancor, one of the other witches standing there as she was covered in some webbing made into clothing they could wear from the spiders. They turned to look. "Well we can be but you came here for something not for being in our beds." She looked at him and was walking towards the entrance of the shack. "We'll see what gender the child is in several months, you may return if you wish then and we can continue this discussion."
He nodded and picked up his coat before returning to the ship. Of course, he would have preferred to know at the moment so that he could learn immediately, but even with his studies, he'd never seen a force power that could create that sort of foresight. "I'll be back in three." He made his way out the door and into his ship, where he offered Ace a smile. "Now, lets take Nokomis to the zoo. And let her sleep for now..."

Though of course, in exactly three months, his ship would reappear over the home of the witches, this time leaving the kid at home.

Lavania watched him go and as the time passed the nightsisters were working on the home they had, with Sasha, Salaza and Aisling returned there and other returning that would provide power within the group. Her attention was now on the returning ship as she let the girls who had found a place with the clan behind the walls. A section where the rancors were set and more walls enxlosing her shack now instead of leacing it open as the beginnings of their slave bodyguards were showing up. "He returns it seems."
Vulpesen's form appeared from the ship as he stepped off the ramp, making his way to the lead nightsister. "Well? Are going to need a repeat, or can I learn the skills I wish for?" His tail flicked behind him as he waited. Three months had been a longer wait than he wanted. Though, the fear of having to wait half a year was driving him crazy. He'd done a lot in the last three months, but the anticipation killed him at every step.


She looked at him and looked at the nightsister who came forward and was holding her stomach while Lavania stood there. "Well normally I would say to wait until we see the baby but I suppose we could be fair with you." She motioned for him to go off to the side as she was speaking low." her voice came back while she was moving about now and went outside the compound motioning for vulps to follow. "Leave everything but your barest clothing. If this works you will not want to be running around naked again."
He rose a brow at her but gave a nod, stripping down as she ordered him. He assumed everything with the kid had worked out, but already he was having flashbacks of their last meeting. "What is it with you people and skin?" He hung his coat on a branch, calling heat to his body to block out any cold air that might give him discomfort.


Lavania looked at him. "You can wear your clothing if you want but if you transform and it all rips... do you want to be running around the mountains here with a danger of being left out naked?" She said it while moving and walking off into the mountains with the other nightsisters moving around with the other slaves in the compound that was being built up. "Now come, we will need to work on your talismen and making such an object is not easy."
He followed after them, his eyes moving around the area. "I hope skill or modifications can eventually allow me to do this with my clothes. That coat is worth quite a bit in one piece on a battlefield. Worthless if it gets ripped apart." His tail mvoed up to wrap around his waist and torso, giving some covering at least on the walk.


"Are you afraid I'll peak?" She looked at him while walking and took the headdress off and the sash as she took it out for a moment. The scars from where she cut out her eyes were there and she kept walking with her staff. "I do not know if you'll be able to use this on a battlefield. You will need a whole lot more practice for that and I am not the strongest of the sisters I am just the strongest in this clan."
"Nothing you didn't see three months ago. At least, I hope not. And I intend to practice this until the coat shifts with me." In truth, he simply didn't want to be left naked on a battlefield, no matter what the tactical advantage. Last thing he needed was to be in the tabloids instead of the war documentaries. "So, where do we begin?"


She looked at him and waved a hand in front of her face while she let the short blonde hair continue and she came to sit under a tree while she motioned for him to sit down while she took a seat under the tree and rolled her shoulders bringing the staff to her lap. "What you are asking for requires much in the way of skills and I make no promises you'll get everything you want. I can merely show you what to do and it all comes to you." Her body loosened up as Lavania was working to summon and pull forth the magics of the world as she looked into the ground.
His head dipped a bit as he gave a small laugh to his blunder. "Well, that just means my clothes don't matter don't it? Since the force isn't restricted by immediate sight." He sat in front of her, and started to wait, his eyes keeping on every movement as she set about her work. In his younger years he had studied the witches both from afar and up close, so he had a basic idea of how their ways in the force worked, but not enough to use any of their abilities and certainly not enough to use such a rare technique as the one he wished for.


There was a look at him while she continued to focus the force energies and the green mists while she spoke. "Very then present a talisman, something personal and bound to you." She motioned to the place in front of her while she was pulling more of the water from the bladder into a groove as the water caught into a green fire with her attention on him to give her what she needs.

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