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Auction Spaarti Auction 1 [Old]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Enoch Zambrano"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Ostanes"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"][member="Braith Achlys"]

System Update
Auction will end in 10 minutes
Highest bid placed at the end will win
Topping the bid off at 300,000 credits, one house-made alchemized steel blend (Courtesy Braith & M.A.) [This means I will submit a customized alchemical metal which will be produced for your company], which will be produced to-order for Spaarti, as well as freedom to order simmersilk in limited quantities.

I'm still willing to split the bid, credits-wise, 50/50 with [member="Ostanes"] at AEL, so long as he is willing. He can keep 90% of the lot if he agrees. (Not sure if this was noticed due to the last thread being closed).
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

500,000 credits, with a contract to develop two weapons for the clones for Spaarti

Also an offer to split the hide three ways with [member="Braith Achlys"] and [member="Ostanes"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Enoch Zambrano"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Ostanes"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"][member="Braith Achlys"]

System Update
Auction will end in 3 minutes
Highest bid placed at the end will win
In Umbris Potestas Est
900k for the hide. 900k for Keira. Hope you put your newfound million plus credits to good use.

I'll also provide a half ton of both cryostasic fluid and adamithium, in concert with two contracts for items as long as they're not related to anything nuclear. Oh, and let's throw in a bodyguard of a half-dozen Vinithi too, contracted out for your protective use. If that's not enough, I'll also offer an exceptionally rare oubliette, acquired from the ruins of an ancient alien civilization.

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