Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Spaarti Auction 1 [Old]

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] - Finally, real competition. Lets add 1,500,000 to the count, all fringe benefits offered by Taeli and Braith, as well as contractual openings for a customized blaster or other weaponry or armor for Spaarti clones, to be decided upon at your leisure, and a snag of any item from the AEI stockpile you wish, pending private agreement on which.
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"] - I did hit submit before that post showed. Fluke of my internet being crawling fast tonight from storms. Up to PSG. It's not like I can't just grow or harvest a bunch on my own, all in fun ^_^
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Braith Achlys"]

With that one and the one he was stuck in for over half a millennium, he might as well offer yours up. I mean wut am not being OOC at all

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
Winner of Item 1

[member="Kyber Salurra"]
Winner item 2

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Recipient: Runners up
Message: [member="Braith Achlys"] [member="Ostanes"] Spaarti still wishes to sign a contract with AEI for exclusive supplies of hide, hide can still be purchased on our holo front store.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Thank you for shopping at Spaarti Creations another auction will be held next week and as we like to say here at Spaarti

Kark You, Pay Me Schutta and Get The Kark Out Of Our Building

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