Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spaceport Blues

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: Civilian clothing, heavy blaster, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, holdout blaster, cynicism​
"Starchaser you are cleared for landing on pad 94. Please maintain course and speed as indicated. Welcome to Fort Skywalker." The robotic air traffic controller's distorted voice came clearly through the coms. Even the droid sounded a little tired.​
Jazz couldn't agree more. "Thanks tower," she replied and killed the connection. The course laid out for the Starchaser was displayed as an overlay onthe screen with posted speed indicators, in a long steady path toward the landing pad. Following it was droid's work, so she let the ship's systems take her down, and set it to auto cycle down, then slipped out of her seat, grabbing the empty caf cup on the way out. Trudging toward the back she sighed, then refilled it with the creamy, sugary caf mix she tended to survive on these days. At the same time a small pang went through her, as the ghost of someone she hadn't seen in years floated through her mind. Before it had been her late husband. Now it was Dar.​
Blinking rapidly, she cleared her vision as the ship settled onto the duracreet with a small bump and the bang of the ship settling onto it's landing struts. She wasn't as the Swift Horizon. But the Starchaser was still quite fast and nimble. Tougher, better armed. More suited for wartime operations. Her star yacht... well it was back to being a pure pleasure ship for now. They were both her babies though.​
Moving for the access gangway, she caressed the cargo on either side of the narrow walkway with one hand then stepped out into the desert air. The sound of repulsor lifts and engines thrummed through the dry air. The sting of solvents and lubricants flooded in along with the sweet smell of burning fuels. The sound of machinery grinding and working form one fo the pads floated to her, and over the din , were voices shouting directions. A green-toned droid made their way over with a datapad. "Greetings, I am C1-AP. Present your manifest, Captain." Grumbling she pulled the data cylinder out of her pocket and handed it to the droid. Plugging the device in it nodded mechanically. "Oh. A shipment that's on-time for once, and a little early. I'll clear you for the bonus."​
"Thanks," she said, her voice dead flat. "How long to offload?"​
The droid turned to look at the crew of ASP-style droids that were standing by. "Estimated fifteen minutes to twenty minutes."​
"Good. Do you know of any outbound cargo?"​
"Not at this time. I can ask the quartermaster."​
"Sure. Any idea where I can get a drink?"​
"Nevermind. You're the dockmaster, right?"​
"Get me refueled. Bill me for two days berthing. Let me know if you hear anything. Comcode is on the manifest."​
"Very well."​
With that she exited the pad.​

Twenty minutes later

Jahzra sat the makeshift bar. It was a civilian club that served as a hybrid officer club and enlisted club, but near the spaceport area so the spacers running loads were welcome. In her hand was a glass of Corellian whiskey which she downed, slamming it lightly onto the bartop. "Reload." The tender poured another glass. Drink. Slam. "Reload."

"Are you okay... Captain?"

She let out a slow, heavy sigh, as though the question itself was exhausting to contemplate. "Nope." She gestured for him to reload once more.

The glass refilled. "What seems to be the problem," he asked. The concern in his voice was surprisingly sincere. It caused the glass to stop halfway to her mouth as she looked up at the man.

"Well. Legitimate, respectable work is nice. I sometimes miss the other aspects of freelance cargo delivery." A euphamism if there ever was one for smuggling.

"Ah. The credits are nice, but you don't do it for the money. Am I right?" Jazz nodded. That was a pretty spot-on assessment. "Well, if I hear of anything extracurricular I will let you know."

"Anything that pays good I'll take too," she said, then took a slower sip of her glass. By now her belly was starting to warm from the alcohol, which took the edge off the cold, empty knot there, and, for the moment, maybe she wasn't so alone. Not that this guy was anything she was interested in. "Hook me up with a house ale if you got it," she added.

For the time being she was left with her drinks as she watched the Smashball game one one of the displays over the bar without really seeing it.

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Ah chit! Chit!"

It was said that a Smuggler always arrived to the spaceport in style and whoever said that needs to receive a blaster bolt to the face. Jolter swerved his ship through the hail of blaster flak. He thought the fracking battle of New Jedha was over and that the Galactic Alliance triumphed over the Brotherhood of the Maw. Well that was a fracking lie, there was some scattered Brotherhood squadrons taking on a GA capital ship and a few of their starfighters that surrounded it. Given that Jonter loves to do fancy flying he stuck out like a Gungan in the middle of the Tatooine. Both the GA and the BOTM opened fire on Jonter causing his shield to drop to 10 percent.

"Damn it Stan!" Jonter yelled through the radio. "I thought had clearance!"

All Jonter could hear was garbled nonsense, "frack you!" Jonter yelled slamming his fist on the console. Pressing some buttons, Jonter began to accelerate his ship away from the small battle and towards the coordinates that Stan sent him. This smuggling run better be worth the hassle, he expected a peaceful spaceway but it seems it seems that it was too much to expect the GA to do the bare minimum. Jonter entered Jedha's atmosphere still at top speeds. "Argh," Jonter breathed. "I took a hit at the back quarter, landing is gonna be tight."

The fact that the fracking spaceport was as miniscule as a Porg's droppings certainly didn't help. Jonter took a sharp turn seeing a large buildings looking like they're under construction, the Smuggler started the landing cycle as he entered the landing pad. A violent rumble was felt in Jonter's cockpit he struggled to keep the ship under control. From outside, Jonter witnessed sparks as his ship's hull scraped against the metal wall. "Not my fault," Jonter muttered making sure that the rest of his ship was intact.

Blinking, Jonter looked around to see a thin man leaning against one of the munitions boxes. He had thinning brown hair and a smug look on his face. "Piece of chit," Jonter got out from his chair running towards out of his ship. "Stan!" Jonter yelled. "Why the frack did the GA try to attack me?!"

"Well hello to you too Jonter," Stan replied. "I tried to tell you over the radio, there's still pockets of Brotherhood resistance in Jedha. Recently the bozos have been fracking with the GA's communications which included the automated systems such as the clearances. Got a bit worried though, the Brotherhood has been bringing the fire lately and it's preventing us from successfully setting up shop. I've listened to the chatter up in space, it's fracking shooting gallery up there."

"No kidding," Jonter gave a heavy sigh taking a closer look at his surroundings. "Haven't been in Jedha in years," he said. "This place looks new."

"Welcome to Fort Skywalker," Stan replied. "Biggest Fort in Jedha, the GA wanted to create a foothold on the planet after defeating the Brotherhood and built this advanced monstrosity."

"Apparently not advanced to have a feasible spaceport." Jonter said. "This place a mess."

"GA built it in a hurry to try to establish military presence." Stan said. "I've heard they're gonna do some renovating as soon as they wipe out the remaining Brotherhood. It hasn't been easy though based on how you escaped that battle." Stan approached Jonter giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Nice flying though." he said.

"Your blasters are ready Stan," Jonter said stretching his arms. "Looks like I'll be grounded for a little while until settle down."

"I'm gonna have to make it quick," Stan said walking back to the hangar and inspecting the munitions boxes. "Even though the main army has retreated, the remnants are putting up a real fight despite being disorganized and scattered. Been tough helping refugees or moving supplies through the area without getting ambushed. I'd say you need to haul ass as soon as possible."

"Well I'm not sticking around in this hellhole." Jonter replied. "Especially this close in Brotherhood space."

"Like I said," Stan replied crisply. "I'll make it quick, there's a bar not too far from here." he rifled through is pockets tossing Jonter a credit chit. "Your payment Jonter." he said. "Don't spend in one place."

"Don't worry I will," Jonter turned on his heel heading for the bar. Once he entered, the Smuggler plopped himself next to a Zeltron who was drinking in her sorrows. "I'll have some whiskey." Jonter grumbled slapping the credit chit he received on the table.

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Crash & Burn spaceport bar, Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: Civilian clothing, heavy blaster, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, holdout blaster, cynicism​
The air overhead split with a distant double sonic boom of another ship coming down from orbit. Jazz head raised up at the sound. They were coming in hot. Someone was a little wild on the stick. I'll drink to that. Picking up her whiskey she took a sip then sat it back down. The sound of repulsors screaming to keep a ship in the air thrummed through the air around the spaceport. Then metal banging on duracreet. She coudl see the pieces of a building falling outside the bar windows, clipped by a ship on approach. The ship was partially on fire it seemed, or had bad engine tuning. Or both. It was flying like a wounded bird and sluggish. Practically falling out of the sky. But whoever was on the controls was doing a bang up job of keeping her relatively on point. The ship disappeared into one of the landing pads but without the telltale sounds of a crash. Well alright then.

Minutes later another pilot found their way in through the door, made his way to the bar and ordered another whiskey. "It's on me. He'sgonna need every credit he can get if the GA comes after him for the tower. Not to mention repairing his ride." She flipped the barkeep a chit of her own which he caught. Turning her attention to Jonter she tilted her head. "Crash here often?" It was a jab of course, but a playful one as her face lit up with a grin.​

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter placed his forehead onto the table groaning, just his luck to exit out of Lightspeed and find himself in the middle of the skirmish. There was a concept called Smuggler's luck where to be a Smuggler you have to be fast with a starship, skilled with a pistol, and be born with insane amounts of luck. Jonter was only blessed with the first two. The young man thought Smuggling was fun when he first joined the criminal underworld and it some instances it was. Though for the most, it was just mostly Jonter spending his time trying to make the right connections so he won't be thrown in prison. There was so much kissing up he had to do in order to tiptoe past authorities and even then you never know if your "friends" will back stab you.

Stan was one of those "friends" he made years ago. Though he worked as a field engineer who's contracted by the GA, his other job was a gun runner meaning he smuggles in weaponry to supply cartels or rebellions. There was a lot of creds to be made from the dangerous business but Stan had the right connections to not get caught. Jonter had been doing some jobs for Stan working as a small time gun runner, the jobs only got tougher once the war between the Brotherhood and the GA began. Smugglers thrive off war, it meant that the sides fighting were usually preoccupied with destroying each other allowing crimes to slip through the cracks.

A lot of stiff competition these days but Jonter struggled to find work mainly because he wasn't a well known commodity. Afterall, Jonter just joined the Smuggling business after deserting from the Sith Army. The Zeltron offered to pay for his drink which caused Jonter to raise an eyebrow. "Wow," Jonter said. "That's very kind of you ma'am thank you. Finding altruism is like finding a Hutt who's not criminal bastard."

The bartender gave a curt nod and slid the glass full of whiskey towards Jonter. "If anything," Jonter took a sip making sure to wipe off the froth from his mouth. "The GA should be the one expanding the damn spaceport, that chit looks like it was made last minute."

Jonter sighed taking another sip. "Not really, this is my first time in Jedha in years," he replied. "Name's Jonter Dalton," he said. "I'm a privateer for the Alliance and who might you be beautiful?"

Zeltrons were attractive and she looks like she's interested in Jonter. Might as well enjoy the attention while he can.

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Crash & Burn spaceport bar, Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: Civilian clothing, heavy blaster, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, holdout blaster, cynicism​
She turned on her stool to face the man. Her dark eyes scanned him from head to toe. Crossing one thigh over the other she tilted her head t hen raised her own amber glass of whiskey. "May your contraband be delivered half an hour before customs tries to raid your ship," she said, offering a toast. He radiated stress, and it was clear he was down on his luck. The half crash landing alone would have been bad enough. But it seemed he just couldn't catch a break. If a stranger buying him a drink elicited that much gratitude, she could only imagine what real help would have been like.

She could pick up the deception and the worry rolling off of him. Fear of discovery. That made sense, if he was a smuggler. but this was a place where it wasn't exactly frowned upon with the war effort. At the same time he was trying to give himself some confidence, boasting a bit. She gave him a wry smile. "Alright, nerf herder," she said, taking another sip of her glass, draining it to the ice. Setting it on the bar top, she slipped off her stool. Smoothing down her pants she stepped closer and offered her hand for a shake. "Jahzra Rocvard. Call me Jazz for short." Now that he paid a little more attention, her voice was musky, velvety and sensual even in casual moments, in a way that almost tickled the ear.

"I'm in the freelance cargo delivery business. Currently waiting to hear on another load to take somewhere. I try not to leave a place with an empty hold." She regarded him thoughtfully as she sat back down, leaned against the bar, with her elbows up on it It was almost a pose if anyone had ever seen one. "You're not gonna rob me, are ya?" The question was loaded, teasing quietly, only further evidenced by the small playful, flirtatious smile that flickered across her dark lips.

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"With my luck," Jonter snorted. "It'll probably be sucked out of space due to a lone asteroid hitting it." Jonter was born unlucky there was no way around it. It was like the Galaxy liked to frack with Jonter, he was born to slaves to the Sith Empire meaning that they were subhuman even the animals were considered more valuable than people like Jonter. He kept his head down and tried to work his way to freedom but with trigger happy Sith it was almost impossible. During military training, Jonter was nicknamed: Black Cat due to the bad luck he had attracted, people dying things just not going right. Jonter remembered being Force choked a couple of times by angry Sith commanders.

It didn't get any better after Jonter defected, rotten luck followed around Jonter like a Mynock to a freighter. Credits crumbling in his hands, as soon as he walks outside it starts raining. Ugh..... best to focus on the beautiful woman who's paying for his drink. "Nice to meet you Jazz," Jonter clinked his glass against hers and began to drink again. "I try not to leave without a load myself given that the Galactic Alliance is at war, it means extra money in my profession."

Jonter chuckled. "The only thing I want to rob right now," he smirked. "Is a kiss from you but that's probably asking too much."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Crash & Burn spaceport bar, Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: Civilian clothing, heavy blaster, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, holdout blaster, cynicism​
She broke into an ear to ear grin at his desire to steal. He was cute. And a bit bold. flirtatious. it was easy to find company when she wanted it. but more than that there was just a sense about him. He was trying. Not just with her, but in general, every day. Every day was a struggle. But he was coming through it. Though he wasn't all that smooth or suave. Which only made her smile more. "Well, you brassy, aren't you," she said , the corners of her lips still curled up into a smirk. "Or is that just because you think I'm easy because I'm a Zeltron?"

True, most Zeltrons were very amorous and willing to show most anyone a good time or cheer someone up. Especially on their homeworld. In some ways it was a racial stereotypes t hat they were all loose and fast. And Okay, maybe it was somewhat true. "You know what you gotta do if you're gonna steal something," she said, then turned back to the bar slowly, watching him out of the corner of her eye. Not permission, but a dare. Would he? And how would he go about it, or would he balk and fold?​

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"I just love beautiful women," Jonter chuckled. He wasn't a fan of stereotypes considering that he was treated absolute chit during his time in the Sith Empire. Being a slave meant that you were just the Sith's plaything nothing more whether you were a human or other species, if you were classified as a slave it meant that the Sith were free to do what they want to you. "Nothing in my life came easy Jazz, you're the first person to actually shown me kindness. It helps that you're good looking to boot. Besides after wading through thorny weeds up in space it's best to have some fun."

He felt tempted to ask her out on a date, but honestly Jonter didn't have time. Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask even Jazz was teasing him. "Hey sometimes in order to succeed, you gotta take risks." Jonter smirked. "But I'm not that kind of risk taker, I'm more of calculating gambler."

Still smiling, Jonter took another sip getting up and walking in front of Jazz. "How about one date?" Jonter asked. "I know we just met, but I wanna get to know the woman I want to kiss."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


So he found another option. Though he spent a while talking at her back. She glanced over her shoulder at him, only for him to come and interpose himself in front of her, in her bubble. That was bold in it's own way. Her expression sobered some as she looked at him. Really looked at him, as though she were looking into him and through him. There were echoes of old pain there, like a whiff of brimstone A mark he carried on his soul and one she recognized in a way. He saw her as a person, just as he'd want, hope to be seen. not as a plaything.

There was a slight shift in her expression. She was a little disappointed, relieved, relaxed. Her shoulders dropped a bit, then she gave him a small little smile that didn't quite chase away the tinge of sadness in her eyes. "If you can find something to do in this place, or something that qualifies. Sure." Not that she wanted to be alone right now anyway. And Jon seemed nice enough. And it was a good idea to make friends among those in the community. Never know when he might save her life, or vice versa. Or have a job to throw her way. And who knew? Maybe he would turn out to be more than just an acquaintance. More than just friends. Or at least friends with benefits.

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Well," Jonter looked away what is there to do in this war torn planet? Maybe shoot at things but he would rather lay low at the moment. Who knows if some Sith soldier recognized him in this scrap. Then again one of the advantages of being a slave was that no one gave two chits about you and the Sith Empire was no more. They were broken, scattered why would they care about some random ex-slave? Still, the thought of being recognized by his comrades was sometimes kept Jonter up at night. "We can look around this fort," Jonter continued. "I mean the GA had constructed it in a hurry and I've heard rumors that the GADF wants it to be one of the most advanced forts in the Alliance."

Jonter gave a hearty chuckle. "The most advanced Fort that can't build a proper spaceport landing pad." he said. "All pilots are grounded right now while remnants duke it out with the GA up in space."

The Smuggler stared back at the drink, he could just sit down and get drunk but to be honest it's pretty boring. "Kinda wanna get a feel for solid ground again." Jonter said. "Ain't gonna help none if I get plastered been up in space for 3 straight weeks doing random jumps because of the chaos of the war."

That and he can avoid authorities, Jonter had an unfortunate run in with the Coruscant police while he was just finishing placing the final weapons cache in his ship. A chase ensued and Jonter had to waste time through random hyperspace jumps, Stan was pissed when he heard the news and slashed some of his potential payout as punishment. Just plain old bad luck, that was the story of Jonter's life.

"I'm sure we'll find something fun," Jonter said. "Come on Jazz let's go and seek it."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard
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Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


She tilted her head, watching him think. But he seemed to come up dry. That was okay. She expected it. There wasn't a lot to do in a forward operating base like this that didn't involve military action, training, or dying of boredom. Sure some of the soldiers and support personnel probably had various things to keep them entertained. But nothing like what she was asking for. "I can do you one better. If you feel like actually getting out of the fort for a while."

Checking her chrono, she noted it was a little while until dusk. "Meet me at the west gate in an hour," she mused, then slipped off her stool, finding herself looking up at him. He was a good ten centimeters taller. Turning she headed for the door.

"Hey, you want your change?"

"Keep it." She didn't look back. The hundred creds she'd slapped down was more than enough to cover all her drinks and his, and then some. Slipping out into the dry, dusty air, she made her way back toward the landing pads. Time to put a few things together.

An hour or so later.

The west gate was one of the last places for sunlight to touch in the pop-up city. The battle overhead was still ongoing. Many of the locals were watching the skies with macrobinoculars. A couple of ground emplacements had opened fire nearby, as well as point defense turrets opening up with rapid-fire streams of blasts to chew up incoming ordinance. For now, on the ground it was quiet.

Approaching the gates was a rapidly moving small vehicle, rider bent low over the controls. It pulled up in a swerve, kicking up a wall of dust, but not ove rthe guards or Jon if he was waiting. "Hey hotshot," Jazz said, lifting the goggles over her eyes away. "Get on," she said, offering him a pair of goggles as well. The vehicle was a swoop with long strakes out front. They were fun little vehicles, and fast enough that a stray bug could put out an eye, or feel like getting hit by a Barbarel.

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter smiled at Jazz when she told him to meet her at the west gate in an hour. "Will do Jazz," Jonter said listening to the small explosions far away from the base. More skirmishes on the ground, excellent after Jazz left, Jonter holoprojector began beeping leading to the Smuggler to activate. "Jonter," Stan's image flickered on the screen. "I'm just about finished moving out these weapons cache."

Jonter raised an eyebrow. "That was quick," he said. "I bought enough crates that it filled my entire hold."

"Ah you know me," Stan chuckled. "I'm as strong as Wampa, I can carry two at the same time!"

"Right...." Jonter said. "So all I need to do is to wait out the space battle."

"One problem," Stan replied. "I'm getting reports of Brotherhood remnants taking over one of the remote control stations a few clicks away from the Fort. They've taken over the remote control turret systems and the bastards destroyed a cruiser carrying refugees out of Jedha."

Jonter froze hearing that statement. "Damn," he whispered. "That's fracked up chit."

"It's advised that you stay grounded until the Alliance does something about it." Stan said. "Right now they're sending in search and rescue teams but a couple of platoons have been sent to neutralize the threat."

"Yeah like the Alliance can do anything," Jonter spat. "They're as slow Yslamiri under a hot Sun. It'll be days before they'll take care of the threat."

"Hey if they're supply lines are threatened, their asses will respond." Stan said. "I'll keep ya posted."

An hour later, Jonter arrived seeing Jazz on a speeder offering him goggles the Smuggler raised his arm to shield himself from the dust that was formed from her swerve. "Where are we going sweetheart?" Jonter asked happy to see her but a little frustrated because the tower hasn't been cleared yet. The Smuggler on the front while he saw armored transports leaving the Fort. "Let's get going," Jonter said wearing his goggles."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Outskirts of Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: Swoop bike, other personal gear​
"Get on," she directed. Once he was seated behind her, she reached back and placed his arms around her. "Hold on good, but make sure we both can move." It probably wasn't his first time riding one of these, but she couldn't imagine he was a passenger much if ever. As soon as he was secure, she gunned the throttle, while hauling back on the controls. As a result it hopped a solid five meters over the gate. They landed on the other side with a cushiony bounce of repulsorlift energy. Throttle wide open, the repulsors whined and roared as they rocketed forward. The turbojet engine kicked in immediately as well and the acceleration threatened to suck both of them off the bike. The wind ripped past them hard enough that if her hadn't been in a tight bun it would have been straight back in his face. A feral grin spread over her own as she leaned low over the strakes, stretching their frames out, making them a little more aerodynamic.​
On the flat plains outside of town the bike could really be opened up and it's true speed exploited. They rocketed past a patrol, leaving behind a high rooster tail of sand and silt and the bugling after-echo of high speed repulsors ripping by. After a minute or so she slowed, dropping from six hundred kilometers per hour to a more leisurely four hundred, like a regular speederbike. It was clear though, that she'd spent a lot of time on such a machine and was comfortable with it.​
Ahead a couple of orbital-grade turbolasers were hovering into view. As they watched both kicked off massive blue-white flashes and sent lances of hardened energy skyward. Once. Twice. Thrice. From a couple kilometers away, they could feel the intense light from the discharges and each one was as loud as a thunderclap, cracking the air with each shot into orbit. Jazz drew up short. "Jeez, I can feel that from here," she called back to Jonter. "Do you think it's that bad up there? They're shooting that much from the ground?"​

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter was about to place his hands behind the rail but Jazz took his arms wrapping around her slim waist. Jonter felt himself being pulled forward, his face against her back. "Kinda hard to do so," he said. "When you're pulling me around like a rag doll."

He meant no ill will, Jonter's thoughts focused on what Stan said about that remote control station the Brotherhood remnants are in control of. Clearly the GA will take their sweet time. Jonter was hoping that the possibility that their supply lines will be disrupted could spring them into action. The sooner Jonter was off this hellhole, the better. As Jazz drove through the war torn areas of Jedha, Jonter could see GADF patrols scattered throughout. He was a little irritated that there was no sense of urgency with the troopers. They passed what seemed to be a Brotherhood anti air turret that was currently under the control of the GA.

As bad as things were up in space, Jonter at least was with a beautiful woman out in the wasteland. "It is bad," Jonter said. "When I exited out of Lightspeed I walked into a sea of blaster from all sides. My cockpit was shaking as I took fire from both the GA and the damn Brotherhood! It was if I was one of the mines of Shola or something!"

It was just rotten luck that he had to wade his way through the space battle and barely land on a small landing pad. Jonter was already grumpy that he had to evade so many starfighters just to get to his destination. Why can't jobs go smoothly for once? "What's worse is that the Brotherhood remnants took over a remote control station. Which means they have access to the turret systems cutting down any transport that they see fit. So we're grounded until the GA gets off their ass and do something about it."

Jonter sighed again this time forcing a smile. "But look on the bright side," he said. "At least we're on that date."

Well at least it's one good thing he can take out of all this chaos.

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Outskirts of Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: swoop bike, other equipment​
Jahzra nodded, listening as she reached into a compartment and pulled out a pair of macrobionoculars. Turning her enhanced vision skyward, she watched for the next shots. Tracking their path they intersected with a GA destroyer. The first shot struck shield, then another shot hit shield, this time flaring brighter. Another. Then the fourth shot punched through. Durasteel flash-boiled into glowing orange and white-hot strands that exploded into small pieces streaking outward. The next shot struck home, plunging into the gaping hole left by the first, stabbing deep into the internals of the ship. Metal buckled and blossomed, in parts shattering, sending hot but hard metal flying under the instant thermal shock. Long cracks began to stretch and rip down the sides of the ship. The next shot reached it immediately and stabbed into and out the other side of the engine compartment. A split second later, it blossomed into a blue-white blast as the reactor went critical and the ship became it's own bomb.​
The whole thing took less than ten seconds. "Those are GA emplacements are firing on the GA ships," she said, lowering her macrobinoculars. She passed them over to Jonter. He could watch the replay if he wanted to.​
The guns had gone silent for the moment. Probably cooling off, which would take a bit in Jedha's desert-like environment.​
"You know, I'd planned to watch the battle from up there." She pointed to some cliffs overlooking Fort Skywalker. "But now ... I'm not sure I really want to."​

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter grabbed the micro binoculars zooming at the GA encampments mostly AA turret guns firing upon the GA ships. "That's more guns than what Stan told me, "He muttered. "I don't see a damn GA battalion in sight."

This was going to take an eternity to get off this hellhole called a planet. The guns interesting enough stopped firing maybe to cool off due to the arid environment of Jedha. "I don't know where the GA's priorities are," Jonter said shaking his head. "But it's definitely not taking back their stolen AA guns that's for sure."

The Smuggler looked at the cliffs ahead, they seemed to be safe from the fighting and it wasn't like the Brotherhood would pay attention to the cliffs. The remnants were too preoccupied with being disruptive chitheads. "Don't worry Jazz," Jonter smirked. "We'll be fine from the vantage point we can see the Brotherhood from below they can't see us."

He pointed at the Sun above. "From that angle," Jonter said. "Unless they access some software which can cut the sunlight, or they have some thermal goggles, it'll be tough to see us with Sun's rays obscuring their vision."

Jonter chuckled. "Besides," he said. "You have a big, strong man watching over you in case things go bad."

Of course standard Smuggler procedure was to get the hell out there but Jonter wanted to flirt with Jazz a bit. Besides, he was curious to see how the battle was going in space.

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Outskirts, Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Equipment: DL-18 blaster pistol, civilian clothing, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, swoop bike with storage​
She gave him a look that could have withered a wroshyr tree. "Who's worried," she said quietly. Certainly wasn't her. At least not for herself. But there were a lot of people dying up over their heads. "You do realize the GA has their hands full, right? Fighting sith and sith troopers isn't exactly easy, even if the Empire fell apart. If they could spare a couple platoons and a couple air assets to retake that position, they would. Or they could be waiting until things are more calm tot ry to re-take their assets without destroying them."

"Also, polarization is pretty common. But thermals would still have to look at a burning nuclear fusion reaction, even if it's millions of kilometers away. Hottest thing in the solar system."

The comment about 'big strong man' set her teeth on edge. Did he really think she needed a 'big strong man' to look after her? Much less how demeaning that was? Implying by comparison that her own abilities were crap, inadequate. That he was basically calling her weak at the same time as trying to puff himself up? He had no idea who she was or all the crap she'd been through. She found herself resisting the urge to reverse elbow him in the nose and send him off the bike. He could spend the night walking back to Fort Skywalker.

But no.

As she focused on him, she could feel that he was only being playful, teasing her. It still rankled but not as much. "How strong do you have to be to pull a trigger," she muttered. "If they can catch us on this thing, we deserve to get caught."

She took the macrobinoculars back and focused no the emplacements for a few moments. "You knowwww, if you're so worried about getting off the ground, and the guns... why don't you do something about it, instead of just whining and waiting on everyone else to do something about it," she said. "Or rather we can." She swung her gaze back to the outpost some kilometers away, then pointed to her ship sitting on the pad. "That's Starchaser. She's got enough firepower to put a dent in those emplacements real quick. Possibly disable the orbital battery."

"Or we can sneak in, and real quiet like, disable that from the inside. Or we can sit up on a shelf and watch stuff burn. Could also ry getting targeting grids or a target painting so they can hit with ion mortars or missiles. At least then they'd have a quick and cheap firing solution, and wouldn't have to expend a lot of assets to take them out of the fight for a bit."

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
That flirt came out wrong and even though Jazz didn't show it much, Jonter could tell that she was miffed. "Great," Jonter said. "I can be teased with and it's fucking fine but the moment I do it, everything goes wrong."

It wasn't fair but life was never fair to him, still it was wrong to say it given Jazz's reaction. She was very active and capable, confident as well Jonter sighed while Jazz said that they deserved to get caught. "Even the best Smugglers get caught," Jonter said. "But it's what you do is what matters, there's a reason why the number one rule among Smugglers is to think on your feet."

Boy did Jonter have a lot run-ins during his short career as a Smuggler, he was the epitome of bad luck but he has learned to deal with the hand he was dealt. The Smuggler was busy looking up in the sky trying to decipher the small dots of explosions until Jazz interrupted him with a crazy suggestion. "You want us to do what?!" Jonter said. "Go out there and carpet bomb the Ion canon?!"

Jazz had guts that's for sure though in Jonter's "profession" guts could end up you killed. "Really Jazz?" Jonter moaned. "You mean to tell me that you want infiltrate a camp that's most likely swarming with Brotherhood forces? Yeah I haven't got shot in the head enough to be convinced that's a great idea."

Just then, Jonter's Holoprojector began beep rapidly. "That must be Stan excuse me," he said walking away from her and rifling through his pockets to grab his device. "Please be good news."

"Got some bad news Jonter," Stan's image appeared on the holoprojector. "The GA company tasked in taking back the remote control station has been ambushed by the Brotherhood a few clicks from the site. I got all the stuff carried out of your ship but you'll have to remain on the planet unless you want to be blasted out of the sky."

Jonter sighed looking at Jazz. "I don't want to be buried with my ship so soon." he said trying to control anger at the prospect of staying on this rock for longer than he should've. "I- well my friend whom I'm hanging with have an idea. We're going to infiltrate the station and disable the guns, the skirmish that's going should serve as a good distraction for us."

Stan chuckled. "That's pretty courageous of you!" He laughed. "Didn't expect a cautious man like yourself to be soooo brazen."

"It's my friend," Jonter said holding the Holoprojector towards Jazz.

"Pretty," Stan said immediately smitten with Jaharza. "You know what they say, many a man dies to be noticed by a Zeltron beauty."

"Fuck you Stan," Jonter growled. "She's standing right there! Besides you don't know her."

"Whatever," Stand said. "Do what you need to do but disabling those guns seems like the best bet."

Jonter turned off the Holoprojector and walked back towards Jazz. "I guess we can infiltrate the base," he muttered. "Like you said I should do something about it."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Outskirts, Fort Skywalker, Jedha​
Boy did Jonter have a lot run-ins during his short career as a Smuggler, he was the epitome of bad luck but he has learned to deal with the hand he was dealt. The Smuggler was busy looking up in the sky trying to decipher the small dots of explosions until Jazz interrupted him with a crazy suggestion. "You want us to do what?!" Jonter said. "Go out there and carpet bomb the Ion canon?!"
"Not carpet bomb. I don't have those. Precision missile strike, which come to think of... I don't have missiles either. Just what amount to point defense cannons," Jazz said.​
Jazz had guts that's for sure though in Jonter's "profession" guts could end up you killed. "Really Jazz?" Jonter moaned. "You mean to tell me that you want infiltrate a camp that's most likely swarming with Brotherhood forces? Yeah I haven't got shot in the head enough to be convinced that's a great idea."
Jazz opened her mouth to protest. "No, I don't. I'm just sa--"​
Just then, Jonter's Holoprojector began beep rapidly. "That must be Stan excuse me," he said walking away from her and rifling through his pockets to grab his device. "Please be good news."
"Got some bad news Jonter," Stan's image appeared on the holoprojector. "The GA company tasked in taking back the remote control station has been ambushed by the Brotherhood a few clicks from the site. I got all the stuff carried out of your ship but you'll have to remain on the planet unless you want to be blasted out of the sky."​
Jonter sighed looking at Jazz. "I don't want to be buried with my ship so soon." he said trying to control anger at the prospect of staying on this rock for longer than he should've. "I- well my friend whom I'm hanging with have an idea. We're going to infiltrate the station and disable the guns, the skirmish that's going should serve as a good distraction for us."​
The zeltronian woman fixed Jonter with a surprised but then sardonic look. "We are? This is news to me."​
Stan chuckled. "That's pretty courageous of you!" He laughed. "Didn't expect a cautious man like yourself to be soooo brazen."
"It's my friend," Jonter said holding the Holoprojector towards Jazz.​
"That's a stretch."​
"Pretty," Stan said immediately smitten with Jaharza. "You know what they say, many a man dies to be noticed by a Zeltron beauty."
"Well he's a charmer," Jazz said, breaking into a grin.​
"Fuck you Stan," Jonter growled. "She's standing right there! Besides you don't know her."
"Whatever," Stan said. "Do what you need to do but disabling those guns seems like the best bet."​
Jonter turned off the Holoprojector and walked back towards Jazz. "I guess we can infiltrate the base," he muttered. "Like you said I should do something about it."​
"As I was trying to say before. Whining about it doesn't solve the problem. So the idea was to focus on something else, or do something about. I wasn't suggesting that we actually go down there. We're just two people. And I didn't bring anything that has more bang than a few grenades. I was presenting possible options if you did decide you wanted to do something about it. Or we can go off and try to have a good time." She placed her hands on her hips, fixing her in her gaze, then broke into a wry, lopsided smile.​

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter shook his head staring at the base bellow them, on one hand he really wanted to get out of here. New Jedha was still embroiled in pitch battles and Jonter wasn't a fan of fighting. On the other hand, it was dangerous to infiltrate a base that was filled with fanatical soldiers ready to rip a civilian like him apart. The Smuggler heard Jazz's side comments and rolled his eyes, "Stan has a thing for the ladies," Jonter muttered. "More specifically gullible types who are taken aback by his charm."

A real scoundrel Stan was but he was reliable as a gun runner who gives out consistent pay. Still Jonter stared at the base weighing his options, was he really that desperate to leave? Besides, he had a woman who was giving him an out maybe forget about it and just have a good time with her. The day was young and maybe the Alliance could get their heads out of their collective asses and actually take care of the remote-control turret station. "Nah forget about it," Jonter said kicking a rock. "That's the Alliance's problem not ours."

He turned to the speeder. "Let's go have a good time," Jonter smiled. "I'm sure there's something interesting to find in this dustbowl."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

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