Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spaceport Blues

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


"I dunno, you sure you can afford to be out in a warzone with someone so guillable," she asked. It was tempting to just gun the throttle on the speeder and leave him in the dust, having to hump his way back to the Fort on his own. She siiiiighed. That wouldn't do any good, and would just make an enemy. If he survived getting back. But guys like him had a unique knack for surviving. And then he'd probably shoot her in her face in her sleep.

"Come on," she said. Once he was on, she did gun the throttle and pull away into a long loop. The sun was getting real low . As she looped around she began to climb, lifting off the deck. Nearby the planetary turbolaser battery opened fire once more. concussive blasts accompanied each bolt streaking into the heavens. After two or three shots each, the air above them began to distort with heat mirages as excess heat bled off, whatever the cooling systems couldn't cycle out.

A minute later she was coming back around to some cliffs that overlooked the entire region, gave them a fantastic view of the sunset, as well as the skies overhead, and the base below. It was about as good a view as one could expect to find. "Off." Suiting deeds to word, she hopped off the bike, then opened up a compartment, and then another.

From one, she pulled a couple of blankets, and the other was a portable food box with one half set as a conservator and the other had a heating element in it. Moving a short ways from the bike, she unfurled one blanket, and sat the container and other blanket on it. "Shall we? I mean, I at least wanna watch the sunset and the last of this fight."

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter sighed looking over the battlefield, the planetary turbo cannon was doing a nice job of keeping the skies clear. Two more freighters were shot from the sky crash landing behind the cannon exploding on impact. Jonter was certain that remnants would be looting the remains from the downed ships. He's done it a couple of times after the Sith Empire fell picking any goods from the corpses of his comrades during skirmishes. It was through selling those items that Jonter was able to afford a cheap freighter to get out of Sith space. He followed Jazz towards the edge overlooking the battle. The Galactic Alliance were getting beat badly something that made Jonter nervous, where were those reinforcements? Were the Alliance this fucking incompetent? They couldn't since they won Jedha but boy were they making this hard on themselves.

"It's a beautiful sunset," Jonter said plopping onto the towel not hearing the crack underneath him. "Hard to believe that the mighty Galactic Alliance the same folks who'd drove off the Sith Empire can't handle fanatics."

He turned to Jazz admiring the woman's beauty, at least things weren't all that bad. "So, what do you got for us?" Jonter smirked. "Right now, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show."

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Fort Skywalker outskirts​
Equipment: Civilian clothing, nerfhide jacket, heavy blaster pistol, vibro-knife, vibro-shiv, holdout blaster, high performance swoop bike with more items in storage compartments, cynicism/sarcasm, Bad Basic​
Jahzra made her way over and began spreading out a ground cover, and seat out a field food conservation unit she'd packed. Inside was a couple glasses, two bottles of wine, a selection of meats and cheeses with a few different types of crackers, and a small box he couldn't see into that also seemed refrigerated, as when exposed to the evening air, it instantly fogged up.​
"Well, to be fair this is only an outpost. And This isn't even one of the major worlds. Forces are spread thin, especially with relief efforts. Plus all the policing actions they have to handle now. And then there's hunting down more of the remnants. Pretty sure they've called or reinforcements, and we'll be seeing that before long. But they're getting creamed in the meantime," she said, settling down, at first onto her knees, then shifting over to rest on one hip. Golden light played across her hair and skin from the side, along with her dark attire, giving her glowing edges.​
Leaning forward, she picked up one of the bottles and hefted it, a silent question if he wanted some? Without waiting for his answer, she uncorked it, then swirled the bottle a little, before setting it aside where it wouldn't tip over. "So... You wanna get to know me a little better. Well, same for me," she mused. "Guess the best way to do that is the question game. Take turns asking each other questions. The other answers the question,t hen asks one of their own. Fair?"

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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
More cracks were formed underneath Jonter as he continued observe the fighting from a distance. He was taught back at basic how pathetic the GADF was, he saw firsthand to know that Jonter's superiors were right. Looks like the Sith weren't full of chit after all. "If they're struggling against remnants," Jonter said. "Even though they vastly outnumber them, I can't imagine what it'll be like when the Brotherhood retaliate."

The remaining Sith were leading the Brotherhood and Jonter knew how they operated. Each defeat just made them stronger and after rooting any signs of weakness they'll return with a vengeance. It was the way of the Sith and the Sith Army, everyday Jonter was surprised that he wasn't used as some Sith Lord's power battery as it often happened during battles. "I don't know how they'll get past that blockade," Jonter muttered before smiling at Jazz. "Need to focus on the pretty girl," He thought. "Fuck the battle."

The Smuggler smiled nodding to Jazz's offer before sighing. "All right," Jonter said. "Let's start with you sweetheart. What's your history of being a pilot and all?"

He really did not want to talk about himself but he supposed it was inevitable.

Jahzra Rocvard Jahzra Rocvard

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