Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Spark of Rebellion: Empire's Edge | TF vs DE


Saltare watched the Mando shoot his grenade out of mid-air, switch weapons, and dump a grenade into the entrance of the Mining Guild Headquarters Joseph Torson Joseph Torson was attempting to burst through before leaping into the air at Saltare. Saltare didn't see if Joseph made it through or not, he only hoped he did so they could deal with this menace before continuing.

As Drego Ruus Drego Ruus launched into the air, Saltare let off an accurate burst towards the Mandalorian's less protected underarms, using his targeting computers in his weapon and armor to compensate for the impacts he was receiving from the Mandalorian shotgun. His armor was able to absorb the kinetic rounds, but he felt several hit less heavily armored areas and his HUD alarm began to blare as he felt them bite deep into his flesh. Saltare knew his armor had slowed them enough where the impacts had not done nearly the same amount of damage as they would to bare flesh. At the same time his armor dumped stims and bacta into his body, fueling him and allowing him to continue the fight.

As Drego was in the air, Saltare dumped his rifle and pulled out his disruptor pistol in one hand and vibrosword in the other, which snapped into life. Saltare decided to stay in close and make the Mandalorian have to defend himself, allowing his team to flank.

When the Mandalorian landed, Saltare would be ready to strike with the blade and let loose with the disruptor pistol. At the same time Saltare glimpsed an image of Sid Berik Sid Berik maneuvering to outflank the Mando.




Alarms blared throughout the Mining Guild headquarters sending guild functionaries and administrators scrambling for cover as distant tremors signalled the start of the battle. The grey halls of the hanger bay were filled with the thunderous roar of dozens of footfalls as guild pilots raced towards their fighter craft. Yellow TIE/mg's began to power up along the flightline.

"They're slow." Van grumbled from the gangway above the hanger. He'd already been here for several minutes.

"Don't remember you being any better back at the academy." his Chiss wing mate replied.

"Still scored higher than you did blueskin."

"Feth off pirate." she said before turning to her TIE.

Boots echoed across the gangway as a TIE pilot who wore crimson stripes strode towards the two. "The hell you standing around for? Get in your TIEs, we're launching now!" he barked as he marched past. His squadron commander was as always an enduring ray of sunshine. But Van could hardly blame him, an assignment in some god forsaken mining site training Guild goons the fundamentals of starfighter combat was hardly the best posting in the Empire.

Van Trask lazily put his helmet on and it let out a hiss as it sealed, his nose and lungs filled with recycled air from his life support system. The pilot slid down a ladder and into the cockpit of his fighter, practically falling into his seat. Immediately his hands reached out to the controls.

The cockpit was lit up in a muted red as the electrics came online, the start-up code of the flight screens reflected off Trask's white helmet as they booted up. His hand reached out to the left flicking a red switch and the white light of the hanger disappeared as the top hatch closed, sealing Van into the durasteel eyeball.

Engines came next as he flicked two switches, outside the fighter the two ion engines lit up one after another. Van swung the flight stick left and right, watching the flight screen for the feedback. Before he could continue his pre-flight checks the pompous core world accent of an Imperial officer filled his helmet.

<"Marauder 3 this is HTC, do you copy?">

<"Yeah I copy. If this is another drill someone's getting killed.">

<"Marauder flight is go for sortie."> he replied, ignoring Van's comment. <"Proceed one four niner, climb to 5000 feet. How copy?">

<"Mhmm."> Van Trask replied as he continued with his checks. Hydraulics, fuel and radar were all green, next weapons and his flight screen laid out the armaments of the TIE Brute.

<"How copy Marauder 3?"> the HTC asked again sounding very irritated.

<"I copy control, one four niner, angel's 5.">

The hanger was suddenly filled by the roar of a TIE fighter as Marauder 1, his squadron commander, raced out the hanger, tailed by several mining guild TIEs. Not even a minute later Marauder 2 was out as well. Van was up next.

<"Marauder 3 you are clear for launch.">

Van gripped his flight stick as his left hand drifted down to the throttle.

<"Ready rack release. Three, two, one... Now.">

There was a sudden sensation of weightlessness as the brute dropped out the TIE rack. Not even a second later Van had punched the throttle forward and the TIE shot out into the skies of Prakith.

Van immediately corrected his heading to one four niner and pulled back on the joystick and began to climb. His headset cracked and soon his commander was speaking across the squadron net.

<"Alright people this is for real. Three, take two, four and a squadron of locals and break off on heading zero seven five. Control's got four bandits sighted. Seek and destroy.">

Trask grinned under his white helmet, finally some good news. Two Imperial TIE Brutes alongside eight yellow mining guild TIEs formed up on his Brute as he changed course. The mining guild pilots struggled flying in formation, forming a blob of durasteel instead of anything orderly as they closed on their targets.

"Amateurs." Trask said to himself. Despite the efforts of his comrades the Guild lackeys were no Imperial pilots, better suited for running down escaped miners than actual combat. But he'd have to make do. Besides, there were only four bandits.

The TIEs screamed through the sky on a direct intercept course with the Foundation fighters. Trask tapped a few buttons on his flight screen, bringing up his radar, they were now rapidly closing in. He turned his head to look at the viewport and squinting his eyes he eventually made out four black dots in the distance that were rapidly getting closer. He tapped another button on the weapons control panel and targeting solutions soon appeared on his hud. His finger drifted onto the joystick's trigger as he got a lock on the lead starfighter

<"Tally. Engaging bandit.">

He pulled down on the trigger and the flachete cannons began ripping away, the squadron of mining guild followed suite with their own laser cannons as they closed in for the merge, flying straight on to the foundation fighters.


Engaging: Daraho Arvyd Daraho Arvyd | Zyra Zyra

Xesh Squadron, Imperial Mining Guild - Augmented by pilots of Marauder Squadron, Imperial Starfighter Corps
[1/1] TIE/haB "Brute" - Van Trask
[2/2] TIE/INx Interceptor - Marauder two & four
[8/8] TIE/mg Starfighter - NPC pilots

Van Trask and a squadron of mining guild TIE fighters break off to engage Danger Squadron's Bravo flight, opening up with a salvo of flachete and laser cannon fire as they close in for the merge.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to Aela Keersu Aela Keersu Captain Malthus Captain Malthus

That's a cute trick, Jedi.

Onrai's essence splintered, fragmenting into a pair of shadowed manifestations. One continued to proceed onwards through the ship, doing its best to ignore the blaster fire directed its way by the defending troopers. The other made its way towards Connel. While not able to directly sense him, Onrai was able to sense the lives of the other stormtroopers that he had dispatched, and followed them in order to pursue him. She was fortunate enough to spy his foot the moment he headed around a corner and, rushing to follow him, she smiled as she eyed him traveling down another hallway.

"Got you."


Onrai hurried towards the bridge of the incomplete dreadnought. There was a reason for this - she was familiar with the solution for seizing a warship: go to the bridge and infest the ship's core computer with her essence in order to prevent any attempt at tripping a self-destruct. She also could, in theory, get the half-finished hulk out of here before the feral Jedi could otherwise interfere.

Reaching the elevator, she hit the button and began rising towards the bridge as the doors closed to the shaft.
I'm scarier with my mask off.
Strike from the Shadows
Black Spire


Objective 1: Operation: Black Spire

Something was still wrong…

… it was so annoying.

What that changed for Connel was absolutely nothing. Connel couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but he decided to focus on the mission at hand. He knew that dwelling on the unknown would only distract him from the task ahead. Then it hit him.

He was sensing himself… well… a call to him really. He was sensing something he recognized. That meant something that was from his past was here, and that meant that someone from his past was here. It almost cost him as the Shadow was close to stumbling into a patrol of Stormtroopers. They would perish after investigating the rifle on the ground, the grenade underneath and the overloaded powercell sent them flying…

… and him moving on.

Continuing on the mission at hand, he wanted to follow the parameters, but he knew that he was not the only one here. Especially since he found out who was also here. He could play the intimidation game, but that would give away his position. Another grenade, not his last one, he had one more, was available. .He decided to take a calculated risk. Connel planted his last grenade in the lift shaft, creating a diversion that would cause chaos and draw attention away in another section. This would give him the opportunity to continue his mission undetected, while also ensuring that whoever else was here would not be revealed.
He was not looking to be found, but at least one of these Sith already know he is out here. Better him than anyone else.

Especially the one he was now looking for.

Coming across another team of Stormtroopers, they were clearly on the hunt and that was going to be their downfall. He was listening in to the comm-chatter, the confiscated comm-link hooked up to his own, he waited for the right moment and set a trapAs they approached, he triggered the trap, causing a distraction that allowed him to slip away unnoticed. With the Stormtroopers momentarily confused, he continued his search for the one he was looking for, determined to find them before the Sith did.

Where are you

There was something else that he came across that was interesting. A power conduit that was connected directly to one of the power cores. He realized the power conduit could be the key to finding what he was looking for. With renewed determination, he carefully followed the conduit, hoping it would lead him to his target before the Sith could catch up. Of course, if one was looking for him, he had a plan. It was almost exciting.


He only had one explosive charge he could use, but there was his last grenade set up within the conduit panel “door” that was conspicuously open. The grenade was hidden well enough but positioned where it would go off when the door was closed.


Aela Keersu Aela Keersu • @Rayne Lo’to • Captain Malthus Captain Malthus • Onrai Onrai • Darth Kizash Darth Kizash

Location: Jerrilek.
Objective: Infiltrate the Imperial Supply Depot.
Wearing: Imitation Imperial Uniform.
Weapons: Lightsaber (Hidden) & K-16 Bryar Pistol (Holstered)
Allies: Trent Perris Trent Perris .
At just twenty-one, Balun had to put forth his best effort to sell the image of an ambitious Imperial officer—one eager to prove himself to his superiors and climb the ranks. Every movement, every word, had to reinforce the illusion, justifying his presence alongside Trent Perris Trent Perris , who bore the higher-ranking insignia they had secured before the operation.

"Quite right, sir," Balun responded with crisp efficiency, his tone carrying the eager compliance expected of a subordinate seeking favor. But beneath the surface of his feigned obedience, he wove in a carefully measured critique, a subtle reflection of his own distaste for the Imperial officers whose recklessness had led to the barfight just nights before.

"Such discord is an utter disgrace to the uniform," he continued, his voice edged with the right amount of disapproval, "and undermines the integrity of every man and woman who serves in the public eye. We will need to remain vigilant—tighten our hold on the local populace—should they entertain any foolish notions of retaliation for the incompetence of those involved."

The words tasted bitter as he spoke them, but they served their purpose.

As they neared the turbolifts, a question was directed at them, and Balun instinctively lifted his head, adjusting his posture to exude the rigid confidence expected of an Imperial officer. He had studied holorecordings in the week leading up to the mission, analyzing the proud, disciplined stance of those who wore this uniform in earnest. Now, he mimicked them with careful precision, reinforcing the illusion of self-assurance.

"My skill set, sir, spans multiple disciplines—Technical Engineering, Security Systems Technician," he replied smoothly, his tone firm yet unassuming. "However, I was enlisted as a Corporal some time ago, where I served in the field of battle and led a special forces unit. Our Sergeant was KIA, and I was tasked with seeing the objective fulfilled—for the glory of the Empire."

His words carried the weight of practiced conviction, his voice tinged with pride. The technical skills were genuine, but the rest? A fabrication meant to sell the role.

Once they were safely out of earshot, Balun's demeanor shifted. Without breaking stride, he lowered his voice just enough for Trent to hear, his tone laced with quiet meaning.

"I have other skills," he murmured, casting a knowing glance at his fellow rebel, "that some might consider… unnatural."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Aela Keersu Aela Keersu Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to Captain Malthus Captain Malthus Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Darth Kizash Darth Kizash

The pursuit continued, the confused stormtroopers another sign as the wraithlike being continued following the armored figure. she followed him to the conduit and, knowing that he would likely buy that the tripping of the trap had in fact done something, closed the hatch, her form partially engulfed by the explosion as shrapnel from the shattered door pierced through her inky essence. Still she pursued the Jedi, always keeping within the bare limits of visual range so she knew where he had gone and what he was doing.

"Have you considered just stopping?" She asked as the pursuit continued.


On board the bridge, the door opened up. A number of personnel were manning the sparsely active consoles, and were quickly subdued by Onrai, their flesh and bones evaporated from existence and and consumed by the creature's inky blackness once they sought to resist. After she was the sole living being on board the bridge, as she had done many times before, her hands were placed on the center console, essence melding with the ship itself as she began to infuse herself into the half-finished vessel. Unlike the last ship she had done this with, it felt odd - with almost half the systems not installed yet, everything was barebones, a lot easier to control, but a lot harder to understand.

The only benefit was that, in theory, it wouldn't be too hard to get the hulk out of the dock. For now, she continued to focus on acquiring total digital control of the ship. If she did this, the rest of the acquisition would be a cakewalk.

I did need to build a replacement for the Gorgon after all...



Location: Mining Guild, Prakith
Objective: 2
Enemies engaging: Mother Askani Mother Askani

Chaos continued to echo throughout the various mining tunnels leading in and out throughout the guild. He could sense the emboldening movement sparked by the miners will to rise up against the Imperial overseers that had worked many of them to death only to keep an encumbered war machine still running. Now, they had finally seized the opportunity to rise up against their oppressive masters. One by one did they take a electro axe and blaster and turned the work from the mines towards that of the guards and stormtroopers the same.

As Ren would sprint through the darkness did the rumbling of explosions, discharge from blasters and the occasional scream of the guard would resound all around him. Gloved hand still clasping at the ruined saber hilt held so tightly, he had expected these miners to be easily squashed, but knew that these beaten down rabble couldn’t have risen up alone. His thoughts ran wild, first he thought of saboteurs from the Alliance, but the tactics of attacking an imperial facility wasn’t as organized as the Alliance were.

The disturbance in the Force would continued to echo over and over, just as Detritus could finally see light at the end of the tunnel. The opening was billowing with smoke and the occasional flash from blaster fire. Ren was gritting his teeth now, as he approached the tunnel he would hear the weary, but cheerful word of a miner in front of him.

“We’re free! Freedom at la-.” The miner would say, but his words cut short with the crackling activation of the Ren’s lightsaber. The orange colored blade ran through the miner. Detritus was still covered by darkness, but he looked as if a dark warrior that wielded fire within his very clutches. “Incorrect… Freedom is beyond you… only Oblivion awaits.” Detritus would say harshly to the man, his venom was evident in his tone as he pushed the miner off of his blade, a burning hole left right through his center as he crashed onto the ground.

Quickly was Detritus greeted upon by a hail of blaster bolts through the darkness. At first Deteitus moved through the mining shaft, blaster bolts crackled when meeting his burning blade, but were danced away with a subtle gesture of Detritus’s wrist deflecting the bolts with ease. A couple of bolts would strike a miner, then towards what looked to be a soldier.

Detritus moved slow, getting closer towards the opening of the mine. The first man he saw, he sliced right into a torso causing a cry from one of the miners. The next move was to sever the firing arm of one soldier, before his body was slammed through the ore vein of the wall via the Force. Another saber strike beheaded several miners, before the robed and masked zealot emerged fully through the light.

Several rebels would find themselves pushed back, his hand open palmed and stretched out to block the rebels path. His saber lowered, the crackling of his blade mixed with the heavy stomps of his boots. His gaze lit with unmatched fury as his yellow glare stared down a mysterious stranger in front of him. His saber kept crackling as he asked the mysterious woman before him one single question. His tone was filled with rage waiting to be unleashed, his tone most displeased and made apparent to the troublemaker before him.

“Who… are you?”




Hevnor breathed and was rather surprised to find that it came out haggard and uneasy. Normally he was the only one with red lenses, and he didn't think he ever made anyone nervous by them. "Hevnor," his translator replied for him - mercifully bereft of any unease. "Behind me is Captain Love."

He could never be sure just how much Sith were supposed to know. Their place and relationship to the traditional command hierarchy seemed fluid at the best of times. But being that they were now alone in this hallway, Hevnor was reasonably at peace in telling him. "There is no extraction. There is no departure. Not for the ones on the list. The Security Bureau is cleaning house."

Hevnor was their instrument. So was Love, for now. The failures of Prakith could be be allowed to repeat. As delightful as this musing was, another explosion soon rocked the facility - this time far closer. There was a burst of chatter in Hevnor's ear. Now the rebels really were in the building. Duty eclipsed fear, Hevnor looked back at the waiting stormtrooper captain.

"We will need to expedite the process."

He offered Imperius a polite nod before turning on a heel and advancing down the hallway, trusting Love to follow. The administrators already gathered on the fourth floor would need to be liquidated first. The other stragglers could be dealt with piecemeal. Inconvenient, but necessary.




Objective II : Embers of Revolution


As Torson advanced into the battlefield, the enemy assailant - a single Mandalorian, fired a single grenade towards Torson who instinctively activated his jetpack and took to the skies narrowly avoiding the grenade's detonation by a few seconds with a few bits of shrapnel hitting his legs although considering they were cybernetically enhanced it was something he could easily shrug off. Still in the air, Torson watched as the Mandalorian himself leapt into the air and descended upon Dothon firing upon the Special Forces Operative as he came back down.

However Torson would not give the Mandalorian the opportunity to make direct contact with Dothon. As such he holstered his Rifle on his back and quickly moved forth to rush towards the enemy while in the air, his jetpack at full power as he charged his opponent, moving to tackle him mid-air before he could make contact with Dothon and pushing all the way to the opposite side of the valley where he hoped to slam the opponent against the wall of the valley in an attempt to incapacitate him, and put a quick end to the battle his arms locked in tight around the Mandalorian as he aimed to deal a decisive blow trying to maintain the momentum and prevent him from escaping his grip.

This little skirmish would end now, on the Empire's term and Torson would see to it that such an outcome would occur one way or another.


[Friendlies] | Saltare Dothon Saltare Dothon
[Hostiles] | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


It was all Drego could register, the pain in his back as he felt himself speared right into the mountain side.

The damned imperials were quicker than he thought. Wanna-be mandalorians who only saw the armor as a leg up, not a sacred rite. Unfortunately for them, Drego was faster. Stronger.

With a hefty swing downwards, Drego brought both of his fists down on the back of the imperial, his fists coming down in a massive sonic eruption onto the imperial's jetpack, before Drego used the magnetic gloves to latch onto the imperial's armor.

It took a moment of mental prep, but Drego activated his ion thrusters in his boots, bringing the imp up and onto his shoulders, before leaping up and slamming the imp back down.

No one out wrestles a mandalorian.



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -

Gear: In Sig
Veythun Veythun

There are two types of Sith, those that swallow the mantra of aggression, and the other that speaks about how aggression is the only Sith way. Then there's me, that one Sith who murders for pleasure, I don't call it killing: it's serial killer standards with me. Women, men, children, ewoks; if it can bleed, it can die. And I'm pretty creative in my twisted designs of murder; it's the only time my deathly pale face could stitch an infected smile together.

And because I'm such a team player, lies, I opted to sit back in a dark corner of the facility; feeding my fowl friend, Archie, and throw around the corpse of a rat around to see how many different angles it can collapse into, only for Archie to retrieve it back like a well-trained, corrupted Jedi with confused morals and a grand design in being more than they thought they were. I hate fallen Jedi more than Jedi....and Sith. But the galaxy is filled with jester-like philosophies.

"Tell me Archie, if you could be anything in this galaxy other than a bird, what would you be? Wait....let me guess!!!!!! A sarlacc?"

Shifting my eyes to the klaxon blaring, that most annoying sound next to Archie grinding his beak in his roosting, to alert trouble was afoot, I could only smirk before killing the sound with a flinch of my fingers. "Come Archie," I said staring at the ruined technology, "We have visitors treading on our playground, let's go bone collecting."

Glancing into the other corner, where a slobbering corpse wearing a military uniform with high-ranking decorations, sat chewing on her own toes, unaware of her disposition, filled her rotting belly full. "G'nite child."



Moments before the Mandalorian landed next to Saltare, Joseph Torson Joseph Torson impacted into him from the side, his jetpack roaring as he drove the Mandalorian into the mountainside away from Saltare. Saltare holstered his pistol and snapped his blade shut, retrieving his rifle as Joseph drove the Mando away from them.

"On me!" Saltare barked, glancing quickly at the few remaining troopers as they walked, stumbled, or jogged to him, injured from the detonations and gunfire the Mandalorian had unleashed. Saltare spun and began moving toward Joseph, watching as the Mandalorian wrestled briefly with Joseph before some type of detonation allowed him to get the upper hand, driving him to the ground.

"Bring him down!"

Saltare's rifle bucked as the targeting system locked onto the weaker areas of the Mandalorian's armor, sending precise fire toward him. The troopers around him opened up as well, blaster bolts reaching out across the terrain to impact the Mando. This Mandalorian was a good fighter, and he had good armor, but he was outnumbered, and now several of the best troopers available to the Empire had him dialed in, and they unleashed everything they had.

Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


S P A R K_O F_R E B E L L I O N - E M P I R E'S_E D G E
Objective I - Operation : Black Spire



INV Inquisitor [100|100]
INV Ironclad [100|100]
INV Tyrant [100|100]
INV Sovereign [100|100]

Kampe. An Arid Desert Planet located in the Deep Core with little significance. It had once served as the headquarters of an Imperial Warlord centuries ago during the Imperial Civil War and more recently was sought out as the site of the headquarters of Marlon Sularen who had briefly ruled over the Prakith Sector prior to the Krath's takeover of the Imperial Deep Core Territories. Now another Warlord had taken residence on the planet, establishing himself within the very fortress that had been utilized by both the former Imperial Warlord and Marlon Sularen.

However what caught the attention of the Dark Empire the most was the Warlord's construction of a Super Star Destroyer on the planet, something in which not even the High Regent had been aware of until the Rebels struck against the Empire's Deep Core holdings including Kampe. While the Super Star Destroyer was still incomplete, acquiring it would provide the Empire with a significant boost especially after they lost their previous Super Star Destroyer at Coruscant which was being built underneath the Alliance's Senate Building and was unfortunately destroyed at the height of the Battle.

As such, Lord-Regent Sularen would send both Allegiant General Domaric Mordane and Admiral Kaine Hamilton to retrieve the incomplete Super Star Destroyer and relocate it to the Imperial Shipyards above Wistril, before the Rebels could reach the warship and destroy it. Thus a race would begin between the Dark Empire and the Foundation for the incomplete Super Star Destroyer which in Imperial hands would provide the Imperial Military with a much needed powerful asset that could bolster it's strength and revitalize it, a victory the Empire desperately needed in these uncertain times.


An Imperial Fleet emerged from hyperspace above Kampe, consisting of a pair of Despot-Class Star Destroyers and a pair of Dragon-Class Escort Frigates. Onboard the flagship of this Imperial Fleet, the INV Inquisitor, Admiral Kaine Hamilton observed the planet down below from the bridge, his hands clasped behind his back as he remained deep in thought. This operation was vital for the future of the Imperial Military with a victory providing it was much needed strength and power projection to further assert the Empire's status in the galaxy while a defeat would only deprive it of vital resources and further weaken the Imperial Military at a time where it faced a prospective two-front war.

As Admiral Hamilton remained in thought, he was approached by the Captain of the Inquisitor who relayed him some news. "Admiral Hamilton, the Fleet has arrived at Kampe and is in position for deployment." the captain explained. "Good, inform the Allegiant-General that he's clear to deploy his forces and begin the operation." Hamilton responded. Already there were reports coming through of firefights throughout Kampe between Imperial and Rebel forces. Hopefully the Imeprials on the ground would be sufficient enough to delay the Rebel advance and allow the Allegiant-General the time he needed to accomplish his task.

Thus, the Admiral would remain at his post keeping an eye out for potential incursion from Rebel Naval Forces and waiting for any further news from the Allegiant-General as his forces would begin to make landfall on Kampe.


Tags [DE] | Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane
Tags [Foundation] | OPEN


Prakith | Mining Guild Headquarters
"Good, your orders comply with mine. None of them will leave this planet, let the rebels play with their bones, but their ability does not warrant any extraction. Make sure that the enemy knows and hears of this place and our false efforts. Let them come."

With that he received the report of Skytroopers engaging an incoming enemy who needed more attention than what his droids could handle. The rebels got their support from the petty souls of Lightsiders, mercenaries or even Jedi and they could not be allowed to 'rescue' the mining guild leaders. He reviewed some of the local data, of the base and its layout and decided to get onto the buildings roof to meet this intruder.

"I will leave my Paladins with them to finish our work here and to reinforce you." Darth Imperius turned after that and started swiftly climbing the stairs to the rooftop, leaving behind two menacing warriors in dark segmented plate, entirely silent and void of any reaction but to return to the rooms where the guild officials were held.

He took half a flight of stairs at once with his large steps, climbing to the top of the building with fast ease, some tiles cracking under the weight of his sabatons.

Darth Imperius reached the top, his red lenses scanning the area, locating where the reports of his Skytroopers were coming from and saw the figure that was fighting them. With no delay he ordered more Skytroopers towards the location but maintained a perimeter around the headquarters. offering a nice target for the delusional rebels.

The activation of his lightsaber, a red glow, should serve of enough a beacon to draw in the challenger.


| Lightsaber | Greatsword | Armor | Amulet | Shuttle |
Order of Battle
| Skytroopers | Knights Tenebrus |​




/Come now, I haven't all day,/ he said as his chamber hovered near the door.

Seriously, the fact that they weren't doing anything at all was starting to bug him. There was some alarm going on inside, but nobody had shown themselves or said a word to him. The gate was still closed. It didn't seem as if they were interested in doing anything but mobilizing in case he was more than just himself? If they looked around they would clearly see that he was there on his own. Nobody else was hiding in the shadows, at least not that he was aware of. Street was pretty darn quiet, actually.

He waited. Waited some more. Nobody seemed to be coming out. So he decided to heck with it. He was a ronin, and he did what he felt was necessary, not what someone directed him to do.

/Alright, fine. I gave you the option, you didn't take it. Don't blame me./

Reaching through the Force towards the doors of the facility, he began gripping at the attachment devices that kept them in place. Why try to rip down the doors themselves when you could just take apart the things that kept them in place? Pull the pins on the hinges, and a gentle push would knock down the largest of doors. Hinges were a weak point. These doors didn't particularly have those kinds of hinges, but every door had its control mechanism, so he went about telekinetically picking it apart from the outside, intending on making the door collapse under its own weight.

Transport Chamber: LINK

TAGS: Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin (Engaging) | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell and Trent Perris Trent Perris (Friends)​


Dust in the Wind - Chapter 1

Modified Galactic Alliance Special Forces Gear
Blaster Carbine
Blaster Pistol
Military Knife
Smoke Bombs
Thermal Bomb

Prowler, Jackal, Romulus, Elrod, Guinea, Rosé, Blackspire, Xeno, Ymir, Kobel, Tech, Spectre
OBJECTIVES: Capture Imperial Mining Guild Leaders. Alive
ENGAGING: Captain Love Captain Love | Hevnor Hevnor

PROXIMITY - ALLIES: Orys Starwind Orys Starwind
PROXIMITY - ENEMIES: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

<Take the other doors!> Prowler ordered as they approached the room where the Guild Officials are held. Jackal, Guinea, Rosé, Ymir, Kobel, and Spectre took the smaller door, while the rest stayed behind Tech, who is planting a bomb to blast the main door open.

<On 5!> Tech counted, 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… BOOM! The explosion ripped the main entrance open, which Blackspire took as an opportunity to rolled in a smoke bomb into the room.

“ON THE FLOOR!” Prowler roared through his helmet, shooting his blaster carbine to the air as a warning shot. All guns are pointed at the doors, both the destroyed main one and the closed one, in case someone is trying to escape from the side door.

“FLOOR!” Prowler shot his blaster carbine once again, this time aimed at the average chest level, trying to intimidate everyone into dropping down with hands behind their head.

Is there a chance that he’s hitting his intended targets? Sure. He’s willing to take the risk in such a precarious situation, where he’s unsure of how many armed enemy they are facing, nor they have the time nor liberty to take the ideal, unrealistic option.


His eyes slid sideways as Balun embellished on the bar fight. Adding in his own measure of the incident that had Trent biting the inside of his lip to keep from cracking a smile. The sly inflection on the words not missed in any way as Trent kept his posture regal of the position he supposedly held.

But the younger man was playing the part well and giving him any sort of praise would have to wait.

Not wanting to engage the other officers that nodded and returned to their conversations. A sharp hiss of apprehension as one held tight to their datapad. The duo's steps not quite taking them out of earshot yet as they made for their lift.

"Lord-Regent has arrived."

His stride stuttering as he kept himself from spinning in place to ask for an explanation. A zing of anxious nerves leaving a cold trail down his spine at the news. They'd been monitoring com-lines and knew this was something that could happen. But having it confirmed before they'd even made it halfway through the mission turned their chance for problems into an open invite.

With the man present, everyone's exhaust port was going to be puckered tighter than even the Galactic Emissions Standard could request of a snub fighter.

His gait resumed in proper fashion as he locked his eyes forward. Mind racing now with what needed to be done. What might go sideways between here and there.


Even more sideways he figured.

Balun bent his ear once they had cleared away from the others. His gaze sharper than intended with the news of someone that could, and would, bring down the entire base on their head in an instant. His shoulders tightened with the shared words, eyes searching the floor ahead with each clacking step forward until they reached their lift.

His voice a hushed but harsh thing as he tried to keep the urgency from tainting their crafted personalities.

"Let's avoid revealing those skills until absolutely necessary." Selecting what felt like the appropriate floor to arrive on as he looked to his direct support for the moment.

The door opened to reveal another set of officers and even a member of security judging by the combat gear they wore. His head tilting in a nod to the woman they stood beside, tone slipping back to the haughty formal he'd practiced as he glanced to Balun once more.

"Our superiors have dealt with such issues in the past, and likely have means of dealing with both the Rebels and those other beings that infest their ranks." As much of a warning he could allow as the man beside them took interest in their conversation.

"Is there something worth concern about Force using rebels?" The air in the lift shifting to a stifling heat. Feeling every eye in the already cramped lift turn their direction expectantly waiting for his answer.

A wave of his hand preceded his words. Dismissing the topic entirely with a sigh.

"My subordinate was voicing a concern after the local's inquired if either of us had experienced any, strange feelings after the public disturbance incident." A sound falling between relief and annoyance elicited from the other officer about the matter.

"You were tangled up in that mess?"

"Not directly. We were asked to come in for questions and processing." Scoffing that was punctuated with a shake of his head. "Entirely unnecessary given the security recordings and eye witness testimonies. But I would guess they wish to seem as competent as we are."



ALLIES: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | TF
ENGAGING: Captain Malthus Captain Malthus
GEAR: In bio




<Don't be seen... I can do that...>

Aela sincerely hoped she and Fawkes would be fine. One way or another, those blueprints need to be secured and then removed from the database. She watched for a moment as the Twi'lek jumped into the vent overhead and Fawkes following her with his grappling hook into the vent.

Don't fail, she thought.

Suddenly, klaxons blared as some movement could be heard from the room up ahead. Aela silently motioned for the squad to move forward with her. As they came close to the door, she halted them behind one of the pillars while unhooking a flash bang from her belt.
<Ensure thermals and noise dampners are functional.> she told everyone over the local comms, including Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to 's, before priming the grenade and hurling it toward the room.

Interestingly, a figure appeared in the doorway just as the grenade sailed inside. Aela had been part of the Alliance long enough to recognise the insignia before the bang went off.

As the high-pitched whine and bright light reigned in the room, Aela and the squad moved in. In an instant, golden particle bolts lit up the already lit up data room. The Corellian herself had to use her rifle stock to butt it into someone's helmet, though she couldn't see who's. To stay on top of the confusion, Gibbs, Aela's 2IC, dropped a smoker as well. With their IFF's fully functional, they could see which figures to shoot at and who not.

Hopefully the Twi'lek and her human counterpart could use the confusion to get it and grab the data.

I'm scarier with my mask off.
Strike from the Shadows
Black Spire


Objective 1: Operation: Black Spire

<Ensure thermals and noise dampners are functional.>

He didn’t expect to hear that, and did not know who the person was initially, but it was a comm-signal on his link and not the one he stole from a Stormtrooper. So it was clearly one of the other teams on the ship.

Time to be annoying...

"Have you considered just stopping?"

... you talk? Naw… I like being chased.

Still sensing “himself” somewhere, nearby, he could not let himself be distracted. Yeah, he heard the voice, and wasn’t crazy, but someone, something was following so might as well make it worth it. So what Connel went to do was slip into one of the side rooms and found himself in front of an armory.


“Who is there?!” Out came what looked to be either a guard, or even the Quartermaster from around the corner. He was swiftly taken down and choked out. As bells were klaxoning, Connel used the body in front of him (yes, he was still alive, but unconscious) to open several of the weapons vaults. This was not the main armory, clearly by the somewhat small size of it, there were several rows of weapons and explosives he could use.

Ohhh this should be fun.

If you can hear, me, which you probably can… you’re not going to like thisss.

He didn’t want to use his shaped charge, making sure to booby trap the detonator in case whoever was following (or really anybody) tried to "cut the wire" or anything of the like, but with the bells going off, there were issues that had to be addressed. So… setting the charge in the middle of the grenades, Connel set the timer for enough time to get out of there. Not before pulling the unconscious Quartermaster out and around a corner. Right in front of a trio of Stormtroopers.

“There he is, get him!”

Are you kidding me? In a blur he threw three of his Throwing Lightknives at them, each hitting the barrels of their leveled rifles. The weapons exploded in their faces. Before any of them were able to recover, the Shadow was again gone. Gone to where? Well… only the weirdo following him seems to know.


Aela Keersu Aela Keersu • @Rayne Lo’to • Captain Malthus Captain Malthus • Onrai Onrai • Darth Kizash Darth Kizash

Join the Foundation. Fight for freedom.

Engaging: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Equipment: Psimitar | Bryar Pistol | Kimoyo Beads | Guardian Mantle
(These are listed in the bio but wanted to list them here)

She banked left, a plasma bolt cutting through the space she had just left. She followed the motion through and rolled behind a rocky outcrop for cover, before the double ammo cartridge rotated when the current cartridge overheated. Click! She was ready with a fresh one for firing; she sprung up and when her body was fully oxygenated, she pressed with the middle of her finger pad, and let loose a couple of salvos.

She was rushed from her side; she did not have the half a second it would take to raise her arms again, so she simply threw herself into the engagement, she swung wide with her pistol hand and checked him, wielding it as a blunt object just to stall part of his charge and knock him off balance -- but it wouldn't disorient him for long -- he grabbed for her with both arms, and she reached inside the trajectory of them, swung her right arm over his left, stepped across his frame, and pull his right arm from an underhook into an elevation, then she clenched his head into the depression in the front of her elbow. He tried to grab her hips to lift and throw her but he couldn't from this position. She stepped forward and flipped him over her shoulder, throwing him into the ground. She followed the momentum of his fall, and rolled just shy over his body.

She came up on the other side in a crouched position, digging her driving foot into the ground to anchor herself and stop the forward motion. She quickly collected her pistol and collapsed Psimitar. Her sprightliness was evident that she hadn't lost her skill; she was well trained even for how she appeared.

Just ahead, she could feel the cavernous echo of a tunnel just a head, the air volume was different and there was a breeze...but it had grown ominous; she didn't need to the Force to understand that. The flashing blur of red afterimages told everything, she had seen enough to know what came next.

The form of Detritus Ren Detritus Ren emerged from the shadows upon her; the darkness at his back vivifying him.

She slowly stood up, beckoned by his question. "The Foundation..." She titled her head up, speaking those words casually, peering from underneath her hood.

There was an aggression behind his words, and normally she'd know better than to spoon feed a dark sider but...

She pointed her pistol, with her finger on the trigger; he was her target.


"What have I sacrificed? Everything..."


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