Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lanteebian National Day i.e. the Spring Festival was approaching. Once a year, this is when they celebrated the new year, which brought them renewal, new opportunities and new life. This year, just like in the last five years they share this with the Eternal Empire and their allies. They invited everyone who wants to celebrate with them. As for the Lanteebian festivities, they held all of this in several ways.

The festivals coincide with the flowering of the beautiful local trees, so you can take part in outdoor events in the rain of petals, or just huge noble balls. On the streets many dress in costumes, hold fairs, dance, sing, have fun. They hold free plays/dramas, musical entertainments, parades, local food and drink specialties can be sampled. They celebrate for a whole week.

For those who are not interested in festivals, they are also hunting for a number of points on the planet. On the hunt everyone can prove their skills, talents and resilience. Who go hunting can also fight each other or chase local animals, possibly creatures brought from the outside world in the terrain of their choice. The locals hope everyone will find here what they are looking for during the holiday, and they will be welcomed in the Eternal Empire.



Objective 1: Festivals
1A – Noble ball
Ball in the noble quarter of the capital city, on a huge estate, at the governor of the planet. Great wealth, excellent shows, food and drinks await those who come here. Appropriate clothing and possibly a mask are required for this event, where anyone who joins to the Noble ball can meet the leaders and nobles of the planet again. Fireworks at midnight.

1B – Local Party
Anyone who joins this part can celebrate with the common people of the planet. Dance, music, shows are waiting for everyone who visits here. They can meet with the common people who welcome all interested. Fireworks at midnight

Objective 2: The Hunt
Hunting, clashes, are waiting for anyone interested who does not want to celebrate. You can choose any location, as well as an opponent, the point is that everyone can prove their aptitude and experience the joy and thrill of hunting. And this year, they prepared for the event with a special animal that reflects the spirit of the spring holiday.


Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want.


Ecthelion Aiglos

Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul

Attire: Mask - Armour - Toga


Clad in his ancient Zakuulan armour but with a neatly folded addition of a red toga-like cape around the shoulder covering parts of the chest and back, he calmly steps into the governor's palace, in his hand a mask for the, in his opinion useless, masquerade. It very much resembles a death mask, bare of any emotions but gilded.

The armoured boots clanking on the polished marble floors while he 'disappears' in the crowd. As if a golden-red giant could simply disappear. He takes a glass of champagne and would occasionally sip from it, more to meet the protocol than to his liking.

He would slowly and steadily aim to make his way to the Empress, the one he never met yet. In his way there he would, with exceptions, only engage in very brief and formal conversation.

Objective: Festivals - Local Party
Tags: Open

To Rath, today was just like any other day as the festivities were starting to kick off into high gear. All the while he spent his morning by himself, in his apartment, with no intention of going out despite it being a day off for him. Days off while in the military was a rare treat by itself, but even back in the academy days Rath never really endorsed himself. He preferred to keep everyone at an arm's distance and no closer than that as it would keep his second life hidden as it has been for years. Additionally Rath was never the type to go out anywhere unless he had a goal in mind. These goals tend to not be fun and instead usually involve work somehow.

Today Rath was planning on making a new set of armor, or an Aegis to be precise. Only this time instead of cold climate oriented Rath decided to use bits and pieces of being sneaky in the darkness out of inspiration from multiple encounters. The Aegis he made previously worked wonders when he's in arctic terrain and even against lightsabers due to the ultrachrome and phrik materials. However outside of arctic environments, if it is so much as humid even in comfortable temperature it would quickly become uncomfortable to operate in. So he wished to develop a more comfortable yet effective Aegis.

However not everywhere he goes would be in such an environment. In fact, lately the places he had been sent to were involved with warm weather. Especially in urban areas, so Rath had to think of a new way to be able to comfortably move about without having to worry about the temperature too much.

However, these thoughts and his research were suddenly disturbed by the nuisance of a buzzer that indicates somebody is at his door. A sigh of annoyance escaped from his lips before he set down his tools and reluctantly walked over to the door. There was a terminal next to the front door to which displayed a camera feed that showed a certain pair that Rath has not seen in for some time. One was an average short blonde guy with casual yet a tad bit expensive clothes which Rath recognized to be Rex. The other was a lanky guy with dirty brown hair garbed in a red coat that does stand out compared to how people normally dress for the festival. If Rath hadn’t known better, he would’ve assumed these people were trying to get him into a bar with them. However a small voice as a memory recalled a certain twi’lek who expressed great concern regarding Rex’s absence of just about everyone. So Rath opened the door with the intention to question Rex rather than listen to whatever excuse they had in mind.

Rex had that ridiculous toothy grin on his face upon seeing Rath while the other guy who was now recognized to be Jaxter Briggs. Another member of the Spear project in fact, and also the one who lost to Rath in a couple of spars. Rath wore a plain long sleeved black shirt with sweatpants like he had no intention of leaving his apartment today.

”Rex, where in the Force did you crawl under? Pearl has been worried sick about you.” The mention of Pearl was met with recognition on Rex’s expression, of course it wasn’t her real name, but the twi’lek preferred to be addressed as Pearl.

”Oh really? Well she has no reason to worry for I am just fine. Come on, get dressed and let’s go party with the rest of the people.” Rex urged the young man in hopes to persuade him. Rath had this indifference air about him as he honestly could not express how much Rath didn’t care for it. Jaxter chimed in of course.

”If we’re lucky, we might even find ourselves a date.” Rath resisted the urge to just close the door on them as Jaxter thought that would work.

”You guys go on and have fun then. I don’t have much interest in this kind of thing.” Even with the shut down as it were, Rex appeared like he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

”Think of it as my way of thanking you for saving my life. I’ll buy you a round and we can call it even.” It was barely noticeable with the grin on Rex’s face, but there was a strained silent voice that almost cried out. Or perhaps Rath was looking into it too much?

”You don’t have to do that, I am content with your words alone.” With that Rath was about to close the door when Rex suddenly put his foot and hand at the door that caused Rath’s yellow eyes to squint. Rex’s expression started twitching like it was taking an effort to keep even a smile on his face.

”Please Rath… If you hadn’t excluded me from that operation, chances are I would’ve been dead along with…” Rex couldn’t bring himself to say anything about what happened to the squad, or how Rath ended up being the sole survivor of the squad with a single family. Rath wasn’t the type of guy to allow emotions to cloud his mind when it mattered, hence was why he often came across as a cold man. However even he could feel guilty as despite his survival he not only helplessly watched his squad perish one by one to the Rakghouls, but Rath had to kill some of the infected before they turned.

Jaxter became silent as his eyes was suddenly focused on a couple of bystanders within the complex. Unfortunately a lot of people know that Rath keeps to himself when he’s home and rarely ever is seen communicating with other people. So that drew some attention from the nosy neighbors albeit they were dressed for the festival as well. In the end Rath couldn’t restrain the sigh which escapes from him before his hand drops to his side.

”Fine. Come in if you want.” Rath offered before he went to get changed in a dark short sleeved shirt with a black leather jacket. Of course there was stripes of red along the sleeves on his jacket as well, and with slacks and boots he was ready to go. Of course his short black hair remained the same. Rex and Jaxter looked him over with a curious stare. Without too much hassle, the trio made their way over to where common folk would celebrate at.

”So tell me, is there a special someone that you’re crushing on?” Jaxter randomly directed the question to Rath. Frankly there was a lot that they didn’t know about Rath despite him being in the military for years. Rath simply shook his head in dismissal, wishing to drop the topic altogether.

”Is it Alora Veniz? Ta’beka? Hailey?” Jaxter was listing off every name of females they had encountered in the Spear program, and Rex was quiet as he didn’t want to interfere yet Rex was also curious as well. All of the names however Rath was indifferent about as they walked along the streets. Then Jaxter started listing off noblewomen to which Rath shut that down quickly.

”Stop. That would never work as I am not a noble, or anyone popular.” And frankly he would rather keep it that way. However the next name that came from Jaxter honestly made Rath question the guy’s sanity.

”Even the Empress Ingrid?” There was a whole moment where even Rex was looking at Jaxter silently questioning him. Jaxter shrugged his shoulders.

”Hey, I am just listing off people that i’ve seen you interact with. Are you even interested in romance?” Rath’s tongue almost gave out his personal opinion on that subject. Romance invites an early grave for the reckless and becomes a target from any enemies that are made. However he held his tongue and sighed.

”It’s not that I’m not interested, I’m just not looking for it right now.” That was half of a lie, part of him visions what it would be like if he let someone close to him, but the other part knows that would pose too great a risk of exposure. Truthfully, if there was someone like that, Rath would rather not lie to them about something significant that can affect both of them.

Eventually they reach the plaza where the festival was taking place. There was dance, music, and more happening closer to the center. Rex met up with Pearl who actually had quite the temper and was giving Rex an earful. Jaxter caught sight of someone that attracted his attention and broke off from the group. Leaving Rath by himself as he tucks his hands in his pocket and sought after a stall that sold drinks.

Truthfully Rath would rather forget what had happened at Qina. That was a memory he wished his mind could forget as it certainly was not a place that Rath could be proud of. Sure he saved some lives, but being the sole survivor makes the universe seem bigger than it really is. The space that was once filled was gone, or so Rath felt, so he sought comfort through food and drink.


Equipment:Outfit, Boots, Mask
Objective: Meet People
Tags: Open

The tiny troublemaker flitted between the rank and file of nobles gathered to talk about their riches or whatever they did. The lanyards on her shoulder brushing people as she moved from place to place in search of confectionary gold. Not that she could eat them without taking the mask off. Still, she was present, and moving through the people here in search of her treasure.

She had promised to behave, and was going to. So long as everyone shared and didn't make a fuss over her snagging goodies out of turn in the lines.

"Who allowed a child in here!?" A particularly irritable man had gasped as she wove through the lot of the assembled people, raising a hand as if to swat at her. She tucked to the side as his hand came down, the sharp look of anger and disgust hidden behind the mask as she pushed past him with a hard shove. Not immediately noticing her filching from his pockets, she didn't turn around when he made a show of being irate about her continued presence.

Pulling open the bundle she had swiped, she stared quietly at the credit chit and identification thingy that she pondered what to do with as she neared the tables with the large spread of goodies. She pocketed both items, tossing the handkerchief that had come with it under the table before snagging some sweets and wandering off to watch the people dancing.
Location: Noble Ball
Wearing: XxX
Equipment: Chassella's Twin Lightsaber Shotos (Hidden)
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Chassella had developed a taste for high society.

It went against almost everything that she stood for as a sister of the Eight Arrows Sect, but the diminutive assassin nevertheless found that she thoroughly enjoyed attending such lavish events, basking in the presence of stolen wealth and gilded criminals who deserved nothing but the noose. While attending the coronation with Nighthaunter Nighthaunter , she had joked about massacring everyone in the room. It had been just a joke, but Chasssella could not help but to wonder if one day, she would be able to actually do it.

Hopefully, one day.

For now, the Elzeri embraced the corrupt, hedonistic affair as a guilty pleasure, having purchased a cute dress, applied a practiced makeup look, and spritzed perfume across her body. While this time she was without escort, Chassella nevertheless entered the noble quarter with an elegant stride, her mismatched eyes scanning across the dancing area to take in the swaying figures of various nobles as they danced across the floor. In doing so, her eyes caught one such individual like herself, small (Albeit still taller than her), out of place, and curious as a loth-cat. In a strange way, the girl reminded her of Scherezade deWinter, brilliantly emerald green eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. However, having only seen the Blood Hound in pictures, Chassella did not suspect that the mysterious girl was in any way related to the legendary assassin. Even so, she did elicit the diminutive Elzeri’s curiosity and admiration, especially when she noticed her picking a stuffy noble’s pockets.

With a deep breath, Chassella approached the taller girl, her eyes taking on an amiable glint as she did. However, unable to think of anything meaningful to open with, Chassella decided on an idle question, which she hoped would lead to something more.

“Enjoy the sweets?” She began, before pausing for a breath. “You look like umm...someone I know. Wait, I mean someone I heard of, but like don’t know personally.” The Elzeri added awkwardly.

“Like a famous assassin.”
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Governor’s estate, Lanteeb
Equipment: Dress/outfit | Mask | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open

The sixth anniversary; it fell to this day when she first met Adrian Vandiir, in exactly the same place. Most of the guests were the same. She was officially present at an event like the Overlord of the Eternal Empire for the first time that day. Her marriage was just in crisis with Tubrok because of secret negotiations. It all just started as a harmless flirt with the Dark Councilor who was wearing the shady mask. It became a bloody serious affair.

Ingrid put on the same dress she wore that day, she did her hair the same way, the same mask. She was waiting for Scherezade that day, but Adrian went to her first. That day, their lives were intertwined forever. Knowing the two of them, it was strange that nothing had happened except flirting. They both found the other more interesting. It started here; because of this it was very painful to her to come back here today.

It was her duty to be here, to represent the Empire, to show herself strong, no one cared that her soul was bleeding; no one could see that. She could not show weakness. Adrian had been dead for a while, but the pain didn't subside, the woman was experiencing the same thing at the moment as she had then. The Empress walked the hall with dignity and a royal posture. The last time she was introduced here as the Emperor's right hand, now as the Empress. She still didn’t want that rank, even though it had been hers for a while.

She walked through the hall with a graceful, elegant, royal posture and movements, as in other times there was a hidden danger, the promise of death, in her movements. Ingrid was alone, like then, but now she was waiting in vain for Adrian to show up. Took a glass of champagne from one of the waiter's trays; she stopped at the same place as last time just before the meeting.

With her free hand she grabbed the luminous necklace and gently squeezed the gem (soulshard), she would have sacrificed everything to keep the late Sith Lord still alive…


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Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

With the glass of alcoholic liquid in hand, the Zakuulan gazed around the gathered nobility. Nobility. A term which has no place except if it is earned with muscles or mind, not being inherited or even bestowed. Imbeciles and fools. They are clad in all this silk, perfume and luxuries because someone else is fighting their wars, their conflicts with arms or words. Nothing is as distasteful as decadence.

The sound of breaking glass would stir up some views around Aiglos, he looked down and realised that he applied a bit too much pressure on the glass of champagne. He would just clean his hands by rubbing the palms against each other and move on. Aiglos had noticed the Empress entering, but he was not eager to be swallowed by a mob of aristocratic Fethheads, so his path took him to one of the large windows, looking outside but keeping his ears around the room, filtering a bit of what he is listening.



Equipment: Outfit, Boots, Mask
Objective: Meet People
Tags: Chassella Chassella

The mask had been removed in short order, having made to devour some of her sweets as a voice called from seemingly no-where. Emerald eyes shone as her gaze slid over to the slightly shorter being beside her. Her brain leapt in two different directions, joy for having someone to speak with, and finally seeing someone shorter than herself.

Even if it was only just.

The chocolate was set back down upon the plate, a finger pushed to her chin as the thoughts aligned themselves to trace the line of who she could look like. A famous assassin? The only one she knew that was famous, and that she resembled was her aunt. The shine in her eyes dissipated as she addressed the question.

"You mean aunty Scherezade? The Empress says I look just like her." She offered, before giving her a smile. "She likes cheese. I like chocolates but cheese is still good. Scherezade I mean, not the Empress. Do you think she likes cheese or chocolate better? The Empress I mean, not Scherezade." Her curiosity began to sneak in as she looked the woman over.

"You're an agent, aren't you?" The green shimmer was back in her eyes, and a growing smile on top of it.
Location: Noble Ball
Wearing: XxX
Equipment: Chassella's Twin Lightsaber Shotos (Hidden)
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

“Oh yes! Though, I didn’t know that you two were related! I’ll have to ask you to get me her autograph sometime.” The Elzeri began. “Not that you aren’t worth getting an autograph from as well!” She added after a moment of retrospective analysis, marked by her big, pointed ears giving a few slight twitches.

“Her love for cheese is just as legendary as her knife collection.” Chassella continued. “If I would venture to guess, I would say that the Empress is more of a chocolate girl, though I quite frankly have nothing to back that up.” She finished with a frown.

Her mismatched eyes searched behind the girl for a brief moment, until they finally came upon the food spread filled with sweets and other assorted confectionery, including donuts. With a wicked grin, Chassella moved to grab two of the biggest, most iced up, cream filled Long Johns, caring not for etiquette or anything else. Such sweet, indulgent desserts were rarely, if ever at the temple, meaning that if she wanted them, she had to make the long trip to Eve or hire an expensive delivery service with the little stipend that she had.

Big honking donuts, just sitting there, waiting to be taken? To say the least, she could not hope to resist.

All the while, Chassella’s eyes went wide when the girl mentioned her being an Agent of Chaos. Turning around after picking up the two large donuts and setting them on a small plate, Chassella smiled in confirmation, took a bite from one of her donuts, and gestured to a nearby table for the pair to sit down so that she could savor the fine confections on her plate.

“I am! My name is Chassella by the way.” She said in between bites. “What’s yours?”
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Governor’s estate, Lanteeb
Equipment: Dress/outfit | Mask | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open

As she squeezed the necklace, the pain also eased because it seemed to have a stronger effect. In fact, she hadn’t known for a while what she was just imagining and what was reality. And this applied to the next moment when she saw him approaching. The red-haired woman felt as if he had been hit in the stomach. Adrian wore the same dress and mask he had in the past. The woman had already begun to get used to seeing him very often, almost always, unless she tried to deliberately exclude the man. Still, it hurt.

~ You're still torturing yourself, aren't you? ~ he asked.

~ I… I just want you to be here. Here with me. ~

~ Ingrid… I’m here! ~ he walked over to the woman and hugged her, squeezing her close, careful not to let Ingrid drop the glass from her hand.

~ Please stop, in the end I will cry, in front of everyone… and it does not fit my rank and position. ~

~ Always just work and duty, eh? ~ he chuckled, and the amused gleam appeared in his eyes, in the end he held out his hand to the woman. ~ This is our dance! ~

The outside world could not perceive or see anything of all this, because the whole thing took place mostly in Ingrid's mind and communicated telepathically, in thought only. That’s why she just held out her hand to her husband in thought, and in reality drank a sip of champagne.

After all to them, everything was a different kind of dance




Equipment: Outfit, Boots, Mask
Objective: Meet People
Tags: Chassella Chassella

There was a small hand wiggle at the mention of being related along with a slight look of confusion, eyes narrowing as she thought on how best to explain. Not only to the woman but also to herself given how little she actually knew about strand clones.

"I was...made from her?." She offered, before giving her an awkward smile. "But I'll have to see about a laser etched knife, really neat way to leave a mark and much better than a typical signature. Who wouldn't want to stab with your favorite thing?" Green eyes flared as she spoke on the topic with a laugh in her tone.

She waited for the woman to fetch her own sweets, and did a reassessment of her own plate as she returned for a donut of her own before moving to sit at the table.

"C-71, Felmorante Jentomorie Scherezade deWinter, Fel for short. Nice to meet you Chassella! I am technically an agent. Not officially inducted, but I do love spreading chaos. And Scherezade wanted me to keep doing what I was doing, but I never got to meet her in person though she did tell me to come meet In-the Empress and learn from her." Her smile only beaten by the collection of goodies on her plate for sugary sweetness and the only time she paused was to take a bite of the donut the pair had snagged from the table.

Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

After observing the outside of the palace for a while, his eyes seeing some fireworks from the more public places, lights and fires due to the festivities he wondered how people can live in such ignorance. They were save and engaged in parties and other luxuries, but it is a farce. The evil is everywhere, the injustice is on everyone's doorstep no matter if you like it or not. Is there a necessary evil? People justify their actions with religion, politics, military ... but at heart it is just their twisted version of oppression and enrichment of whatever.

He chuckles, a weird noise, awful even, as it is mostly mechanical and not really organic. These gatherings are doing him no good, it is like a hot iron behind his eyes - difficult to ignore. So instead of staying here longer than needed, Aiglos started moving through the crowd of people, his figure of gold and red making most people go out of the way without a word needed. He approached the red haired ruler. He had only seen her on adverts and the files which were available to him.

Ecthelion Aiglos offered a bow of his chest, though his head looked up earlier than expected, feeling the numbness around her and his glowing blue eyes behind the mask focused on the necklace for a second before he properly finished the bow.

"Your Imperial Majesty, an honour to finally meet you. I am Ecthelion Aiglos and reporting back to the Empire. This was the earliest convenience and chance I could get to meet you."

His voice is as dry as it is without emotion or organic elements. She would even be able to see the bright eyes behind the mask, icy and never blinking, artificial.

Location: Noble Ball
Wearing: XxX
Equipment: Chassella's Twin Lightsaber Shotos (Hidden)
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

“Made from her? Do you mean’re like a clone?” Chassella asked, eyes going wide as the girl spoke. ”Because, I’m actually a clone too! The proper term for someone like me is more ‘EVC’ or ‘
Engineered Variance Clone’, since I’m not actually a clone clone, more like a biosynthetic, spliced together from DNA of like a thousand Elzeri, then like...randomized and optimized, so I’m completely unique. But still, I was born in a vat! I guess in that sense, we could be sisters as both of our parents are giant glasteel tubes.” The assassin said with girlish glee, before taking another bite from her donut, savoring the taste of vanilla cream as she did.

“You know, small chance, but I wonder if they used the same tube for both of us, then we’d really be sisters!” Chassella pondered aloud.

“Anyways, how old are chronologically? Were you born like you are now or were you essentially a designer baby type deal?” The Elzeri continued. "I've kind of always been this way, basically just like...woke up one day and was like...'woops, there's me!'."

“Oh and what is the Empress teaching you, if you don’t mind me asking? Wait...are you a Force user? You’re so lucky! Gosh, I better get your autograph now before you get as famous as the Empress and Scherezade!”
She gushed, leaning forward with both of her hands situated underneath her chin, pointed ears twitching curiously as her mismatched eyes locked onto Felmorante’s luminescent emerald orbs.


Equipment: Outfit, Boots, Mask
Objective: Meet People
Tags: Chassella Chassella

The grimace of the uncertain shrug followed the question of being a clone. "Droid had a bunch of technical stuff to say about it. But I think so?" Then details of the whole process came filtering through in the other woman's words. "Oh! You were born on the Scintilla! I found that place, it's really fun! I came from...I'de have to look at a map. Are there maps of all the places?" There was a still a smile through the uncertainty, even if not being born on the Scintilla had been a small blow to her self-esteem.

"I think about nine months? Standard cycles maybe, I wasn't aware for a chunk of it. Like a weird trance before I got to the Scintilla." She offered. "I snuck out in the trash. Scherezade gave me instructions. Helped me into a deep sleep."

"I think this is how they wanted me. There were a few of us. Not a whole lot of shiny surfaces there though. Least not ones that didn't move." The lackadaisical remark paired with a shrug before she popped a small chocolate in her mouth. "We only got chocolate if we were good. And when we slept, we could always hear-oh what did we call that thing?"

There was an intense moment of thinking, searching for a name as she focused on the table. "Buzz! We called the droid Buzz cause he buzzed when he spoke! We had to learn to stop laughing at it when we came around. The other ones got in trouble. Like, real bad trouble."

"Everything, starting with the basics though. Learning to feel, control. But yeah, I do the space wizard stuff. I think it's from Scherezade, the other's didn't seem to use it so much." She laughed at the thought of being famous.

"If I get famous, like, the galaxy would have to be burning and frozen over at the same time. But thank you!" She wasn't trying to be mocking, but she did find the thought amusing.

"You said they were famous, why are they famous?" An earnest question as she popped another chocolate in her mouth, having yet to blink or look away from the interesting set of eyes before her.
ObjectI've:the ball
Frank yet again showed up for this noble event. After being contracted by Ty to do work for them. With stubble on his face but hair squared away Frank finished his death stick outside before walking inside. He was positive the bag of bones just hired him so he could socialize.
"Well time for noble ball part two electric boogaloo" Frank said to himself as he walked threw the area looking or at least trying to look like he was supposed to be there. After doing some rounds he made his way to the ballroom. Making sure his tux looked okay before opening the door and seeing ingrid while the festivities were going on.

Franks body was still healing from the surgery it took to repair the flesh so his scars glew a pale orange as he walked over to the fellow soldier. "Glad to see someone else I recognize here. So my Lord would it be to much for this wardog to ask you for a dance?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Governor’s estate, Lanteeb
Equipment: Dress/outfit | Mask | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Open

Ever since Ingrid had seen Adrian all the time, she had learned very well to lock him in her mind. Essentially, she built up another world in her mind where her dead husband is also there. She hid this behind many other things so that not even the best telepaths would notice it, nor did they through the Force. And the fact that she had to pay attention to two directions at once was no problem for her.

Precisely because of this, she noticed as the two men came closer, knew one, she had recently met him on Anthan Prime, the other was unknown. The stranger addressed her at the imperial title. The Empress didn’t like it, it always reminded her that it took the death of her mentor and friend to be here. She didn't want it to happen that way, and didn't want to rule either. Not that she had any other choice.

"Welcome! “My Lord” is perfectly enough as an address, Mr. Aiglos. Reporting back? Where have you been in recent years?"

She was interested; her voice was also cold and military, almost completely emotionless, then turned to Frank. In reality, she didn’t feel much like dancing while accepting in her mind Adrian’s offer, who led her to the dance floor. But going back to reality; she was more polite than saying simply no.

"Maybe later, Mr. Sterling. I didn't expect you here today."

After all, the man worked for the CIS, which is why it was all surprising. Returning to the ball, it was a celebration of renewal and a new beginning, and the woman did not feel like celebrating and was not ready for the other two. Maybe she never will.





Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Ecthelion looks at her for a moment, his eyes staying on her before they moved on to the person next to him. He inspected him for a mere second before losing interest.

"As you say, My Lord. And equally, Aiglos is enough. I departed to pick up the hunt and search for technology of Iokath in the realms of the original Eternal Empire beyond our and Core's borders."

Aiglos would look for a reaction, but would not wait too long before continuing.

"And I intend to continue my search around the Core worlds, we were afterall engaged here for a bit. But I am also asking for what was given to me when I pledged my support to this Empire - Zakuul."

Objective: The Festival - Local Party
Tags: Open

Rath sat at a particular outdoor bar as everyone he knew laughed, danced, and altogether had a joyous time. However it wasn't quite as joyous to Rath, and perhaps from his perspective everything just seemed to be so… grey. Not to mention the different smells of the Force lingering in the air certainly doesn't help anything. Least to say, Rath wasn't here for joy, but rather out of respect to a man whom he had saved roughly twice in the past. Truthfully Rath was never the type to attend parties and the like anyways.

Rath drank the third glass of alcohol, and he could feel a little lightheaded so Rath cut himself off. He took up water and ate a small meal to help sober up a bit. Rath hated the feeling alcohol gives, and he's always viewed such things under a negative perspective. It tends to consume an unnecessary amount of credits, the product makes the consumer sluggish and unfocused. Not to mention it was a common sight to find a soldier addicted to the stuff. Especially when stress is high. All and all, Rath was content by himself as he watched the others enjoy the festival.

"I'm surprised someone like yourself isn't out there dancing like the rest. Are you the type to gloat or do you just like watching the world move around you?" The bartender questioned as Rath was paying the tab. The young man glanced over his shoulders at the plaza for a moment.

"The latter. Being in the spotlight has never been my thing anyways." After sliding the credits over to the bartender with a tip to boot. Rath will take his leave from the festival and head back home.
Location: Noble Ball
Wearing: XxX
Equipment: Chassella's Twin Lightsaber Shotos (Hidden)
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

The tiny Elzeri’s large ears twitched as she listened to the girl, innocent and perhaps a little bit clueless like she had been and to an extent, probably still was considering that Chassella was not that much older than Felmorante in relative terms. Taking another bite from one of her donuts, the Elzeri flagged down a passing servant droid and put in a request for skim milk, before resetting her attention back on the emerald-eyed girl.

“Yes! Big, huge maps of all the places!” Chassella began. “There are maps of every sphere on the Scintilla. Though some are...confusing, since a lot of spheres have like...multiple layers, kind of like how there's a giant network of caves underneath Eve.”

As if on cue, the servant droid returned and set a tall glass of milk on the table, which Chassella eagerly drank down before finishing off her first donut.

“Nine months? Well, that makes you my little sister.” Chassella replied with a cheery grin. “I’m almost two years, now. Gosh, I feel so old, like I lived during the Gulag Plague!” She cringed.

“Oh, with the Empress teaching you, you’ll definitely be famous. She’ll teach you how to k-” The Elzeri paused, mismatched eyes going wide when she realized that Felmorante was more innocent than she thought. “Wait, you don’t know why they’re famous?!”

“Could you uhhh...perhaps venture an educated guess? Are you sure they haven't already told you? I mean, if you can’t, I’ll tell you myself but…”
The assassin’s expression shifted into that of a frown.
Location: Noble Ball
Frank nodded his head "sorry ma'am seems your having a rough day." taking a seat nearby frank sighed. "Sorry for your loss my lord. cant say i knew the guy but from what I've learned from Ty, Adrian gave his life to save you which in my opinion is the greatest thing one can give for someone." he sat there for a moment before addressing the elephant in the room. "also im no longer with the CIS but more like permanent employment in hades corp." standing up he was about to go find a drink when he turned around. "try to cheer up my lord, it cant rain all the time." he said with a small smile before going to find a drink.
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