Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SSB Mystery item Auction.


"Fifteen thousand for the article of clothing and eighty thousand for the jewelry."
It reeked of alchemy.

Edit: (((Dunno where sixty came from lol. I meant to write eighty, sorry, it was at seventy five before.)))
Danger was enjoying the bids, as the updates kept rolling in. Automatically, her information gatherers went to digging information on @[member="Vykon Halke"].

Came from a middle age family, a senator.... but of a company she hadn't heard as of yet. It wasn't anywhere in the Galactic Registry ( Factory forum) so with that, she wasn't sure if he would be able to fork up the money, with such little history.

As such, Danger did not accept the bid for Mystery Ship #3 for one hundred million.


Ashe started cutting corners, not out of laziness or content but of simple practicality.
"Twenty on clothing and ninety on jewelry...."


This girl was persistent. Ashe had been raising by fives, and yet she still hung on. Sadly, Ashe had virtually no need for the several millions in her savings account now... she had only the hungering undeath. It left her with little concern on spendings, as long as it was on something good, that could also be given sentimental value.
"Twenty five on the clothing and ninety two on the jewelry."

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