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1% ownership of the Tion Trade Nexus, out of AEL's 5%.
One blindfolded trip to a very remote, very secret planet of Dark Side tombs, and the services of a local guide for one excursion.
One relic of Velok.
A contract, no initial contract thread required, for AEL to excavate and/or contain and/or neutralize any location involving Force-related hazards. All significant artifacts, as defined by you, remain your property once contained/neutralized. Previous successful contracts have included Mandalorian-held Dromund Kaas. Contract not valid for direct assaults on major factions, or acts against the interests of the Mandalorians, the Fringe Confederation, or the Tion Hegemony.
Since the republic has refused Baktoid and by extension the nonprofit set aside to supply the jedi , Baktoid is offering some of it's surplus stock to rid itself of inventory. Also included is some goodies left over from when the Atrisian government was its own major faction. All credits will go to Baktoid's Druckenwell Relief Fund. All other offers will be given to the Sasori Research group. Baktoid Industrial Systems /Praestigiae Shop/ Sasori Research