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Staff Critique - June & July 2014

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I haven't been here long enough to really make a good critique, but let me just say that I have been given no reason to think that the phrase "#tyrannyreigns" is anything more than a joke here, which DEFINITELY cannot be said for my previous RPing forum. You guys do a great job.
Here is my honest feelings on recent staff actions and so on. You should reinstate the no staff as Major faction leaders rule. All thats -ever- come from you guys removing that rule is constant and complete bullshit that spawned one after another. And you should also let factions fix their own shit, i dont know how many times ive seen Tef or someone else step in and have to mediate something because of LOAs. Now what i mean by this is -temporary- take control for maybe a week so that they can hold a vote among the top level people in the faction so that they can then have those top level people and supporters vote on a new faction leader.

Past that, clearing up rules on such things as the picture rule and clamping down on people that rip off Artists or rip off big name companies like Bioware... looking at you Invasion of Coruscant's first post... so that plagiarism isn't as rampant as its made out to be. Less visual bias included, i know that bias is impossible to avoid, though you can atleast not make it so blatantly obvious in such cases like with certain RPers.

Real issues out of Roleplay need to be touched up on. So yes its "encouraged" the hate on other players is kept to a minimum. But even if you cant police skype it should have some repercussions for repetitive offenses. Ill say it now, i have insulted Cira, Tef, and several others during the week where i just snapped because of things on skype and in my... two days of insulting them, insulting faction leaders, and down right everyone that let certain events get out of hand i received no word from anyone. That last example is to make a point, as well as with the almost -CONSTANT- hate on Circe and the obvious attacks on the character that i myself will say is strange and deserves what is coming to it. But to do what was done to it is not something that would ever have been needed in my eyes and im sorry if i am being a bit kind to Mark on a whole. Now not just the hate, but some people are faced with sudden issues that take a toll on them and i will say that that week i went off i was moving into a new home and out of the one i had been in for half a dozen years, i am now living in an environment that is strange to me and that built up anxiety caused me to snap alittle. Now take into account all the worse shit people suffer, from work and school and so on. People need to lay off and give others a bit more sympathy instead of just going. "Oh, you haven't been that active and are ignoring me." Or, "Oh wow shes acting like a queen, time to repay the favor."

Another thing is the Factory that everyone has commented on. And this goes for the above thing, you cant act hostile in return to others acting hostile to you. This includes -denying- a Application for someone acting hostility to you and then causing even more anger. My suggesting is to talk to the person, perhaps even by PM, so that things are kept private and calm so that you can help them understand your point, or even you come to learn something new like in a recent application where i actually talked to the person about a denied application and learned some things i never knew before that the judge who had been judging his app didn't realize either. I think the worst thing you should do is lock and not down right deny an app at most.

PS. I might Edit this incase i think of anything more.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Mikhail Shorn said:
It's called assassination of character
I've experienced this before.

Supreme Overlord Dredge said:
No. Because someone who hasn't been there since the day 1 can come up and take and change something you worked for in a day without so much as passing you a memo. That's a karked up system. And I honestly hope that people here can see that what we have right now works but it could be so much better than it is now.
And this too.

Seroth Ur-Rahn said:
Block those offending you, compile evidence of off-site abuses and present it to Staff. You've powers at your fingertips. Responsibility. Initiative. These are things.
I did that once... It didn't work out well.
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

You can post it if you wish, Dredge. I've already read it.

The immunity holds in this thread. It will not come back on you negatively.
Ellain Hadrin said:
Past that, clearing up rules on such things as the picture rule and clamping down on people that rip off Artists or rip off big name companies like Bioware... looking at you Invasion of Coruscant's first post... so that plagiarism isn't as rampant as its made out to be. Less visual bias included, i know that bias is impossible to avoid, though you can atleast not make it so blatantly obvious in such cases like with certain RPers.

This is probably the only one I'm qualified to comment on. I will note the irony of you using a Blizzard picture for an avatar. Our stance is this; use what you want. If we get a complaint from the company or whatever, we'll deal with it then.

As for you, [member="Enigma"], please stay on topic. Saying "me too" isn't a staff critique. If you have one, we welcome it, but we don't wish to clutter the thread. Same goes for Logan Harkins of the Really Long Name... and, well, like, half the last page. Myself included, sadly.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Well... I've noticed a distinct delay with regards to staff saying what can and can't be done. Proton beams aren't banned by the site rules, yet the indication I received from an RPJ was that they were. Mnggal-Mnggal wasn't banned(when I did a two week storyline, not being notified once by any staff members despite blatant evidence Circe was Mnggal at the time), only apparently becoming so after a factory judge reported me due to participating in a terrorist attack on his faction's main shipyards. I was then issued a warning point for, well... not RPing anymore. Or generally reacting to the situation aside from cutting most if not all ties to the site for a brief period of time. From my perspective, it makes me feel persecuted when for two weeks I could do this and no one would complain, yet when I'm done and utilize my character with the then-site-legal body she had, I get reported, seemingly for being part of an attack on a "staff"-led faction, then receive a warning point after breaking off and taking a few days to reevaluate my situation.

Point in a single sentence - it seems some of the staff aim and fire too quick at some members when their IC interests are even remotely endangered. The same could be said for the recent ruling against dragons and non-PCable characters, such as yammosks.

Then there was the one time an admin flipped out on me...
Sarge Potteiger said:
This is probably the only one I'm qualified to comment on. I will note the irony of you using a Blizzard picture for an avatar. Our stance is this; use what you want. If we get a complaint from the company or whatever, we'll deal with it then.

As for you, [member="Enigma"], please stay on topic. Saying "me too" isn't a staff critique. If you have one, we welcome it, but we don't wish to clutter the thread. Same goes for Logan Harkins of the Really Long Name... and, well, like, half the last page. Myself included, sadly.
And upon your point you are right and i have edited my biography to follow such. My point remains mute though, as it is still using such things and even that small little thing you just helped me with there is a solution to a problem. But the blatant disregard for such things as scripted storyline working that i myself as a writer would hate to see something that took hours of work being ripped off without any regard for such. As i said, even that small thing that you said is simply enough to help someone change their posts to give credit and i even have skype messages of me asking for someone to draw me a new avatar so that i am not doing such a thing.

Edit: This new avatar was asked for even before my original message and i will gladly put the proof in a new message.
Ellain Hadrin said:
You should reinstate the no staff as Major faction leaders rule.
With me leaving the Horde and the One Sith guys stepping down, I'm not sure we have anyone on Staff still in a leadership role with Major Factions. My question is, why do you say this should be reinstated? It's not harming anything. The reason it was taken away in the first place was not a public ordeal or public reasoning, but rather internal strife between Staff members.

Ellain Hadrin said:
dont know how many times ive seen Tef or someone else step in
I can. Three times, if you include the first time when I held the election. [member="Ben Watts"], [member="Isley Verd"] and I established the Republic, y'know. We're O.G. Sometimes I meddle in other faction's affairs, including that time Krag wanted to implode the Sith within like 48 hours of taking over. All I asked was to extend it a week.

I can pretty much guarantee that, whoever the Head Administrator/Owner is, it will be their prerogative to intervene in emergency situations for the Major Factions. If we are made confident that the Faction can handle it's own business - we do not intervene or even raise an eyebrow. The guy who turned the Black Sun around is a good example of this.

Will we stop? Nah. I understand it's annoying to have an outside entity intervene, but on some occasions, it's a necessity.

Will we try to be respectful? Yes, in most situations I try to contact some form of leadership within the Faction to find out what's going on.

Ellain Hadrin said:
But even if you cant police skype it should have some repercussions for repetitive offenses.
For the millionth time, this has already been covered.
Tefka said:
With me leaving the Horde and the One Sith guys stepping down, I'm not sure we have anyone on Staff still in a leadership role with Major Factions. My question is, why do you say this should be reinstated? It's not harming anything. The reason it was taken away in the first place was not a public ordeal or public reasoning, but rather internal strife between Staff members.
-_- Just.... *Facedesks and gives up hope*
Staff have always been reactionary. Until there's a report about something, we don't touch it. I don't read your threads. I don't want to read your threads. I don't want to read three quarters of the threads on this board.


I don't have the time.

So yes, you could do your story without us interfering, because I for one am not going into every thread to micromanage what folk are doing. But I'll answer you in this manner.

You were out of sight and out of mind for most of the board. That's how most of the stories on this board are. But when you cross into the public eye you come under scrutiny.

Sometimes you won't pass that test.

That's when reports happen.

Oh, and for the last time FJs are not staff. They're community volunteers.
To explain a bit further on Community Volunteers, cause it seems people don't actually understand it.

On my old server there were the Admins. Two, Grakor and Kretol. Big bosses, owner and his best buddy. They ruled all. Then there were the GMs. Game Masters. They were like the administration here. They ran everything under the watch of Grakor and Kretol. But as time went on, the GMs, who had a lot to do (Reports to file through, Private Forums [which were used to make ideas that were to be secret with the approval of a GM] special character approval. Regular character approval) got backed up. They then asked for some of the members (Grunts) to assist. Thus Forum Helpers were made. They held no power, save for the fact they could approve or disapprove regular character profiles.

So by the way it looks FJ are just FH. They even have the purple color to match (Yeah, FH on COTH had their name turned purple to match it). They weren't staff, but assisted with lesser things so the GMS (Admins here) can focus on the bigger stuff.

So yeah. FJ's aren't staff. I get why. Hopefully you do too!


Morality Policeman :)
I read this thread and it reminds me why I choose not to associate with almost anyone here and why it's not worth it to be in a major faction.

In my opinion, it's more fun to just play nice and do your own thing and not deal with any of this. As long as staff is respectful and cuts out the vicious commentary I've seen, I'm just going to say thank you and have fun with this obscure thing called 'roleplay'. Let everyone else knock themselves out with the big league drama.


Thank you. :)

*goes to write*
Sometimes issues that I might want to raise in these threads come to mind, but quite often within a couple of weeks the issue has righted itself. This board seems to have a natural balance. I like it. The Staff here are still about a thousand times better than Staff I've encountered on other boards. If you don't like how an Admin or RPJ handles business, just avoid them. It's really not hard. I know it's not a perfect system, and you shouldn't have to avoid someone, but as imperfect systems go, the Staff here are on the whole pretty good. Some are even perfectly unbiased, which by the way is an exemplary trait that very few people actually possess. They're a good bunch.

I continue to enjoy the freedom and RP opportunities that this board offers me. Keep it up, guys. Keep the rules to a minimum and I'll have no complaints :p


I'm just going to say this directly to the point and without any personal investment.

I feel like the Starship Factory is intentionally overlooking my things or going in half-cocked. Like I said before, I've had to archive two ships and have one completely removed just to get more important things up. One submission, one of the vital ones, is over a month old and counting. The second, not so important but still valuable, is only pushing to a month now. Another I had to get temporarily placed in archives because of an ever so simple and clear mistake of one word in the weapon it uses which I asked weeks ago be fixed in submission modifications, though it (last I've checked) remains even after other requests of mine and of others have been processed. I have a slowly but steadily growing list of ships that I need to produce, not including ones I'd like to have for myself (such as the one now in archives). Now, I know that the factory is a privilege, not a right and certainly not considered by staff a necessity, but now that it exists and has for months which has been plenty of time for other factions to try and get a leg up over us, I really need these more important subs - the ones that are literally a month old - to hit the high road so that I can get the few similarly significant ship subs out and then maybe take a little break for a while, keeping the one or two personal ship subs I have stored in pre-fac to myself while the ship staff can have one less writer to check and maybe that'll help the pace of the factory improve, if even slightly.

I feel like a queen now for saying it, but yeah. :(
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