Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stage Two - Freedom for the Common Man: Battle On Commenor

Location: Palace Gardens​
Objective: Extraction​
Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Charlie Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Caedyn Arenais"]/Commenor ([member="Veiere Arenais"])/[member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Baron Morcus"]​
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Kyrel Ren"]​
The battle was raging around them, and men were dying.​
Many of her Marines had perished in the ensuing chaos; the trio of catastrophic events (the aerial bombardment of the palace, the CSA Resolute's crash, and Kyrel Ren's explosive show of power) had taken a heavy toll in a very short span of time... but the time to mourn would come later. Driven by her focus on the mission, the Jedi Knight would let nothing stand in her way; a singular devotion toward protecting those under her care pushed her against all odds to wade through the crush of battle.​
[member="Baron Morcus"]' assault on the powerful Sith Lord waged in the background, and Drystan drew upon the swirling chaos around her, falling into the maelstrom - drawing upon The Force to conceal herself in the blind terror and violence. She would use The Force in a similar method to Quey'tek Meditation, shrinking her presence & movements, allowing the Fog of War to cloak her from the sight of more powerful beasts. Within, she was empty... devoid of thought, of feeling.
Lady Kay was severely injured, and Drystan joined her, staring through the cold image enhancers of her Shadow Armor's helmet. "We need to get you out of here... You have to survive." Drystan said, her voice managing to sound gentle even through the vocal synthesizers built into the protective headgear. Drystan put her arm around the Queen of Commenor, sinking to the ground on a knee as she held the woman.. taking a moment to look about. Beyond, [member="Rick Kaloo"] was gathering troops into his ship.. the closest Evacuation point, but still a trek.

Recognizing the amount of blood-flow seeping from her wounds, Drystan placed her right hand over Kay's.. at first seemingly in an attempt to staunch the bleeding through pressure; but after a few heartbeats, [member="Lady Kay"] would begin to feel a warm sensation growing over her hands... which would slowly build to a fierce & powerful heat. Drystan channeled a raging torrent of healing power through her body, down her arm, and out through her fingertips, penetrating Kay's body through powerful sight, and directing a willful healing intention into Kay's bleeding stab-wound. She did not focus long, as every moment they wasted would be a heartbeat closer to their own demise... but the moment of healing would stabilize the Queen long enough for her to seek medical aid in orbit.​
That completed, Drystan stood, heaving the Queen over her shoulder. "Let's go, Marines! Time to get the frak outta here!"
The Jedi Knight and her Marines were in a running gun battle, defending themselves from [member="Tathra Khaeus"]' beastial, violent brutes & drones. Blasterfire, soot & ash from a dozen raging fires, and the screams of the dying had turned Commenor's once-pristine Gardens into a place of ruin & destruction. Two more of Drystan's men fell in combat, cut down violently, fighting to the last.​
[member="Rick Kaloo"]'s gunship was powering up, and Drystan screamed for him to wait. The ship was already lifting off the ground when she bodily tossed the Queen of Commenor (none-too-regally) onto the deck of the A-10. She was about to join the Queen in the ship, when through the haze of battle, Drystan's spirit felt drawn to a point of light... so very small... and so very far away...
"With your lives, do you understand?!" The Sentinel screamed, violently grabbing one of her warriors by the helmet and directing his attention to the Queen... then, she shoved him away, bodily forcing him to mount the transport beside the injured Regent. The warrior looked at her, failing to understand... but Drystan only stepped back, giving the pilot of the A-10 a thumbs-up.​
The ship lifted off, with Lady Kay inside... and Drystan remained behind.
Triggering her lightsaber, the Jedi Knight turned back to the battle, drawn into the palace.​
[member="Silfe Sosuri"]'s cry had been heard, and help was coming.​
Allies: Commenor & Allies.
Objective: Secure Commenor, ensure the survival of [member="Lady Kay"] Arenais.
The Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle broke through the clouds and smoke laiden skies overhead of Chasin City, descending towards the Royal Palace Grounds to the rear of the government district; flanked by the escorting ETA-4 Interceptors, they soon accelerated away from the personal shuttle as soon as it was in the clear from any other foreign vessels or anti-air fire by the Sith Empire or allies of their tyrannic cause.

Landing within the private hangar-bay used by all government personnel as well as the King and Queen, before the initial siege, the Shuttles repulsorlift thrusters kicked in, softening the landing before the loading ramp underneath began to descend and ahead of the King, striding down to ensure the floor was clear, came the six Sovereign-Guard, trained by Veiere himself in the ways of the Force during a time where darkness had taken him away from his wife and children, they excelled in their practice both in the Force and Physical Combat.

Finally, behind them, came the King himself bearing the Heavy Battle Attire with the crest of House Arenais etched into the front of the breastplate. In his right hand, the Lightsaber of his first apprentice and former Knight of Ren was his only weapon. Countering the strong presence of the darkside within the hilt however, was the Promissium Annulos worn upon the same hand, the wedding ring to match his wife's own and not only strengthen their bond in the Force, but to also aid in the cleansing of his mind and protection against such dark influences.

Responding to the shuttles hails, a small squad of the Commenori Militia arrived to support and lead the King to [member="Lady Kay"]'s location. Raising Comm's, one of the soldiers radio'd ahead in order to let the rest of their troops know of Veiere's arrival.

"All Forces converging on the Palace district, be advised, King Arenais has arrived and is approaching from the rear-..." the call was cut short as blaster fire erupted from one of the rear entrances to the palace itself.

Seven lightsabers lit up the area with a loud hiss and ignition of power, both the King and his Guard stepped forward into the attack, raising their blades to deflect the incoming fire and protect the non-force users around them. Several of the shots were thrown back at the Sith troops, dropping three of them before seeing them fall back inside.

"Sweep and clear the area. If possible, take prisoners, but do all you must to prevent further losses" Veiere instructed his people as they began forward after the retreating Sith.

[member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Luther Ando"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"]
Despair had been hard to keep at bay no matter her experience with it. She called out both vocally and with what she hoped was some sort of call through the Force. There was no telling if that was working. Gods, she should have taken Jairdain up on training immediately. What a fool she had been to wait. The air around her was growing warm and stale, the only fresh oxygen coming from a slit above her far too small to give enough exchange of air. Silfe looked up, considering if she should move closer to that opening, weighing her injuries against prolonged standing.

And that was when she heard it, Olivia's voice calling out. They didn't know where she was, but they knew she was here. In her excitement and relief, she stood quickly and found that to be a horrible mistake. Pain lanced through her and she fell back. The shout that burst out of her was one of surprise and frustration. Her throat burned and she coughed which only made it hurt worse. More help was coming. Somehow, she knew Olivia and the soldiers with her would not be alone. Someone else ([member="Drystan Marakos"]) was coming.

THe second attempt at standing was far more slow and careful. She shouted as she moved as loud as her voice could handle. Despite her vocal chords being damaged, she pushed past the pain and simply went for it with all her hope in her heart. "I am here! HERE!!"

She was underneath two massive pieces of durasteel and reinforcing bars typically only seen during construction that came together at a sort of apex where Kay's office had been. The desk had been pinned between and underneath them. It was only by sheer luck that the strong desk had created a pocket for her. "Please help! I am here." Silfe didn't know what to say beyond that so she just kept repeating herself as best she could, her voice breaking from damage more often than not.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"]
Location: Former SJO Embassy; Chasind City, Commenor
Allies: The Sith
Enemies: All Jedi; [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Sip and savor.
Noxious fumes filled the husk of what was once a great & beautiful building. The scent of death filled His nostrils, and he purred, low & deep... a terrible sound which rose from his distended belly & vibrated the air. Clutched in his left fist, with great & terrible shredding claws curled around her throat, was a woman... her face close to the beast's wide, horrifically staring eyes... but she did not scream, or struggle. Her fingers twitched, once, eyes rolled back into her head, as He drank... and drank...​
His probusci slowly retracted from her nostrils and without hesitation, he cast her aside - flinging her limp & empty body against a stained wall with enough force to crack her bones. The life she'd lived, all her memories, all her power, flowed through his great & terrible body, feeding his ferocious hunger. Sustaining him.​
He roared, and the sound echoed through the trashed, burnt, and scarred hallways of the old Jedi home - as dark shapes skittered in the shadows, retreating from their Master's terrible rage. The Sithspawn were half the height of a man, with many legs which skittered, crab-crawling over the dusty rubble like spiders fleeing from the light. Two of them approached the freshly discarded body, dragging the empty husk into the darkness where they could tear into her still-warm flesh. "Bring. Me. More." He commanded in vibrato, an order which could not be disobeyed... and the creatures he commanded would do as they were bidden. Outside, Commenor was at war, and the innocent fled from chaos. Some of them would doubtlessly be drawn to hide in the safety of dark buildings, alone & terrified... which these Sithspawn monstrosities would sense & be drawn to.​
The ancient & powerful Dark Lord rose to his full stature, gliding forward as-if by sorcery, fading into the darkness. He had taken the embassy as his own, defiling a place of light & turning it to a lair for dark & terrible things. Locked within the archives were secrets others might seek; tantalizing mysteries. He cared little for them... What he sought was the prey.​
The palace was in ruins.

Commenor's seat of power, in all its' majesty and grace, had been decimated by the aerial bombardment. Most of the building was intact, but considerable amounts of the building had collapsed; fires burned and noxious smoke roiled through dark halls, splashing dancing shadows amongst the darkness. The blonde Jedi Knight saw only a few living souls amongst the rubble...

Unfortunately, there were far more unmoving bodies than otherwise.

Following the urgent whispering cries through the Force, she was drawn deeper into the palace; toward one of the areas hardest hit. She had extinguished her lightsaber, choosing to remain quiet upon approach - in-case she were walking into an ambush. Though Drystan had never set foot in the palace before, she recognized the area she'd entered to be of finer quality than elsewhere - certainly a place where the King & Queen themselves were likely to frequent. Unbeknownst to her, [member="Lady Kay"]'s office lay just beyond the rising, dust-covered staircase ahead.

Muffled cries for assistance reached Drystan's ears, and she sprang up the stairs, empowering her legs through The Force. She reached the top within seconds at a dead sprint. Beyond the large double-doors ahead was an office - and within, there was movement. She catfooted her way to the door, and was about to charge in with her lightsaber drawn, when she felt more concern & fear than hostile intent.

Ahead, a Mandalorian soldier awaited, and Drystan nearly engaged him... then felt his lack of hostility. Instead, he was curious as-to her arrival.

He was assisting an older woman who was dressed as a servant, investigating a significant cave-in of rubble & dust. The room had once been an office... and a beautiful one, by the look of it. Now, no longer.

"What happened?!" Drystan demanded. Then, she felt it...

Trapped within the rubble, [member="Silfe Sosuri"] was suffocating.
Objective: Kill all those around him
Enemies: [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"]
Location: Palace, Gardens
Equipment: Vader's Bane Lightsaber, Kyrel's Harbinger Saberstaff, Raiment of the Vigilant


He could feel the raw emotions all around him, death was in the air, pain clouded his senses along with rage unlike he never felt before. So much so that he wanted to destroy everything around him, as much as he tried his best to control such raging fury. He walked slowly, seeing the ashes of remaining bodies that were disintegrated with the mix of the telekinetic and lightning blast generated from the dark power by the Inquisitor. Now his enemies were few, as the Mon Calamari Jedi from what he had seen was escaping, and if he didn't have other matters to worry if he would have launched his saber to destroy the gunship that was carrying him.

Within his gaze, he saw the Queen wounded, carried off by the remaining Jedi Marines. He gritted his teeth in anger, as his sights soon saw the Queen being tossed into the said gunship. In that very moment, his threat detection system alerted him to an object heading his way, due to the sound it made the only option he could do to avoid it was to use Force Speed moving ahead, unfortunately by getting away a few feet he met the former Grand Inquisitor's blades. The saberstaff he wielded was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The blades were spinning, not by the wielder's hand no. But by a mechanism that formed a ring emitter of some kind.

Only intimidated for a second, as he pressed his attack, causing Kyrel to stumble back in surprise arcing his blade to parry the spinning blades attempting to attack him. Kyrel remarked in kind. "Perhaps, but you have a flaw, Inquisitor." He replied as he attempted to regain his footing. With the Harbinger in one hand, he pulled out Vader's Bane with the other activating the blood shine blade with a hiss.

His old friend had come to life once more, no longer asleep but craving for a fight. Now for the first time wielding both of his weapons together. He was thrown into a mindless rage, the power that they had wielded it was almost acting like a wild beast. Mounting a counter attack, as he spun his saber staff and engaged the old man with all his might. Attempting to stick the blade of Vader's Bane into the hole of where his hilt and the emitter was. Lifting up in an attempt to break the ring emitter to stop his spinning blades.

He soon saw the sights of [member="Drystan Marakos"], his anger consumed him to a point where he needed to kill his enemies, he attempted to gain enough room to where he could see only a glimpse of her. Largely unaware that she had made it that far, he hoped his trick would work for he desired to end the Jedi, perhaps use her in a way. But found himself stopping for a moment an old presence entered within his mind. For a brief moment of clarity behind the rage, he spoke only to himself. "Veiere..."

Rick Kaloo

Location: Royal palace, Commenor
Allies: AiE/SJO/Commenor ([member="Amari Deechi"], [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Tom Taff"], [member="Silfe Sosuri"], [member="Baron Morcus"], [member="Drystan Marakos"], etc.
Enemies: FO/TSE ([member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Luther Ando"], [member="Primat Ren"], etc.)
Engaging: N/A
The gunship's main horizontal engines began to rev up, the pilot of the ship anxious to get away from the ruined castle.
But the pilot obeyed Rick, and Rick obeyed the Jedi woman's orders. The gunship remained only a meter above the ground, and it did not flee. Suddenly, the Queen of Commenor's body landed with a loud thump on the deck of the ship. Rick backed away slowly, giving the Lady an open space. In the meantime, Rick's soldiers pointed the rifles at the Sith but did not fire, knowing that attracting the wrong amount of attention from the wrong people could lead to the only way out of the castle destroyed. The gunship's gunners followed the same logic, with orders to only fire their cannons should a Sith come rushing over with malicious intent.

"None of my troops are skilled medics, but if it gets worse we can help." said Rick, his voice cracked due to the ash in his mouth and how much he had yelled in the past hour. "You'll have to wait until we get on my SD, but for now, you're well protected."

Rick looked at the gunship's compliment just to ensure that what he was saying was true. Surrounding him were Mon Calamari soldiers, battle-hardened veterans that had survived the siege of their homeworld and lived through the following trauma to get revenge. They knew their guns well, and still over a dozen soldiers remained, more than enough to overwhelm even a master of Form III.

And Rick, while still learning the Jedi way, was very used to combat of all forms and ranges, from the expanses of space to the confines of melee combat. With his lightsaber in his right hand, a sixth and lethal finger, Rick had plenty of confidence in his skills.

In fact, he felt much safer even in the tension of witnessing the battle of the two Sith, as the female Jedi Rick had talked to entered the castle to retrieve another woman important to the cause.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Gardens, outside of the Royal Palace...soon to be flung like a sack of potatoes
Allies: [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Luther Ando"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"]

Drystan took hold of Kay, of which the Queen was thankful. But that thankfullness turned into her crying out as the heat intensified on her wound. Was she cauterizing it with the Force? No doubt Veiere could hear her through their Force Bond and given that he was now so close, he might even be able to pinpoint her.

As she was lifted over Drystan's shoulder and carried to the shuttle, Kay reached out to her husband's mind. ~Veiere...I'm hurt but getting brought to safety and to medics, I think. There's a powerful Sith there. I fought him was just too much. Be careful!~

The next thing the Queen knew, was that she was thrown into a shuttle, landing hard on the durasteel floor. So much yelling, so many soldiers around her, that it took her a moment to realize what was happening.

Her focus was put on Rick then, her eyes trained on him as she sat herself up, her hand still pressed on her injury, the blood now more evidant on her light armour and fingers now that she was illuminated by the shuttle's interior lights. "No medic?..." She looked to the shuttle's opening, seeing that everyone seemed to be waiting for something. Orders maybe? Or something more? "Let's save as many injured as we can; as many as this ship can carry." Kay winced a little as she stood herself up slowly. "Our hospital in Chasin City could be overcrowded. They'll need support too." She swallowed a lump in her throat as she saw some of the destruction of her gome through the opening. Now was not the time for being emotional. She needed to show restraint and to think with a clear head.


Ever so quietly Olivia could hear Silfe's muffled voice. Not just once, but twice. It was enough to know that she wasn't imagining it. But what could she do? She lacked the strength to lift the debris. Her eyes narrowed slightly. She could really use that Mandalorian's overpowered suit right now! But he wasn't in the Palace. Instead she had a Mandalorian with her wearing a much smaller suit.

Before Olivia could begin to speak, Drystan had arrived, asking what had happened. "One of our staff is under that pile of rubble.
We've got to get her out of there. And quickly!"
Location: Nearby the palace, providing medical aid to fallen Commenori & SJO Marines
Objective: Provide Aid
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ray", as he was known to his friends, was a loyal companion on any battlefield. Though incapable of combat, he was fully equipped to provide trauma care. He'd arrived in the first wave of airdropped troopers, alongside a transport of marines... and he was performing admirably.

While setting a soldier's arm, Ray began broadcasting an Alert over secure comms, calling for air support of any kind... The thunderous explosions and shockwaves of the past few minutes had him deeply concerned about the lives under his care. If he & the wounded were to be evacuated, he might be able to direct them to other groups.
Non-Playable Characters: The Sovereign-Guard.
Allies: Commenor, The New Republic & The Silver Jedi Order.
Opposition: The Sith Empire & The First Order.
~Veiere...I'm hurt but getting brought to safety and to medics, I think.
There's a powerful Sith there. I fought him was just too much. Be careful!~
[member="Lady Kay"]'s words reached him loud and clear, though Veiere was in the midst of engaging the last of the Squadron of Sith Troopers while the Sovereign Guard swept the room around him, blaster-fire and debris showering down over the group as they pressed forward, lightsaber blades flourishing across the troops that came within striking distance, parried rounds deflected back at their shooters and behind them, the armed rebels pressing forward with their own rifles, giving cover and back up to the force users where they could manage to do so without further endangering themselves.

Veiere was closing in on the battle raging on further ahead, he could feel the dark side of the force, it called to the lightsaber he held in his hand as much so as it sought to lure the former Jedi back into disgrace, though Veiere would never forfeit the light again. [member="Kyrel Ren"] was further ahead and though the Knight of Ren seemed to recognize Veiere's signature in the force, Veiere was only familiar with his from the one meeting they shared during a time which Veiere had offered his support in defending a First Order world against the attack of the Galactic Alliance.

'I'm closing in on them. Stay safe and get yourself seen to. I'll handle the rest'.
Veiere's response to his wife was short, giving only so much time as he could spare himself within the fight before moving to counter one of the Empire's swordsman brandishing a counter-weapon to the use of lightsabers, their vibroblade clashing against Veiere's though with a flick of his wrist and the aid of the force in his precognition, helping his ability to anticipate and step around the soldier, taking both his wrist clean off from his forearm and following through to drive his blade deep through the soldiers armor, penetrating his back and stepping away, pulling the weapon around the torso to deepen the cut as the King stepped away.

The fight against their enemy had shifted to the Gardens outside of the Palace itself, for now however, Veiere's priority was ensuring any lasting Sith Personnel were taken care of before he would head towards where he could feel there were others present to combat the darksider. The light was ever ready to combat the dark, Veiere couldn't be certain but there might have been Jedi present...

He would soon find out, once the Palace was truly theirs again.

[member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Luther Ando"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"]
Silfe heard Olivia direct people to her location. Gods above she was tired and she hurt all over, but the wave of relief washed over her nonetheless. She could hear people above her, climbing and moving around the sections of durasteel that covered her pocket. She leaned onto one cool wall with her face in her hand and cried softly. All she could do was keep thinking as loudly as she could with her limited talent. Help. I need help. Please do not let me die here.

Now came the hard part. They knew where she was, but had to figure out how to move at least one of the massive pieces of the durasteel away so she could scramble to freedom. With help, she thought as her body started sending her brain more than just basic 'I am in pain' signals. She already knew well that her throat and vocal chords were seriously damaged. Now she was realizing she was bleeding from several abrasions along her arms and legs. She had been punctured by something on her side but she thought that since she was able to breathe well enough, it could not be a lung. Her hand somehow had known to cover that wound and she could feel how sore the hand was from prolonged pressure. Her ankle was swelling at an alarming rate. She could barely see it with the help of the light coming through the crack above, but it was enough to know that though she could not feel that particular injury yet, likely due to shock, it wouldn't be much longer.

She knew she was lucky to be alive and she was thankful for that at least. And somehow, she knew there was a person up there who she could... feel. It was like an awareness that pressed into her mind. I just want to sleep. Can I sleep? she asked no one in particular as another wave of exhaustion hit her body. She slid further down into the dark of the pocket.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Drystan Marakos"]
Location: The Outskirt's off Chasin City
Obective: Kick the Sith off Commenor
Nearby: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Daryln Excron"]


The palace...well, to be honest, it wasn't really what Asaraa remembered. The palace she'd snuck into with Caedyn, mere weeks ago had been a large and imposing edifice, a testament to the enduring will of the Commenori people. She'd expected some damage to the structure, Chasin city had turned into a warzone, so it was inevitable that something would have marred the building. What she didn't expect though was the massive swirl of the dark side pulsing out of the palace. There was only one place that it come be coming from, one spot that people would be so focused on that they would unleash that kind of power.

The girl couldn't stop herself as her eyes flicked over towards Caedyn, teeth sinking into the flesh of her lower lip for a moment as she glanced back at the palace in time to see the windows burst out under the pressure. It had to be the queen, and it looked like there was a fight and a half. She could feel the pain, the lives of the troops caught in that blast vanishing in a brief moment as the girl's hand slapped the release on her harness, a thought pushing the door open as she glanced at her friend and his uncle. "I didn't think that it'd be this much of a warzone but...we need to get down..." What was she going to say, that they neede to get down there? It wasn't like the two of them didn't already know it. Asaraa offered the two a small apologetic smile as she stepped to the open door, shield and sword settling in her hands as she stepped out of the door, reaching out to the force as she fell, turning the drop into a glide as she hit the ground running towards the door to the palace where she could already see survivors straggling out.
Location: Commenorian College

-- Tobias stood over the Holo-Table with the battle of the Capital on the main table. Hew as holding another Projector of the control of the planet, Republic and Commenorian Rebels were getting the control of the last Space Ports on the planet. There were also reports of Silver Commandos and Advisers being spotted with Rebels across the planet. Per agreement, the Republic was here as a Support Unit, assist Rebel Fighters and maintain the fighting to only Military and Police Forces. Civilian Fighters were not needed any more and threat of Hardened Loyalist to the Sith Imperals would cause unneeded Civilian Casualties. Supplies were also being transported from the space station in orbit, and he could only imagine the Senate Reaction to the amount of Credits being funneled into this Operation.

-- A Trooper from the outside of the Command Tent entered, "Sir's, a large shock wave is approaching the capital grounds, it could cause chaos to our units in the field."

-- Tobias only sighed, of course it was going too easy. How did the Republic Forces not notice it before, well better to take care of it. "Colonel, units in the field can deal with the cut in communication, be sure they keep civilian threats to a minimum and ground shuttles and get the Air Force to evacuate Fighters of the area." He then turned to his Republic Knights that were with him, "Lets go, your all with me."

-- The Vice Chancellor walked outside and felt the shock of the large Capital Ship hitting the ground far in the distance. They only had a few seconds before the Capital would be hit. He looked to the Master of the Knights. Nodding the Leader stepped up, "Come on knights, secure the College Grounds." The group of eight Force Using Soldiers ran to the four corners of the base and knelt on the floor. He did not know what was going on, but he looked as the visible shock wave of the craft hitting the ground was sliced through and went around the base. The ground did not shake and he waited for it to be over.

-- Soon the Knights fell from their knees and were tired out from using a large amount of the Force they had in reserved. He only nodded at the Master of the two units and yelled out. "Major, I want a check with civilian structors and have the Station send in Base Doctors, its going to get busy around here."

-- He was not wrong for right after he said that he ran up with a radio strapped to his back. "Sir, the main Medical Facilities in the city was hit hard by the shock wave, they are requesting medical assistance for those that are backed up at the hospital." He handed the Radio Mic over to the Vice Chancellor.

-- Tobias took it as he continued to direct the officers of the camp. "Chasin General if I remember, we are sending Shuttles to pick up the critical wounded, take on the immediate help and direct the other to the College, we will treat them here." He handed the mic back to the Radio Operator to deal with the rest of that. He grabbed someone who looked like a pilot, "Trooper, radio Shuttle Group Alpha-Six-Six and those returning to the Station for secondary pick up, redirect them to the Hospital," He tapped the back of that trooper as he ran off, he then stepped in front of a moving Trooper Transport, the driver poked his head out, "Off load your troopers, your unit is to pick up civilians at the hospital." He got out of the way as the Republic Troopers got off the APC and started to jog into files for their officers. The then jogged over to a radio operator, "Inform all stand by units to start search and rescue operation."

-- He turned to the Chancellor, "Sir, should we request Silver to redirect Medical Emergencies to the College?"

-- He nodded, "Do it"

[member="Veiere Arenais"][member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Konstantin Makarev"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"] [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Luther Ando"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"]

Caedyn Arenais

Nearby: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Darlyn Excron"].
Location: Palace Outskirts/Gardens.

"Move your ass, old man!" Caedyn called back to [member="Darlyn Excron"] as he followed [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] out the side of the Silver Jedi Order Transport, his co-silver seemingly too impatient to let the vessel descend to a safe distance before flinging herself head over heels towards the ground below.

More or less diving out head first, himself, Caedyn brought his knee's in close to his stomach in order to flip forward, extending them only after a full rotation so that his weight would carry him to the ground and with the aid of the force strengthening his body, landing feet first before dropping once more into a forward roll in order to absorb as much of the ground shock as possible. His presence in the force surged around him in a silent and private cry for attention, his instincts reading the Force quicker than his mind could process the thought completely, his left hand tightening around the hilt of his Lightsaber and sparking the Cyan Blade, whilst his right drew his CS.38 from it's holster against his hip, letting loose a couple shots at the nearest soldiers that already seemed to be trying to engage them.

"Dad's somewhere nearby!" Caedyn called over the sound of his side-arm firing on burst-fire mode, three shots of solid slugs snapping out with a quick flare of heat from the barrel of his pistol, soon dropping down into cover beside Asaraa, "There are other Force User's here too but I can't make 'em out from back here!...".

[member="Effie Duanna"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Tom Taff"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Amari Deechi"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Baron Morcus"]
[member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Konstantin Makarev"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"] | [member="Primat Ren"] | [member="Luther Ando"] | [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Location: [Redacted], Commenor
Objective: Rebel
Nearby: [member="Magnus Vizsla"]
Equipment: Armour, Weapon

Dust and debris would make aiming difficult for the Mandalorian, coupled with the fact that his opponent was moving at a high velocity. Even with these factors acting against him, the first shot from the sidearm would find it's target.

The projectile from the Ripper would slide between the heavy phrik plating of the armour. A lucky shot, or perhaps a good aim. Jaccer would feel the wind knocked from his body as the projectile landed within the impact gel layer of the suit. This layer would prevent penetration from the weapon but much of kinetic force would be transferred to the soldier within.

Indicators would begin flashing on the HUD, warning Jaccer of potential injuries he may have sustained. Ignoring all of these signs, Jaccer would attemtp to return to his feet, gasping for air as he did so. Movement of the mid-section of the armour would be reduced for the next few minutes due to the impact gel hardening in response to the trauma. Although he had taken a direct shot from the sidearm, Jaccer had managed to even the playing field by forcing both of them onto the ground.
Location: Capital City, headed toward Palace
​Units: Crusader Drones [Also referred to as the Horde] | Section Commanders | Twenty-Seven Brutes
​Objective: Advertise
​Enemies: Everyone | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] |
Closest Proximity: N/A | [member="Charlie Nooran"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] |

​As many a foe did, within moments of his zealous efforts; the Golden Mandalorian felt what little of what was useful of him broken and splintered. The Mandalorian began to retreat as Tathra moved to finish him with the crack of his Mace against his skull, ignoring the Padawan momentarily as the Colonel fired a blast of acidic fluid projectile toward him, it crashed onto his chest plate as Tathra raised one arm; firing the hidden Gladius from its place on his gauntlet like a missile at Colonel Rhael, aiming for her throat.

​Then came a cry, as Tathra's fiendish senses alerted him of yet another Mandalorian. The smaller and more nimble warrior came crashing down between the titan and the Padawan. Tathra strode back half a pace; waiting for the Mandalorian to make one of his strikes toward his hand, Tathra moved his hands positioning but an inch to put the length of the Mandalorians saber on the shaft of his massive Mace; pushing downward and to his right.

​He attempted to press down on the saber for only a moment as he took another pace back as his left hand slid to the half-way point of his Mace, his right hand free as the shaft of the Mace ran the length of his arm and through his underarm as he used the twist of his torso to swing four feet of his Mace at the Mandalorian.

​He wasn't necessarily aiming to hit him with the head, he wanted to just hit him. If the strike landed, Tathra imagined it'd put the Mandalorian on the ground if it didn't kill him outright, then he'd crush him with a quick crash of the Mace into the ground.


​On the opposite side of the Gardens, a group of four Brutes activated their thrusters, headed for [member="Lady Kay"] aboard [member="Rick Kaloo"]'s transport, their powerful in-built thrusters allowing them to close the distance on the damaged vehicle as they attempted to land on-board. The monsters of savagery each more than twelve times stronger than any man. They would rip apart anyone on-board the gunship, including the Commenori Queen.

Rick Kaloo

Location: Royal palace, Commenor
Objective: Run.
Allies: AiE/SJO/Commenor ([member="Amari Deechi"], [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Tom Taff"], [member="Silfe Sosuri"], [member="Baron Morcus"], [member="Drystan Marakos"], @X-Ray-242, [member="Veiere Arenais"], etc.)
Enemies: FO/TSE/weird creatures ([member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], etc.)
Engaging: Tathra's Brutes
As it turned out, a medical droid, a gift from the heavens, had come onboard the gunship.
But so were four terrifying, bulky, heavily armored creatures flying their way. Even with their faces obscured by heavy armor, Rick could tell they had malicious intent.

"Forward, to our Destroyer above the castle!" yelled Rick. "Fire on the creatures!"

The pilot finally let out his anxiety, the horizontal engines of the gunship lighting up furiously before doing their job. It would take a few seconds of delay for the engines to react, and the gunship would move a little slower than Rick would like, but they were getting somewhere. In the meantime, multiple laser cannon mounts onboard the gunship opened fire, the gunners furiously trying to penetrate the enemy ranks. At the same time, the marines onboard the gunship opened fire, more numerous but likely less effective bolts flying toward the enemy.

Rick ignited his lightsaber, and maneuvered himself to stand between the Queen and the beasts. Even in a rapidly moving gunship, there was no telling what was installed into the armor of the beasts.

[My gunship is leaving with the Queen, I'm taking her to my SD above the Palace. We're being pursued by large armored creatures with jetpacks, and we have no idea what sort of abilities they have.]

Rick frantically ensured that his marines were being put to their best use, standing tall even in the rapidly moving gunship. It was only as it angled vertically that some of the more unaware soldiers slipped, and only briefly.

The gunship continued following a 30 degree upward path to the Providence-class Destroyer casting a shadow on the castle, seeking the safety of its vast scale and power.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Location: Palace Gardens
Objective: Capture Kyrel Ren
Allies: Commenori and Allies, [member="Lady Kay"] , [member="Drystan Marakos"]
Enemies: The Sith Empire, First Order, [member="Kyrel Ren"]​

Morcus gracefully parried Kyrel's blows and strikes with his lightsaber, taking advantage of it's unorthodox make to catch Kyrel off guard. When Kyrel attempted to stick his blade through one of the gaps in the handle of his blade, the former Grand Inquisitor grinned. He suddenly switched the blade to it's single-bladed mode, letting the blade drop towards the ground in a feint before catching it and brutally slicing upwards towards Kyrel's now exposed arm in an attempt to either injure or sever it completely. He followed up with a powerful force push, seeking to send him flying back into a nearby statue in the Palace Garden. "Give up, boy. I could do this all day, and your hopelessly outmatched and outnumbered....", Morcus said confidently. His words had some merit, when several of the Shadow Guardsmen knocked out earlier had regained consciousness and their footing, readying their weapons once more.

Suddenly, an explosion wracked a Sith held portion of the courtyard near one of the perimeter walls, sending several of their number flying. The source of said explosion was quickly made evident, as a large AT-ST Walker strode into the palace garden, reinforced by a great many Imperial Stormtroopers. The walker aimed it's cannons at the Knight of Ren, and Morcus's troops quickly moved forth in an attempt to encircle him. "I will repeat my prior offer. Surrender, or I'll happily fulfil your foolish death wish."
Location: The Palace; The Queen's Study
Objective: Rescue the trapped woman
Allies: Commenor/SJO: [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Baron Morcus"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] @X-Ray-242​
Enemies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Darth Phagos "][member="Tathra Khaeus"]​
The Jedi Sentinel crossed the room, approaching the palace servant and her Mandalorian escort. Still fully armored, the Mandalorian & the older woman who'd spoken would see only a mildly feminine warrior outfitted for battle. Drystan stopped, quickly assessing the structural damage through the powerful image enhancers within her suit's armored helmet.​
She stretched out, expanding her awareness of the Force... gently reaching out to brush the trapped woman's conciousness, sending her calming, gentle vibes. "Don't sleep yet... not yet..." She whispered in response.​
She spread out, sending the Force like seeking tendrils through the pile of rubble & ruin before her. Before she chose to move anything, she had to be absolutely sure that a shift would not cause a further avalanche - potentially killing the woman, and perhaps them as well. Her knowledge of Shatterpoint served her well, as she were able to identify patterns in shape, size & weight which would have otherwise remained invisible... The pile of rubble was not unstable, and would not collapse if she only removed a small portion... and if they weren't hit by another barrage.​
"Stand back." She ordered, her tone of voice leaving no room for either of her companions to disobey.​
"Listen to me!" She said, speaking in a conversational tone... but channeling her words through the Force, so that Silfe would hear her, as-if the two were side by side.​
"Your ankle is broken... but you're going to have to move, when I tell you. I have a Mandalorian here, who's going to grab you & pull you out... but I can't make a large hole, or else I risk all this coming down. I need you to be strong, and we're gonna get you out of this. I swear."
Then, the Jedi Knight reached out toward the pile of rubble with both hands, curling her fingers into the shape of claws... gripping a section of rubble she'd identified as being somewhat loose through her use of Shatterpoint. Drystan knew she could... and so, she did.​
With a small avalanche of dust & debris, a section of rubble began to lift free; displaced through the Jedi Knight's use of the force. There was a soft crunch overhead as some of the ceiling shifted, but Drystan directed a small amount of her awareness to the spot, imparting as much control as she could, seeking to freeze the pile of rubble for the briefest of moments. The Mandalorian soldier sprang forward as a hole was created, with fresh oxygen flooding the small alcove where [member="Silfe Sosuri"] had been pinned. The woman would be able to see & struggle, with the Mandalorian warrior offering assistance to extract her. The servant, Olivia, also sprang forward, and Drystan chose not to warn her away - the sooner they got the woman free, the safer they'd all be.​
"Come on, girl!"
Location: Aboard [member="Rick Kaloo"]'s gunship, en route to orbit.
Alongside: [member="Lady Kay"]
~ Rendering Aid ~


Having attended to the injured under his care, "Ray" introduced himself to the Queen in monotone - "You appear to be injured. I possess bandages and analgesic creme - please lie still."
Digging into his medical supplies (and moving with a sense of programmed urgency), the MMT produced rolls of gauze, a suture kit, and a spray applicator. The spray was cold as ice on [member="Lady Kay"]'s wounded skin, but immediately deadened the site. Then, Ray popped a small ampoule over the woman's still-raw abdominal wound. "This may sting. I'm very sorry." He said, actually managing to sound genuine.​
When the medicine touched the raw, barely-healed flesh, it immediately began to burn... the medicine doing its' job, immediately working to cauterize & disinfect the trauma. Ray watched the Queen, his face a blank electronic readout, but still managing to seem... caring?​
The droid would immediately begin to apply pressure with the gauze to the woman's wound to staunch any bleeding before preparing for a suture.​
"Do you have a wound on your back, as well?" He asked, ignoring whatever pain she might be feeling.​

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