Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion STANDOFF | Bryn'adûl Invasion of SJC held Lexrul, Ruusan, Sev Tok & Shador

Phase Two
Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Allies: Osam Osam | Sethrak Sethrak | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Galak Galak | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Kelmor Kelmor | @
Enemies: Zephyr Krayt | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Laertia Io Laertia Io
Armour | Shield | Ravager Marksmen Rifle | Mangler Submachine Gun | Syphon Beam Rifle |
Forces: 40

Finally, the Gunboats took off toward the battlefield. Their forces were spreading out across the battlefield, however keeping within a four kilometre limit distance from the Epitaph. Quoron could not say he knew exactly why yet, but it didn't make much of a difference to him, not yet anyhow. His head still ached from the impact against the bay door as the Gunboat cut across the open sky, darting between squadrons of enemy fighters engaging with the Phedraks in the sky. All around them Gunboats were shot down, torn to the ground below as they dropped into the seemingly endless horde of Concord forces. He had heard the odds, but seeing the sheer size of the Concord's force turned his stomach inside out. The Draelvasier were either insane or geniuses to believe this sort of battle winnable. In truth, he believed it might've been partly both. But all the same, the Vaydralen and the others had a sworn duty to fight alongside them.

And today, they would prove they could fight. Quoron would prove his worth to the Draelvasier, and hope that would gain his kin some measure of kindness and respect from the Drael. But first, there was a war to be fought. The Gunboats touched down just ahead of Warlord Osam's forces, they were to serve under the Risen-Srael Warlord. He would hope to gain the Warlord's favour by any means necessary. The Gunboatsused their molten flame throwers to soak the ground in fire, burning the militia as they cleared a landing zone for the Vandal's to deploy alongside a segment of Drones.

But just as the Vandal Officer was leaving his combat, a series of artillery fire shots tore through their landing zone, destroying the Gunboat as he leapt from it. The kinetic shockwave hit his back before the fire could, throwing him against the rubble as his shield sparked out of life, body falling to the ground as he rolled onto his back, another blunt trauma injury. He was racking those up today, some of the Drones snickered. Not a good start to showing his competence, but it seemed the majority of the other Vandals were alright. A canister fell at Quoron's feet, pouring out some kind of gas. He pushed himself to his feet, trying to get away from it. But it seemed to have no harmful effect. But that was an ignorant assumption, his eyes shifted to the Drones at his side, widening as he watched their bodies mutate horrible and dissolve and devolve as they screamed in agony.

Quoron looked around to his confused brethren as they witnessed the horrible demise of their Drone compatriots, only those with personal shielding or a quilxyn protector at their side were unaffected. Another shell exploded to the left of them, more mortar fires as the very Warlord he had been looking for was thrown under rubble. That very same mist rolling toward him. Quoron saw his opportunity, and seized it.

The Vandal broke into a sprint across the disturbed terrain, racing past blaster bolts and artillery fire, reaching the pinned Osam as he leapt over the wall, landing at his side. Quoron looked to the gas, contemplating for a moment. He didn't know if he had been protected by simply not being Draelvasier or the shield, but he had no time to think of himself. There was only one choice, only one way to show the rest of the Bryn'adûl that the Vaydralen were worthy brothers. Quoron removed his own personal shield, attaching it to Osam's chest.

"I have you, Warlord!" He shouted above the din of combat.

The vandal circled round, grasping the Warlord by his armpits as he tried with all his strength to pull him out from under the rubble as the Juggernauts at their size tried to lift it.
In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Voodoo 7(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 8(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 9(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 10(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 11(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 12(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Voodoo 13(Gator Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  8. Voodoo 14(Raguel Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 15(Beak Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 16(Jok Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  3. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  4. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  5. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Gregale-class Heavy Fighter

  1. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: Engage the Bryn
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Mig Gred Mig Gred Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

"Conn-Sensors." The Sensor Station called out in an oddly surprised tone, considering the situation.

"Go ahead, Lieutenant."

"Sir, Imperial Star Destroyer dropping out of hyperspace launching fighters."

"That thing dropped right over the planet."

Halpern lofted an eyebrow. "Our side?"

"They're targeting Bryn, I don't care if their boss wants to punch me in the face on site. How are we on Marines?"

"We're ready to go, Captain. Just say the word." Lt. Colonel Telaksta spoke up from behind him.

"Be careful down there."

"I want gunships with her, and a squadron of bombers for air support." As Halpern was barking out more orders, Liram looked out onto the "theater" as it is called. There was more than enough firepower here and that did give him an idea, but then something else happened. Something he did not want to see, or like. A red dome suddenly exploded into existence. As sensors and tactical were picking it up, the blasted thing could be seen from orbit. As the transports were carrying troops, and fighting vehicles down to the planet, gunships were following. They knew what they were getting into, the problem is, did they?

Tactical, target that thing and fire.

The "punching" sound of the turbolasers as they unleashed a salvo from orbit rumbled through the bridge as the ordinance rained down in its target with deadly precision. The explosive impact could be seen from the Ethereal, but once the cloud of vapor dissipated, the dome remained intact.

"No effect." Tactical came with a response.

"What the... ?" Commander Tantor exclaimed from the Tactical station.

"How in the world... ?" Halpern added on, just mentally exhausted.

"Intel sucks... that's what that is. Deal with it and move on. News on Omegas?"

"They disappeared, sir." Sensors Station called out.

"They what?!" Halpern shouted.

"Were they killed on the explosion?"

"No, they're 'Ronto' is still out there. They were next to the dome, and then just... vanished one by one."

Commo called out too. "Sir, the Marines are asking for options. They're outside the Dome."

Tantor and Angellus looked at each other as Halpern was busy with Flight Control.

"They're in the dome." Tantor theorized.

"Tell the Marines to enter."

  • Probing the Shield
  • Sending 6,000 Marines and fighting vehicles into the Dome from outside
  • Gunships will remain to test options and possibilities.


Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Bryn'Bois: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Osam Osam | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Sethrak Sethrak |
Adversaries: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield |
Equipment: Triad | Armour | Shredder | Bryn Shot |
Forces: Juggernauts | Drones | Juggernaut Heavies | Juggernaut Majors |
Gunboats |

The Triad spewed out molten fire in every direction, Galak roaring as a series of blaster bolts struck against his chest, forcing him back several steps. He was already panting hard, his own personal shielding flickering as it recharged. The Warlord was forced to take cover, reloading his weapon as he settled on his knee. At his side, one of his own Captains taking cover as well. He was sad to say he did not know the Baedurin's name, just his rank by armour configuration.

"Captain, report." He spoke between pained, iced breaths.

"Our Juggernauts and Drones are holding for the moment, but the Concord are delivering more forces to fortify the militia. They are beginning to encircle us."

Galak nodded, staring at the floor as his mind raced. He did not want to admit it but some doubt had began to set in, had this all been some terrible plan that the Titan had conceived in a panic to unify his people? He had hoped not, he had always trusted in Tathra's wisdom. He couldn't stop now, not when the Chieftain needed him most.

"You are your squad are with me, Captain. Let's move."

He breathed hard, Triad shuddering in his grasp as he counted down twice in his head. His toes shifting in boots, ensuring he could still feel them. The Qullxyn Protectors weren't doing much for them right now, not with those new weapons the Neutralisers were carrying. The Juggernauts and Drones fought tooth and nail, but it might not have been enough. Wherever Tathra and his Ultra's were now, they needed them here. Galak burst out from cover, the Captain and six other Juggernauts in toe behind them as they pushed toward the front. A mixture of mandalorians, golden warriors, militia and Concords troops fought back, firing from every direction. The Juggernauts were shoulder to shoulder, Drones falling in droves in between. They used the urban rubble to try and funnel the enemy through chokeholds but nothing was working.

But it only got worse as various canisters of gas began dropping all around them. From where they came, he could not tell but he began to notice the effects immediately. Nearly all of their front line had lost their shielding, even if only temporarily it only took seconds for the bioweapon to take effect. Mixed with the cold, the Baedurin couldn't stand as their bodies weakened - some fell from exhaustion whilst others began to scream in agony.

The Warlord looked on in horror as their front-line was immediately overcame, swallowed by the enemy and their bioweapon as both Drone and Juggernaut alike fell, the Juggernaut Heavy beside him screamed, tearing his helmet off as his skin seemed to peel away from itself, the Baedurin grasping at Galak, there was pure fear and agony in his eyes. But there was nothing he could do, he couldn't save him. Anyone without an active personal shield was dead or incapacitated.

"Fall back! Fall back and regroup!" The Warlord called out in desperation, trying to slow the approach of their enemy as best he could as a rocket strike struck him in the chest, flinging him back as his shield flickered out of existence.

The Warlord looked to his back, his own warriors forced to fall back as he was left alone among the bodies. He raised his gauntlet, using the mind stone to contact their leader.

"Tathra, we're overrun. We need you on the front now!"


Phase Two
Allies: Bryn , Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Galak Galak , Osam Osam , Sethrak Sethrak , Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok , Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum , Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok
Enemies: SJC and their allies , Laertia Io Laertia Io , Zephyr Krayt , everyone else
Equipment: Drone Armor, Mangler Submachine Gun, Quilxyn Personal Shield, Sun Quaker Grenade

Truth be told, Aryshda had never been on the front lines before. He had always come up behind the frontal assault, helping to clear out any stragglers or survivors from the initial assault. He'd only really ever dealt with those that got left behind by the rest of their forces and were struggling to survive. They were usually civilians or soldiers that didn't get the chance to escape. So he had never seen their opponents up close and in full force. He had only ever seen a few of them at a time, and usually they were weak and easy to disperse. He had never truly faced a worthy challenge in the face.

When the bay doors of the Epitaph opened up into a crater, and the drones were forced outside into the black by Galak Galak and his juggernauts, he finally got his wish.

And it was everything Aryshda dreamed it would be.

As the drones were forced outside, they were being cut down in droves by blaster fire. And yet they continued pushing onward, despite getting mowed down. All around Aryshda, Drones were getting shot down, and blaster bolts were flying out everywhere past him.

He loved it. The thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline. It was everything he had hoped for and more. The thrill of battle and death tantalizing him to push forward, despite all of the Drones and even Juggernauts getting mowed down by the enemies. Mortars started crashing into the Bryn'adul forces, exploding and taking out Bryn'adul forces. Combined with the blaster fire and the mortars, many of their forces were getting cut down.

And yet they continued forward.

Overhead, Aryshda saw a red dome pop into existence, cutting off the orbital bombardment. Aryshda remembered what this was for. This would make it easier to kill the Concord since they would be trapped in here with them. He heard something about bioweapons, and quickly activated his Quilxyn Shielding Unit. Luckily, he had managed to activate his shielding unit right before the bioweapon seeped past him. Nearby, he could see multiple Drael disintegrating into dust. Why didn't the Bryn'adul use these types of weapons against their enemies? Whatever, Aryshda preferred getting up close and personal. He preferred burning his enemies to a crisp, not disintegrating them.

Their forces reached further within the urban ruins, where intense fighting was occurring. Aryshda opened fire on the milita forces with his Mangler SMG, mowing down the militia members with the weapon's high rate of fire. He loved it... the thrill of mowing down your opponents. He continued to open fire on the militia, using some rubble to hide behind as he fired in short-controlled bursts to counter the weapon's intense recoil. He still continued to fire the molten bullets at high rates at the militia members, cutting down several more militia. His shield unit took a couple of hits from Militia trying to gun him down and mortar fire, but it still managed to stay operational, barely. That would probably keep him alive. Most of Aryshda's squad had already fallen, only two other Sraelvun remained with him, still shooting down militia members from behind rubble. A militia member tried to rush Aryshda with a vibroblade, darting out on his right, having hidden behind a rock. Aryshda quickly reacted, grabbing the soldier's arm swinging at him, and flung him to the ground. Quickly, Aryshda aimed his SMG at the man and opened fire, spraying the molten bullets into the man. Blood splattered over Aryshda from the man. Aryshda raised his weapon back up, opening fire upon more of the militia. Another Srael nearby got gunned down, and a Juggernaut started decomposing from the bioweapon.

Then, suddenly, he heard Warlord Galak Galak call out, ordering them to fall back. Aryshda looked around, wondering why they were retreating when they surely must be winning, and realized why. All around Aryshda, Bryn'adul forces were getting mowed down and slaughtered. Aryshda had been focusing on his little section so much that he hadn't been paying attention to the rest of the battle around him. Aryshda and the two other Sraelvun remaining in his squad fell back.

As they fell back, though, Aryshda saw Warlord Galak take a rocket to the chest, getting flung back, his shield flickering out. "The Warlord!" Aryshda told his squadmates, motioning at the Warlord. His squadmates nodded, understanding his meaning. They ran over to the Warlord. Being merely drones, Aryshda and his squadmates had only one purpose in this world: to die for their superiors, and Aryshda and his squadmates would gladly die in their service.

Reaching the Warlord, they opened fire on the Concord forces. Aryshda sprayed bullets down and into the Concord soldiers trying to push through the rubble. His squadmates also opened fire with their carbines, adding to the spray of bullets. Concord forces were getting cut down, and they dove into cover in the rubble. One of the militia tried running to cover, but tripped over the body of one of his comrades. Aryshda quickly sprayed into him, riddling with him bullets. The Concord soldier dropped dead, bleeding from countless holes. Aryshda and his squadmates continued to open fire on the Concord, with the Concord forces returning fire. Aryshda used some of the rubble as cover, keeping up his fire. Multiple blaster bolts hit one of his squadmate's shield, and his shield went down. A second later, a blaster bolt cut him, and the Drone went down. Aryshda pulled out a Sun Quaker grenade and threw it down range towards the Concord forces. Moments later, he heard the grenade go off. He saw the black cloud seep out. He could hear Concord soldiers coughing and choking as the toxin seeped into their lungs. Some of them tried to run away from the cloud, trying to escape the toxic cloud. As they ran out, Aryshda and his squadmate shot them down. Any that remained within the cloud soon collapsed and died.

Aryshda could hear the Concord forces around them still fighting, but their little section seemed clear. The Concord forces in their section were merely regrouping, for now. If they came back while their forces were still regrouping, they would quickly be overrun and killed.

Aryshda looked back at the Warlord. "Warlord, the Concord in our sector are regrouping. We are still surrounded." Aryshda told him. "Aryshda and squad, reporting for duty, Warlord. Awaiting your command." Aryshda said.

He was ready for more killing. He was very ready for more. He was incredibly excited to be fighting on the front lines. Who knew that it would be this fun?
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High Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order


✠ Objective: I. Defend Anvil
✠ Location: Sev Tok, Anvil
✠ Gear: Armour, Lightsaber pike, Combat-Shield, DC-17, Gladius, Holotransmitter
✠ Assets:
The Phalanx, Rim-Guard Cadres, Skytroopers, Dreadnought Wardroids
✠ Tag(s):
Enemies: Galak Galak , Aryshda , open
Allies: open

It took them three attempts to take the next block, each time the Bryn'adûl repelled their attack and stalled their advance further. The casualties of the Rim-Guard were not high in absolute numbers, but relatively speaking they were devastated. No cadre was at full strength anymore and the combat did not seem to draw near an end any time soon. But the paladins were eager and disciplined, their bodies would not fail, neither their spirits.

By now the local militia had taken an example, even though terrified, but inspired by the fierce fighting of their gilded allies. Yet the Order officers were relatively reluctant in deploying their allies to the actual assaults, they were simply lacking the armour and training to do anything but be meatshields. The frontline was now stretching roughly three hundred meters along and below a highway which directly crossing the battlefield, on both sides there were buildings, some larger blocks but usually just a few levels in each house, held by the survivors of the first wave and several hundred militiamen. The locals were mainly deployed in the back, securing the houses and trying to get the civilians into safety, but with the erection of the red dome, the plan was altered to bring them into cellars, the canalisation and so on, protecting them from the direct battle.

✠ ✠ ✠

"Get me some of your best shooters and a few heavy weapons on that highway, major! The overlook will give optimal firing arcs from above, I don´t care how you do it, but do it."

Ecthelion Aiglos was looking at the commander of the militia contingent which had gathered, he looked both scared and yet resolute, it was his home he was fighting for and even though he was a bit arrogant at the beginning, he realised the big golden figures were holding their ground against these monsters. It was difficult to determine if he was scared by the monsters or those who stood up against them. With a swift salute he turned around and ran to his command team and away from Aiglos.

The High Imperator was just about to check for the second wave as the gas canisters above the shield exploded and slowly made their way to the Bryn'adûl, their reaction was immediate and apparently even very effective. Someone had some sense up there, good. Not wasting any time, he ordered his troops to advance, taking the chance and drawing closer to the massive flagship.

They had altered their approach after the initial fighting, the invaders were fierce and strong warriors, especially in melee, but the high-explosive blasters deployed by the Rim-Guard have proven quite efficient and therefore the advance was now mainly led by those with ranged weapons, numbering roughly half the paladins, luckily. They were covered by those with shields though, rather those who still had shields, as the melee has been tough, gene-warrior tough. Force sensitive gene-warrior tough.

Ecthelion had lost his shield during the last charge to acquire this position, it got shattered by one of those large war beasts which he had to cut open with his lightsaber from throat to belly. It is one of the most intensive fighting he has ever been part of. The dome, the streets and the density of enemies, as well as those forsaken gunboats who had deployed warriors behind his lines, it was like fighting in a tunnel, the air was thick with the stench of blood, smoke, cordite and bowels and there was no falling back for either side. The streets quickly turned into a slaughterhouse.

Suddenly a small group of Bryn'adûl leapt forward again, already preparing for a counter-attack, the paladins automatically focused their fire on the advance, sending blue bolts of explosive blaster rounds into the enemy while they apparently took care of one of their own, pulling it back into cover.
The paladins maintained a slow advance, steadily exchanging fire with the enemy, here and there a warrior twitched as they were hit and brought into the next cover, the screams for medics was omni-present. Since the beginning of the fighting the Rim-Guard had barely made hundred meters of progress . . . .

But both the second and third wave were well underway and would soon arrive, but would they join into the hell of a slaughterhouse or fortify the outside? The High Imperator had not yet revealed his plan.

Action Overview:
  • Militia secures rear and civilians and offers second line fire support​
  • Militia tries to gets on the highway with heavy weapons​
  • Rim-Guard advances towards Galak Galak position​
  • Rim-Guard second wave (droids) and third wave (remaining order) are on their way​
Forces Overview
  • Rim-Guard Order: 210 Paladins (First Generation)​
  • Local Militia: ~800 militiamen​

Phase Two

Post Two

Fighting alongside the Chieftain

Allies: Bryn'adul / Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Enemies: Everyone

Equipment: Armor / Axe / Shielding / Ravager / Lancer / Mangler / Crippler / Shredder / Burner / Beam Rifle / Fort. Mutagen

The time for violence had finally arrived. Gordrak snarled as he kicked aside a mangled Juggernaut. The battlefield had taken on some drastic changes including the erecting of the shield dome and the deployment of bio-weapons. While many would quake at the bio-weapons induction, Gordrak wasn't surprised. The vermin they were fighting had resorted to all sorts of desperate measures in the past. He had seen as much with his own eyes and suffered some of it himself. His mind returning to Kreeta, Gordrak allowed those unsavory memories to take root. They would fuel the slaughter he desperately hoped to inflict on both everyone and everything on this world. Gordrak did not permit his anger to control him however. No, rather than allow it to become an inferno and potentially engulf him, he held it back. It would be a slow, controlled burn.

Firing an ore grenade from his lancer, Gordrak quickly switched back to firing short controlled bursts from his lancer. The weapons molten ammunition found purchase on an unfortunate militiamans' body. The rounds scythed through the poor man, felling him immediately. As the body burned, return fire was directed back at Gordrak. Needing to preserve his shielding, Gordrak activated the compact shield on his right gauntlet. He tanked the fire for several moments before he angled his lancer and fired off a single burst. Unfortunately for Gordrak, the shots had gone wide. Thankfully, this caused the attacker to duck back into cover and Gordrak wasted no time in capitalizing. He advanced forward and into the impact crater his enemies hid within. As he waded in, he saw three terrified militiamen. The closest one, situated on his right, leveled his weapon to fire just as Gordrak slammed the compact shield into said man. The blow sent the human flying lifelessly out of the crater, his neck snapped. The second closest was on Gordraks left and this militiaman managed to actually fire his weapon. These shots hit Gordrak and his Quilxyn shielding withstood the damage. Before the militiaman could fire anymore, Gordrak swung the Lancer toward the human, severing his head from his body with the weapons bayonet. The final enemy muttered something Gordrak couldn't quite hear over the din of battle and attempted to run. As they made it to the lip of the small crater, the bayonet erupted from the humans chest. Before they could gauge what had happened, the bayonet which had been launched from the lancer, yanked them back toward Gordrak. Planting his right leg into the back of the human as they were pulled toward him, the bayonet tore free from their back and reentered the Lancer.

Looking down at the squirming thing before him, Gordrak silently raised his right leg again. As the shadow of Gordraks' boot overtook the human, they looked on in absolute horror. The crushing descent of Gordraks' boot ended that horror along with their life. Allowing himself a derisive snort, Gordrak headed toward a nearby throng of his fellow Ultras. The Chieftains will had to be carried out. Failure was not an option.
Space above Sev Tok > En route to Anvil

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

"I'm here."

"We'll see through this..."

".. together."

She didn’t realize it, but Yula had been holding her breath. Either Dagon would lash out, or cool down. The hand squeezing her own told her that it was the latter. It had been mildly startling to see someone like Dag—who always kept his wits about him and who held onto hope no matter what—start to spiral. Yula had thrown him a tether back to reality, and thankfully, he took it.

Yula returned the tightening of his hand with a wary smile. “As we have before.” Her words came at the tail end of a slow exhale. She was nervous, too—nervous about facing the Bryn’adul again, nervous about going into battle, nervous that something terrible would happen and Dagon would slip through her fingers.

The last thought made her blink before reflecting wryly on everything that had transpired between them. Denon, the spice, Denon again, Csilla, and now Sev Tok. Their meetings were adding up, each charged with a different brew of emotions. It made sense that they’d form some kind of bond, whether it extended beyond camaraderie or not.

A ping from the console drew her attention towards the screen. “We’re coming out of hyperspace,” She announced, leaving the warning of prepare yourself unsaid. They both new what was at stake, and that the only way to protect it was to fight like hell. She flipped a few switches and grabbed the yoke, steeling herself as the quiet streams of starlight contracted into dots, ushering them above Sev Tok.

Oddly enough, ships emblemized with the Silver insignia maintained airspace around Sev Tok. It wasn’t until the freighter began it’s descent towards the surface that the city of Anvil came into view, partially encased in a massive dome of red miasma.

“What the….what is that?” Yula grimaced. The Bryn were always churning out the oddest of technologies, and she eyed the gunboats guarding the crimson sphere. “Dag, you seein this? Some sorta…some kinda weird ass shield.”

A few more switches flipped, and she swung the craft heavily to the right, barreling towards it.

Cyprian Ichar


Location: Anvil City
Objective: Complete Summoning Ritual, Support Leartia
Allies: SJC ( Jax Thio Jax Thio , Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , Commander Kren , Aien Mueller , Mig Gred Mig Gred , Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Opposition: Bryn'adul ( Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum , Osam Osam , Sethrak Sethrak , Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok , Galak Galak , Udomek Seker Udomek Seker , Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris , Kelmor Kelmor )
With: Laertia Io Laertia Io , Chasianna Chasianna , Jairdain Jairdain (mentally)
Directly Engaging: TBD
Equipment: Rozzum Bio-Armor Sheath, Gemini Ward (Shield), Soleil Cruel (Mace), Thresher Carbine, Viper Burst Pistol, Pyronium Nugget

Cyprian barely had time to register the arrival of the Bryn'adul mothership before it came barreling through the barriers of the city-fortress. His doubts about Anvil's defense had proven correct in most anti-climatic fashion. While he acknowledged the Bryn's prowess at siege warfare, he was taken aback by the speed of their initial assault.

Anvil was rocked to its very foundations upon the battlecruiser's impact, forcing Cyprian to take a knee. Regular soldiers and civilian volunteers nearby were completely knocked over by the shock like ragdolls. Clouds of pulverized stone soon enveloped them all on the cracked street, making the cold night seem even darker as the stars and moons above were blotted out completely.

The veteran quickly snapped back upright, shield and gun raised in one smooth motion in the direction of the crashed Bryn mothership on pure muscle memory.

Just as quickly as they Bryn had crash landed, the Force Adept could already feel their teeming masses disgorging from the holds of their mothership. The first threat came from the air.

"Contacts from above, form shield walls!" the Lord Commander barked over comms to his men.

Moments later, scattered pockets of Balarac Knights in the vicinity quickly regrouped and formed several small composite domes of protection with their blast shields. Empowered by the battle meditations of the powerful Mentalist above ( Jairdain Jairdain ), they moved with almost preternatural coordination, mentally synchronized like never before.

Moments later, Bryn biots would pierce the haze above, pelting against the tortoise like shield formations. The shields kept the biots at bay, but a few of the ugly buggers where able to poke their heads through gaps. That earned one of chiropteran critters a skewering through the skull with the jabbed tusk of his Thresher carbine. A living weapon like his armor, the arachnid construct quivered with delight over its first kill of the night. Around him, he could hear shrieks of dying Bryn biots following the pop of Viper pistols by Knights deeper in the formation neutralizing other breaches.

The Balarac held their ground against the advanced aerial threats, but it was a different story for the militamen and soldiers caught out in the open when the flying biots hit. If they weren't directly attacked by the flying masses, they were wretching from poisonous gases emitted by the swarms that also served to reduce visibility even further. Sealed in their armor, the Balarac themselves weren't affected by the toxins, but they would suffer greatly if their exposed allies were left to fall to it.

"Set Threshers to alt fire and wipe these blighters from the sky,"

The Balarac pointed carbines above, launching payloads of flailing arachnids right into the tightly bunched swarms in steady volleys. Silken strands of organic monofilament wire cut through the fragile creatures like putty, bursting droves in mid air with only single projectiles. Those that weren't immediately killed would still suffer from the flesh eating cytotoxins that coated the flails of the arachnid projectiles - either they died fast or slow.

Eventually, the sky seemed to clear up some in their immediate vicinity, giving the resident defenders breathing space to launch their own counterattacks. Cyprian now felt comfortable moving again.

"Keep your shields up, but disperse and find cover. We don't want to make things easy for their artillery and bombers by continuing to mass."

Still firing, the disciplined Knights carefully broke formation and melted into their surroundings as they hugged buildings and depressions in smaller fireteams.

With a temporary lull, he took stock of the situation. It was easy to do when networked with the Mentalist - he could feel almost everyone on his side. The initial shock of the Bryn may have taken the defenders off guard, but for now the forces of Anvil still seemed to dwarf the Bryn who had basically planted themselves in the middle of enemy territory.

Normally, that would spell suicide - a general rule of thumb for an attacking force was to have at least three times the amount of soldiers as their entrenched counterparts. However, all conventional rules of warfare flew out the window when it concerned the Bryn, who fought like no man. They were sure to have something up their sleeve.

Sure enough, that something materialized as an crimson barrier around their mothership and the surrounding districts, at once trapping the closest defenders to the epicenter while protecting the Bryn within.

So they had settled for making a fortress within a fortress.

Under his helmet, Cyprian quietly snorted from amusement. Whether intentional or not, the Bryn were not without a sense of humor.

Laertia was gone, but he could feel her advancing right for the dome itself following some tricks. He wasn't as nearly as skilled as the sorceress in teleporting and advanced magicks, so he was going to have to regroup on her the old fashioned way.

"I'll be with you again shortly," he radioed to her, "However, the summoning rituals has yet to commence - we may need the Rozzum more than ever."

Behold the Scathing Light



<"-- we gotta fight for the Light till we're dead and gone.">​

The New Jedi Order’s forces responded. And for the first time, Ishida found herself aboard an Alliance Vessel en route to the battlefield. And she couldn’t stop smiling –– even if it was only the smallest rise at the corners of her mouth.

For the most part, she was trademark silent. Stewing in her own considerations about the battle to come. Everything she’d heard about the Bryn’adûl would be put to the test today. And despite all her composure through the anticipation, her left hand still shook. And she didn’t even notice –– too consumed on what would come to be. All the impossibility of the monster’s victory. The xenophobic horrors would be destoryed here; their audacity to strike at the Silver Jedi Concord, so close to their capital’s heart, was foolish. Especially since amidst their allies were her brother and her master. And for the first time: her. It would be a wonderful thing to witness, seeing the two masters of light and truth cutting through crustacean wretches. And she vowed to match them stroke for stroke; maybe make a mask from a sliced Bryn face. She touched her bare cheeks thoughtfully, imagining a stretch of red skin hardened over instead.

It all brewed beneath her surface of alabaster, gold and crimson throbbing intensely in knots of emotion: Excitement and purpose. That’s all she’d felt, and it amplified as instructions were issued over the comms system within the ship, informing all of their arrival within the next handful of seconds.

Tilting to look up at her sibling, almost a whole foot taller, she grinned cheekily and spoke for the first time: "Want to tally who'll have the most Bryn heads at the end of this?"

The Alliance’s vessels snapped into real space existence only a few moments before further reinforcements. A mish mash of shapes that cluttered the atmosphere, the souls inside preparing to deploy. Ishida could feel hers stuttering in confusion of fluid dynamics and pressure through the transition –– it might have been smooth, but the tumult that rippled through the Force was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Silently, she looked to the faces of her master and brother to see if they could feel it too. It took her a few seconds through the haze to realize what it was: Dread.

To provide an updated status from their grounded allies, the ship’s officers connected streams to ground communications. As well as an updated visual appraisal of the surface below. A blue glow of topographic map with a highlighted ––red dome and a selection of red dots to indicate threats, and white dots to indicate allies –– manifested in the centre of the room the collection of Jedi found themselves in.

“What is that?” Ishida heard herself ask, pointing plainly at the dome shape. “And where is it?

ALLIES | SJC | GA | NJO | NIO | Michael Sardun Michael Sardun | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina


Krarolk T'manu


LOCATION: Sev Tok atmosphere, the Epitaph, Infantry Bay
EQUIPMENT: In Signature + Spitter Utility Bow (20x explosive arrows)
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad
ALLIES: THE BYRN | MARAUDERS | In proximity of Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris / Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Open to cooperation
ENEMIES: SJC & ALLIES | Open to engagement

It was time for battle.
Krarolk had just returned from the balcony to the Elite Squad and their added Shadow when the gates of the Epitaph opened up, revealing the night sky ahead. A gentle breeze tickled Krarolk's skin, and he reminded himself to place a thin projected thermal barrier over Abvor to prevent the cold-sensitive Baedurin from being too affected. The squad followed their kin into the battlefield, and the Zealots all swiftly entered formation.

The Zealots assumed three major formations within the battlefield. The largest formation, led by the seniormost Commander Elfiqus, was composed of several thousand Zealot Minors, Majors, and Officers, who formed into four-squad Zealot Companies. The companies assembled behind the vanguard, letting the Juggernauts and tank beasts cover their organization. Then, individual companies began to split up, obtaining intelligence from the vanguard about the suspected locations of enemy officers. Each notable hostile officer's position would be targeted by a single company, which used their considerable commando skills to swiftly create a narrow but deep hole in hostile defensive formations, strike down their officer and any interfering soldiers, and retreat to find a new target.

As the first formation began their infiltration, a second formation was assigned a far more mundane task. Consisting of about 70% of the Force-sensitive Zealots of all ranks, the second formation led by Commander Dermivi moved to slow the spread of a
powerful bioweapon. Reports had come in across the vanguard that dozens of Draelvasier had fallen to what appeared to be terminal disease, despite their previous total fitness. Consequently, it was not difficult to infer that a virus was being deployed against them.

Mentally linked together by the potent energy of Commander Dermivi, the Zealots of the second formation drew upon their combined spiritual energy to form a thin but impermeable barrier about a dozen meters above them, where several viral projectiles had exploded minutes earlier. The barrier was several kilometers in radius, encompassing almost the entire vanguard exiting the Epitaph and providing them with temporary protection from further spread of the virus. However, the barrier was thin and highly draining of energy, and any projectile more powerful than a rifle bullet would greatly strain or break large portions of the antiviral barrier.

The third formation, led by Commander Krarolk, was by far the smallest and highest quality group. Composed of twenty Zealot Elite Squads, the group of exceptionally powerful combatants was assigned with even deeper infiltration than the first formation. Mounting stealthy and powerful
Urasik Wyverns, the squads would penetrate deep into enemy lines, targeting their strongest Jedi and most capable generals.

As Krarolk's own two Wyverns arrived to collect the squad, the Commander gestured to the nearby Shadow.

"Come join me on my Urasik, we've got generals to slaughter."


T?R??T: ??a?o?? ??m?n?

To her, the darkness of the night sky was a blessing.
With darkness everywhere, she could utilize Osinsuker with almost unlimited range, quickly vanishing from sight as soon as she stepped foot on the planet's surface. She sensed the signature of the Target about three hundred meters away, and rushed to close that distance.

When she arrived within fifty meters, she saw that the Target was surrounded by his squad and several others rushing to and fro. Too many witnesses. Not yet.

An opportunity revealed itself as he mounted a wyvern with one other squadmate and took to the skies, leaving his units behind for his own part of the mission. Concentrating all of her immense power not placed in Osinsuker into her legs, she kept pace with the flying beast, preparing to launch her Meitkhpu.

Sehvis Ynin


Location: Ruusan
Allies: NIO, NJO, and Others
Tag: Drel Natrik Drel Natrik
Status: CLOSED

Ruusan was not her home. It may be where her people have lived for a couple of years since leaving Dathomir, but it was never her home. It probably never will be seen as her home. Sehvis walked behind her master. The larger man took larger steps than her smaller figure, which Sehvis rationalized to being the reason for her slightly lagging behind.

He then stopped. At first, Sehvis thought it was to wait for her, but then he bent down and picked something off the ground and looked off at the horizon for a bit. As she made her way over, the inquisitive look she often gets took hold on her face. The eyes narrowed, the mouth pouted slightly, and her head cocked to the side a bit causing the hardened wood and pearls from her piercings clack a bit. Yet, the natural bliss of this trail seemed to hush the clacking, which intrigued her a bit as well. Who knew that such surroundings made those kinds of noises dampened. It might be her attention focused on the surroundings rather than her adornments.

Master Drel then began to speak. It was a little anecdote of this field's history. "We were told to stay away from this field. Dathomir made us suspicious of regions with a lot of dead, particularly filled those that died fighting. Some of the elders with more connection felt something off about these places. Surprisingly they were more terrified of this field than the ancient battlefields on Dathomir."

She then looked at the ground before them. The grave was simple, and nearly taken over with nature. The lightsaber certainly saw better days. She wondered what the owner might have been like before falling in combat, or at least in the aftermath of combat. As she looked at it, she felt a sort of dread come over her. She did feel a connection with it somehow. It was not resonating with force from a crystal, but from its previous owner. It was then she realized the elders were right about this place. Not openly evil like on Dathomir, but so good and peaceful that any bits of evil that could possibly be here were well hidden but able to strike at the unwary far easier.

She then looked at her master again, and the nervous feeling subsided to the back of her mind for now. She had no clue that was possible for her. She had no idea what she just experienced. It was something that only a few of the elders could do, but they could only scratch the surface. The connection she felt with this sight before her and her master was far deeper than what those few elders could say. Luckily her expression maintained, but her inner thoughts were going back and forth between the lesson at hand, and this new ability she just found.

As the defenders of Anvil rushed to assault the advancing Bryn'adul, the forces commanded by Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla would be joined by dozens, and quickly, hundreds of Rangers from the 666th Mechanized. These Rangers had seen battle on a hundred worlds and they would not falter as they rushed to set up ad hoc barricades and defenses to contain the enemy.

At Beltran's orders, the lighter soldiers of the Ranger 3rd Infantry, moved off the wall. Ahead of the main forces, mortar teams rushed through the streets searching out areas where they could set up. It was perhaps ten minutes after Beltran had given the order that the first series of mortar shells would begin raining down on the Bryn'adul positions with the Rangers of the 666th acting as spotters.

The machine gun teams would take longer to arrive, and but elements of the main battle force would begin to trickle in into the area around the landed Bryn'adul ships. The Rangers of the 3rd would fight along their brethren of the 666th, the planetary militia and their assorted allies and friends. The Bryn'adul sought to dominate through fear and violence, but as Beltran had tried to explain to Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus on Yurb, these things could not be sustained. All it would succeed in doing was uniting the galaxy against them.

Perhaps in an odd way, the Bryn'adul were paving a way to a lasting peace.

But peace was the last thing on Beltran's mind today as he moved rapidly through the streets. The servos of his light power armor coupled with his abilities to strengthen himself in the Force allowed him to move far quicker than any normal human. Perhaps if the operators of Omega Squad could see who they were actually talking about, they might reconsider their bravado. But even his feelings toward them and their commander Aien Mueller, had left his mind.

No, all he focused on was the feeling of impending battle. Already he could feel the rage, fear and pain of the growing conflict at the center of Anvil and it fed him.

"Beltran! I'm advancing on the warship. Be prepared to crash another ship into this giant motherfether!"
Laertia Io Laertia Io 's voice sounded over his comms, but they sounded far away. Like they were coming from a different place and time. It took several seconds before the Lorrdian even realized that his old mentor and friend had actually spoken to him in the here and now. He spoke, his voice dripping with venom and radiating with the power of the Dark Side.

"I am coming."

"All forces, this is Heavenshield. I am ordering that our shield generator be immediately deactivated. Repeat, deactivate the shield. It is only a hinderance from this point on..."

Beltran barely registered Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield 's words. His battle focus was taking him away from the worries of troop movements and shield generators. Still, there was a small part of him that was thankful when Captain Mrawr of Paladin Company answered.

"Acknowledged, Lieutenant. Deactivating now."

"I've got a clear line of sight at this... dome of theirs. I believe it's coming from within that ship. We need to take it out from-- cough cough --from within. Suggestions are greatly encouraged."

This did get through to Beltran and he responded, his thick dark voice once again repeating his last words on the entire battlenet.

"I am coming..."

Beltran would arrive at the thunderdome just in time to see the tyrant of the Bryn'adul, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , beckon toward the forces of their combined powers. The massive beast and his army of bedtime nightmares stood behind some kind of dome, or shield, or something. His voice radiated throughout the battlefield: A simple message on whatever passed for its lips.

"Here we are. Fight us now."

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield was already there, stepping into the dome with his axe. He could hear the Ranger officer's response, and he fed from the rage that came behind the words:

"Bring me Tathra,"

"Bring me Tathra,"


Beltran parted the gathered group of Rangers and militia as they watched the man challenge the Tyrant himself. Dark power seemed to radiate from the Lorrdian, causing beings to back away from him as he strode through.

Beltran dropped his rifle.

He removed his helmet, and dropped that as well.

Then he too, stepped into the dome.

"The Force is with you, Thirdas Heavenshield," Said Beltran, his green eyes seeming to glow. His words seemed to amplify throughout the area, even those his tone never raised an octave. "And so am I. Together, we will dine on this beast's heart."

He drew his Lightsaber and spoke to Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus . "Come Tyrant! Let us end what we began on Yurb!"

Hades Platoon – 50 Rangers – Divided into squads and set up in observation posts outside of the city. Snipers set up to take down high value targets (Bryn officers and the like) and communicate enemy movements.

UPDATE: Linking up with stranded 666th Elements, attempting to secure air transport back to city.

Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry – 1800 Rangers – Set up along the outer most wall of Anvil, anchoring key sections of the defense along side SDF and Planetary Militia – This is Beltran’s current location.

UPDATE: Mortar teams are beginning to pepper the Bryn'adul landing site with shells. Machine gun nests are being set up in an arc around the landing site. Standard infantry is moving to reinforce the 666th QRF's and allied counter attackers. Beltran is moving to engage Bryn'adul, specifically searching for Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus .

663[SUP]rd[/SUP] Mobile Artillery – 64 Rangers - Set up inside the walls alongside other artillery units for priority fire missions as needed - UPDATE: Wiped out by Epitaph's landing.

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry – 1000 Rangers in CAV vehicles with minor armor support –
300 Rangers and CO currently deploying thermonuclear mines at possible Bryn’adul landing zones outside city.

UPDATE: Approx 200 Rangers currently stranded due to power loss of unknown origin. Moving on foot toward Hades Platoon positions. 100 Rangers returning to Anvil. Mines deployed.

UPDATE: 100 Rangers returned to Anvil, currently moving through main city gates. Moving toward Epitaph landing site to engage Bryn'adul. 200 Rangers currently linking up with Hades Platoon, seeking air transport to city if possible.

600 divided into Quick Reaction Forces (100 Rangers each), located in middle levels of city.
Utilizing Gweld-Class CAV’s for quick movements.

UPDATE: All six quick reaction forces engaging Bryn'adul now (600 Rangers and vehicles).

Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Deployed to top most level of Anvil, all utilizing A.I.P.S battle suits in defense of Shield Generator - UPDATE: Currently holding position at shield generator. Not happy about it.
Last edited:
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Forces: 1st MIL Battalion "Netherhounds", 1st Armored Platoon "Wraith Division"
Equipment: In bio
Allies Jax Thio Jax Thio Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aien Mueller Jairdain Jairdain Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Laertia Io Laertia Io Chasianna Chasianna
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Osam Osam
Mig looked on, quickly igniting the lightsaber blades of his Trayc'kad as the Bryn continued coming closer. More Netherhounds and Rangers had worked their way out to landing site, but it wasn't long before the Bryn began to fight back and dirty. They unleashed everything they had it seemed. Gunships turned there guns to the surface, at least until fire began to rain against them. The Gred fighters slipped slowly into the city shield initially, with the Vipers using their breaking engines to come in at what seemed to be an insane speed. It was weird have to start an attack so slowly, but it did give time for planning strikes. Or at least they thought so. One of the Rapier pilots would ignore the order the attack the gunship, and align all weapons to attack forward. Only nothing hit the ground. The hyper particle bolt detonated midair, while the particle cannon and twin laser turret's bolts came flying back, striking the heavy craft. One particle bolt would get lucky, striking an engine as the attacker pulled out, causing to to be sent to the ground. Meanwhile, the swarm droids and interceptors turned their focus to the Bryn fighters, quickly darting in, with damaged swarm droids choosing to ram over simply crashing.

He looked up before charging a sphere of electricity at the Bryn, at least he hoped it'd work. He then heard a massive array of.... Turbolasers! Someone was launching an orbital strike! No way to know who until.... A massive sound came through as a red field surrounded the entire area. The Mandalorian couldn't tell it had covered so much of the city, but he would just look at the others. Then he heard Heavenshield. From the ship.... Karking Bryn tech! He would quickly call out to the Neatherhounds and Rangers nearby.

"You all heard the jetii! We need to push them back now! Get up and fight!" As he started to push forward, he would hear a gunship come over, and watch as people began to jump from it. More jetii. That was good. He quickly started to run up before a Bryn warrior knocked him off his feet. Mig looked up to see the Ultra, and he would quickly jump back. He looked at the Ultra, too out of position before hearing a loud come by, and making the Bryn Ultra not a problem. He looked back, smiling.

The Wraith's Sluggers. Just in time for a save. He looked at the hull before smirking.

"Thanks Shy Creek. Now you and your column fire on those big hitters! They seem to block energy bolts."

"Good thing we aren't Frontline's then." The T-1s would then turn their weapons to the Reavers, sending out railgun salvos into the Bryn forces, while staying on the move. Wasn't the most accurate fire, but it was something. In the meantime Mig, got up and ran to the two Jedi, but not before a more direct application of Cryokinesis on another Ultra.

"Good to see some friendly faces, or at least more friendly than Bryn."

Fleet: Keros' Kad, 4x Shield-class Escort Cruisers, 6x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons, 2x "Kodashi" Viper MKII Squadrons, 3x HA-2 Pike Squadrons, 2x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 2x HF-2 Jair Kyr'am squadrons, 8x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons
Allies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Rurik Fel Rurik Fel
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
The Kad's sensors came to life as a new vessel entered the system. It was one that had the Mando ship's crew slightly on edge considering where it was from. And it didn't help when the ship began to fire on the surface so quickly after exiting hyperspace. Malo would be quick on the line with a not so happy response.

"NIO vessel this is the Keros' Kad! For Kad's sack, hold your fire! They're still running finally evac! plus the cities shie....."

"Vod we have a problem."

"What is it Kaddie?"

"Heavenshield just sent a message. They're lowing the shield, and the Bryn have some sort of shield of shield dome." Malo just gripped the console. They had to be kidding! Sometimes being stuck in orbit stunk. She then looked at the AI.

"Tell them the arm the Pikes with bomb bays instead of missile tubes. Thunder bombs." Before Kaddie could even object, she would contact the NIO ship again. "Ok. Maybe your ways the way to go here, imperial, but I swear if you attempt to BDZ the battlefield before and catch people who aren't Bryn in your wake that toy of yours is going home with plasma scoring. I'm prepping bomber for a more precise attack plan, but until then...." And with that the Varactyle turrets came to life, turning to the planet.

"Surface be warned. Heavy turbolaser fire inbound." And then they opened up with a quick, light on bolts burst, a test of how the Bryn shield would react. Malo needed to know before she'd put consistent fire on that thing.

Location: Escape pod, the city of Anvil
Allies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. } Mig Gred Mig Gred | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Silver Jedi Concord & Allies
Enemies: Krarolk T'manu ?
Equipment: Carabello-series Armored Uniform, Ferrazid Distortion Shield, Furor Sonic Pistol, Silverthorn Stiletto, FastMed MedPac, SC-1 comlink
Forces: Elements of a Hellfighters Regiment

Dull pain radiated into his right side, and the man instinctively clutched at it before the man began to feel the cold metal plating. His eyes fluttered open, yet he could only see darkness. He continued to feel around him, finally feeling the fine cloth and the heat of another being. Tissah. Gir slapped the captain's chest, but the karkarodon did not stir. Frak. He clambered and managed to grab a hold of some of the pod's crash webbing. He found the door, but he could already feel a severe indentation that made him think that it was resting on whatever they had managed to land on. Gir sighed as he gently kicked the shark-like alien's flank in what he thought was the ribs.

"Tissah, we got to get up."

The karkarodon lay still and silent. Our fall was pretty abrupt. Maybe he's just knocked unconscious? He fiddled for his comlink and switched it to a general frequency used by the local Silver Jedi forces.

"This is Admiral Quee...I'm at grid coordinates 45.1 by 74.3 and stuck in an escape pod. Requesting extraction from the pod and possible medical evacuation of one other service member. Over."

In the pitch blackness, he felt around the pod, finally managing to find a control panel. He swept his fingers across it, tapping all of the buttons and flicking several unknown switches. A sickly red light flickered on even as a series of sparks erupted throughout the craft. The door groaned as it forlornly tried to open. His eyes darted back to Tissah. He could see twin blackish-looking liquid streaming out of his shark-like head. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together tightly. Another good one gone...He mentally added Tissah's name to the ever growing list of subordinates he'd lost to the Bryn'adul hordes.

The pod suddenly began to roll, forcing the man to quickly and tightly grasp the crash webbing. Oh now what? Another fun ride? Maybe I can knock some Bryn'adul down as I roll down a hill...Yet the movement stopped just as suddenly as it started before the door creaked and moaned. A cold burst of air entered the capsule as it was sundered from its hinges.

"Admiral Quee? I'm Sergeant Tilos. It's safe to come least for the moment."

"Thank you sergeant."

The admiral slinked through the escape hatch and looked upon his rescuers. Clad in thick plate armor bearing the sigil of white crescent moon bisected laterally by a blue lightsaber. The 56th Hellfighters. He spared a glance back at the pod. Tissah had just dropped them all of too before all of...this. He spared a glance at the night sky and the orbiting vessels above, but it did not seem as picturesque as he thought it would have been. An ugly red field flickered over them and the old soldier thought for a second that there seemed to be a red fog around them. He frowned. Fog shouldn't be red... Is there a new bioweapon about? He looked around, but none of the hulking Hellfighters or the militia around him seemed to have any interest in the fog. Most seemed focused on the massive hulk of the Epitaph, scarred by the suicidal ramming attack of the Midnight Darkest but apparently still functional in at least some respect judging by its pattern. He stared at its shrouded form hard even as weapons fire began to erupt around them. What secrets do you hold inside? He joined Sergeant Tilos in quickly taking cover behind a fractured wall of a house.

"Where's your commander?" asked Quee, loosening the restraining strap of his pistol's holster.

"Don't know. I think he's probably a goner. Ptols was usually pretty quick to shout out orders. I've maybe got a couple platoons nearby, but we're still organizing."

"I am the highest ranking person in the immediate vicinity, amn't I?"

The synthetic soldier nodded, "There's a good chance that's the case."

He picked out the dark outline of what seemed to be the most intact nearby structure - it looked like a cheap pre-fab hotel. The kind that someone could simply plop down in the Outer Rim for a couple thousand credits and run ragged until the duracrete walls crumbled after a decade of hard use. Not a comfortable stay, but better here than in the open. He tapped Tilos's chest.

"I'm going in there to start organizing us in there and make some calls to our friends in orbit. Send any of the officers and NCOs around us that you can find. The Bryn will be here soon, and we must be ready for them."

"Yes sir."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: Defend the city
Allies: SJC and allies, Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , Mig Gred Mig Gred , Aien Mueller , Kadan Scipora , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Laertia Io Laertia Io , Commander Kren , Jax Thio Jax Thio , Cyprian Ichar , Zephyr Krayt , Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn
Enemies: Bryn'adul

Red merely stood there, and watched as events unfolded. First, the Bryn'adul ship crashed into the ground. Then he had heard intense fighting coming from the crash site. Before he knew it, Red watched as a red dome appeared over the crash site and a portion of the city. Red wasn't in one of those portions covered by the dome, but he was receiving reports that apparently, things and people could enter through the dome, but they couldn't come back out. Interesting... The other two operatives standing with him turned and looked at the dome, gazing at it in wonder.

Then, suddenly, he received a transmission. Red put on his helmet and tuned into the transmission.

"Clandestine Special Officer Red, this is Ops Command," A voice said, coming through the encrypted transmission. "We have reports that a weapon of mass-destruction is currently caught within the enemy's shielding unit. We have reason to believe that the weapon will fall into enemy hands. How copy, over?"

Red blinked. "Received. Interrogative: what is the weapon, over?"

"The weapon is a thermonuclear device trapped within the enemy shielding unit. Confirm, over?"

"Confirmed. Orders, over?" Red asked.

"Your orders are to locate and secure and contain the device, to figure out how to extract the device to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. Repeat, over."

"Repeat: my orders are to locate and secure and contain the device, to figure out how to extract the device to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. Interrogative: there are reports that objects and people are unable to exit the shielding. How are we supposed to extract the device?"

"Figure it out, we're leaving it up to you, Captain. Ops Command, out.' The voice said. And with that, the transmission closed.

Red sighed. How was we supposed to extract the device if there was no way to get it out with the shield blocking the way? He was used to getting impossible missions, so he could definitely work with it, and even do it. Still, it would be a pain in the rear to actually accomplish.

Then, he started receiving the transmissions from all across the battle.

"Black Knight to all allied Forces! Concentrate all fire on the Shield dome in one spot! ALL OF IT! Forget about danger to friendlies. DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO TO DESTROY THAT SHIELD!"

Red quickly raised his own commlink after hearing this, sending a transmission to this "Black Knight". "Negative, negative! Black Knight, stand down, stand down! This is Clandestine Special Officer Red! There are civilians and friendly soldiers within that shield! You do not have clearance for a fire mission! Repeat: there are friendly forces and civilians that will be endangered by a fire mission! You do not have clearance, Black Knight! Do not, I repeat, do not open fire! There are other ways to take down the shield than risking civilians!" Red responded.

"All forces," he breathed heavily from excersion, "this is Heavenshield. I am ordering that our shield generator be immediately deactivated. Repeat, deactivate the shield. It is only a hinderance from this point on. I've got a clear line of sight at this... dome of theirs. I believe it's coming from within that ship. We need to take it out from-- cough cough --from within. Suggestions are greatly encouraged."

Red raised his commlink again. "Heavenshield, this is Clandestine Special Officer Red. We read you. Not much we can do for you. Black Ops has our own assignments right now. We can try to help you, but first we need your help. We need that dome down, Heavenshield, and we need it down, now. A weapon of mass destruction has been reported within the dome. If it falls into their hands, it could spell disaster. Whatever way you can, either deactivate that dome or draw the Bryn'adul out, we need that device, Heavenshield. We'll try and help where we can, but we need that shield down as soon as possible." Red said into the commlink.

This was gonna be a pain in the ass...
Location: Above Sev Tok
Allies: SJC and their allies
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies Tagging: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir
Objective: Reenforce

Due to the nature of their relationship, Jairdain was able to better sense Jax's emotions. He was receiving praise for his speech and she couldn't help but feel some pride as well. While her heart was breaking due to her own emotions, they did not cloud her objective. Provided Jax lived through this battle, she needed to have a conversation with him. It wasn't one she was particularly looking forward to either.

Deep into her meditation, she still listened to the receiver next to her. The communications between the Silvers, allies, and even some unexpected arrivals filled her ears. Turning her internal pride into fuel for her Battle Meditation, she reached out to these additional minds and forces.

The small personal conversations, she did not pick up on, but the emotions of those people, she did. Focusing on all of the minds below, each and every one of them should be able to feel her influence. Picking up on the fears and concerns, she would attempt to alleviate them and then move onto the next beacon she felt.

When new ships arrived, her Battle Meditation would also reach out to touch them. Washing away the fears they had, they would each find a burning resolve within themselves. A desire to win and triumph in these dark hours.

A new voice spoke through the comms and she focused on the man. Aien Mueller and his men would have a greater inspiration to fight, win and prevail! For themselves, for their people, their families, and friends. Anybody that needed to feel that boost and were open to receive it would be granted this. She not only focused on the people but the coordination between them.

The thoughts and feelings Varn Barakis Varn Barakis was feeling were accurate but she wrapped him with focus and care. Even if it wasn't for himself. He would care about those around them and feel a stronger connection to everything. His potential sense of loss and confusion was dissipated and instead filled with clarity.

If any of the Silver forces or those that had arrived to help them were to reach out to her, she would be open to communication. As it was, Jairdain could only imagine what was happening on the surface of the planet. Right now, all she could do was continue to provide what support and succor she could. Luckily, the Master had trained all of her life for this kind of thing and was not feeling drained or tired from her exertions. She was confident she could keep this up for as long as she needed to.

While the Bryn'Adul were being reinforced by their Force User, she couldn't touch their minds. But she also kept him from touching the minds of her people. Reaching out once again to try and feel what they were doing, she was rebuffed by their mage and backed away hopefully before he noticed her again. As much as Jairdain wanted to distract him, he was as focused as she was.

Hearing the voice of the Darth Imperius Darth Imperius , she couldn't help but also reach out to him. He and his men would work together better than they had ever done before. Just a light brush of her Meditation would have that effect on them.

On the chance, her touched reached another Force User, their powers would be further connected and become stronger for it. She provided strength and made them stronger. Whatever skills they were using would possibly be more powerful and thus more effective.

Some of the messages Jairdain was hearing were distressing and she focused on the people speaking. Soothing their nerves and sending a sense of calm over the field, she just hoped her ability worked and wasn't refused by those she wanted to help.

Feeling the weakening of @Thirdas Heavenshiled, she reached out to him. As his life was fading, a small spark would touch him and provide just a little more strength. Sensing an additional presence with the man, she allowed him to give his son the ability to regain his feet and fight on.

As her attention traveled through the rank and file of her allies, she did indeed feel the white-hot rage, Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr was feeling. In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with this and focused on him. As if he sent a sword to him, his focus would be enhanced and that rage would flare up like a volcano ready to explode. A controlled eruption but one nonetheless. Moving onto her next target, she picked up on some hate.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan was feeling it and Jairdain fully agreed with the sentiment. She was beyond hating anything or anybody but that did not mean she couldn't dislike something. These Bryn'Adul were something she did not like. Channeling a bit in the direction of Aayla, she would turn that hate into fuel for the destruction of their mutual foes.

Completing that her focus shifted again, she felt annoyance from Cadere Cadere . Since she couldn't see what was going on below, she could imagine though, and made him form a stronger connection with those around him. As she focused on other allies, she sensed more than a few connected to the Dark Side. Having once been down that path, she understood their calling. Maybe better than any other current and active Jedi.

As Chasianna Chasianna went into action, enhanced the woman's senses so she could draw on the emotions she was already picking up. They used these to power their own spells and skills, who was Jairdain to fault them? They weren't wrong, she just felt they went about it in the wrong manner. Not calling her out on this, she felt better to allow her to continue with her course of action.

It seemed like the ship she was on just got a fly-by as Rurik Fel Rurik Fel and his men arrived, she took the moment to also reach out to them. Through the Force, they would sense her intention and hopefully also accept her offering of stamina, focus, and inspiration. They needed all the help they could get and she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

After they passed, the focus of their Force User changed and moved back onto her for a brief moment. She heard his message but did not reply. There was no point to it, in her opinion. He had already moved beyond her touch but she picked on a change within him. It seemed, he had stopped his own Battle Meditation! Using this to her advantage, she started to try and touch the enemies of her people.

Attempting to weaken their focus and resolve, she could not do anything about their physical strength but their mind was fair game. If this worked, they might start to feel some confusion, and any cohesion they could start to fail. If it did work, she would use what she had taken from them to provide additional reserves for herself. This was going to be a long night...

With @kranak vizla dealing with his men, her meditation touched them and as they conversed between themselves, she would highlight their ability to work together. She could not help with warming them up but with the camaraderie, she could. As the Bryn'Adul brought their ship down, she picked up on the fear of the Mandalorians. Calming this, they would be able to face the enemy without that concern to hold them back.

Once the real battle started happening, things got busy and hectic for Jairdain. Much like the ants she had practiced on all those years ago, the leaders would take a great lead. The soldiers would be further connected and their voices would rise in defiance to the destruction going on around them.

Their enemies had their own Force Users and her Meditation would make their ability to focus weakened, hopefully. Since their own mentalist had stopped casting and trying to help them.

Again as Beltran was feeling the impending battle, she again touched on him. Enhancing him stronger and making him almost appear to grow. This wasn't the case though but his confidence did. His men would be prepared and ready to face what was in front of them.

Taking a moment to breathe, she relaxed and just allowed her mind to wander. Scenes like this were not normal but she was happy to be able to be present and help her people.

Post: Two
Objective: Evacuate Civilians, Defend the Shield.
Location: Just outside of the mines.

The Victory Star Destroyer landed, immediately unloading the 5,000 troops from the cargo bay. They had their orders, the mercs split from the small group of militia and veterans as they departed for the shield generator. Meanwhile the rest approached Heath with haste. He looked them over as they approached. Most of them had their own armor and uniform, these weren't soldiers or the elite stormtroopers, they were volunteers that stepped up in the absence of a professional army. Heath wished he could spare "real" soldiers today, but he couldn't. They were needed back home to defend against any surprise attacks.

One thing was uniform throughout the group. Each was armed with an
E-21 Blaster Rifle, designed by Veinstein Labs and Innovations specifically for Elysium use. The guns, capable of blaster fire or firing a physical projectile, were costly but efficient and highly modifiable. Heath hoped it would be a good choice against The Bryn'adul, but as a safeguard he had brought four Elysium Bryn-killer droids. These were extremely expensive and had been designed to combat the Bryn'adul based off of research collected galactically. If the research was accurate, a single Bryn-killer should be able to combat several foes at once. Heath hoped he wouldn't have to see the droids in action because if he did, it meant The Bryn had made it to the tunnels, or the battle wasn't over any time soon.

The militia was ready, the mercenaries were dispatched, and the time had come.

He hadn't taken but one step before a massive
Boom shook the ground. Heath jumped instinctively, spinning around and spotting the source. The Bryn ship had landed, or crashed. He couldn't tell from here due to the angle, but it was clear that fighting had followed. They needed to hurry with the evacuation.

He motioned for the men to follow him as he began jogging toward the mines, ready to take as many civilians to safety as he could....
Wearing: Jedi Guardian Catsuit

Armed with: Five Rings

Blood Sister

Objective: Gee, I dunno...

Configuration: Melissa (See Bio)

Melissa killed more than she ever had in her entire existence, Her Lightsaber and her Personal sword, Five Rings, a Katana capable of damaging even Alchemized materials, ravaged the ranks of Drones and Juggernauts,

The model 1''s, equipped with their special disruptors, used the secondary Arc Casters pre mounted on them by default to unleash havoc on approaching lines of Draelvasir, the electricity specially tuned to damage Draelvasir Tech, such as mind stones and Biomass mechanisms, as they paved the way for the Militia they led, most now equipped with the Bio Blasters. They had been getting a crash course in Bryn killing, and scattered squads harassed Bryn'adul infantry, refusing to stay still harassing them with Bio-Blaster-Fire, one set of squads using the Protector-Shield Piercing secondary mode the other set of squads using the Bio-Rifles Primary fire.

Due to the cold, The Bio-Blasters began to have more misfires. Standard Tactics was for The Model 1's to provide intense covering fire with their onboard mounts, making certain to hit areas where the Nanophage dispersal had been severe. Some Model 1's were destroyed utterly, holding back infantry just long enough for Militia to treat their rifles with Gamma Lasers, and start firing at approaching hoards again. Syphons that got close, while able to drain the electricity of of nearly all working equipment (Including Nearby Model 1's) could not drain the Energy of Bio-Blasters, and were quickly torn down by their energy, as geared to destroy their tissue as it was a Drone or Juggernaut

The Model 2's were another story.

Another product of what had been learned at Sarka, Their Laminanium Matrix Armor was built to withstand typical Bryn weapons, such as those that used Magnetics, or molten bullets.

They formed in squads of fifteen, in boxy, Centurion Like Formations grouped closely together, forming a wall of armor as they moved ahead of the Militia. The Model 2's in the back row kept their mounted rotary cannons firing into the air to thin the number of Draeyde Swarms diving for the militia, analysis of their flight patterns at Sarka allowing the Model 2's to predict them and take according action, the back ranks of their fifteen strong squads sweeping the air with bursts to down as many of them as possible as they advanced through the streets, pressing ferociously into collapsing lines of The Bryn'adul badly affected by both their own fire, as well as the Nanophage deployed by the NIO. Scattered, Lone Wolf Model 1's, particularly vengeful after Sarka, used their own biotoxin emitters to add insult to injury of choking, dying Bryn'adul. Others still grabbed heavily injured, but still alive Juggernauts, and dragged them off to torture and kill, broadcasting their hideous screams on special purpose loudspeakers meant for The Bryn'adul to hear.

Model 2's were also unquestionably sadistic.

Many of the front rows of the Model 2 assault squads, had begun using makeshift shields, made out of sturdy vehicle or home doors, and lashed them together with the bodies of dead Juggernauts that had some of their armor still intact. It was a psychological attack, using their own dead to protect themselves, forcing the enemy to shoot through the corpses of their own, often still fully armored with Verikast. The strength of the Model 2's, three times that of a Wookiee, made it an easy task. Others passed on the corpse shields in favor of sheer offense, Dual Wielding Model 1 Disruptors, one gun on its Draelvasir Tech-Damaging Arc Caster setting, the other on its primary setting, using their shoulder mounted charrics, also tuned to pierce their armor and flesh, or their sonic cannons mounted in their chests.

The middle of the Model 2 squads were armed with Pump Action Grenade Launchers, angling them to fire ahead of their advance, firing a mix of Acids and Cryo Chemical warheads, though one always fired smoke once in a while to mask visual movement.

The front rows of the Model 2's got hit the Hardest from the return fire, but the armor was designed so tough and resistant due to the lessons of Sarka that the Bryn'adul were having genuine difficulty penetrating it to do enough damage, and the Model 2's were so loaded with Anti-Bryn weapons that even confronting one up close was a deadly, risky proposition, though some did attempt, and even when the armor was damaged, a combination of the droids internal systems and the Laminanium they were primarily composed of began the job of sealing up the damaged area until more thorough repairs could be conducted later.

They were smashed into by larger columns, primarily brutes and drones trying to buy time for wounded allies to regroup. They were met first by Arc Casters damaging the Bryn Tech in their armor, and dozens and dozens of Bio-Blaster bolts from the looser columns of Militia , and surviving Rangers and Mandalorians. The Mandalorians used their jetpacks for an Ad-Hoc air defense, some boldly going after the Wyverns they were employing, firing at the Wings with deadly accuracy, downing some of them, though others were faster and clawed some Mandalorians from the sky, only to be set upon by a few Jet-Pack equipped Model 2's firing their mounted Rotary cannon to Harass and distract any flying units, forcing them to come after them, or strafing the Brutes and Drones below as they passed overhead.

When the first row in the assault squads of the Model 2's were overcome, damaged to heavily to function, the second rows began deploying their shoulder charrics or sound cannons.

The Brumak's targeted them, destroying some squads after two or three shots, but they were vulnerable too, and both Stouker, Rocket fire from surviving rangers and the Model 1 Disruptors began to tear into them and kill some of them as well. The Bio-Blaster armed Militia, when a position was seized, would hold it with whatever they could, using the dead of the Bryn'adul and their own to form sandbag type cover, dragging inactive Model 2's back behind temporary established lines, finding they were shockingly easy to repair with cheap off the shelf kits, not that there was much of that to spare, but the ones they did get active stayed with the Militia that had revived them, directing them to fetch small samples off bodies, The repaired Model 2's picking up Bryn'adul Weaponry for their own use and for study.

This was the hellish nightmare Melissa Io, SJC member found herself in as she fought by the side of her beloved Sister Laertia, who had apparently had a busy life these days.

Xiphos's Sword of Cinndurr slashed into the Bryn Slow, but cut deep. She was utterly without mercy, and it was hard to say she was incorrect in her approach.

With The Bryn'adul, one had to show absolutely zero mercy, attack as ferociously as they did and more to stand a chance in survival. One ounce of hesitance and you were dead.

Laertia had changed so much since her feud with seemingly the whole Galaxy over what to do with The Bryn'adul started.

She was a truly unrelenting machine of death, teleporting around the battle field to surprise Bryn from above or behind, tearing their metals apart, then their flesh with the Magical Lightsaber, conjuring blue flames that swept forward as Tornadoes, freezing her victims solid.

Melissa was equally savage, her Katana and Lightsaber whipping around her, leading with the Katana first, due to its alchemy damaging property, shearing through their conventional materials as well, keeping up with her Sister, her enhanced reflexes and strength letting her dodge molten bullets, her catsuit allowing her to withstand a magnetic blast from one of their weapons, and keep killing, though she glitched visibly a few seconds, skin visibly shuddering as she fought close by Chasianna Chasianna

They both took cover behind piles of dead Bryn'adul and a crashed gunship, Militia nearby providing covering fire, though some got nasty surprises when they remembered the Bio-Blasters had such a small, albeit recharging internal magazine, and were still experiencing misfires, some having not only to deal with the cold, but magnetic attacks that caused the weapons to jam, forcing nearby Model 1's to draw fire on themselves and off the militia.

Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red answered back that a fire mission would endanger civilians. The Black Knight snorted in exasperation.

"Listen, you!" Darth Xiphos said on her comlink, ducking a spray of molten bullets in the distance. "If The Bryn'adul take this city, those Civilians are dead anyway. That shield MUST be disabled. You MUST fire! Only overwhelming force will stop them! What would you rather have?! A dead city that can be repopulated, or The Bryn'adul poised to take Kashyyyk?! ORDER THE FIRE MISSION!"

Melissa spotted an Approaching Rhivak, charging it's beam on their position.

She barely pulled Laertia out of the way of the blast ionic plasma. The Rhivak's impudence was punished as Xiphos, livid at her sister nearly being killed, hefted up a large piece of debris and slammed it violently into the beasts side with extreme force and speed, straining badly to do so, sending it flying into a crowd of Juggernauts, precise shots from disruptors and Stouker Concussion Rifles killing the badly wounded creature a second later, causing it to explode in a large radius that killed multiple Bryn'adul.

Melissa was forced to contend with some of the lankier Bryn'adul in light armor, wielding spears and molten bullet spewing weapons.

She tapped into her reserves of psychic energy, simulating a Force Push that launched them all backward...

...right into the fast moving arm blades of Lyssa Io, who viciously eviscerated the four in seconds

Melissa stared at the Nanite Assassin Droid that was technically her niece. The similarities between Lyssa's Nanites and Melissa's artificial, endlessly programmable cells, were too numerous to ignore.

"Aunt." Lyssa said politely, then spotting Laertia, who dusted herself off, surrounded by dead Juggernauts, and a few dead Drones.

"Hello, Mother."

"I thought I told you to go to the Shield Generator." Laertia said.

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield gave the order to deactivate it. Intel indicates Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr is challenging the Warlord directly, along with a severely wounded Heavenshield."

Darth Xiphos snorted.

"Chit, they'll need help." She said. "First Sister! You're with me! We take the fight to the Warlord! Melissa, they're gonna need leaders out here, you up to it?!"

"I'd do anything to kill these vermin!" Melissa confirmed fiercely.

"Good. Daughter, help her however you can. You know my methods. Apply them." Xiphos said to Lyssa as she took out her comlink, getting the message from Cyprian Ichar .

"We're gonna need them real soon. Get ready. The bastard brought those worms. I know he did. In the meantime, while we wait for the SJC to decide whether it wants to keep Sev-Tok or not Can you find some way with your magics to open a gap in this dome shield and keep it open? When chit goes south, we'll need 'some' kind of exit."

Xiphos than took off, off to join Thirdas and Beltran in confronting Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , making sure First Sister could keep up.

Xiphos would make sure to kill more Bryn'adul as she teleported her way to him, slashing apart the wounded, pelting others to death via hurled debris from telekinesis. She literally killed her way to where Beltran and Heavenshield were, brandishing her Lightsaber spear, capable of damaging Alchemized materials.

Unlike the others, she said not a word to Tathra...

She didn't need to.

Osam Osam

Udomek Seker Udomek Seker

Sethrak Sethrak

Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok
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Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Gordrak Gordrak | Ostak Cl'mana | Osam Osam | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum | Aryshda | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Krarolk T'manu | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok |
Enemies: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan | Varn Barakis Varn Barakis | Cadere Cadere | Zephyr Krayt
Stave | Cuirass
Forces: Draeyde, Rhivaks, Siege Towers, Superior Draeyde, Brumaks |
Servitor Guardian |

The Primarch watched from the safety of the loading ramp, moving down it slowly behind the majority of their forces. The Titan and his loyal Warlord, Galak had moved up the rear whilst Osam and his forces remained to defend. Where ever Hrajlmak and the Warlord Sethrak were he did not know, but he had no doubt they were doing their utmost to assist the Chieftain. The red dome of the Epitaph stretched across the sky as the Silver Jedi and their allies began to surround the Titan and his forces. They were encroaching from all sides, and now they were trapped inside the dome with the warriors of the Bryn'adûl, this plan was risky - incredibly risky. But now that the Silver Jedi all but surrounded them there was no turning back for any of them. The strong would thrive and the weak would die, this was the nature of things. A morbid truth, but a truth all the same. But this was not just a fight of warriors and metal, but of flesh and blood.

Drek'ma turned, looking back into the deployment bay. He could feel the rumble from the maw of the Guardian, the stench of fresh blood travelling from the battlefield as it writhed in place, waiting for the call of its master. The Bryn'adûl may have trapped themselves with the Concord, but the Concord had unwittingly trapped themselves with the great beasts under the command of the Shamans. Beast Masters stood within the one-thousand strong force of Drones protecting the Epitaph's singular entry point, their thoughts weaving hate and battle into the minds of the M'gaelak as the massive creatures lumbered out from the Epitaph, almost crushing the crater in their path as they shifted toward the edges of the battlefield. He looked on in awe once again, the majesty of such powerful beasts a bewildering sight. The two Siege Towers bellowed in the wind, their crowns peering out from the dense black that engulfed the battlefield as they began to light up the sky with shades of fire.

Turret and ballista fire would rain down on the newly approaching forces of the Concord. Clones, rangers, allies from nations across the Galaxy raining down upon them. More ships dropping out of hyperspace above them, as the Titan had predicted. But would their forces be able to withstand such perilous odds? He could not know, the uncertainty racked at his heart even as the Ashaka used their battle meditation to empower their forces, the absence of the Seer's own support was not something one could ignore, he hoped whatever he had planned was worth the loss of morale. Drek'ma had to believe in Tathra, believe in the strength of their unity to surpass all of this. If not, then it would be for nought.

He looked to Ostak, confident he would not like the Primarch's course of action. But it was a necessary one. Drek'ma delved into the force, linking his mind to the lone Guardian. He commanded the Kraemonen to release him, hundreds of restraining mechanisms and chains retracting from the colossal creature, roaring in satisfaction at its newfound freedom. The Primarch's eyes dimly lit with power as the Servitor writhed the length of the ramp, its bellow erupting with shockwaves.

But it did not begin to tunnel beneath the surface. No, they could not risk the structural integrity of the landing zone of the Epitaph. The Primarch had a different plan entirely, using the force to enhance his physical strength as he leapt atop the creatures head as it rose up into the sky; bellowing as it towering above everything but the Epitaph itself. The Primarch looked down on the battlefield, there forces horribly outnumbered and slowly being pushed back.

"INSECTS!" The Primarch shrieked, his words fuelled by nothing but hate for the Concord. Screaming through the force as he raised his Stave forward - a gesture of his command.

The Guardian lingered over the Concord's forces for a moment, its flesh repelling whatever was thrown at it as its shadow brought fear to those beneath it. The ground shook and quaked as it dived over the Bryn'adûl, throwing its pronged maw down into the mass of Concord forces as the ground melted and broke underneath its weight, its lower body raised into the sky as it drove through the earth and everything in its path. Drek'ma used his stave to hold himself upright before leaping from the Guardian as it's upper-half became submerged.

Landing just ahead of their own lines alongside Brumaks and Rhivaks, pushing on the flanks of the Titan and Galak's forces, he would not allow their greatest warriors to die. Turning his attention to the Concord's rangers as arcs of life draining energy dispersed from his palm like white tendrils, dagger-like tips thrust themselves into the Concord's soldiers, their bodies engorged with strange white light as black veins drained them to nothing but husks.

"We do not fall, not here. Drive them into the dust!"
Location: Anvil - Sev Tok
Allies: CIS ( Laertia Io Laertia Io Westenra Mina Westenra Mina ) │ SJC ( Jairdain Jairdain Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield )
Enemies: The Bryn'adûl ( Gordrak Gordrak Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus )
Cash Cash - Devil feat. Busta Rhyme, B.o.B, & Neon Hitch

Fear. Pain. Suffering.

The Sister embraced the negative emotions exuded by the trio of terrified militia soldiers slain by Gordrak Gordrak , feeding into it even as their lives were snuffed out by the relentless, monstrous enemy. Nevertheless, the residue of their emotions left something that she could drink, harnessing it as a Juggernaut wielding a massive axe charged her from a nearby alley. She answered his challenge with pure, unrestrained Lightning, galvanic energy coursing from her fingertips to strike the beast in the chest. The creature was slowed from the attack, but his advance did not cease, forcing the Sister to shunt more energy into her spell, driving it up to an amperage that would have been enough to incinerate a human many times over. A howl escaped from her lips as she dug yet deeper, before finally, the monster was driven to a halt, the electricity proving too much for even his fire-based constitution to handle. Now, the Sister directed her fulmination for the Juggernaut’s head, focusing her electricity on his brain, before a wet pop sounded out when the vital organ exploded within his carapace-laden skull, thereby putting down the Juggernaut for good.

The Sister breathed, hard. The energy she had committed into killing the beast was immense, enough that she was already beginning to feel exhausted, albeit not fully depleted. Her powers were extremely taxing, but dispatching the Juggernaut had seemingly demanded the same amount of energy as she would have otherwise committed to killing four men. Fortunately, the electromancer had run into this issue before. A single dose of her energy-restoring cocktail, injected in her thigh, was more than enough to mend the issue, but she could only hope that she didn’t run dry before the day was finished.

All the while, the Epitaph’s crimson dome was erected in the distance, drawing the Sister’s eyes to the sight as she fought alongside Melissa Io, directing her galvanic fury towards a trio of Drones just as the creatures moved to attack her companion. Electrifying the foul creatures from the inside out, the Sister quickly finished them off, before moving after the Black Knight.

While fear was easy for her to feed on when felt by other beings, in feeling the emotion herself, the Sister found it to be considerably more difficult. Where the Black Knight moved towards the crimson dome with seemingly no restraint or inhibition, the Sister could only barely manage to swallow down her trepidation, especially as she took in the scene transpiring within. Her legs quivered as she passed through the projected barrier, fear manifesting across her pale features beneath her helmet. Nevertheless, the Sister pushed onward, Jairdain Jairdain 's influence working to quench her anxiety, allowing her to move forward.

The high-pitched, savage screeching of a trio Drones met her as she moved inside the dome, their cries answered with her galvanic fury, electrocuting the foul creatures in moments, before continuing ahead. In her periphery, the Sister briefly watched Melissa as the woman carved a swathe through Drones and Juggernauts with her Katana, moving with speed and grace to counter hordes of monsters. Slowly but surely, a chemistry developed between the pair, as the Sister could slay the Drones with good efficiency, but would struggle more in facing the more resilient Juggernauts. As such, where Melissa handled the fewer, but more imposing Juggernauts, the Sister harnessed her galvanic fury towards slaying the Drones.

After cutting down a dozen more of the feral Drones, the electromancer’s pointed ears perked up upon hearing the Black Knight’s voice and her challenge.

She was being called to fight the Warlord himself, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus .

Fear swelled up in her chest, but she could neither succumb to it or let it break her.

She had to embrace it.

“I won’t let you down, Xiphos!” The Sister answered, her voice shaky, but nevertheless filled with resolve. “Good hunting, Melissa.” She said to the other woman, silently acknowledging the bond the two had developed in working together to slay the Drones and the Juggernauts.

Then, she took off after Xiphos, to fight the biggest monster of them all.

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