Just seeing
Tathra Khaeus
made Xiphos's blood run cold with the desire to destroy all Bryn'adul.
Beltran Rarr
was tingling with The Dark Side.
The old Laertia would have been horrified at having failed him. Xiphos was more interested in just how unorthodox someone like him could be made. If he did not care about Jedi morals...he might be approached...
Xiphos wanted every ally possible, even those who might gladly shoot her as soon as the Bryn'adul are concluded.
The worms were released, and Xiphos was thrown to the ground as everything exploded around them. Whole squads of militia and her son's alike were lost in an instant.
I DESPISE THESE WORMS! Xiphos thought to herself with the Caps Lock on. Those worms had ultimately sabotaged every counter offense attempt. The Major Factions didn't seem to be doing much at all to find countermeasures to them, because they had carried the day ultimately in the last few conflicts with The Bryn'adul.
As long as the worms had no countermeasures, any fight with the Bryn'adul was a costly, blood soaked uphill battle. Xiphos was devoting round the clock efforts to finding such but stopping or even slowing such massive creatures was an uphill battle also.
Thirty five percent of her Model 2 Son's were gone in an instant. Another five percent were lost in the Rhivak barrage. Half the Model 1's got destroyed.
But the Model 2's pressed the sudden retreat as
Tathra Khaeus
signalled his forces. Reorganizing into groups of twenty-five, they pressed the side that had been decimated by falling building, as yet more militia poured into the shield, not just militia either but civilian volunteers of fighting age, hastily equipped with the Drael-Piercing Bio-Blasters, as well as Cryo Grenades.
The pressure mounted on retreating Bryn lines, even as militia and civilians were brutally cut down in the dozens, still more poured in, using the alternate fire and primary fire of the rifles.
Mortar fire, and rocket fire were directed in clusters against Rhi'vaks particularly close to enemy lines, but not before heavy, suppressive rotary cannon fire and Bio Blaster fire that was geared to penetrating Drael tissues swept areas for fifteen seconds at a time to prevent the hated crabs from targeting the rocket and mortar users. Model 1's sniped at Brumak legs with a potent combination of Concussion Rifle fire and Disruptor Fire, blowing the arms and legs off some and leaving them in agony but still capable of firing, though even these were getting hit by concentrated Bio-Blaster fire from militia and civilians right at the area capable of creating that destructive black energy ball, causing a horrendous set of detonations in Bryn'adul ranks.
The Rhivak's that were not quick enough to dodge or shoot down the incoming mortar and rocket and disruptor fire, exploded violently as well. But civilians fighting along side Militia and The Nuetralizers were still being slaughtered brutally even as the Bryn retreated. Shots from Orbaliscs ripped through some of their lines, slowing the counter assault to a brutal inch by inch slog, the Model 2's, starting to take heavy damage, advanced faster into heavily damaged lines, spear heading the reinforcement s
The Model 1's remaining outside the shield dome as intel scouts, sensing some thing amiss in their enemies tactics, began to slow the flow of reinforcements to the shield, instead surrounding the outside of the shield with as many civilian volunteers and Militia as they could spare, and began concentrating as much concentrated artillery fire on one spot of the shield as they could, directing the volunteers to find anything that could be made to explode and concentrating the gathered, makeshift explosives, be they power plants from speeders, portable generators, spare tibanna gas cannisters, Det charges, even speederbikes with pernicious, volatile fuel mixes, and made as many make shift heavy bombs as they could, detonating the hand crafted devices as close to the shield as possible, trying to overtax the Protectors generating it.
Civilians, began using the secondary fire from their distributed Bio Blasters, designed to pierce exactly this kind of shielding, and made a rainstorm of bio-generated bolts against the shield from all sides. Sure, it wasn't a turbolaser, but The Model 1's figured the energy needed just to generate this thing was pretty costly, and the little shield-pearl thingies (For they were ignorant of what the Bryn'adul called them) would be strained more if they not only had to generate the shield, but constantly fix any gaps from those that
did manage to pierce it. It had to be done at relatively close range however...
The Model 2's within the shield knew only blood and fire, and were in their element.
A squad of twenty five, each row in that squad maintaining ground and suppressing fire with their weapons in alternating rows, the front firing forward, the second row firing to their Eleven and one-o-clock, the third and forth covering their sides and the last row firing into the air, leading dozens and dozens of militia, had managed to get close to an enemy barricade near the Epitaph.
They carried a deadly payload near a line decimated by the Nanophage. They had brought it through the shield.
It was a Void 007 Seismic Charge.
They had modified it to pack an extra punch, and as soon as they had set up a holding position, it was set up.
They signalled all allied Forces in the area to pull back immediately. Others had rigged high explosive charges in specific streets.
Some of the war droids, who hadn't been quite destroyed, just rendered momentarily off line by heavy damage had an emergency power plant kick in, making them get up much to the shock and horror of some warriors who had expended the ammo in their weapons almost entirely just to down only a few, and resume their deadly war against all Draelvasir. Others stayed permanently inert, smashed beyond recognition.
When Nuetralizers, Civilians, and Militia alike started to retreat, a lot of angry Bryn'adul, furious at the humiliation of the Nanophage and that so many had been cut down by what should have been simple militia, easy to slaughter, only to find the Militia packing anti Drael weapons that made even the puniest among them a threat to even a Juggernaut Ultra, felt bold, firing viciously on those who retreated, each killing dozens along with some Rhivak's and Brumak's which also slaughtered dozens as they retreated with precise shots that tore into lines, causing disorder and panic that could barely be controlled by the Model 2's heading up the momentary, if deadly retreat to a safe distance.
The Last Model 2 defending the Void Charge gave his killers, shredding him with absolutely overwhelming fire, the finger as it went off.
The sonic wave ripped into the defending lines of the Drael as they tried to rally to Tathra, blasting many apart and killing many Rhivaks and Brumak's, the deadly wave racing toward an entire defense line of The Bryn'adul near the Epitaph, threatening to heavily damage or even outright destroy parts of it. Buildings were detonated in the distance, cutting off easy shortcuts.
That was when the Model 2's ordered dozens of Civilian volunteers and Militia to storm the damaged defense line, directing further mortar, rocket, and artillery fire on that position, only relenting slightly as their combined Force reached that line and began shooting at wounded Bryn.
Heavy Artillery fire from the Militia inside the dome began to focus on the Epitaph itself.
Xiphos got out the comlink.
"Cyprian!" She called out to
Cyprian Ichar . "The worms have been deployed. You've got to finish that summon of the Rozzum
right now! They're gonna go for the walls!"
Xiphos saw lots of projectile fire being targeted at the beast that had interfered with her efforts at Sarka. Desiring payback, she teleported some of the directed fire on the Dreddikast even closer to it, to throw off its ability to dodge or defend.
Xiphos then activated the Sword of Cinndurr, it's blazing fiery blade a rally in of itself to hundreds of Militia, as well as her son's, all of whom began to fight the Bryn'adul three times as hard as she threw herself into combat, her blade a controlled thresher of flesh, burning through and igniting crabmeat just on touch.
"I DUNNO ABOUT YOU BOYS BUT I WANT ME SOME SEAFOOD!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs to
Thirdas Heavenshield
Beltran Rarr
, viciously hacking into and murdering even their strongest telekinesis hurling the corpses of the Drael dead with lethal speeds into their lines, dozens of Militia following in her wake, sized by a fanatical bravery in her presence. It wasn't hope, it was the expectation that even they could make Bryn bleed. She made sure to keep an eye on
, ordering her sons to provide cover fire for her via technopathy.
Jax Thio
Darth Imperius