Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars Chaos : The New Generation

“What’s your name?”

His voice was calm, friendly. Had to be, what with the Defel already starting to sob. She was terrified of him. It was such a strange sensation to realize, especially since Micah didn’t consider himself to be particularly terrifying. The intense need to fix things and sooth over that fear was a surging well within the boy, and he would nibble on his lower lip as he would try to figure what to do.

For the moment, he knew he shouldn’t try to get any nearer. Instead, he waited. Although, he rather wish it wasn’t in the dark with only his orb shining a light.

“Is the light too bright?” he’d ask, “I can put it away if you like!” He’d offer, much like a child wanting to placate another.

“I just can’t really see well in the dark…” he’d add, as if trying to explain things. His training was pretty intense with his parents and immediate family, but he was still a youngling himself.

“... how long have you’ve been down here for?” he would keep asking questions, trying to talk to perhaps calm her down. Talking and joking were his strengths.

As was bribery with food.
[member="Micah Talith"]

There was nothing but a loud sniff from Vexen at first. She understood though. She listened to his words, she processed them, she thought about them. It was harder to respond. Speaking to new people was a relatively daunting prospect on its own. The children from the Hidden Places only ever chased her if they saw her shadow, only Rajik talked to her. He didn’t expect many words from her either, just an affirmation that she understood what he wanted, or what the consequences would be if she failed.

Vexen swallowed. With action, she imagined pressing her fear deep down, holding it back so she could move and act. “Vexen,” she uttered quietly. “Darker please?” she asked. The faint glow it was emitting was acceptable, but her eyes were fixed on the human boy, and the direct light burned a halo onto her vision.

A few more rapid breaths and she swallowed. Again, she tried to imagine holding back the torrent of emotions that kept the tears flowing. Her sobs slowed and the rhythm of her breathing started to become more regular. “Erm…” she said, taking a moment to try and work out how to answer his last question. “F’rever,” she stated flatly.

Inch by inch, she unfurled her legs from under her, coming out from her foetal ball. Keeping her box clutched tight to her chest, she sat up.
"Okay." there was an acceptance to the request, and just like that, Micah's childish face would scrunch up as he would focus on the glow. "Just takes a bit of... manipulating." Making the light bright was one thing. Making it so that you can dim it to a specific glow was a bit harder.

The next minute saw the young Talith dimming the glow, all the while he would continue asking questions in that curious voice. "Like forever? Wait were you born here?" He considered that.

"Just by yourself?" That idea was rather alarming to the young boy. Coming from a large family such as his, it was odd to consider that anyone would be on their own.
"It's possible that her species isn't a social one." Mark explained. "They may not form family groups and instead give birth and leave, allowing the young to fend for themselves."
He turned to the creature and calmly asked, "Is that right? Is that how you guys work? Or has something else happened?"
[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Mark Sage"]
[member="Micah Talith"]
As the light receded the grateful defel blinked away tears. "Tha's be'er," she mumbled. Her brow furrowed as she tried to concentrate on the strange questions the pair fired off. Having something challenging to concentrate on meant she could push through the tempestuous mix of emotions and try to form a response.

She was in the World Above, with everything the Gardeners had created. There were times when she pondered on what she was. The children that resided in the Hidden Places and saw her called her Daemon or a shadow beast. Rajik never offered comment on what she was. Maybe the first boy was referring to the Land Below. The place she could see through the windows occasionally. But that was a forbidden land; she'd heard people talk about Ithor and how no one was allowed there.

Vexen didn't understand the words birth or born, but she had a rough notion what the concept of family was. She saw them in the gardens. Small groups where the elders carried their little ones around in slings or sleds. The children would play in small packs whilst being carefully watched by pairs of adults. Whenever she observed them for a long time, it brought about a deep sadness. She didn't understand that, nor why it tended to evoke thoughts of dark, rocky places. Sometimes, if she pushed through the hollow sadness she could remember a smell. Just a smell, but that brought about errant feelings and thoughts she was unfamiliar with: love, safety, affection.

"Always bin 'ere," she reaffirmed quietly. "Jus' me. An' the wild ones tha' live down where the wa'er drips." she added, thinking of the nearest tribe of lost children that lived down in the Hidden Places. "Quite a few folk down in the Hidden Places, but they don't talk t'Vexen. Don't like me. Chase me." she didn't add what they called her. They might agree and decide to get rid of her. The question answered, she started to feel overwhelmed again.

"You're not gonna hurt me?" she asked suspiciously. She took a sudden involuntary breath in, just like many children would do after a good cry.
So her name was Vexen?

Micah gave a friendly grin, then shook his head from side to side as a negative. "No." he told her, truth in his words. He gave a slight frown. "Why would I?"

The thought of actually hurting someone was such a foreign concept to Micah. Even when he would frustrate his parents with his antics, he never was actually harmed. In fact, he was taught by his parents to respect life -- and death. Both were the natural order of things but one shouldn't harm someone just to do it.

The boy at his side spoke again. He made a good point.

Granted, that was when his own stomach would growl. Yup, he was hungry. "Sorry... just hungry." He said, shifting to take the small pack he had at his back off. The light would fade and darkness arouse again, what with him having to tuck away his belt at his hip and move to grab the few apples he had in his back.

"Want an apple?" his voice would pipe up in friendly offering.
[member="Micah Talith"]

"Why would I?" the boy asked. Vexen took a moment to think this through. She had been so certain that her existence was about to be snuffed out. But why? Because why would anyone go through all the bother of chasing her to do anything but something bad? That sounded silly in her head. It made her feel even smaller. Instead she answered with:

"People dun' tend to be nice. Lot of effort fer a me'al pipe."

The thrum of the repulsors that was constant down in these lower levels was not enough to cover the embarrassingly loud rumble of Vexen's stomach. She existed in a constant state of hunger, to the point where passing vermin was an acceptable snack if it didn't move quickly enough, and Vexen could move very quickly when she had to.

"Want an apple?" he asked earnestly. Vexen's nose sniffed the air involuntarily, but she eyed the boy suspiciously.

"What you want for it?" she asked quietly. Her head was already craning around to try and see what he was reaching for. Fresh fruit was a luxury she managed to pilfer rarely. The half-eaten remains commonly discarded by infants was often already spoiled by the time Vexen found it.

The area may be black as night, but the quizzing look of perplextion would still graph itself across Micah's face.

"Nothing," he said earnestly, as if confused by the question. If there was one thing his mother had always ingrained in his sisters and him is that food was meant to be shared. Not horded.

"I got a couple." he'd tell the Defel, also intending to grant one to the boy beside him. "Mum says one should always have snacks.... and cookies." the last would be slightly muffled, as he went back to search through his bag.

"Unless you want a cookie? Mum made 'em yesterday."
Vexen’s eyes stayed fixed on the backpack as the boy reached into it. Those yellow orbs stayed stock still as she watched him suspiciously. As the bag was opened her nose wrinkled up and wiggled from side to side.

Differing survival instincts vied for control as she smelt food. Not just edible food, but something fresh. Fruit and baked treats both had a lot of sugar. That meant energy and Vexen was always short of that.

She carefully placed her right paw on the ground, keeping the twisted left claw around her box of precious things. She tentatively moved up to her feet, watching the boy for any sign of sudden movement. Frankly, he seemed unconcerned and far more interested in the contents of his bag. Deciding she was relatively safe, one of those instincts took complete control.

A muzzle would appear out of the shadows and place itself on the edge of the bag. “Could I have both?” she risked asking.

[member="Micah Talith"]
Micah didn’t even hesitate.

“Sure,” he said, the sound of a crinkling bag resonating as he pulled out the small bag of cookies. “Do you want the apple or the cookies first?” he asked her.

At least she was starting to come around. He didn’t want her to be scared of him. Glancing around, he then asked. “Got any place to sit so we can eat?” he doubted that the Defel would be so inclined to move out of her sanctuary. As it was, he was already pretty grimy so it didn’t matter where he sat; he just didn’t want to accidentally sit on a puddle.

“Or do you wanna go to my mum’s ship?” the innocent question was tossed out there, but the Jedi Master would be more than happy to provide more food. “She has more food if you want like a sandwich or something. She should be done with the Jedi Academy by now.”
[member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen’s eyes and snout turned down to the bag of food, then back to Micah’s face a few times. She barely left enough room for him to get the back of cookies past her face.

Cookies were good, but fresh fruit was a rare treat. It went off so quickly when discarded and often the insects got to it first. “Apple?” she said hopefully.

Her expression shifted slightly when he suggested leaving her home, but it probably wouldn’t be possible for his eyes to see. Her mind quickly fixated on the ‘more food’ aspect of his suggestion. This human was a stranger, but he seemed to have a calming influence. She’d thought of his eyes as demonic when seeing them through the hole in her wall. But up close she decided they were kind eyes.

Food was food and she didn’t get enough of it. She was already salivating at the thought of both cookies and fresh fruit at the same time. Vexen replayed her question in her mind, but too many of the words were alien to piece together the complete meaning. Instead of revealing her ignorance she just asked “Where?”

Looking around her room, there weren’t really any places for the boy to sit. Humans seemed to like to sit on those metal and plastic chairs they had up in the World Above. All she had was a grimy pile of blankets she was content to curl up in.

Micah would use his thumb to point up to the surface--- but the lack of light meant that it would likely not be seen. So he added, "Up on the surface. It isn't too far. Mum's doing a class, but we can go in and eat there." he offered sincerely.

"It's pretty nice. We have a big table too. And mum made more cookies this morning," a pause, "But she wanted us to finish the old batch first. Maleah wanted to get them all, but I managed to sneak some out." he mentioned his twin.

"Aela is still out I think. And Kai is with mum." she was too little to be left by herself.

"I can take you there." he offered.
[member="Micah Talith"]

There was silence for a short time. Vexen looked up at the human, then back down at the bag. She repeated this a few times as she tried to figure out what decision to make. Rajik invited her in his home, but then if she didn’t bring him what he wanted…

Then again, he was inviting her, and his smile was kind. Rajik had caught her in a smelly brown sack and dragged her all the way back to his home. It reminded her that if she wanted to eat properly after this, she would need to go back to him. With the chase, she had not found many thing for him. He wouldn’t be happy. Maybe this wasn't a trap. Afterall, if this pair had wanted to, they could easily have caught her when she'd been frozen with terror.[member="Micah Talith"]

This was all so confusing. Just a few minutes ago she’d decided she was at the end of her pitiful little existence. Emotions her infantile mind couldn’t handle still swirled around inside her. It made her feel quite distressed.

“Okay,” she replied, in a very weak little voice.

Micah shined her with a wide grin.

"Awesome." he slowly stood up, giving a slight grimace as the blood came back to his legs. That tingly feeling was there, and he gave his little legs a shake.

"You can come too if you want." he told the boy next to them, he'd been pretty quiet, but the offer was there. Mum wouldn't mind having people over. Turning back to the Defel, those bright orange eyes would shine with warmth.

"You can lead us up to the surface if you like. I bet you now a faster way."
[member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen paused at the small hole in the concrete wall. Through her life she had expanded it a bit at a time as she had grown. Large enough that she could squeeze through quickly, but it was always slightly awkward. She was hesitant about turning her back on the humans and going through, but there was no way she could easily go through backwards without something to climb.

After a few moments, she stuff the rest of the cookie into her mouth and scrabbled through. Then it occurred to her: she was on the other side and free. Should could run and hide and they might not find her again. She stayed.

They’d find her tucked into the shadows on the far side of the damp corridor. When they emerged she would lead them through a hot and steamy narrow passage that ran between a series of metal tubes that carried moisture to some of the gardens on the Ithorian herdship. Then they would go through a wedged open duasteel door and up a narrow circular stairwell. This was an ancient stairway that had been built millennia ago and had been forgotten. The stairs were now incomplete and crumbly, the climb would be tricky for those who hadn’t memorised every step. Vexen had an innate ability to map out underground passageways in her mind and could see perfectly clearly in the darkness. They’d emerge out of a maintenance hatch in the middle of dense flora, several hundred metres from a road through the gardens.

"Where we going?" she'd ask quietly, thinking on the prospect of a good meal.

Micah would pop up beside Vexen, and now she’d get to see his rather grubby and grimy self wiggle out into the open. Fresh air came into his lungs, and he was grateful. Adjusting his pack, he would take a few steps, turning a half circle in place as he got his bearings.

A frown drew over his small brow, where dirty blonde forelocks fell over his bright orange eyes. Ever since he was little and his dad managed to help him over the hump of his difficulty with the Force, Micah’s strength bloomed within the aspect of Sense. More so when he would focus on being able to track others and get a good feel for what is around him.

Directions were not too difficult for him. Taking a deep breath, he sank himself into that fabric and let the Force guide him.

“This way,” he finally said, moving north. There was a small path up ahead, and if his gut told him right, which it usually did, the spaceport wasn’t too far away.

“Aela and Maleah might be there,” he began to talk. Talking was his shtick. Talkin also had the ability to calm people. It kept the mind busy. “They are my sisters.” he told her, starting to walk along, his thumbs hooked on the straps of his pack by his shoulders.

“I have three.” that was said with a bit more gloom. “I’m the only guy after my dad.”
[member="Micah Talith"]
When he mentioned family, she felt that deep unsettling nagging in her gut once more. Like a sad feeling, but hollow. She knew what the word meant, saw the family groups walking through the streets sometimes, especially when the nights drew in early. When she saw the parents holding the little ones... she thought of caves and she felt alone. That was actually a fairly rare experience. She was always alone, but she didn't feel alone. She just was. Watching an adult stop to wipe something from a child's face, or pick up one of the tired ones, hold them close and carry them home...that made her feel it.

Her stomach had taken charge of proceedings for a while, and she hadn't really considered that she was being taken to see more people. The realisation brought about another minor panic attack that left her rooted to the spot. She stayed out of sight, stayed safe. If people did see her, she made them forget. What had she been thinking agreeing to go to the surface with this stranger? Vexen couldn't possibly let all these other people see her. They'd shout at her, they'd chase her, just like the others.

The defel wraith stayed rooted to the spot, faintly trembling.

It took Micah a moment to realize that the Defel had stopped, that she was trembling and shivering like a leaf, lost in her own overwhelming fear. It was the sensation through the Force that would prompt the youngling to stop, giving a half turn towards the shadow barely outlined for the human eye to see.

“What’s wrong?” Micah asked, his head canting to the side, perplexity in his expression. Slowly, his short legs brought him back to Vexen. Crouching down in front of her, his concerned eyes would fall upon her shrinking, trembling figure.

He read the panic, the trepidation. Perhaps even overwhelmed? While he got the knack of kinetic communication from his mum, he wasn’t too precise on it. [member="Maleah Talith"] and [member="Aela Talith"] were better able to read the physiology of quadruples. At that moment, he wished he had Maleah with him.

“I can carry you if you like.”
"No!" Vexen squealed suddenly. The recollection of the inside of the dark hemp sack suddenly all too visceral. She dropped down into a squat, wrapping her arms around her knees. "I'll be okay," she managed faintly after a few seconds. She could do this. Get into this house, get some food, then leave quietly. The boy probably wouldn't be able to find her nest again and she'd have a nice full belly.

Wavering slightly, she managed to get back to her feet. She gave an affirmative nod to the bow. "I'll follow you," she said. Her eyes wandered to the periphery as she still considered bolting for the trees and vanishing in the shadows.

“Sure?” Micah would ask again, his brows furrowing in worry, hiding under the long length of a shaggy mop of bangs. The Defel was still shaking so badly that the younglin had the desire just to hug her and tell her it’s okay.

Aaaaand, just like his mum, he would attempt to do exactly that.

So, with his arms reaching out, he attempted to give her a hug. He wasn’t as powerful in the Force with mindtricks or with animal friendship, but he desperately wanted to impart through the Force that he wasn’t trying to hurt her. So whatever little bit of omph he could do, he attempted to relay exactly that.

He might royally fail; Maleah was the best one out of the four of them to do so, but he really didn’t want the Defel to be so scared.

No one should ever be.

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