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Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Connor Harrison

Never too early to discuss Star Wars Episode VIII - as the news and rumours are starting to feed thorough, so let's make this our place to chat all things 'EPVIII'.

First up today....

Benicio del Toro has been reportedly offered the role of the villain in 'Ep VIII'.


What do you make on this....?
I'm always a bit iffy when it comes to Abrams, but one thing I can say about the next installment is that I like that Rian Johnson is in the role for writer & director. I feel like you tend to get greater creativity and a better performance from films where the writer/director isn't too synced into Hollywood and its routines. That's why I liked Guardians of the Galaxy because James Gunn took a SciFi super hero film and gave it a take that was a perfect balance between original comedy and dramatic super hero action.

So, yeah, I'm excited for VIII and I really believe it can fulfill the same status that Empire Strikes Back did for the original trilogy. And with Benicio del Toro as the bad guy? Well, that's going to be interesting... It could either be a very gritty plot (relatively speaking) or even expand into the bizarre.

Ruby Wilded

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Not soon™ enough for me. Yet I'm still forced to wait.

Connor Harrison

Unless a lead like Lando Calrissian was in Ep V and VI? Hopefully we are keeping the current cast and just adding a couple more maybe for variety.
Isn't it a bit... early for such an assessment given that literally all we have (for essentially every character) is their visual appearance? [member="Vond Greifen"]

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