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Star Wars Live Action TV Series Due 2016?

Connor Harrison

Today off the rumour mill, which I can sort of see making sense, is that Disney/LucasFilm are hoping to follow the success of such shows like 'Daredevil' and bring new live-action Star Wars TV shows to Netflix (possibly) in 2016 onwards after 'The Force Awakens'.


Good? Bad? Meh?

Alliat Xaphon

Sounds good to me. I really liked Daredevil and if Flash and Constantine are any indication special effects in live action shows are actually at a point where we can have these kinds of stories told well.


Disney's Princess
TV shows are episodic. Which I believe is perfect for Star Wars. The Clone Wars proved that it could work and that it could work well. SW Rebels is doing that yet again. So TV is no new burden for the genre. If this is real? I'm sure it will do fine. :D
This could be promising. But maybe if they worked better on their locations, I shouldn't have to be able to tell that I'm looking at an irl downtown street while watching Star Wars xD

Connor Harrison

I think a reason they want to wait was to re-use sets from 'The Force Awakens' and 'Rogue One' to add more authenticity, which makes sense if they keep this as practical as possible for a TV budget.
It will suck. The clones wars way to after school kids program for me. Well the 3d one was. The first one actually wasn't and it's not Canon so who cares. Ya, it will suck. Haven't seen Daredevil. Don't care too.

Connor Harrison

[member="Lao Tzu"] But how do REALLY feel, you didn't make it clear. :p

I've not seen any of 'Clone Wars' or 'Rebels' as that animated style just made me feel it's also aimed at the new generation of fans - a cartoonish way of giving us more when I'd favour something a little more...gritty.

The very first Clone Wars episodes, now they were really good. It's the CGI series that I didn't click with.
Hopefully they'll know how to handle it, maybe we'll get a not so black and white picture of the star war cannon. Storm Troopers believing in what they're doing, bringing safety to thousands if not constants, sure the Imperials may be tyrannical but who's gonna protect you from the criminals, the aliens. Rebel leaders who are abusing the war effort, fighting tooth and nail using any advantage in this pitched battle against the Empire, even if it means hurting civilians.

As long as they understand that a series is episodic and needs a strong cast, maybe we can get Breaking Bad, in space.​
[member="Lao Tzu"], and [member="Connor Harrison"], as a fan of the 2003 clone wars you're doing yourself a disservice by not watching the 3D Clone Wars, it's so much more than just a simple kids show. Especially in the later episodes, there's questions regarding mortality and individuality, and the chemistry between the clones can be downright emotional, and whether they're doing the right thing and if they're not just another tube baby sent to war.

Sure it can be downright painful with Asohka, especially in the early seasons but it more than makes up for that later on.​
[member="Lao Tzu"]

The Clone Wars got much better as the tv show went on. Yeah its a cartoon, but who cares? You're never too old to watch cartoons!!!!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

I would be down for that, regardless of how it looks.

Remember there was Star Wars: Ewoks in 1980 something.

Connor Harrison

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

Hm. I guess I can't comment on something I've never seen (only the movie) - I think I'll try find these then soon to try finally. You've convinced me...and it wasn't hard. :p
Romeo Sin said:
[member="Lao Tzu"]

The Clone Wars got much better as the tv show went on. Yeah its a cartoon, but who cares? You're never too old to watch cartoons!!!!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

I would be down for that, regardless of how it looks.

Remember there was Star Wars: Ewoks in 1980 something.

They destroyed the Mandalorian people. I cannot forgive the show for that.
I think I like the idea simply because it's coming to Netflix. As someone that doesn't subscribe to cable anymore, and who would watch Rebels if it were aired through a legitimate online service, it bugs me that Disney XD is the only way you can watch it. Netflix will probably reach a greater audience (and by result me), which I think is just hunky dory.

As for the quality? I think some shows have managed to prove you can make decent material with a TV budget (Stargate Universe had some great effects and sets for one if you want recent memory, I'm sure there are better examples but that's just what comes to my mind). Also there's the simple fact that Disney has the bankroll to do pretty much anything they want, so I imagine that won't be too great of a concern.

As for the material itself? Won't know til it comes out. Could be fantastic, could be the Holiday Special. I welcome more Star Wars regardless.
They've been working on ideas for stuff like this for years. They had a bunch of scripts written years ago for a show set during the time frame of the Dark Times. Their biggest hang up was budget. They were trying to find a way to make the show for a certain amount of money which was still extremely high for shows at the time.
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

Need I say more.....The level of grit in the 3D one, I think, is put there to try and make it appeal to the older audience. And that is it. Other wise, the first series of Clone Wars (non 3D, straight animation) kick so much ass. Muuniliist 10 episode...Need I say more..
Ali Hadrix said:
They destroyed the Mandalorian people. I cannot forgive the show for that.

Did they?

Yeah the weird non violent turn was weird bit in the end I think the culture reignited itself after the events of the show and realized that they HAD to be powerful enough to defend themselves. Consider it a cultural shift away from the violent times, and then by the end of the show, they had shifted back.

Was it terrible to watch at first? Completely

Did it get better? Hell Yeah it did.
Lao Tzu said:
Need I say more.....The level of grit in the 3D one, I think, is put there to try and make it appeal to the older audience. And that is it. Other wise, the first series of Clone Wars (non 3D, straight animation) kick so much ass. Muuniliist 10 episode...Need I say more..

Like seriously? The absurd over the top one where people do things that are leaps and bounds outside of what we ever see in the movies? Yeah, I guess watching absurdity is cool. I guess. But nothing about it is in line with anything we see in the movies. It is quite honestly a great thing that it is not canon. It was fun, but not good.

Orick T'ane said:
They destroyed the Mandalorian people. I cannot forgive the show for that.
They did not destroy anything. Did you even watch the show? Seriously, only someone who did not watch the show could possibly think that the Mandalorians were destroyed. Their story is a logical and a fantastic one. After thousands of years of destroying themselves by going into huge wars they had a kick back. They retreated into an isolationist and non-aggressive way of life. It was in order to try and fix everything that they had destroyed. Then, a group who wanted to go back to the old ways came about and ultimately saw to the destruction of the pacifist Mandalorians. This was done over multiple seasons in some of the best arcs the series saw. It was incredible. It adds so much depth and beauty to the Mandalorians as a culture that otherwise just is not there. The show did way more for Mandalorians than Karen Traviss ever did with her pointless language and fanservice books about how "badass" mandalorians are.
Orick T'ane said:
Did they?

Yeah the weird non violent turn was weird bit in the end I think the culture reignited itself after the events of the show and realized that they HAD to be powerful enough to defend themselves. Consider it a cultural shift away from the violent times, and then by the end of the show, they had shifted back.

Was it terrible to watch at first? Completely

Did it get better? Hell Yeah it did.

I could buy that explanation had it been established in canon. But whereas everything else written about Mandalorian culture in the EU was nixed, that CW crap survived. So as far as canon is concerned, Mandalorians are a race of lame nobodies who want peace all the time, and the rational, heart-felt, warrior culture was erased.

Mad frownies for that one.

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