[member=Selena Halcyon]
Wow. lol
"Given that Traviss quit Star Wars like a whiney brat..."
Considering being an author is her full-time career, I wouldn't call backing out of a potential contract due to disagreement between the involved parties quitting like a whiney brat. That's what she does for a living, she has to take it seriously. Just like I wouldn't take a job at a hospital if they were only offering me half of what a registered nurse should make, or expecting me to do work a registered nurse wouldn't
To address the Mandalorian influence on clone soldiers, you have to remember there were the standard clone troopers and then the Republic Commandos, which were the ones trained by out-sourced instructors (
not all of which were Mandalorian, Traviss' work merely focuses on the ones that were, such as Skirata's boys). You're also forgetting that Traviss' detailing of Mandalorian culture extended far beyond just the clone soldiers, and was built on the decades of canon established by works
other than the Clone Wars tv show.
So that whole paragraph of yours is silly gibberish.
You've also forgotten the distinction I made in my initial comment about how the CW canon was accepted over
all the other canon. As it was stated by Disney, the
only canon left that is accepted is that set by the films, and the Clone Wars tv show (and I'm assuming now the Rebels show also, which isn't much better). That means that all other canon, including comics, books and yes, Karen Traviss' work, were
So when you say "The time of Mandalorians being pacifists
is almost exclusively during the lifetime of Duchess Satine..." you're inferring that there is any canon that shows them to be anything else, which there isn't anymore. Due to the canon reset,
that Mandalorian culture is the
only example we have left. All we're left with in
canon is the idea that Mandalorians on the whole were pacifists and the warrior culture was restricted mainly to the marauding murderers and psychopaths that were the Death Watch.
You have to keep in mind, the Clone Wars slice of the pie isn't just a
slice of the pie anymore. It's the
whole pie. And
that's what I have an issue with, as I stated already. If the CW Mandalorians were only a piece of the canon puzzle, I would actually
love that, as it adds just another layer of depth to the history of their society. But now it's the
only layer.
As for your other words, you're free to think whatever you want (I agree the Yuuzhan Vong are pretty well fleshed out). But it would be silly for you to try and argue that point considering what's been established about Mandalorian culture. It's not just "they have a language," it's having a functioning language, an evolving language, something I'm not sure
any other culture in the SW universe has (I'm probably wrong, but we could likely count them on a hand). There's a culture of adoption that's directly linked to their warring, nomadic nature, a system of government that is more deeply ingrained in the culture than laid down in law. There are just more stories about the culture
itself, which isn't something SW stories often focus on unless they're the cultures of the Jedi or Sith.
One of the Mandalorians' most attractive features is they've garnered enough attention in canon to show that few examples of Mandalorians are ubiquitous to their people. Boba Fett is one of those examples, as you yourself pointed out. He cares little for nationalism (it's not so much Mando "culture" he cares little about, more the patriotism behind it), and shows that Mandalorians are not cut from a single cloth.
Few other cultures in SW have that. What can you say of Rodians?, or Hutts?, or Gungans?, that couldn't be said of them all? Not much.
Of course there are good examples out there, the Kel Dor, for instance, and the Echani. The Jensaarai is another. Corellians. These are both more detailed examples. But you can hardly say Mandalorians are not one of the most effectually detailed cultures in the universe. The evidence is just not there and this simply feels like Level-2 Butthurtness. ^_^ But that's okay, say whatever, doesn't hurt me none.