Selena Halcyon
Jedi Master
NJO was a good series. The better of the big Star Wars event series. Everything after was pretty bad honestly.
Jorj Kell said:The Legacy comics were pretty good. Wasn't always the biggest fan of Cade, but in general I thought the series was above average. The Legacy novels, on the other hand... I couldn't make it past the third. And I tried. Read all of the Darth Caedus series and just... it died so hard. If anything, I'm glad canon was erased to get rid of those. I doubt, though, that what we know as the NJO will appear in the new stuff. And the Yuuzhan Vong? A big noop on that.
You know that's a real good point actually, I was thinking about that the other day. I started watching Rebels the other day and they've brought up a few things from the EU. It made me realize the fact that they were probably going to restablish things from the EU over time, but in a way to give them new flair and make sure they fit with the new timeline (because let's face it, there's no way they were going to explain 40 years of EU in the new movies, but most of the EU stuff is solid material).Jorj Kell said:Despite the fact that previous canon is now considered "Legends" in the eyes of the new Star Wars story board, they have proven time and again that they are willing to borrow (unfortunately without credit, I might add) from the work of authors/creators in the EU.
Coruscant first appeared in the original Star Wars comic (issue #63) and was named by Timothy Zahn in Heir to the Empire. And yet, it still became one of the main settings of the prequel trilogy. The prequels, the Clone Wars and even, to an extent, Rebels have all pulled various details from EU as they've seen fit.
Another notable change in direction akin to the pacifist Mandolorians were the abrupt change of character that the Clone Wars gave Barriss Offee, but Barriss is another character that originated in EU. Hell a good number of the Jedi that we see in Ep. 2 and 3 (and especially in the tv shows) are ones that were pulled from EU content.
It is always a possibility that we will see a more militaristic society from the Mandos again, and that they won't completely abandon the canon. They may change details, but it is always to serve the purpose of some story line (whether that story line is trash or not is a matter of opinion).
But none of this is on topic.I'm still excited for the possibility of a live-action tv show. If we constantly worry about the direction taken by current overseers of the SW storyboard, we will never enjoy the outcome. Do they have a lot of stuff to live up to? Sure, but then so have the Marvel folks after their acquisition by Disney, and I'd say they're doing just fine.
What I despise about the Vong is basically their legacy. No other conflict aside from the Galactic Civil War has had such a lasting impact on to Star Wars Universe. And so it's like there's this hype built up around them being the big baddie to rival Palpatine's Empire.ArcturusDM said:Furthermore, I cannot stand the Vong. I just can't. Everything about them infuriates me. Their storyline, their character progression, their culture, etc. After that series concluded, I doubt the Vong will ever be mentioned again except in passing passages.
ArcturusDM said:I have to admit, a lot of the EU is pretty bad. I was told by several friends of mine that both Legacy and Fate were good series, and to me, they were anything but. I couldn't stand either of them, and Traviss' writing makes me incredibly agitated.
I agree with this a ton. The books weren't the worst but are best understood in their era. Their reputation is largely for what they did with Star Wars which was reinvigorate interest, but the books themselves aren't necessarily the best. Then again... I really stand by that most Star Wars books are just bad. A few gems exist. I truly limit that to X-wing though... I will say I found that the comics (a medium I'm not big on in general) typically carried the Star Wars vibe better. They seemed to understand the limitations of the Force well, and never got stupid with it like the books. I think some of the best insight into the Old Jedi Order is given in the earliest Republic comics that center around Ki Adi Mundi.Captain Jordan said:The last time I read an overhyped Star Wars book, it turned out I hated the character of Thrawn. Zahn is a great writer, so why did he have to cripple Thrawn's character by force-feeding him information through the 4th wall? It was a picturesque example of Godmodding, and I feel disgusted for having read it.
The Vong make for a great threat. They are completely foreign to the galaxy and offer something that no one is used to. From that angle is good. It makes the series a bit fresher to have something that seems so foreign come in and pose such a big threat. I found reading the books to be fun solely for the fact that no one ever felt safe. It was good to have in a Star Wars environment. Vergere is lame though. Zenoma Sekot is a cool concept but dang... it is absurd. The books really were the last of the decent series out there. It is not great, but it brings more good to the table than many others. And most importantly it is just fresh.Captain Jordan said:I'm not looking forward to the day when I read NJO.
Was Abeloth a foreign threat?Selena Halcyon said:The Vong make for a great threat. They are completely foreign to the galaxy and offer something that no one is used to. From that angle is good. It makes the series a bit fresher to have something that seems so foreign come in and pose such a big threat.
While I love the Jedi, this is what I think too. There are a lot more force utilizing groups in the SW universe besides the Jedi and Sith. Take the Jensaarai for example, or the Matukai. There are so many options in the SW universe for groups, species, worlds, creatures,'s trippy!Captain Jordan said:Honestly, if they go TV show with Star Wars, I don't want to see a Jedi as a main character. There's enough material that puts the Jedi in the limelight.
ArcturusDM said:I know what she means. The whole Aboleth thing, to me, felt more like something out of Dr. Who or even perhaps Star Trek. It didn't feel like it belonged to the Star Wars universe.