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Star Wars Rebels - Twilight of the Apprentice: Reactions - Spoilers

I thought the finale was done well enough and I rather enjoyed the implications it set forth. I was somewhat disappointed with the outcome of the duel between Vader and Ahsoka.

As far as Maul is concerned, he went ham on the inquisitors. It's incredible how watching your mother get stabbed in the back by a giant alien cyborg can be so motivating. That said, the Inquisitors were outright garbage. On a more serious note, I'm really hoping this is his final resurrection. I couldn't stand watching him get beat only to return again.

I'm calling Revan's glorious return atop one of those magical space whales next season. He'll duel wield cross-guard lightsabers and he doesn't afraid of anything.
Absolutely fantastic. Played out fantastically, and it makes me hope that the next season has more episodes which are directly tied together. The season had a great overall arc (getting a rebel base of operations) and did work well in that regard. But I would like more episodes that continue the story of the previous one, even if they were just two parters. I think this episodes highlights how much better of a story they can tell with twice the time to dedicate to one story in the meta-arc.

I love Maul in the series. He's fantastic. I'll always agree that him even being alive is dumb, but everything he brings to the show is just great. It is well worth overlooking the stupid. Witwer brings so much to the role too. His voice acting is so on point it is insane. The way he moves between the different faces Maul puts on throughout the episode is just great. Oh man, I look forward to having more of that high level voice acting throughout the rest of the season.

Oh man, Kanan. That was so sad. I look forward to his updated character model next season. I look forward to his shift in mentality. I also greatly look forward to how he deals with the knowledge that Ezra is being tempted by the darkside (I got the vibe that him looking back at the end was him sensing Ezra playing with the holocron).

Also, according to Filoni, Sabine is going to finally actually be made into more of a character and start to stand next to Ezra as a primary protagonist. I find this great as she bothers me a lot. With development she might be a great character, and I am hoping this means we're going to mandalore. And maybe she'll get a jetpack as part of the season 3 character model update.
Well-Known Member
Selena Halcyon said:
But I would like more episodes that continue the story of the previous one, even if they were just two parters. I think this episode's highlights how much better of a story they can tell with twice the time to dedicate to one story in the meta-arc.

Absolutely agree with you in every regard.

Selena Halcyon said:
I'll always agree that him even being alive is dumb, but everything he brings to the show is just great. It is well worth overlooking the stupid.
This much, I agree to very much. Don't like that he's alive, but he does well in his part.

And everything else, I agree very much with. Sabine needs the kind of development that Zeb got (although in my opinion, they didn't go quite far enough with Zeb, shoulda done a two parter for discovering his new homeworld). I can't wait to see what they do with Kanan's new blindness, it's going to be epic.
Oh yeah, I totally am with you on the Zeb part. That episode just felt like it was going to end on a "to be continue" note and then... it wrapped itself up soooo quickly. That being said, I liked what they did with him this season, but I am hoping for more come next season. I also like the potential for him to be a vessel for Agent Kalus joining the Rebellion, as I think that we really got that set up at the end of their episode together. He could still use more. If Sabine can at least be developed up to his point I'll be thrilled. Though I think she somewhat necessitates a little bit more. Hera can continue to be what she is though. I do not think she needs much more than what we have. It fits her to be the mom figure who is somewhat at arms length for most of the show.
I watched the episode today, and I have to say it was semi-good.

I liked how Maul returned. I'm a Darth Maul fan, and I don't mind him having returned in TCW, and in Rebels. In fact, I totally supported it, and I find Maul to be one of my fav SW characters in the entire galaxy. I also liked how he curbstomped the Inquisitors, and pretty much fucked them up.

It was unfortunate to see Ahsoka die(if she even died). My fav moment of the duel was when they mixed Anakin/Darth Vader's voice, and I was happy to see her reaction. It made me miss TCW, but Rebels was also fantastic.

I was also very happy to see Ezra's character development. I hope he goes dark, and becomes a Sith Apprentice, or something like that. In terms of Kanan, I hope they can use that as a basis for them to recanonize force sight; if not, I look forward to seeing how Kanan will be able to fight, and also how his personality changes.

Some of the things that I didn't like were the Inquisitors' lightsabers. You can pretty much do anything with them, lol. I look forward to Season 3, and I hope they recanonize Thrawn, and Pillaeon.
Well-Known Member
Krayzen Dratos said:
Some of the things that I didn't like were the Inquisitors' lightsabers. You can pretty much do anything with them, lol
I thought they were particularly ridiculous too. You can't generate a reasonable thrust with spinning plasma! It just didn't make any sense that they could fly, but I was like... lame, but whatever. And continued watching :p

Isaiah Dashiell

Selena Halcyon said:
And maybe she'll get a jetpack
She DID mention wishing she had one :p

Also, loving Daredevil Kanan. Wondering about Ezra's lightsaber. Thinking Ezra flirting with the darkside will make Kanan even more protective over him, which of course to young Ezra will make it seem like Kanan doesn't trust him, pushing him further to the Dark Side.


Wondering WHO THE HECK IS IN THE HOLOCHRON hoping Revan. Maybe Kreia considering the voice was female... Or some other prominent Sith Lord from the Old Republic, maybe Zannah?

A little sad we didn't see any obviously Mandalorian corpses. Would have been nice to have that validation.

Isaiah Dashiell

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
In my eyes having Kreia would just validate his existence. Besides, doesn't Bane already mention him in Clone Wars?
Isaiah Dashiell said:
She DID mention wishing she had one :p

Also, loving Daredevil Kanan. Wondering about Ezra's lightsaber. Thinking Ezra flirting with the darkside will make Kanan even more protective over him, which of course to young Ezra will make it seem like Kanan doesn't trust him, pushing him further to the Dark Side.


Wondering WHO THE HECK IS IN THE HOLOCHRON hoping Revan. Maybe Kreia considering the voice was female... Or some other prominent Sith Lord from the Old Republic, maybe Zannah?

A little sad we didn't see any obviously Mandalorian corpses. Would have been nice to have that validation.
Zannah is a good call! The voice sounded like a younger female and last we saw Zannah in the old EU she was still in her prime. Though I would prefer Kreia. If they show revan I think it will be a quick cameo like he will read a chapter our of the holocron "And now chapter 10, how to learn in weeks what most cannot do in years!"

I was a bit unsatisfied with Ahsoka vs Vader, I was mentally and emotionally preparing myself all season that okay...they are finally going to kill my fav character, but Yoda be damned she better die epically. I thought maybe most of Malachor would explode and it ends with Vader flying away, or seeing her get stabbed by Vader and he holds her dying body with or without chance of her turning into a Force Ghost, but ending with his exposed face showing some form of remorse or even more anger!

I was completely shocked they killed the seventh sister so suddenly and if Ahsoka did survive I would hope they introduce Bariss Offee as the new Grand Inquisitor and have them face off. Has anyone else noticed that all the inquisitors so far are aliens? I personally love that! I was also expecting Kanan to die, and Ezra to go off with Maul.
Isaiah Dashiell said:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
In my eyes having Kreia would just validate his existence. Besides, doesn't Bane already mention him in Clone Wars?
Bane never ever mentioned Revan in the Clone Wars.

Revan was supposed to appear alongside Bane during the Mortis Story Arc, but the idea was scrapped in lieu of Bane appearing by himself later in the series.

And no, having Kreia marginally recanonized would in no way, shape, or form validate Revan. Just like how when Bane was reintroduced it didn't canonize Zannah, or the Brotherhood of Darkness, or anything remotely associated with him in the books and comics.

The only things about Kreia that would be considered canon are those that are directly mentioned in the show or otherwise confirmed by official sources.

[member="Isaiah Dashiell"]
KeCholo said:
I don't normally watch Rebels (watched every episode of CW though) but, this was pretty awesome. Might have hooked me on the series.
These sort of episodes only happen occasionally. Most are less dramatic. But that's what make these episodes so great. The sudden seriousness surprises you.

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