Selena Halcyon
Jedi Master
Calmness does not inherently make them 1) more rational or 2) less evil. It just makes them less prone to fits of emotion, which is not 1:1 what the darkside is. The darkside is also using the Force in a manner to produce unnatural power. It can also be to advance oneself beyond others. The lure of this is that the darkside makes it easier to do these things. Like with any addiction it is hard to burn. I am not against individuals struggling, however, the reality is that it does have a corrupting element. We see that in the movies as well, which should always be viewed as the highest source material no matter what discussion you're having. You don't use it once and instantly become evil incarnate, but it does begin to warp your psyche. We never see Bane before he ascends to being a Sith Lord, same with Dooku. I am sure they have "rational" reasons for their actions, but they are still bent by the corrupting force of the darkside. There is a heck of a lot of elegance in that as well. No one would say that it makes you into a psychopathic murderer necessarily, but it certainly bends you towards options you would not normally take.
This moves me towards a moronic concept from EU. Yoda using the darkside. So dumb.
However, yes, I am certainly one who favors the movies and TCW over other materials but that is because they are the canon now. I disregard Legends from most discussions (unless it is like this one) simply because it is no longer the canon. However, I would like to point out that current inclusions into canon have been great. The comic series have, in general, been gold. Chewbacca's series was meh for me, as was Leia's, but Lando's turned out great. Kanan's has been awesome (great insight into the psyche of a clone post order 66). The Darth Vader series has been awesome, and provides loads of cool new concepts. Star Wars has been good but not mind blowing. Anakin & Obi-wan has been a hoot. The books have been really hit and miss, however, I would say that that is par for the course with SW books. We also haven't had any big series yet.
This moves me towards a moronic concept from EU. Yoda using the darkside. So dumb.
However, yes, I am certainly one who favors the movies and TCW over other materials but that is because they are the canon now. I disregard Legends from most discussions (unless it is like this one) simply because it is no longer the canon. However, I would like to point out that current inclusions into canon have been great. The comic series have, in general, been gold. Chewbacca's series was meh for me, as was Leia's, but Lando's turned out great. Kanan's has been awesome (great insight into the psyche of a clone post order 66). The Darth Vader series has been awesome, and provides loads of cool new concepts. Star Wars has been good but not mind blowing. Anakin & Obi-wan has been a hoot. The books have been really hit and miss, however, I would say that that is par for the course with SW books. We also haven't had any big series yet.