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Star wars versus Mass Effect

Blessed are the peacemakers
In theory, if the ENTIRE universes of Mass effect and Star Wars went to war, who would win? It would most likely be the Star Wars universe, but where would the Mass Effect Universe come in first? Would it be in ground troops? Space combat? Powers?

Carn Dista

Mass Effect soldiers can actually hit targets, rendering the entire of every starwars military ever completely useless outside of our capital ships.
Everything else, we win.


Disney's Princess
The Force beats Biotics. But Mass Effect would win against most SW tech. Salarians would grab a Hyperspace Engine, reverse engineer it, and start winning like mad crazy. :D
The largest ships in Mass Effect are smaller than the smallest capital ships in Star Wars. Moreover, turbo lasers and such weapons are significantly better than the mass drivers in Mass Effect.
I suspect also that the Mass Effect weapons would be of limited use (especially the smaller ones) against even Stormtrooper armour.

I think Mass Effect would lose on all counts as Star Wars is more advanced, more powerful, the Force is stronger than biotics, and they are much more mobile.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

You're not considering how mass effect fields can be applied to weapons. They can make grains of rice hit with tremendous force. They have capital ships that can accelerate weapons to percentages of the speed of light.

As much as I love the Star Wars universe, in a military engagement, things would probably favor ME in most areas save Force vs Biotics, and even that is up for debate.
Mass Effect weapons are fathoms stronger than Star Wars weapons, especially considering that SW shielding is explicitly against energy attacks, and all ME ship combat is conducted with ballistic munitions. ME loses when it comes to mobility, due to their reliance on relays for hyperspace mobility, and on magic, due to the Force being infinitely more powerful than mortal biotic abilities. However, in small arms and ship-to-ship combat, they have significant advantages.
Projectile weapons, even mass driver and rail weapons, went out of favour. Yes, they can accelerate weapons fast, but turbo lasers can each fire enough energy to rival a small nuclear warhead. I think they're pretty dead on level, especially when you compare the massive amounts of weapons a Star Wars ship carries.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Thanix Weaponry:

Following the Battle of the Citadel, human and turian volunteers conducted a massive three-month recovery effort to clear the station's orbit of debris. Secretly, the turian Office of Technological Reconnaissance "volunteers" were technology recovery specialists salvaging the main weapon of the geth flagship Sovereign, and large amounts of its valuable element zero core.
Contrary to popular belief, Sovereign's main gun was not a directed-energy weapon. Rather, its massive element zero core powered an electromagnetic field suspending a liquid iron-uranium-tungsten alloy that shaped into armor-piercing projectiles when fired. The jet of molten metal, accelerated to a fraction of the speed of light, destroys targets by impact force and irresistible heat.
Only 11 months after the battle, the turians produced the Thanix, their own miniaturized version of Sovereign's gun. The Thanix can fire reliably every five seconds, rivaling a cruiser's firepower but mountable on a fighter or frigate.


The turbolaser was a heavy laser cannon equipped with large banks of capacitors, allowing them to build up and store far more powerful energy bursts than standard cannons. These capacitors gave huge energy bursts to the beam, greatly increasing its power over standard laser cannons. They also helped power the galven coils in the barrels of turbolasers. First, a particle beam was generated in the manner standard of blasters and laser cannons. Then even more power was achieved by guiding this laser cannon particle-beam through another stream of energized Tibanna Gas(besides the one used in generating the initial beam, since laser cannons work on the same principle as blasters) to increase its power. The extra capacitors in a turbolaser that store huge amounts of raw energy then contributed to the beam by energizing it even further as it moved to the turbolaser's barrel. The resulting beam carried roughly three or more times the energy of a standard laser cannon beam.
It then passed through a set of galven coils located in the turbolaser's barrel, even further increasing the beam's power, and allowing it to pierce the defenses of heavily protected targets. Because these weapons required extra time to build up energy for their powerful blasts, they tended to have a slightly slower rate of fire than their weaker brethren (usually around one to two seconds between volleys, depending on the type of turbolaser and what power setting it was on). The risk of overheating was high due to this massive energy buildup, and many turbolaser models were protected with complex cryosystems and a powerful cooling sleeveon the barrel.

The fundamental difference here, is that the Thanix-weaponry is by far, superior due to the fact that it's far, far, more reliable and destructive, by the way they operate alone. And the Thanix gun, can fire every five seconds. That's ridiculously powerful and effective, especially due to the deadly nature of the weaponry. Now, as for the 'lack of mobility', the Alliance and Reapers both had very advanced FTL drives.
The exact FTL speeds at which starships of the modern galaxy travel are unknown. It is noted, however, thatReapers are believed to be capable of traveling nearly 30 light-years (283,821,914,177,424,000 meters) within a 24-hour period, and that this rate is roughly twice what Citadel starships are capable of traveling. This equates Reaper FTL capabilities to around 10,958 times the speed of light.
In comparison, by 2165, human starships are known to be capable of traveling at least fifty times faster the speed of light (14,989,622,900 meters per second).

(Mass Effect Codex/Wiki)
For infantry weaponry, Mass Effect takes the cake.
In Mass Effect, to generate ammunition a weapon shaves a projectile the size of a sand grain from a dense block of metal contained within the weapon's body. The projectile is launched at supersonic velocities by decreasing its mass in a mass effect field. Thousands of these tiny rounds can be produced from a single ammunition block. Ammunition is never a concern because of this, but managing the weapon's internal heat is; if a weapon is fired too rapidly, heat will build up inside of the weapon and it will overheat, forcing the operator to stop firing long enough for the weapon to disperse that heat buildup.

So, basically, this beats lasers by...a longshot.

Mass Effect, wins.
It doesn't "win." This is what I've been saying from the second post. ME weapons are superior, but ME tech is greatly limited by its reliance on assisted FTL travel. Likewise, Star Wars is crap for small arms, but the sheer power of the Force compared to biotics is just shameful. The Force is a galactic magical field that can rip open full-sized wormholes and suck the life out of entire planets without ever firing a shot. Biotics can throw a tank.

Star Wars wins in magic and mobility. Mass Effect wins in small arms and ship-to-ship combat. It would be a very bloody stalemate. If I had to give the edge to either side, I'd give it to Star Wars, because travel being limited by mass effect relays is a crippling limitation to have forced on your army when your enemy doesn't have to deal with that kind of malarkey.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Both the Star Wars and Mass Effect ships can achieve FTL travel independently, with the Star Wars universes using Hyperdrives and the Mass Effect counterparts using Element Zero cores.
No. Mass Effect requires mass effect relays to reduce an entire ship's mass to such a level that it can slip into FTL. The e-zo core is expressly just to keep the ship moving at all. SW hyperspace is independent of any external focus. Ergo, SW interstellar mobility is infinitely greater than ME mass relay space travel. Hence the extreme disadvantage it puts Mass Effect at compared to Star Wars.
Factory Judge
What about all the armor types as well? ME is all about explosions and alot of ballistics. Yet some of the SW Cannon armors are resistant to explosions, Well its more so that the armor won't break, but even then, Ballistic armor wont do crap against a well placed blaster bolt. So yes weapons may be better for ME but I believe that SW has a slight advantage over the armor in small arms combat.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Well actually, Mass Effect Armors are a bit more advanced than you think, but firstly, Mass Effect ships can independently use FTL.

FTL drives are devices which allow ships to travel at FTL speeds through space. FTL drive cores work by exposing element zero to electric currents, creating mass effect fields. It reduces the mass of an object, such as a starship, to a point where velocities faster than the speed of light are possible. With a mass effect drive, roughly a dozen light-years can be traversed in the course of a day's cruise without bending space-time and causing time dilation.
The precise maximum speed and the time this acceleration can be maintained varies depending on the exact type of FTL drive being used. In general, the larger the drive, the longer the ship can run at FTL.
When travelling across space, thrusters are applied in one direction for the first half of the trip, then the thrusters are reversed for the second half of the trip in order to reach appropriate speeds for arriving. In 2185, Commander Shepard can have a conversation with Marab on this particular point stating that several people who travel in space forget that the ship must be slowed as much as it was accelerated, hence it will start being slowed halfway to its destination.

And as far as weaponry goes, Mass Effect armor has been showed to be resilient as most armors, and employ tiny Kinetic barriers (hence shielding) and personal shieldings seem to be more prevalent than most Star Wars militaries, while shielding is nearly standard on most armor sets in Mass Effect.

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