Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Starbird Rising | Galactic Alliance



Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Justice kept his eye on the drama as much as he could while still paying attention to Hollis. Of course he laughed at the story she told, and nodded enthusiastically at the offer to receive a demonstration.

“You know you have to show me now,” he said, almost leaning in to whisper in her ear.

The thought of leaning in that close sent a chill down his spine, but also a nervous feeling as though a brick was settling in his stomach. He really liked Hollis, but the idea of being close to her in a way that could be taken the wrong way bothered him very much.

Whatever his thoughts were, everything came to a stop when Hollis expressed concern for Kyell. Even though he had not met the other Padawan, he seemed to be someone Hollis liked, and that meant Justice had a natural affinity for wanting to like him as well. Her concern became his as she explained why it seemed she was staring off into the distance. Justice looked toward him.

<< “You could come and join us…” >> the thoughts were sent to Kyell Laysel

He smiled at Hollis.

“I just invited him to join us, if that is okay with you?”

There would not be a lot of time to respond as it seemed the girls Hollis had indicated begant to fight at the bar. One assaulted the other, rather violently. All attention was bound to be on that event. Justice looked at Hollis with a shocked expression on his face. Looking over to Kyell he shrugged.

“My guess is he is going over there.”
Everything is too bright and too loud…

"Yyyeah. That's not ideal," Amani dropped her finger and waved over for some aid, "Get her on a stretcher and bring her to the med wing. We need to treat for a concussion." They did as requested, and in the meantime Amani made peace with the end of her evening.

"Iris-" She was just about to ask for an extra set of hands, when the padawan took off. She frowned. The girl was upset, clearly. Not that Amani could blame her. Miri had said as much - nights like these weren't supposed to end with violence. They were celebrations. But leave it to a Jedi party to finish on such a note anyway. And of course, being healers meant always being on call, dropping everything else to clean up the mess. Still Amani made no effort to rein Iris back in. She deserved a little more time off, even if it had been a bit soured now. Ara at least was being dealt with. One less weight on their shoulders.

The stretcher arrived, moving Miri on top to carry her on over to the (thankfully nearby) Halls of Healing. Amani turned back to Alicio and forced a smile, "Guess this'll be the rest of my night," A resigned shrug. It had been quite a rollercoaster of an event as is. Maybe best to call it quits before things got even crazier. "We'll make up for it some other time. And- Don't worry about all that stuff earlier, kay? It doesn't change anything," She didn't mention Inanna by name, but the talking point was clear, "Chin up, Organa. Enjoy the rest of the party." Amani emphasized the point by raising the bottom of Alicio's chin a little higher, and then, she left to catch up with the now leaving stretcher.

Objective: Visiting the Jedi Temple

Rianna walked up the stairs slowly her gaze taking in all the detail of the building before her. Her long black hair with streaks of gray pulled back to her neck, her soft soled boots made no noise on the steps as she moved, the long black robe gently swished against the ground she looked like any Jedi.

Her saber hung at her hip, her medical bag on the opposite one she smiled and nodded at those that greeted her. She slipped into the main entrance then took a left down the hall. She moved away from the crowds to be here alone she reached out and put her palm to the wall. The walls had few memories to share gone were the familiar names that she knew when she walked this great building.

She nodded and resumed her walk, it was in this hall that the room of a thousand fountains could be found. But she did not hear the gentle trickle of water or feel the element as it moved. As a child she had hidden in that room to get away from her Master. It was when she learned that her mother had died. Traditionally no information on family was shared once a Jedi the Order was your family, but when an Organa dies everyone knows.

Rianna closed her eyes, this place had once served as memory for her reminding her of good times, of wars, and of forgiveness. The long halls lead around to Council chambers, well at least in her memory it did. Today who knew what the rooms contained.

Was there a Healers Wing here? Could she walk it once again?

She felt a shift of emotions but she was alone who was it? Why? For a moment she stopped to look back she contemplated going in search of it.

"Guess this'll be the rest of my night."

"Duty calls," the Count replied, managing the weakest of smiles as Amani Serys Amani Serys found him again. His eyes traveled to the floor between his boots, wounded by the nights proceedings, and trying to keep it together. Amani was willing to overlook what had happened, but Alicio couldn't. He'd be thinking about this party, what he could have done better, what he should have done, for a while.

Amani pulled his face up. He looked at her, an overwhelming gratefulness leaving him a touch verklempt. "I'll try to. And you try to get some sleep after work, yeah?"

Alicio watched Amani leave, adjusting his half-cape with slow fingers, and retreating back to the edges of the party, fatigued by the events of the night. If no one approached him, he would softly mingle for an hour longer, before excusing himself.

- OPEN -

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TAG: Jos Krayt Jos Krayt




"Sometimes, for a good harvest to grow, it is better to let the wildfire burn the field clean. Regardless of the damage."

Zhea could not help but chuckle.
"Forgive me. It's just odd hearing a wise statement like that come from a hardy warrior such as yourself." she then apologised before he went on to explain how the Mandalorians would have handled the situation.
"Typically it is better if we leave the disputing parties to their own devices, though plenty of our people jump at the opportunity to help their vod... their comrade... or simply to swing some fists."

She chuckled again as they walked over to the bar.
"Although I would love to leave the Younglings and Padawans to their disputes, it could get pretty ugly if left unchecked. It is, after all, a bunch of untrained Force Users duking it out." she laughed. "And it disrupts the balance." she then added on a more serious note.
"Now you have me curious. With how troubled tempers seem to be, how are things going between you and your student? I must admit that I have some... trouble... with my own student on Kestri."

A warm smile spread on Zhea's face.
"I have to say I do not have much to complain about with my own Padawan. He has his ups and downs, can get a bit overzealous at times, but overall he is fairly easy to work with. He was a bit rough around the edges when he joined the Order, but he has settled into his own since then. He is the reason why I still have hope for that Padawan we just witnessed." she explained. "What seemes to be the trouble with your student, if you do not mind me asking?" she then asked.

She wasn't versed in their ways, but two heads could be better than one still.

TAGS: Zhea Nox Zhea Nox | Open


The Kel Dor laughed at her comment on his 'wise words' as he looked ahead. "I can assure you, despite being the leader of a notoriously boisterous clan, I am quite 'mellow' as some have put it. Every family needs a guiding hand and calm mind to help them." He admitted gently. Her remark on the padawans had him nodding in agreement at the prospect of leaving a bunch of undisciplined children to fight among each other. It was already a problem when they had blasters and heavy armour. Throwing the Force into the mix would simply be a disaster. "Indeed. The last thing the Jedi Order needs is an undisciplined padawan giving into the Darkness unintentionally. But these disputes are inevitable. They are children, they should be allowed to explore themselves. They will learn in time." He nodded to the Zabrak girl being escorted away, letting his gaze linger for a moment. "I am sure that both of us were not too wildly different in our younger years."

Upon asking about her padawan, she gave a delightful answer about her time with him. He couldn't help but find joy at those kinds of relationships between padawans and their masters. A powerful spirit in need of guidance, and a mentor that might just learn a thing or two from their student as well. It was arguably the perfect combination in some aspects. "I am very glad to hear that, Master Zhea. It warms the heart to know that such strong bonds sre still prevalent in the Order."

She went on to ask about his own student, though Jos didn't answer right away. "That might require a drink. What would you like?" He asked her with a smirk behind his mask, knowing just how bad it sounded.

"She has a lot of heart, and too little control. She had a harsh life before she joined us, and it did not get easier for her. Her potential in the Force is admirable, she has the makings of a great Shaman for our people... though her emotions control her actions and thoughts. She struggles to gain control over her heart, and she lacks the discipline in order to do it. She has not fallen yet, but she has strayed dangerously close in the past." He asnwered with a sigh as he brushed a hand over his mask as if it were a beard.

He looked to her again with an apologetic tone in his voice. "I must apologize, I do not wish to sound like I am ungrateful or gossiping of my students behind their backs... though patience is sometimes a limited resource in some instances." A guilty laugh escaped him as he looked around the party.

"It is unfortunate that the atmosphere has been tarnished by such talented young spirits. I would have loved to meet some of the students or their masters. But it is quite alright. The present company is quite delightful." He quipped as he rested a hand on his helmet. "If you do not mind me asking, would it be possible to arrange for an extended visit, if time permits? I would be honoured to study and train with the Jedi once again." He wasn't sure if she had the authority, though she might know who could arrange something like that.
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Outfit: xxx
Hollis was about to respond to Justice when there was quite a scene at the bar. As Kyell's date was assaulted, Hollis' let out a gasp and grabbed onto Justice. How could such a thing happen... at a gala?

Well, there wasn't much time for questions as the Chief Healer was summoned. Hollis made a mental note to catch up with Kyell sometime soon. She nodded at Justice, her face wearing a baffled expression. "Yeah," she nodded. "My, I hope his date is okay..."

The woman was now leaving on a stretcher with Amani.

Once the shock wore off, Hollis realized the music was still playing in the background and there were some couples drifting back to the dance floor. She watched them for a moment, smiling as pairs started to dance. Usually, she was something of a wallflower... but tonight she actually did have someone to dance with. A smile brightened her face as she turned to Justice.

"Want to?" she asked, and then nodded her head towards the dance floor.

I tried to beat the record for getting through the Kessel Run, managed about eighteen parsecs, not too bad if I say so myself."

Gabe eyed the newcomer with suspicion. BEAT the record for the Kessel Run? Varen couldn't be much older than him or Daisy. There was no way the Order would just let a Padawan as young as that do something as stupid and dangerous as the Kessel Run alone...For FUN. It was amazing he could he even stand being that close to a black hole. Gabe himself couldn't stand black holes. They were like pits of darkness that sucked everything in and annihilated it, even the Force it was theorized. Either way they gave him the jeebies. Not to mention the monsters that lived near run. He had to be lying. He was about to say as much when Daisy beat him to the punch, introducing herself and engaging in the conversation.

“What is the record you were trying to beat?

"About 11.something Parcecs," Gabe offered. It was a story told across Corellia. Han Solo was a legendary figure in their mythos and though some stories said 10, the official record was closer to 11.3 or 11.2. Despite the obvious lie, Varen seemed like a decent enough person.

"My name is Gabriel, Gabriel Pryce," he added, having forgotten to give Varen his name. Right after he did though, an Alliance Senate Guard stepped into the group.

"Gabriel. Your father wished to bid you farewell. If you would follow me," The blue-clad soldier turned on his heel and began walking away from the group again. The commotion likely meant they were trying to get some of the more important people out of the Jedi Temple. He hoped this didn't turn into some sort of political event.

"Sorry, I've gotta go. My dad's waiting for me." He started to run off but turned around to give another look at the two. "I'll see you later? Somewhere in the Temple?" He didn't wait for a response. He guessed he wouldn't be seeing the princess again. She'd probably go back to Atrisia tomorrow. Varen he knew he'd see again for certain.
“I… I wasn’t born. I was grown in a tube from some other Jedi’s DNA.
From the sounds of things the two padawan's had their problems, their identities called into question by the echoes of their pasts. Even with that in mind, he did not see Jasper differently than he already did "Only the force will decide if its best for you to see them. Whenever that may be, you will need to be prepared"

When Silas received the news of his Sith ancestors, it was seemingly out of the blue in the middle of a battle. Revelations like that always came in the strangest of times.

“I’m probably just overthinking all of this and it isn’t as bad as I think,” Jasper reasoned with an exhausted breath. “The world isn’t ending around me or anything… I just feel weird about it all.”
"That's how I felt when I was hiding it from everyone. I feared if I told the truth, Master Valery or the order wouldn't want me anymore. I was just scared to lose another family again..." he said with a lowered head, thinking thoughtfully of all the things he had gone through. Yet, he seemed to shake it off as fast as it appeared.

"But don't worry, the doubts will pass, as all things do"

Silas looked back to Jasper and offered him a warm smile, nodding as a way of indicating there was no problem. It seemed like his own experience did in fact help calm down his fellow padawan, and that was more than enough to keep his mind at peace for the boy. Behind them, the gala was only getting more heated as time went on, so it was only right for Jasper to stick out here for a while.

"Understandable Jasper, you need to give your thoughts some time first" he replied, walking behind him to put a hand on his shoulder "If you ever need anything, do not be afraid to bother me or any of the masters. We're both in the same shuttle, right?" Silas said one more time with a reassuring expression "See you around Jasper"

With that, he lowered his hand and left the boy to wonder in his thoughts. There were brighter days ahead for them both, he could feel it.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gala
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Varen Ardos, Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , Others...

"If you ever need anything, do not be afraid to bother me or any of the masters. We're both in the same shuttle, right?"

"Thanks," Jasper replied, trying not to become overly emotional. "I-I'll remember that. See you around, Silas."

As Silas departed, Jasper gazed back out at Coruscant. He was finally getting a grasp on what he had been feeling all this time. It wasn't that the duelist was a clone, and he really wasn't afraid of not completely being himself... It was the isolation, the fear that people may turn away if they knew what he was. Jasper grew up alone. He didn't want to experience that ever again. Maybe he didn't need to worry about where he came from. Silas didn't seem to care much at all that he was the product of science. The Padawan just saw Jasper. Maybe Jasper should just see himself as well.

After finishing his drink, the young duelist decided to go back into the Gala. Jasper had just gone through the single most embarrassing experience of his life. Now that he was past that, the night could only go uphill. What did he have to fear if everything that could have gone wrong already had? As he re-entered, Jasper caught sight of Varen (who was stuffing his face with finger foods) talking to Daisy. He still needed to properly thank her for the talk they had a few days ago, when Jasper had first discovered his origins. He made his way up to the two, a bit more spring in his step.

"Hey," Jasper greeted, a smile spread across his face. He first turned to Varen. "I think I got all the stress out of my system. Thanks for the... er, reassurance. Oh, right," Jasper turned back to Daisy. "I need to thank you for the talk you gave me the other day. I've been thinking about what you said, and it's really been helping me."

Something wasn't right. Jasper wasn't done speaking, but his body instinctively stopped him from continuing. He had wanted to say something along the lines of: "Do you wanna hang out later while I'm not an emotional wreck?" Yet, his mouth never muttered the words. Why? It was the phrasing, of course. Jasper could never say that. It would sound like he was trying to ask her out, which he obviously wasn't. Suddenly, the world seemed to be burning around him yet again. Maybe he was trying to ask her out. Was this a subconscious thing that had always been there? Had he just been to stupid to notice? The duelist found himself confused again. He tried his best to conceal this, keeping a straight face.

As he stood there, perplexed on the state of his emotions, all he could think was: What did Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan do to me?
The halls were quiet you could hear a pin drop should someone wish to test the quietness of the hall. Rianna however was looking only for the sake of looking. The round rooms where training took place, she could see in her mind's eye younglings standing there reciting the Jedi code, moving through forms, and laughing at each new skill.

She felt that shiver again down her arms, the hair ever so gently rising up something was off.
She was not someone who visited parties often, but she wondered if she should. Perhaps a guide, perhaps, someone to share her wonder at this new hall and all the good it would do in the future.

She closed her eyes and thought of her family how often they treaded upon her thoughts what did the future hold for them all. She wanted to stay as long as she could, but no one lives forever no matter how strong a link to the force.

She closed her eyes, slowly whispering each name perhaps someone was near, Master? Faith. Maeve. Arianna. Dral. Ordo. Alicio. Claire. Theo. Laira. Would they hear a whisper who even knew of any of them were that close, living and dead. Something inside her pushed her to think of family and wonder if they were well. Or this feeling could be just a reminder that there were family for her she needed only reach out.

She moved along the hall as it slowly looped around Rianna could feel the other levels. A healer's ward had at one time been off to the side..further back near the hangar for the ships.

Oh, this is madness she thought to herself. Will I next break out in a dirge? No. But I am lonely and only a fool would deny it. "I am not a fool." Rianna walked the hall slowly. She enjoyed the quiet but yet managed to break the silence with her own voice, "I wonder do they have an herbal garden here? Do they even study herbs still?"


Tags: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
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The senator turned his head to the side curiously. He'd been in the middle of quiet conversation with some dignitaries, trying to explain his political platform while trying to ignore the white bantha in the room. He could have sworn he'd heard something. Or maybe he'd tasted it.

Either way, it was an excuse to excuse himself.

Bowing politely away from the recovering festivities, Alicio stepped gently further into the Jedi Temple, using his feelings to guide him. Following the taste of his name to it's source.

Rounding a corner, Alicio saw Rianna. His mouth twitched into a smile.

"Talking to yourself?" he began, walking up to stand beside his fellow Organa, noticeably subdued. "You know, there's a whole party of people back there to converse with."

"Hello, Tia."

- Rianna Organa Rianna Organa -

As she stood there looking at the wall wondering if she should turn around or continue forward she could hear footsteps coming. oh..had they heard her talking to herself.

She half turned slightly embarrassed that she may have been found out. Closer, yes ever so closer. Then a familiar voice. oh my...she sheepishly looked over, "I was but I hear that as long as I don't answer myself I should be good." She smiled.

"Yes yes there are bunches of people out there. But truly Alicio what do you think they want to talk about, good works that our family is doing, the good health of our people. No I think not I think they want to gossip, and while I like a good tale or two. I'm not up to sticking my pinky out, leaning on a walking stick, smiling and appearing engaged. You on the other hand can handle them for me, please." She was slightly sarcastic but yet truthful.

She had stepped away from that kind of game some time ago.

"so tell me how do you like being here on Coruscant? The automated gem of the Core." Perhaps she should of had a glass of wine, but she had not had wine in some time. It dulled her senses.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Sure," he said, jokingly raising an eyebrow at Rianna as he joined her in the hall.

"That's a cynical view of the Alliance," he offered, "but maybe not entirely incorrect. When I left, the mood had dimmed, considerably." Surely thanks to, in part, himself. "But there are plenty of good people back there too. Jedi and war heroes. And the galaxy doesn't always have to talk about the great good House Organa does. I think they deserve a bit of gossip every now and then."

As Rianna asked about Coruscant, Alicio clasped his hands behind his back. "It's been... different. The air here is worse than Alderaan, and I've had to be more cautious, but... I've enjoyed it." His face was graced with a subtle, more private smile. "It certainly holds more upsides than downsides, so far. And having my voice magnified so far is... fulfilling. I feel like I'm finally making a lasting impact."

He thought of Amani. Then he thought of Inanna. His joy soured a bit.

"Sorry. I've had a... night." He shook his head. "How have you been, Rianna?"

- Rianna Organa Rianna Organa -
Was that Alicio giving her a sarcastic sure??? The elder Organa could not help but laugh.

"It is a cynical view I now. It could be I have become unaccustomed to politicians of other worlds and their ways of trying to be entertaining. Or i'm just a cranky old girl. Well, if it is gossip, they crave then let them get it from Holly Starstorm on the evening news. But I understand" She looked at the wall once more,
"that it is a necessary thing."

When she inquired about Coruscant she could see the politican come out in him, hands behind his back, the well positioned pauses in his speech. Yes, he was learning quite well here on Coruscant. Diplomacy. This for some reason pleased her greatly.

Then being ever so dutiful as he could be he asked after her, "I am fine. I am currently thinking of Dagobah if I can get there. I want to see if I can entice a Jubba bird." There was something more wasn't there, not with her but him.

"The thing that has given you a night" She looked at his face, "something I can help with? Do I need to make someone think they are a sleen?"

tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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