The Doppelganger
Like virtually everyone else sitting by the bar, Kai couldn't help but witness the carnage. He got to his feet, quickly assessed the damage level (pretty bad), and then uttered a quick <I'll talk to you later!> to
Kara Jade
before breaking into a run.
Thus did Kai appear before Iris Arani for the first time that evening. <Someone's hurt!> he exclaimed.
Rather than give Iris a moment to process this information, Kai picked her up and ran across the room back to the bar, clearing through the crowds with a nudge of the Force until he had reached the side of Kyell Laysel and the unconscious Miri. He set Iris down, then went back into the fray to hunt down Amani Serys , whom he would treat much the same.
Thus did Kai appear before Iris Arani for the first time that evening. <Someone's hurt!> he exclaimed.
Rather than give Iris a moment to process this information, Kai picked her up and ran across the room back to the bar, clearing through the crowds with a nudge of the Force until he had reached the side of Kyell Laysel and the unconscious Miri. He set Iris down, then went back into the fray to hunt down Amani Serys , whom he would treat much the same.