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"I hope to," he said in response to Inanna's first question, not quite able to comprehend what she was implying.
But then, Alicio offered the olive branch. And it was ripped from his grasp and used to slap him across the face.
While Amani blushed dark, the Count drained white, his face suddenly deathly pale. So stunned was he by Inanna's barely concealed rage, the ability to produce words left him. He could only stand there, his eyes wide in shock and embarrassment. He couldn't fight his date as she pulled him and Inanna away from Iris Arani , Corin Trenor , and Mylo Thorne , only managing a quick bow, and an "I'm sorry," as he left them, and entered the sidebar at the edge of the festivities.
As Dracken Pryce 's wonderful speech began elsewhere, Alicio's attention was focused inward, acknowledging the sudden indignant emotions that were piling up now that the shock was ebbing, and trying to let them pass by.
Don't lash out. You'll only regret it later. Take ownership.
Alicio paused in thought, before speaking. "Okay. Inanna, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I led you on when I shouldn't have. I'm sorry we..." He peeked at Amani. He wasn't going to sugarcoat anything, or try to save face. Honesty. "I'm sorry that I kissed you before I was ready."
He wanted to say more. He wanted to add that but, to defend himself. But he wouldn't. Because he knew it wouldn't help. Alicio didn't want to hurt Inanna any more than he already had. But neither would he apologize for dating Amani.
- Inanna Harth - Amani Serys -