Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra yawned as her silver hair sat on her shoulders, her eyes lazily staying open as she waited for the hunter that was coming to help her out with the current mission. Today she was looking to take down a Krayt Dragon, wanting to get the pearl that was inside the creature and giving the hide away to those that helped her out. Her hand scrolling through the datapad she held, looking up bounties, rewards and other things that might be of note for her today. She was on Tatooine after all and an easy paycheck is always worth it when she lived on Alderaan all alone with no real source of income most of the time.
The heat was the most annoying thing, something she forgot about as it shone down on her. The wraps she normally wore were exchanged for a tan one that wrapped around most of her head and barely leaving room for her hair to poke through. Along side the wraps she also wore a dark colored set of trousers and shirt that breathed enough for her to bare the heat without feeling like she was drowning. It was to the point where she had run out of water already once and having to refill it with the help of a nearby vendor.
Who had offered to help were several people, those which Alex had told to meet her outside of the city in a shaded area against a cliff-side. It would be a place where she could look and watch the people that approached her without being caught off guard too significantly. In addition to this the miniature form of a white furred wolf that almost blended into the sand would be moving about, watching from a separate angle to ensure she had a good view of the approach.