Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stately Matters

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis was getting quicker. Either that or he was learning her moves well. Or maybe it could be both.

In some ways he seemed almost Mandalorian. It made her wonder what things would have been like if he was. Of course he always could be later.

Those thoughts disappeared quickly as Var went for her shoulder. She grabbed his wrist and then pivoted on her heel, turning around so that her back was towards him as she pulled him closer in a bid to try to flip him over her shoulder and onto the floor. That is if she was strong enough.
I don't know if i was distracted by her grace, beauty or grit..But something threw me off and with her swift movement, I lost balance slightly and was thrown for a loop over her shoulder and to the floor below. OWWWW! I grunted...It was painfully beautiful. As I stared at her but for a moment I would attempt to regain composure and attempt a leg sweep in an attempt to return the favor.

Tag: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Lori grinned a sly grin as Var-Sulis Var-Sulis was flipped over onto his back. This was the second time that she had gotten him down onto the floor.

He seemed a little....distracted. And by the look in his eyes, she had a feeling as to what that was....

Lori intercepted his leg sweep with her hands, grabbing hold of his ankle and bracing his foot between her ribs and her arm. Then she did the unexpected, by slipping off his she and tickling the arch of his foot. That is, if he was even ticklish. Her mentors had taught her to always keep them guessing and that was exactly what she was going to do.
I missed and could not keep my balance. Dang-Farrik! She was quick! I was certain the blow to the knee cap with an elbow perhaps was next. no no no no no!! HAHAAHAAHHAHAAH!! "Hey..HE.....Oww...whoa!" I squirmed immediately as I was tickled and leaned forward to press my weight against her in an attempt to put her on the defensive. Within moments..My focus was split and fractured in the best way possible. It is official...I am in love
With Var-Sulis Var-Sulis squirming, she knew that her distraction had worked. Her next plan was to hit him in the shoulder to get him down to the floor again.

But then he leaned into her with his weight as he squirmed, which threw her off balance and caused them to fall back onto the floor. Oh boy. Now he was in position to get a hold onto her neck like she did in their last spar. She needed to get out from under him.

Lori started to tickle his sides to see if Var was ticklish there too. If he was, then maybe she'd be able to slip out from underneath him while he squirmed.
The worst part about being trained as a Merc...That's just it..Your trained to never let the enemy get close. In this case..Someone that can tickle you. Especially if you happen to be..Well...Ticklish...And I was. The stoic face broke away to laughter that filled the room echoing off the walls as her fingers poked at the sensitivity of my body. I lost focus. But how? it and let it go.

"Hahahahah! Ohhh..Okayyyy! Ok! Ok! Ok! AAAhhhhh!!" I squirmed as my grin stretched from ear to ear and I turned redder than Korriban...I then noticed her attempting to slip under me. " you dont!" I laughed as I tried to grasp her by the arms and swing her upward to face me.
Oh, so Var-Sulis Var-Sulis was ticklish...That was good to know. However she couldn't use that tactic all the time or he'd expect it, and perhaps even wear body armour for their next match.

Lori wriggled herself free, utilizing his laughter and response to being tickled to her advantage. "Oh yes I do!" She snickered as she got to her feet and turned around to face him, getting herself into a defensive position with her hands up. "You can't keep me down. I am the ultimate escape artist!" She grinned and then gestured with her left hand for Var to make the next move.
I would nod with a grin and wipe the sweat forming across my forehead. I bounced back and forth quickly to stay on my feet and would use my right leg to leap off the side of a pillar with an attempt to knee strike her in the left arm. Hopefully to stagger
Var-Sulis Var-Sulis took too much time to set up his next move. Using the pillar for support and momentum may of seemed like a good idea, but when going against someone that tended to have quicker reflexes like Lori, it was a move that was doomed to fail.

She struck down Var's leg with her left arm and then went to deliver a strong punch with her right into his chest.
She connects with the punch to the chest which actually had quite the force behind it. It HURT. Perhaps she was letting out aggression from years of built anger or perhaps resentment. No matter. The pain was welcomed as I let out a cough as my lungs felt it as well. The only chance I had left was to take hold of her arm before she could retract and flip her over. Here goes!!
Lori didn't expect to be thrown to the ground after her punch, which connected a lot harder than she had meant it to. Maybe it was the guilt that caught her off guard and already she could visualize her mentors' reactions if they were watching her. She needed to maintain her focus.

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis still had a hold of her arm, and tried to get her pinned too. However she was quick and went in to tickle his side with her free hand so that he'd be laughing enough to allow her time to squirm away from him before he could grab onto her again.
I grabbed hold of her free hand in time. Almost like I saw it coming! Her attempt to catch me off guard failed. A croc roll to try to pin her was another idea. If i could get her down....Next move will be the final blow
Lori couldn't help but laugh as her attempt to exploit his weakness failed. But that was what one was supposed to do in a fight. Well not so much the laughing part, but exploiting weaknesses, yes.

Still, Var-Sulis Var-Sulis now held both of her wrists. The last thing that she wanted was to be pinned underneath him, so she did her best to push against his weight to one side to try to roll him over so that she'd be the one on top.
Lori grinned as she sat on top of Var-Sulis Var-Sulis ' torso, pleased with herself for winning both of their sparring matches thus far. "I did grow up with a twin brother, so I learned well with how to take on someone bigger than me." She then got to her feet and held out her hand to help him up. "Besides, I may have cheated a little. I didn't know that you were ticklish." It wasn't as though she'd of tickled a real opponent. Yet for some reason with Var, she felt as though she could get away with it.

And she did.
"I am...Who knew?" I said with a smile as I would wipe the sweat from my forehead and take hold of her hand and rise to my feet. I didn't let go of her hand however. In the universe, there are two things you can be sure of....Death...And opportunity....This was an opportunity that i couldn't pass up. Better to have kissed and never kiss again, rather than not kiss at all. No what if's in my book. Not how im writing my story. I pulled her in towards my chest and planted the big one on her lips. It lasted but a second but crossing that I going to regret this?? NO..NO IM NOT...Even if Arla is alarmed..Flares fired away!!!
Lori laughed again and was about to comment to Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and say that it'd be their secret and she wouldn't tell his enemies about it, even while under torture, but then he pulled her to him and kissed her.

Now she was the one to be caught off guard...

A full range of emotions were brought up in that moment, with multiple thoughts and scenarios running through her mind. Some were pleasant while others were not. Lori could feel herself blushing, so she dropped her gaze and looked to see if there was any reaction from Arla. Yet there wasn't. Her bodyguard just remained where she was, leaning against the wall with her arms across her chest. It was almost as though she didn't see it. Or even as though she didn't care. But there was no doubt that Lori was going to talk to her about it later.

After taking a breath, Lori looked up at Var. "Is you always congratulate your opponents?"
I kept my eyes locked on her's as nothing else in that moment existed to me. It was as if the man behind the ex-merc converted to E.I.A. Agent had come to the surface. The caring man...The protector..The charming devil..But the moment was met with a clear answer I had prepared for her.

"I wish I could say it was..but no." I stated with a grinning whimsical smile. "Only you Lori...A congratulations to entering the heart of a man who thought there was nothing there to connect to..You have given me something I cannot explain fully, but I know it's there. And I must say..No matter the implications...Dammit...I like you...You have your world..I have mine..But the cosmos tells a different tale than the one we think were supposed to be in. A man normally ends up on the path he tries his best to avoid..And I don't regret it."
"And there could be implications. If Rex found out, then who knows what he'd do to you or to the both of us." But that is if he'd do anything at all. Or if he'd even care to. However something like this could put him over the edge.

Lori placed her hand on Var-Sulis Var-Sulis ' heart, wanting to flood him with words and ideas and everything else going on in her mind at that moment, yet she couldn't. She had to hold back. "I can't deny that there's a connection. I feel it too. But it's....complicated." That was a complete understatement. Arranged or not, she was married. Sure they never share a room together and hardly see one another, but she was still married. "I'm not so sure that we're to walk on the same path just yet." It wasn't a clear rejection, but a cautious acknowledgement of something between them. Lori hoped that he didn't take it as a reason to avoid her, for she wanted to have him around. At least enough to avoid rumours of a scandal.

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