Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stepping Down.

Jamie Pyne said:
I'm willing to sell my vote...

...Why am I not surprised?


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

Some people wonder if droids dream of electric sheep, I cannot speak for my brethren but I dream about a building being dropped on me in constant loop, also that time things got weird during a diplomatic meeting and you left me at a table to have a three-way, and I waited hearing everything until you came back so we can finish the negotiations.

I will never know peace, such is the price of immortality.

Waaaaah! Q.Q
Well, before I say anything at all I'd like to thank [member="Astarii Saren"] for all the effort given during his time as FO. The sheer amount of work Astarii put into the faction both in threads and behind the scenes defies all logic, and its an incalculable loss for the GA to see him go.

That said, I will accept your nomination, and I intend to make the Alliance great again by building a wall and making the First Order pay for it!

<.< For real though, finding out that I was to be nominated was a bit of a surprise, to say the least, and deeply humbling. I know I haven't been with you all for that long, or the site in general. I believe its only fair to the faction that you are all aware before the voting starts that I only joined Chaos in September, and am the most recent addition to the faction staff. I am not, however, new to Star Wars RP, as I've been at it since early 2001, most of that time at my previous site the Rebel Faction, where I served on the site admin team for several years. So, take all that for what you will.

As far as my plans for the faction itself, as a few of you have expressed interest in hearing about, my first order of business would be to complete the work Astarii started with regards to overhauling and updating our faction info threads. I'd hope to pick his brains on anything he left planned but unfinished, as well as work from several conversations we had about the project in the past, and then take feedback from the rest of the faction as needed to fill in the gaps. Apart from that, I would have to evaluate and find a way to move forward with the plans for the NCMP, the Reformation Authority, and our general approach to codex and factory dev. I'm aware that there has been a group of people working on these efforts, so I'd probably make a post or two reaching out to touch base with anyone involved to see where we were at, and gauge people's interests moving forward.

As far as beyond the near future, I think we have a clear dominion road map for the next month at least, but as someone who is relatively new and ignorant to the full breadth and scope of the faction's history and thematic feel, where Astarii lead with a very clear vision, I would likely lead more by committee, at least early on. Whoever is elected, we need new faction admins, but I would also touch base with you guys regularly both here and in the faction chat rooms about storylines that interest you and where you'd like to see the faction go.

Anyway, no hard feelings whatsoever if I don't get your vote, as I am glad to see there are some other really great candidates for the position as well. I know a couple of people have mentioned [member="Raziel"] currently has duties as a Mando faction admin, but I hope he will consider accepting his nomination regardless as I think he'd be another excellent choice.
[member="Lily Kuhn"]

You shouldn't be.

[member="Armis Vindex"]

That's very kind of you, and I appreciate the confidence, though I have to decline as I have zero interest in running a major faction. It's not my thing. Besides, I don't really do much around here anyway to push the faction in any kind of direction.
I have faith in both candidates. [member="Zark"] is new blood and has fresh ideas while [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] was one of the original founding admins of the Galactic Alliance for more than half of its tenure before he accepted being an RPJ. If anything, I'd advise whoever is faction owner to consider the other as a potential Faction admin if they are willing to commit to its growth.

Which brings me to my concern that any Faction Admin team created for the next go are active and pushing activity within the faction as their main focus.

A faction is member driven. Yes the faction team is there to help promote and keep people focused on the task at hand, but it does nothing if a large part of the leadership is inactive or using their activity to be active in another major faction.

My recommendation to whomever is going to be faction owner is to maintain an active staff and ensure that they realize what their duties and responsibilities are.

It does nothing for faction activity if the faction leadership we are to look up to isn't there in the faction trenches with the member base.
I am accepting my nomination.

In the interests of giving the membership some choice on the direction I'm going to offer a very different perspective to Zark

  • Less information threads. We currently have about 14. That's around 10 too many. I have no specific plans for all the different areas of the faction because I don't see it as the Admin's jobs to come up with everything, just for that information to sit unused.
  • A focus on member driven content. I don't have a dominion order and neither will any dominions feature a DM. I'll look to the member base for good ideas for stories
  • Invasions. It's time to strike at the First Order.
  • Marshals, Commanders, etc rejuvenated. These titles will be handed out to active characters who drive in-character content. When anyone is afforded this title they will be expected to submit and maintain their own subunit. (For example a Jedi Marshal could choose to run the Jedi Sentinels) More active sub-groups mean tight-knit groups who drive content on their own.
[member="Zark"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] I have a few questions for you:
  1. What are your plans concerning New Class Modernization Program (NCMP)? I would find it difficult to win against the First Order without a host of technological upgrades because they have much better commanders (at least in space) and less obvious weaknesses than the One Sith did - the very reason we even have NCMP in the first place
  2. What are your plans concerning the Reconstruction Authority? That is the very reason why I had Cathul convert from Witch to Jedi in the first place; I know about the GAPDP fiasco, which was mainly due to a lack of incentives (such as faction contracts, which I expect to be there for other corporations to take part)
  3. What do you look for in faction admins?

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