Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Stomping out a threat

will you sink down to me?

Form: Humanoid | Equipment: Anti-morph armor, lightsaber, rifle |
Not everyone could be the first one in. To the assault lander, that was. In fact, Damsy took it upon herself to - in this specific and only case - live down the Dauntless' motto by standing outside the craft assigned to Omega. There nearby the open blast doors, she insured the pretense of each and every one of her squadmates, presumably under the pretense of learning names.​
She already knew them.​
The comparison was cliche, by Damsy could draw none truer: Once locked on a boat preoccupied by transport, any squad was just as good as the skills of its pilot. And, no matter how skilled a flyboy or as sturdy a bird, landing made commandos nervous. It left them counting down the moments from when their boots left their flagships' hull, warm and humming with ion-powered life, traveled through the steely freeze of space and atmosphere, then finally returned again to someplace hospitable. Relatively, of course, because the battlefield shot at them, but at least they had a chance to survive.
"'Ey, Addie," came Berrezz' greeting when she finally hauled herself up into the craft. She looked over, unable to stop the side of her mouth upturning, and sat on the floor across from his seat. Damsy contorted her body to unsling her rifle from her back, and maneuvered it so she might lean on it as a crutch. Was the safety on? Yes. She settled back, comfortable in a position than would have been wholly un- was she not used to it and its brethren.
"Ber...rezz?" She had asked it in the span of a few seconds, but it seemed like the question never even ended. Playing dumb was unbearable. He nodded with an encouraging smile.​
"All passengers accounted for!" Damsy yelled over her shoulder to the cockpit. Either the pilot or the co replied Roger, a couple syllables almost covered by the swish of the closing mechanical doors. They had to wait for flight clearance, as well as the rest of the Dauntless spread out over the fleet, but then they jostled into the air.​
"Atmosphere!" was the next announcement. So, Kaddak? She had to keep it to herself now as not to blow her cover, but the sithling was still keeping a running list of mile high clubs she had joined since enlisting. A passport of sorts.​
"Bank left!" The order flew off of Damsy's lips, unconsciously formulated. All she could grasp at that moment was the sudden piercing pain in her lefthand temple. She pushed herself to her feet. "Hook in! Equipment check!" The two next steps dictated to Omega were equally obscure as the first to the spacemen until a blast rocked the craft. Immediately, the cabin flooded cautionary red, color drowning the ship's integrity.​
Indeed, even the best squad could meet their untimely, collective demise in this transitional stage between navy and land. Midair was an uncharted battlefield, but Damsy would be damned if she let Omega end there.​
They'd probably be late to the party, but at least ready for duty. Hopefully.​

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Taramaz Arcturus


Armour: Mark-V Centurion Battlearmour
Weaponry: Pride and Freedom, Hellfire Assault Rifle, VG-01 Revolvers
Ship: Scythe-Class Frigate
Tags: Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous Kyyrk Kyyrk

Post One


Taramaz had to admit, the Knights Obsidian Freighter was handy, particularly for missions such as this. While he would have preferred something that packed a bit more firepower and a bit more shielding, the Scythe-Class Frigate got the job done. He had given Captainship of the Vessel to a more qualified Master, yet even now the ship was left with a skeleton crew of knights and squires to man the bare essentials. In the ship's hangar he had gathered his strike force of masters, twenty in total, ten per group. He looked to his side to see the presence of his apprentice and squire, a presence he would have to get more used to.

As the last Master fell in with the group, the metallic voice of the Lord Marshal broke out, filling the silence of the hangar.

"Stand strong, knights. We have come here with purpose, and you should do well to show it. We come not on a mission of destruction, but a mission of mercy. Down on that planet, a gang of ruffians and thugs has hidden and held citizens of the Confederacy as slaves for their own ill intents. We will not stand for this. Our job here is to get down to that planet, and give those citizens their freedom back!"

Our brethren rally with Lord Voph to sow destruction and distraction for us, so we may perform our mission without taking the brunt of the assault. You have already been provided with a map of the ship, it is an MC8O Cruiser, though it has likely been modified heavily during the gang's habitation. We will be working with our comrades in the Defence Force, the 117th Dauntless Legion lead by Grand Marshal Luna Terrik. The Dauntless share our mission and will handle the evacuation of the citizens with their superior landing craft."

"Free the slaves and escort them to the Dauntless' Evac Point, they'll take the extraction from there. Once the slaves have been extracted, we'll turn our focus to our brethren, and assist them in whatever situation they find themselves in. Death Waits on Black Wings, but not for us. Board your Scimitar-II's and be ready for departure."

With that final sentence of reassurance, the Lord Marshal turned his gaze back to his apprentice and gestured with his head to one of the two Scimitar Light Frigates, and began his march over to it. As Taramaz' metal boots magnetically gripped onto the floor of the Scimitar, he raised his wrist near to his face.

"Lord Vizier Voph, Grand Marshal Terrik, this is Lord Marshal Laurs, my strike team has been briefed and is departing as we speak. We'll see you on the ground, May the Force be with You."

He raised his hand again, this time placing it against the ceiling of the light frigate, magnetically gripping onto it aswell. He turned his gaze once more to his squire, Vyse Valorous.

"Sit down and get ready, our ETA is five minutes. Ever been in a battle of this scale before?"


Equipment: Obsidian-type Strike Armor | Phase II w/ Ri Qorit Disabler | Knights Obsidian Warden Shield | Zlova Rue's Lightsabers
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali | Taramaz Laurs | Open for Partner

Zlova Rue strode out onto the deck while giving a deliberate tug to one of her gauntlets. The red Twi'lek hardly blended in with her stark surroundings, but then she hadn't been one to lurk in the shadows. Move in them. Strike from them. But never lurk. Before things had fallen into the abyss, she like to think fellow Sith had found her appearance rather attractive. There was nothing wrong with people admiring you for your appearance; long as they kept their hands to themselves and didn't try "persuading" you to more "delicate" work.

A heavy stomp followed Rue getting the feel for the armor's boots. A smile spread across her lips as she imagined such well crafted construction taking hold upon the throat of someone that thought less of her. Twi'lek were alluring and exotic to galactic society. She, herself, took advantage of it quite often. The second the ruse was cast aside, however, Zlova commanded respect -- even if she had to beat them within an inch of death for them to learn it.

She had to admit, this Confederacy wasn't as bad as she'd feared at the start. The place wasn't drowning in darkness like the Empire, but they weren't advocating holding hands and singing songs around a fire. Their tastes in armor and vessels was a touch familiar, in fact. She wasn't sold on all the droids, but if it held off the enemy's forces long enough for an able bodied warrior to come along even advantage counted in war.

It wasn't long after she'd arrived when the Lord Commander, Voph, himself arrived. She knew the man's public story well. Being a recent arrival to the faction and to the Chapter he held sway in personally, Zlova had taken it upon herself to brush up on the fundamentals. Was Acanthus the right Chapter for her? Who could say. She wouldn't be out of place among the Thorn Chapter, but given what happened back in the Empire... well, Zlova needed time to rediscover herself.

As the more experienced clustered about the Lord Commander, the Twi'lek made her way over to the assembly. She was new to their number, but far from inexperienced. Voph's briefing on the enemy stronghold and the mission moved at a brisk pace. He spared no time for frivolous cheer leading, but touted saving the captives. She had no complaints.

Partners. Zlova drew in a breath and released it just as quickly. Why crawl when you could run, right?

Her golden eyes turned from the group, however, when she felt something familiar in the Force. Perhaps she'd just imagined it. Reminded her of the young woman from Nar Shadda. 'Bugsy,' she learned later. Strange as it seemed -- at least to Rue -- the Twi'lek had kept tabs on the woman since their arrival to the Confederacy. Trust was no longer an easy thing Zlova assigned to others, but with the way they had met and the events that followed Zlova felt that Bugsy could be trusted. There had been an almost painful innocence about her. Well, a little trust. Enough where the young one's continued well-being was on her thoughts. Strange this would come to mind now of all times though.

For now, she would find a Knight eager to free captives or occupy the Pirate Lord. When they returned to base, perhaps Zlova would check in on Bugsy and make sure the Force wasn't trying to tell the Twi'lek something important.
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Suddenly the floor started vibrating and Millu knew they were screwed. Kriff, we'll have to just hide now, we can't let them see us! The ship was moving and the doors had most probably been closed already. Thay were, accidentally, going to wind up in the middle of a battle, with no battle training whatsoever. Great. Why, even when everything's going right in my life for a second, something has to happen! Ugh.

"What's your name? It seems like we're stuck here now, the ship has left the ground... I'll just close the door so no one finds two unprepared squires inside a battleship.."

The girl had nowhere else to go, and nothing to do, so Millu sat herself down in the bed (or what looked like a bed, probably for soldiers in campaign) and tried to distract herself from her obvious impending doom, by picking at her nails and sending a few side looks at her only company. Why did the universe never conspire in her favor for more than two weeks??!

"Uh... So, we have nothing to do here except hope that no one tries to open the door, wanna play a game?"

Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali



Location: Entering into Kaddak orbit
Time: 0820 Hours
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Tags: | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | @Allya Vi’dreya | Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran | CT-308 Maverick | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal | Krek Libera Krek Libera |

“How we doing this commander?” Tien’s voice cut through the comms, moments after Tau squad slammed up against the side of the cruiser. They only had a moment of reprieve at this point, allowing for the squad to catch their breath before busting into the ship itself. From her count, Luna counted that she had lost two of the twelve men she had originally started with. A shame, to be sure, but one she’d had to mitigate moving forward. There was always possibility they were just knocked out in the desert and they could be retrieved later. Even if they were gone, the plan to get inside didn’t have to be adjusted too much at this point.

That was the idea, at least until the situation got a little more complicated. A slaver, thinking himself to be extremely scary, pushed what looked to be a smaller girl out the door. He was a large thing. Huge, even. Certainly intimidating. And the fact he had an hostage made the whole thing a little more complicated. For most people, this would give them pause. A hostage situation with threats of killing many, many more slaves was a situation that almost certainly couldn’t be ignored.

Of course, this was if Luna didn’t already know that she had a squad inside the ship at this point. Allya would be stealthily making her way through the halls of the ship, killing as many of the gang as possible on her way to the slaver’s holding cells. Obviously she hadn’t been discovered just yet, or this..thing would be reconsidering his position. Or maybe he did know, and was just trying to find a way to secure himself some passage off this planet. Either way, the Dauntless had the upper hand in the grand scheme, if not in this little game that he was playing.

Luna pressed a few buttons on her gauntlets, securing the comm connection between just her squads that were on the ground. “Tau, omega, alpha squads. Cut your way into the ship if you need, or make your way through the doors if there are a set available to you. Either way, make your way inside and start towards the holding pens. Delta squad should already be inside.” For a moment, her eyes shifted back over to where the four armed alien held the young girl hostage. “And ignore the big man. Stay focused on our objective.” She considered engaging the threat, putting herself out there to take him on by herself while her squad cut their way inside.

But the lesson she had learned very early on from her mentor within the first order was one that rose again to the surface as this situation unfolded. “You can’t save everyone. Try, and you will lose more than you could’ve ever thought.” Like the alien had said, there was over six thousand slaves still in the ship. If she stopped now to try save this girl, taking herself out of the battle, then the mission might be compromised for it. The girl’s sacrifice would be remembered, as Luna held no belief that she was going to make it out of the situation either way.

The sound of metal thudding against the sand came from her left and pulled her eyes from the situation nearby. One last look was spared to the girl, praying that her face would not be one to haunt her nightmares, before pushing her way into the ship, hopefully ready to save more than what had already been lost.

They are like me.

Location: Ranc Gang base, Kaddak
Objective: Flush out their morality
Equipment: Bag of explosives, .48-caliber Enforcer slugthrower pistol, Durasteel armor, Mk. 45 Protective Vest | See Bio for additional equipment
Cybernetics/Integrated Equipment: Cybernetic Legs (Repulsors, boosters), Stabilizer Mask, Multi-Frequency Targeting Acquisition System, Communications suite, miscellaneous sensors
Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

So they didn't care? This confused Krek even more. In his experience, commanders during battles tended to weigh the costs of an operation against the potential rewards. If they weren't here for the slaves, then they'd already wasted years of training, experience, and income on the hundreds of soldiers that had been killed in a comically incompetent rush across a flat field with no cover, support, or suppressing fire against turbolasers. They hadn't even come in vehicles, or used more than only a few drop pods to breach their target. Perhaps they were just... stupid? He considered that there was something missing here; there often tended to be. He knew he was not very intelligent.

Still, he knew that one thing in particular was stupid -- ignoring him in combat. A few of the soldiers below reacted, but then one of them not too far away dressed in a unique armor seemed to give them orders to not worry about it. They went on to begin cutting through the walls.

Krek slowly put away his assault cannon and holstered his T-6, before reaching into his bag and priming a pair of thermal imploders. He stuffed them in the little girl's pants, waited a few moments, then threw her out the doorway and into the sands. The following explosion would likely kill a few of the soldiers, but more importantly it'd distract them even further, such that they'd ignore Krek as he drew his .48-caliber Enforcer and unloaded the ten-round magazine on the specially armored human woman. His sheer strength and extra hand for recoil control allowed him to keep his aim steady and fire at a rate only a master could achieve with such a weapon. The bubble shields they'd put up were ray shields; the slugs passed right through. He didn't wait to see the result of his attack, knowing that the woman was basically already dead -- she'd been immobile and ignoring him, effectively the worst thing possible when it came to combat. The rounds were capable of penetrating basically any personal protection short of a full, heavy powered armor system.

The giant closed the door behind him, abandoning the fools who thought whatever cutting devices they had could penetrate the hull of a Mon Calamari cruiser.

The Twon Ketee was surprisingly quick for his size, likely thanks to the enhanced servos in his cybernetic legs. It helped that he knew his way around the ship reasonably well, and that the sound of laser cutters was very distinct.

He found the squadron of 'infiltrators' at the far end of a hall, who'd begun to cut into the door to the slave pens. It'd take some time with those tools; those doors were reinforced to prevent any escape. Still, it was likely intimidating to the gang members on the inside. He didn't care about them anymore, nor the slaves.

His sensors searched the group there, and he picked the one who was most likely to be their leader, again from her armor but also her weapons and stature. The voice from the comms earlier had been high-pitched -- annoying, to Krek -- denoting that it was an adolescent human woman who'd been speaking. The small girl fit the bill. Still, size could always be deceiving; and considering the way she'd made her threat, he would not underestimate her.

A round from his assault cannon tore through the torso of one of the other soldiers. With their attention now on him, Krek raised a leathery finger, pointing it at the one wearing Mandalorian armor. "You. You are like me. Come. Fight." He wouldn't ask a second time.


Taiia had arrived late to the briefing walking up quickly and standing off to one side watching the assembled Knights and Voph as he gave an outline of the situation and the battle plan it was straight forward enough. It would not be the first time she had gone against slavers; the first time had been surprisingly alongside the Vicelord himself shockingly enough. Her emerald eyes glanced over to her left falling on a red skinned Twi’lek approaching the small gathering. Relatively certain she had never met her; she would merely nod if eye contact was made.​

As Voph mentioned they would be working in pairs she blinked a bit in surprise and noticing everyone else was pairing up leaving her really with no other option she glanced back to the Twi’lek before shrugging to herself. Ever the brave one she stated walking over and extended a hand to her. “My name is Taiia, I guess we will be working together on this one, unless you already have a partner?” she smiled, she knew she didn’t but gave her a polite out if she wished. if she tried to hide it or not Taiia still very much carried herself as a Jedi and she knew it could be more than a little off putting to those with darker tendencies, recent experiences aside.​


Location: Kaddak Ground
Time: 0820 Hours
Callsign: Dauntless Alpha Actual, Colonel Reinhart
Equipment: Project Xiphos Armor | Modular Tri-Blaster | Micro Light Shield | Bayonet | Cryo Grenade (2) | Fragmentation Grenade (2) | Thermal Detonator (2)
Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Tobias Wrynn | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | Maeve Archeron Maeve Archeron | CT-308 Maverick | Krek Libera Krek Libera

Civilians: 6,74...1

Tiria looked in Luna's direction for a fraction of a second before she gestured sharply further down the ship. "I want that airlock a smoldering hole." The Colonel snapped her Tri-Blaster into carbine configuration, gave a slight twist in her hands to check the mag, and then followed her squad toward the more easily breached section of the hull. Flat plates were designed to withstand a blaster shot without spilling the guts of the ship into the vacumm; well the Dauntless didn't have a giant battery on standby to try punching their way in. And Tiria didn't feel like standing around cutting their way inch-by-inch while Allya had all the 'fun.'

As they moved, however, her eye was drawn behind as the large man they'd been ordered to leave be threw his captive out of the ship. That was not what drew Tiria to comment on the situation. An unmistakable pop of a chemical reaction did. "Kark." A relatively localized light shield flared into being as Tiria took a half step out from the hull; the defensive plane was set between her squad and the Twon Ketee and their gun. Not that he seemed particular interested in her or her squad, but slug throwers were a problem. Unless you were ready for them. The Micro Light Shield would have swept a grin off a gundark had the shots been intended for Alpha squad.

It was a short lived barrage, which Tiria couldn't answer. With the shield deactivated, she whirled about to find her commandos slamming the explosives into place along the edges of the door. "Blow it," she snapped.

A brief pause preceded the unmistakably thunderous roar of the charges. Enough time for everyone to get clear and brace themselves for the concussive force. Not that the force would be much given they were off to the side of the explosion, but the one that took heavy ordinance lightly was the one that got their self killed.

The Pirates might have operated with impunity before, but they'd brought Hell down on themselves now. Tiria hadn't brought firecrackers to the party given the intelligence about the facility they were breaching. Let them reconfigure the interior. Let them have traps. But if they thought a crashed ship was keeping commandos safely outside they had gravely misjudged their adversary.

As they carefully poured into the shattered tunnel that was filled with shrapnel and super-heated metal framing, Tiria signaled for her soldiers to move in and take positions. Unlike the Twon Ketee, Alpha quad couldn't just run toward the slave pens. Breach and clear -- they needed to make sure the way ahead wasn't a death trap in waiting. That was okay though. Dauntless weren't afraid of traps or even of strategically placed E-Webs the pirates might have stolen. Death was not a deterrent, and if it was the core of the pirate's hope of surviving this... every last one of them were going to be dead or dying before the next dawn.

"Alpha oscar mike."

Objectives: Engage
Equipment: Trickster's Lightsaber. (2) Starbird-type Blasters, Night bringer Beskargam, EMP Grenades, Fragmentation Grenades, Medical Supplies Dauntless Sidearm
Droids at end of post: 5 Clankers, 6 Tusk cats
Troops: Full Squad
Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Krek Libera Krek Libera | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran | CT-308 Maverick | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal

She closed her eyes a moment and let out a slow ragged breath. “I must not react to this on an emotional level.” While the power of emotions gave her strength, it also made things hazy. Right now, a calm, rational mind would win out. Her sensors were on high alert, her mind reached out through the force. As he threw the girl into the soldiers, she knew it. It twinged. It hurt. Allya pushed it away, there was no saving that girl. But she could save the others. But she had to plan fast. There was little time.

Quickly Allya pushed four of her clankers, and four of the tuskcats to behind the ground. The Clankers stood as shields for the biologicals, the Tuskcats as fire support. Two Clankers and two tuskcats moved to the front to be the vanguard. No laser cutters were active, instead the AI in Allya’s suit sliced through the control systems and pushed through firewalls as she executed electronic warfare. At the same time, between Allya's force sense and the AI's sensors they marked targets on the otherside of the door.

Eyes snapped open and Allya moved to the rear of the group and looked around. The hallways was narrow, with the size of the monster approaching her visible through the force and her sensors, it was obvious he would have trouble dodging or maneuvering through it. There was a good amount of space from the corner to their group as well, it would work. After she got the update on the opponent from the soldiers outside, Allya holstered her blaster deactivated her lightsaber, and took out one of her
EMP “droid popper” grenades. She held it and pointed her hand towards the end of the hallway. Her micro-fighters repulsors and shields became active as the short stubby wings swung out, and the two turreted E-Web Rifles swung out. “IONA….Shields I want the ray shield to be out beyond the particle shield by aboutfive centimeters. And...turn on Inertial Dampeners to full. I want suit repulsors and gravity manipulation devices to be properly calibrated for the Sudden Stop Maneuver.” There was a judging silence. “Done, you idiot. I'm also activating the Valkyrie System and the Repair Module, so when you end up in pieces I can put you back together again."

The giant was fast, he was nearly upon them. “Get that door open! Transfer as much memory to the task as needed. I’ll hold this guy off.” Allya planted her foot and steadied herself. Finally, the moment of truth was upon them.

As he turned the corner and barreled down the corridor toward them, they were ready and vastly aware he had been coming. Allya had planned on it from the beginning. Her first attack was a force push and pull combo. Telekinesis was her specialty. She pushed hard on the being’s shins. At the same moment she pulled at his torso. Now, these were not strong enough to stop the beast. However, these beasts were highly top heavy. It didn’t matter how strong a being was that walked on two legs. Not even cybernetics truly helped. Their weakness was momentum. All she was trying to do was slow the legs down a fraction, and speed up the torso by a fraction. If successful it should cause instability in the movement, and cause the monster to topple over...or at least stumble.

At that moment, the droids opened fire. The clankers were more shields, their weapons were not very impressive. However, three opened up with
BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifles unloading their firey payload at the creature. The last Clanker was armed with a CZ-836 Assault Rifle, loaded with Venom Slugs. It unloaded 30 rounds of its acidic, durasteel chewing venom rounds at the beasts chest. However, when the monster fired it’s rail cannon the assault rifle droid exploded into shards of shrapnel that bounced off the armor of the soldiers and the walls. The Tuskcats fired at the exact same time as the Clankers. They were armed with light repeaters and light blaster cannons. The wallway became filled with blaster light as almost every inch of it was filled with blaster light as they didn’t focus on a singular point but sought to deny him entry at all. Tusk Cats released their anti-personnel rockets, letting them explode near the monstrosity.

In the midst of this hellfire, Allya let loose the EMP grenade in her hand. Her Rainbow
Rail Gun Gloves forced the grenade towards the monster at a speed of nearly 750 meters per second as it turned the grenade into ammo for a force driven rail gun. Even if he fell, even if he sidestepped, stepped back, at this speed, it should hopefully hit SOMETHING on this massive monster. And if it did, or hit the ground or wall around him, it would explode. This could wash the beast in an electromagnetic field, which if lucky would play havoc with the cybernetic limbs of the beast, even if only for a few moments. At the point of detonation, Allya’s micro-fighter’s repulsorlift whirred and forced her body forward at an intense speed of 277 meters per second. Or one thousand kilometers an hour. In this moment the Night Caller Device would activate as well, and Allya’s sight would go black. She moved through the force and with her sensors. The fear it caused welled in her, but she channeled it into the force. Even with the inertial dampeners at work, and as all the repulsors and gravity manipulation devices tried to compensate, the gs were intense. She attempted to slam her body into the form of the monster at this intense speed. The engines whirred and would be more than enough to move the bulk, as she tried to force him against a wall. The ray shields would be directly against the bulk, even with the durasteel armor it could potentially cause many issues with the biological material. The Particle shields would hold, even if he fired a railgun shot into it, even after she slammed into his bulk and pushed. Her shields were designed for these extreme encounters. As she moved close the Night Caller would create a field where physical vision and photoreceptors had trouble working at all, everything could quite possibly turn black as night. Fear, and the desire to flee, to get away would become palpable.

In Summary, she attempted to discombobulate.

There were prices for actions. If she managed to pin him, her lightsaber would be reignited and attempt to stab right into his neck while he was stunned. Her turreted
E-web rifles swiveled and prepared to fire. With luck the doors to the slave pens would open from the slicers at work, and the droids would rush forward, acting as bait. Using stun settings, they would target each hostile pirate and begin to fire, with Delta Squad right behind them. They used the chaos, and the droids to find cover and begin to stun the pirates, and move away from the giant brute behind them.

Equipment: Obsidian-type Strike Armor | Phase II w/ Ri Qorit Disabler | Knights Obsidian Warden Shield | Zlova Rue's Lightsabers
Partner: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali | Taramaz Laurs

The Twi'lek's eyes were brought upon the figure of one Taiia Mataan. Another familiar face, even if Zlova had not read her file as she had Voph's. This one was known among the Acanthus. More to the point, she was known to Voph and that had cemented her still visage being brought before the Dark Master's gaze. As they stood before one another now, it was unmistakable the... peace or tranquility that surrounded Taiia.

Do not be reckless. No not be hasty. Study, evaluate, deliberate. A calm mind could foresee many things. Yes, Zlova knew of the Jedi ways. Many Sith Lords could not be bothered, of course. To hear the inane ramblings of fools grated on the nerves of those eager to seize power by any means. Why learn about an opposing philosophy when all you needed to know was how to kill them? Any lightsaber combat would suit that purpose. Or so conventional wisdom held.

Zlova reached out and took the woman's hand firmly. A faint smile pulled at her lips as their eyes met. "We are what we choose to be. Today," one corner of Rue's lips lifted into a smirk, "I choose to be a mentor." With Taiia's hand released, the Twi'lek gestured to their means of descent to the battlefield below.

As they walked, she added, "I am Zlova Rue. I look forward to seeing what choices you make, Taiia. How you reshape the world, and in doing so reveal who you truly are -- or, perhaps, who you wish to become. These Pirates that we now face, would you say they have any ambition of their own? Something to drive them. Something more than the credits to eat and drink well the next day, or fear of those they follow." Zlova stopped at the treshold of the vehicle, one hand on its frame as her golden gaze turned to look back at her 'partner.' "It is a difficult path to walk." The red Twi'lek ducked to slip inside, "But I think you will do well."
Objective: Ground them for good/Head of the Snake
Loadout: Standard Squad Leader Loadout, swap primary weapon for M-416 with suppressor and flashlight
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Zlova Rue Zlova Rue , Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali , Taramaz Laurs

The Aegis dropped out of hyperspace outside of the noted combat zones, and within seconds, the sensors were flooded with information on the battlespace. The enemy fleet was rushing, mines had been laid at the normal entry zones, which made Captain Clark breathe a momentary sigh of relief as he'd chosen a different approach vector than the main forces of the CIS. But the situation was bad. The CIS fleet had the enemy on top of them, and while they'd already landed ground troops, things were looking to slow down as the enemy had hostages. Sergei grumbled as he was reading the information in the war room as fast as it was coming in, and knew something had to be done. He called up to Clark over the comms.

"Clark, get the gunners to get us a shooting solution to get ground side, I'm getting the commandos spun up,"

"You want us to shoot you through the mass of frak that's right in front of us?"

"Maneuver as close as you can, The Aegis is fast enough to skirt the edge and get us on the ground with the pods. I'll take 1st platoon down," He was already walking to the armory amidst the controlled buzz of the ship as alarms sounded and men and women ran to battle stations.

Clark sighed as he sat back in his chair and then called out his orders.

"Engineering I want full power to shields and engines, we've got to move fast now! Helm plot us a course that will allow us to skirt the edge of that cluster kark in front of us and get us a clear shot at an LZ, Echo teams I want you to identify the enemy flagship and prepare for us to engage, have one team identify a LZ for Sergei,"

The Aegis surged forth with it's over sized power plant, the engines kicking the light frigate into high gear of movement and essentially rocketing the vessel up and around the cluster of warships currently duking it out before them. The light frigate would roll to compensate for Gs pulled and trying to keep them in the downward direction of the hull, making it easier on the crew and to reduce load on all aboard. Meanwhile Sergei and his platoon of Commandos were already grabbing weapons and ammo as the Gs started hitting the crew, overwhelming the ships already massive inertial dampener. But they continued to work through it, as they were used to getting ready while the ship was performing combat maneuvers, each man checking over the other's gear, and strapping in magazines of ammo for their newly minted 416 assault rifles. Sergei loaded his with efficiency that bellied his use of a similar weapon system growing up, and wordlessly strapped his Big Iron to his hip as well, carrying the ammo for it on his thigh along with two bandoleers of grenades and ammo across his chest. He grabbed his prepacked assault pack and loaded into the pod, locking everything into place before sealing the pod. His new semi-powered armor was a dream to him, as the thing felt weightless to him, but to the average soldier would feel like light armor. He eagerly awaited getting ground side.

Meanwhile on the bridge Captain Clark was watching and monitoring all the crews as they shouted reports to one another across the bridge, and The Aegis was performing a slow combat roll as it made corrections and adjustments to its maneuvers. To the average passerby someone would think it another Corvette by the way it moved, but several fighters made the mistake of attempting to intercept the fast moving "corvette" before it could link in with the rest of the CIS forces. Pin point laser cannon fire met them, and before they realized what it was they were up against, three fighters had already been destroyed in a hail of fire. And when the other three tried to turn tail and run, the gunners of the ship took the advantage of the maneuvers to lead them perfectly, and cut them down with automatic precise laser cannon fire. The crew had grown from their previous engagements across the galaxy, and Clark was more than proud as he heard the reports, their gunnery drills having paid off in dividends. And then he got the call from the first Echo team that they had sighted an area about a klick outside of the intended target that was opposite of where Dauntless had landed, which would give them enough cover to get there unnoticed. From there Clark knew Sergei would handle the rest. He was quick to give the order.

"Gunners, load the commandos in, and get them dirtside and quickly, we don't have a second to waste!"

A quick acknowledgement from the crews was uttered as they selected their rounds, and quickly Sergei and his men were loaded into the Hades turrets. With an efficiency and precision that showed the experience of the crew, the cannons went to preset vectors along the side of the ship, preparing to shoot 8 of the pods at a a time as The Aegis began to force another high G turn. In five quick successive broadsides from the main guns on the frigate, Sergei and his platoon of forty troopers were sent hurtling to the planet, and The Aegis made a quick turn about and was now looking to reengage the fleet battle taking place. Captain Clark folded his hands in his lap as he contemplated targets, and quickly told his comms officer to contact the head of the CIS fleet currently tangling with the main force of the pirates with a tight beam comms so only the two would be privy to this conversation.

"Fleet Marshall Cypher Rage this is Captain Clark of The Dire Wolves, mind if we cut in and pick a fight with that Venator?"

As he said this he issued the orders to his gunnery crews to target the Venator class Star Destroyer and for Engineering to bring the Hades cannons to High power for Artillery based mode. All gunners loaded Ion rounds into their respective guns, and The Aegis went nose 'up' on the plane of axis the current battle was taking place on, going high and above the much larger Star Destroyer. As all the canons locked onto targets, Clark uttered only one word as he smiled.


With a silent roar all eight barrels from the four turrets hurled their Ion based canister rounds at the Venator. And with that, The Aegis began to circle and prepared to dive through the enemy fleet's formation from it's position, planning on using it's superior speed and firepower to outrun and outgun anything that dared try to follow them. But Clark was certain of one thing. He'd have the head of that Admiral, come hell or high water. It was the way of The Dire Wolves to go for the throat.

*************************** GROUNDSIDE ********************************

The pods had entered atmosphere and landed without a hitch, the stealthiness of the pods and the general mayhem that was happening elsewhere made the pods look like debris from the battle overhead from the ground. Which was the intent of the pods to begin with, that even if they were detected, no one would think of anything of the pieces of metal that were just hurtling to the ground, until it was too late. And so they fell, moving to the planet with only the whistling scream of the wind moving past the pods as they flew through the air. Sergei could feel the shudders of the pod as it went through its two stages of reentry, and then slammed into the dirt of the planet. He punched the open command for the pod and the door immediately popped loose and opened. Sergei immediately grabbed his rifle and pack and began moving forward. The rest of the Wolves followed suit as they fell in behind their Dire Wolf. Sergei had them move quickly through the surrounding foliage, making their best speed as they knew that time was not on their side. And while they were moving at a quick jog in what appeared to be heavy armor, not a single noise was heard from any of them, no clanking of metal, no heavy foot falls. The soldiers had prepped their gear well and trained in it rigorously. When they reached the outer walls of the vessel that the so called pirate king hid himself in, Sergei and several other men took up shooting positions to clear the top, and then once cleared moved up to begin scaling the ship with grapple guns mounted into the wrists of their armor. The armored platoon ascended quickly, moving at a break neck pace as they reached the top, and quickly cleared their surroundings. Sergei figured the pirates were too busy dealing with Dauntless down below to be bothered trying to stop them topside, which would be a mistake that they would soon regret if any of them lived to. When the entire platoon was top side, Sergei raised a single fist to signal a halt, and looked to the RTO.

"Where is he?" He demanded over comms.

"Bridge sir, 600 meters that way," The mercenary pointed with a knife hand to one of the taller protrusions out of the hull.

Sergei for the life of him couldn't understand what the fascination was with having the highest seat in the tallest tower was with pirates, but decided that it would make for an easier breach anyways. He signaled to the rest of the platoon to move in a spread squad wedge, himself in the point position as they crossed the topside of the hull. Any lookouts on the top would be met with silenced rifle fire as the mercenaries moved with a purpose that showed their clear intent to kill their targets. They reached the base of bridge tower and Sergei split the platoon into two teams. He sent three squads, Blue Team, to find another access route in, and attempt to catch the target should he attempt to run, meanwhile Sergei and his squad would breach into the bridge and go after the snake head himself.

Sergei's ten man squad immediately started to rappel up the side of the ship, using the grapple guns to pull them up, while they kept their rifles or sidearms ready in case anyone sought to interrupt their little party. The men would first go up past the main windows of the bridge before stopping mid ascent, and Sergei checking the windows. They were definitely gunked up from the time that this ship had sat here, and that meant poor visibility from inside.


Sergei immediately signaled for the squad to start pulling breaching charges from each other's packs, and then flipped themselves over to become inverted, using their legs to hold them in place with the cables as they lowered themselves back down to the window. They would place the mats on the windows folded up, and then unfold them onto the window making sure that they were gentle with the placements to not make any noise. And then, with a simple pull of a switch on the charge, it would go live, and the squad would repel themselves back up a few feet. Once clear, they would reorient themselves to upright, and feed their grapple guns into their belts as they prepped for breach. Sergei motioned to remove suppressors as once those charges went off, they wouldn't be necessary, and the added noise would work to their advantage. All of the soldiers removed their suppressors wordlessly and silently, placing them in pouches and locking them in place. Sergei did one last once over before pulling out a detonator, and counted down from three with his fingers.

Three, all the soldiers squat and prepared to jump.

Two, everyone switches their weapons from safe to semi-automatic or full auto.

One, each operator leaped into the air attached to their ropes, propelling them outward and giving their ropes just enough slack that when they came down, they'd fly right into the window.

And with a massive blast all eight charges detonated and shattered the transparisteel windows of the bridge in a shower of translucent metal. Which was closely followed by eight large and very imposing armored mercenaries flying in on ropes firing their weapons at all of the targets present, which were many. With a quick jerk on his quick release his grapple gun released the rope and Sergei rushed forward firing his 416 on full auto as he gunned down one, then two, and then three enemies as he was cutting a bloody swathe to the dazed and now probably utterly terrified pirate king. As while blasters were loud, nothing was as loud as eight rifles firing their ballistic ammo indoors with over pressures and noises that rivaled any fire breathing dragon. And as each operative advanced, they cut down the dazed and confused defenders, the pirate king running for the door to the turbolift as Sergei closed to melee range with one of the remaining combatants and his gun clicked empty. His transition was as smooth as it was deadly, letting his rifle simply fall into his sling, naturally falling to his left side, as he drew his Big Iron with his right hand, and grabbed the poor sod with his left by the shoulder. He planted the weapon's muzzle into man's chest and pulled the trigger once, twice, three times as he brought him close to make sure he wouldn't move and provided Sergei with some cover as a few of the defenders regained their senses moments too late. With the man in his arms quite dead, Sergei stuck the revolver through the man's arm pit and leveled it the nearest man, shooting him in the chest with the disrupter while the rest of his squad dealt with the remaining pirates. The pirate king however had already made his escape, and Sergei surveyed the room as he holstered his revolver, and reloaded his rifle. He called into his comms quickly as he radioed to the other team.

"Blue team, target's making a run for it!" Sergei knew his men would be good enough to catch their prey, they just had to make sure they caught him first.

Eternal Storm

The bright blue explosions of Jaisus's carefully placed Empion mines glowed a beautiful, brilliant blue throughout the battlefield. Jaisus smiled, despite the fact that most of his facial expression was hidden by his long, scarred trunk. Those corvettes were as good as dead, in his mind, but he wanted to ensure they would stay that way. The Confederacy's vanguard, although fighting, was proving to not be able to hold against Jaisus's superior tactics. And now these poor reinforcements would soon meet the same fiery fate.

"Captain, droid fighters are being deployed by enemy carriers and are now forming protective formations over the disabled corvettes," a flight aid called out from her station on the ship. The bridge of the Venator-class Star Destroyer was laid out in almost perfect fashion for any sort of command structure, with the punitive comm-scan officers and flight controllers standing in their own control pits, below the deck where real commanders -- Jaisus being the prime example -- stood and lead. The Ortollan almost felt like a king; it was the sort of elation that had made the Ortollan so addicted to these battles in the first place. The thrill of crushing your enemy underfoot, of watching them squirm underneath the pressure of his boot. The cacophony of explosions was music to Jaisus's orifices, and he was the conductor of it all.

"Our flanking ships are now in a perfect position. Engage those starfighters on from the front with our own forces, and in the meantime, I want our flanking light frigates, gunships, and corvettes to complete their flanking maneuver and move in between We shall trap and destroy half of their reinforcements in one fell sweep," The Ortollan said, clicking his tongue as he studied a holo projected map of his new targets. As he watched, six corvette-sized vessels had appeared from the Confederacy's left flank and appeared to be systematically taking out the remaining Empion mines that had not already been activated. It mattered not -- his little trap had already served its purpose, and he almost laughed to himself at the foolish move of the Confederacy. Their forces were now uneven and split down the middle. He was almost disappointed by the lack of sport he was being given.

"Gladiator cruisers, begin to engage the enemy with long-range assault concussion missile fire -- that should soften them up before the last act. Stay in tight formation with the Fanged Tooth, and approach only by our lead. We shall engage the enemy frontally, as to not detract from either of our flanks. Meanwhile, I want two Nebulon-B Escort Cruisers to reinforce our right flank and to engage those corvettes to prevent those corvettes from linking up with the main force. At the same time, the remaining Escort Cruiser and our three Light Cruisers shall punch through the left flank. Focus your fire on anything that moves, but I want the most damage to be inflicted on that heavy cruiser. Now," the Ortollan finished, turning to watch as his symphony unfolded. "The Ranc Gang shall see why Jaisus Mossknip is the most supreme captain."


  • The Fanged Tooth, Gladiator-class Cruisers, and Starfighters are engaging the main Confederacy fleet from the front.
  • The DP20 Light Frigates, Braha'tok-class Gunships, and CR90 Corvettes have flanked behind the disabled corvettes, in between them and the rest of the main Confederacy fleet. They are currently fining on the disabled corvettes.
  • Two EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigates are currently engaging the six Leviathan-class Assault Corvettes.
  • One EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigates and three Arquitens-class Light Cruisers are engaging the Confederacy fleet on the left flank [right flank of the Confederacy].

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.

Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran Krek Libera Krek Libera

Red stood in the dropship with Sigma squad as they headed down to the surface. They followed after the others, headed down to free the slaves on the surface. Red listened to the chatter of the fight in orbit of the planet. It presented as a nice backdrop, and it allowed him to keep his attention to the job at hand. Red could hear the anti-air fire going off around them.

This would be Red's first mission as Captain, and as leader of Sigma squad. This would be his first with the extra stress of being a leader of a squad. Really this would be his test, for Red, at least. It would allow Red to view his own abilities, and allow him to see where he needed to make adjustments. The light in the shuttle changed to red. It was time. They prepared to move out. "Get ready." He told them. He felt the ship land, and half a second later the doors opened. Red moved out, weapons-ready, followed by Sigma squad. The turbolasers fired nearby them. They followed after the Grand Marshal. Reaching the wall.

Red pressed against the wall. Then, the large alien emerged, with a hostage. Red wanted to react, but knew he couldn't. Grand Marshal Terrik told them to ignore it. Then the alien blew the girl up, and moved inside of the ship. Red wasn't shocked, just surprised. He didn't expect that. Slavers, Red hated them. Good thing Red brought his heavy weaponry, including a flamethrower for close quarters within the hallways. Red followed in after the Grand Marshal into the ship. She hadn't given Red or his squad any orders, so for now they would follow her.

Tyrias stood from her command chair and clasped her hands behind her back aboard the Providence II-class Carrier that had deposited the Dauntless on the planet below. "Commander, Fleet Status," the Fleet Marshal's voice rang out as her red eyes could see the faint light of detonations where the other fleets had engaged the Pirates.

"They're cresting the planet now, Fleet Marshal." The man bent over to examine a screen as an Officer pointed out recent developments. "The Aegis is moving on the Venator-class Star Destroyer."

Her lips turned up at the corners. "Have the fleet move to engage the enemy. Have the Bulwark and Covington lead on either side ready to bombard the Venator. The Shining Spire and Resplendent Sun have the flanks; and tell the Jade Sword, Piercing Soul, and Queen Victoria to raze anything that so much as looks in our direction or moves to intercept The Aegis." They might be late to the party after hauling themselves out of low orbit, but they were not going to miss the party.

It was nice of the enemy fleet to engage the others so directly. However, it was a large solar system, and Tyrias was happy to bring additional resources to bear. After all, they were here to annihilate the pirates; there could be no room left for them to turn for a quick escape into hyperspace. No matter how little damage their engines had time, the Confederacy would make sure they were as mired in the muck as the rest of the Confederate fleet. They had set the stage. The music was playing. Now all the pirates had to do was prove they knew how to dance.

1x Providence II-class Carrier/Destroyer (Fleet Command)
  • Sapphiric Scorn
2x Valliant II-class Star Destroyer
  • Shining Spire
  • Resplendent Sun
3x Augrim-class Heavy Cruiser
  • Jade Sword
  • Piercing Soul
  • Queen Victoria
2x Blastoise Armored Escort Cruiser
  • Bulwark
  • Covington

  • The Providence is at the center of the fleet approaching from the planet.
  • The Blastoise Armored Escort Cruisers are at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions, preparing to unleash hell on the Fanged Tooth.
  • The Valiant II-class Star Destroyers are at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions to prevent the enemy from flanking.
  • The Augrim-class Heavy Cruisers are in a spear head point between the Blastoise Cruisers at the fore ready to mow down approaching vessels, or to draw attention from the Aegis as they approach.
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...

Having defeated the small force of enemy starfighters, colonel Foster had led her squadron of T-77's back to commander Rage's warship, the Star Talon. They were holding a close protection pattern around the warship and stayed focused awaiting orders while the rest of the Confederacy fleet sprang into action with different tasks ahead of them. The battle had merely begun and from their cockpits they could see parts of the fleet beginning to clear a path through the mine field deployed by the enemy. The blue flashes spread and lit up the dark space around them. With the push of a button at the side of it, Kathryn activated the sun visor of the helmet.

Along with a loud alarm, a red warning sign suddenly started flashing on the HUD directly in front of her; ''MISSILE WARNING''. A quick look beyond the HUD revealed a now larger sworm of enemy starfighters approaching them and the Star Torn head on.

''Missile! Bandits twelve o' clock! Take evasive action!'' she shouted through the comms, and on que the Horizon Squadron swiftly banked to the left and dove hardly past and beyond the Star Torn.

''Horizon'! Split in two's! Lead them from the capital ships! Let's see how fast they are...''

With those words, the sharp black silhouettes split up and Kathryn pushed the throttle lever to the max, igniting the afterburners. They would hopefully be able to outrun the enemy fighters and temporarily disengage to gain a better position as the attacker.

''Fleet command, be advised. Horizon Squadron have been split up and we're engaging enemy fighters. We'll hold them off your rears.'' she reported in and kept an eye on the fighters sensors to see if their opponents would take the bait.
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Cypher Rage

Star Talon
Approaching Enemy Formation

"Aye, Colonel. Stay in close formation we're going in. Signal the Redoubt and Valiance to begin their firing sequence. Red Squadron and Blade Squadron cover my frigates! Commander, would'ya say we open up a can of whoop-ass in those pirate low-lifes?" Cypher ordered. He turned slightly, just enough so he could the Holo-Table detailing the Confederate Fleet and the fleet of the enemy. "Full power to the engines. Gunners, look alive! Signal our other ships, prepare to join Fleet Marshal Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran 's barage. Watch out for those damn mines!" Commander Nade screamed.

The grayish alien wore his uniform with pride, as he should. Cypher had become proud of the man's as had the High Marshal of the Bassadro Sector Armada, Cypher's home base. "Alright, let's show 'em what we got. Move us directly on top of the enemy flagship. Make it rain" Cypher boomed. "Hail Fleet Marshal Aran, let her know to adjust course so she won't fire on us " Commander Nade ordered. "Ain't that the damn truth. Hell, the crucible did it once let's not do it again. Patch her through to me" Cypher ordered.

1x Throros Class Artillery Battlecruiser

CNS Star Talon, Fleet Command

Hypervelocity Frigates
CNS Recount
CNS Valiance

4x Munificent Class Frigates
CNS Titan Fall
CNS Pride
CNS Wrath of Achilles
CNS Righteous Fist of Heaven

  • The Star Talon and her Munificent Escorts have joined Fleet Marshal Arans Attack
  • The Hypervelocity Frigates are preparing to fire on the Fanged Tooth while each guarded by two squadrons of fighters.
  • Cypher Hails Tyrias Aran Tyrias Aran
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Armament: Lightstaff​
Taiia followed the twi’leks gesture of her hand with her eyes before turning to follow along beside her, she was intrigued to be sure, Zlova seemed as in flux as herself yet at the same time more sure of herself and what she was. She regarded Zlova quietly as she spoke, she was surprisingly open and prompting Taiia to think about things much as her old master had done, always prompting her to think about things differently.

“I do not seek to reshape anything other than my own understanding of the Force.” Emerald eyes flicked to her left at the twi’lek for a moment before they stopped at the ship and she placed a hand on the frame to steady her stance as she boarded. “As for these pirates, wealth may be an end, but it is seldom the true ambition of those who seek it though it can and does happen.” She took a seat opposite of Zlova, this would be an interesting pairing indeed.


Equipment: Obsidian-type Strike Armor | Phase II w/ Ri Qorit Disabler | Knights Obsidian Warden Shield | Zlova Rue's Lightsabers
Partner: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali | Taramaz Laurs | The Monster The Monster

Zlova chuckled as she relaxed back into the dropship while her golden gaze observing her partner for this little adventure. "Careful. Everything is in motion, and all things change. The only things that don't are already dead, or dying. Whether you seek to reshape yourself or not, it will happen. Make sure it's to a shape of your liking." It was pleasant to hear this woman sought a better understanding of the Force. Yes, the Twi'lek approved of such a worthwhile goal. There was much to learn, even for someone as versed in it as herself. Not that she'd be joining a class in the Jedi form of Meditation any time soon.

"As for ambition," her lips peeled back to flash Taiia a toothy grin. "Wealth is where these pirates' ambition ends." With a flick, Zlova triggered the launch of their humble vessel down into the chaos below.

It didn't matter how rough the ride to the planet below became. In fact, the red woman's grin seemed to grow every time it grew worse. Whether the result of turbulence or avoiding the barrage of anti-air fire below, Zlova loved every second of their descent. It reminded her of years of torture and death-defying feats in her rise to power. She loved this.

As they drew ever nearer, Rue's eyes fixed on Taiia for just a moment with a open mouth grin. If a little bumpy ride was worth remembering, she was about to get a little something extra to remember this backwater planet now. The Force welled within and then about the dropship. With a lurch their course was swept away from a 'safe' landing zone and closer to where they were meant to be. "The Force guides us, does it not?" she crowed with laughter.

A loud bang and a gut-wrenching jolt accompanied their unceremonious and sudden entry into the the pirate's sanctuary. Zlova slowly got to her feet as she rolled both shoulders and then cracked her neck. A long, satisfied sigh escaped her lips followed by a soft hum. "A poor substitute for a Mandalorian raid, but you don't always get what you want in this world. Come, then, we're not far from the Man of the Hour."

Rue strode over and gave the hatch a Force-imbued kick. The piercing whine and grate of abused metal was followed by its impact against a nearby wall. "You won't learn more about the Force's shapily figure in here." The Twi'lek chuckled before she hopped out into the corridor they'd punctured. Yes, this King of theirs wasn't far now.
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Armament: Lightstaff​
Taiia listened to Zlova as she spoke, she was very different from Kyyrk Kyyrk more rash, but at the same time she had moments of genuine insight but that was where the similarities ended it seemed. As the ship cut loose she began to wonder what she had gotten herself into but resolved to see it through raising an eyebrow only slightly as Zlova as the pod altered course and then seemed to mock the force guiding them before laughing, yes regret was definantly beginning to set in at this point but the slaves would not free themselves she turned back to the front with a defeat sigh and braced for the coming shock of the impact.

Only a few seconds later she rose from the chair mostly in tact and brushing debris off her she walked forward toward Zlova “If I wished to do a Mandalorian raid I would have joined them and not the Knights Obsidian, though I suspect I would not fit in among them.” she grinned following Zlova out of the pod shaking her head ever so slightly, this would be an experience.

Bugsy zoned out at the feeling of the ship moving through space. She had never felt anything like this! Or at the very least, hadn’t been conscious the last time she was on a ship. Taramaz Laurs and Zlova Rue Zlova Rue had rescued her from the streets of Nar Shadda and brought her to Geonosis. Thus leading to her ending up here, on a ship, with a new friend and headed into hyperspace towards a battle they had no part in.

The other young woman had followed Bugsy onto the ship to try to warn her but only succeeded in also getting stuck in the cabin room. But no sooner had the brown-eyed girl asked Bugsy about playing a game, Bugsy felt a familiar presence walk past the room. Bugsy was still new to this Force thing but had learned quite a bit in the short amount of time she had been with the Knights Obsidian.

The door to the cabin room had not shut all the way so when Bugsy looked up, she could have sworn she saw a crimson colored Twi’lek with tattoos walk past. Without even pausing to think about what the other girl had said, Bugsy grabbed the young woman’s arm and bolted towards the door. Was Rue really here? How exciting! Maybe they were safe after all!

“Come on! I think I just saw my friend! We’ll be just fine now that she is here!” With that Bugsy was off and dragging her new companion behind her.


While running down the hall, chasing after who she desperately hoped was Rue, Bugsy realized she didn’t know this new friend’s name, despite the fact that she was pulling her along.

“Oh! And I don’t have a name, actually. But you can just call me Bugsy, everyone does! What’s yours?!”

Might as well get to know the girl if they were going to be stuck in a spaceship together. But Bugsy kept her blind eyes open, nonetheless.

She was pushing herself harder than she probably should be, not having any idea what she was actually doing when it came to using the Force. But she was very observant and a fast learner. She knew that if she concentrated enough she might be able to do something useful. Bugsy just hoped she didn’t give herself a headache again. No need to burst ear drums or drop ships out of the sky…yet.

Despite her best efforts it was clear Bugsy needed to work on her Force Sight. She kept running into everything red except the Twi’lek she was seeking out. Among which were pipes, a maintenance droid or two, a drink dispensing machine as they passed through the galley, and what felt like a bush of some sort with thorns. Roses, maybe? Bugsy had never encountered such fauna before but had heard of them and was rather intrigued.

Tags: Millu Lee Millu Lee Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Kyyrk Kyyrk

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