Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Stomping out a threat

Tags: Taramaz Arcturus Kyyrk Kyyrk Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Millu Lee Millu Lee Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Lightsaber Armor BAW-88 Blaster Carbine CSP “Sidekick” Charric Sidearm
Partner: Taramaz Arcturus

Vyse looked around the frigate he sat in, he was wearing some armor lent to him for the mission. He took a sigh, Vyse had not had the pleasure of much space travel, the first time he was entering into an actual combat zone, he was as nervous as you would expect.

His head lowered as he caught the attention of his master, Taramaz Arcturus. Straightening his stance and trying to be professional as the last of the masters filtered in. His focus totally on Taramaz as he gave his speech, Vyse meekly smirking. He enjoyed the strength he gave off, the courage to fight and slay evil and free the innocent. Though.. It didn't resonate with Vyse.

A short time ago Vyse was serving as a Hutt, fighting for survival his whole life. Fighting for freedom and to slay the wicked? It was just so.. Foreign. These innocents are the type of people Vyse would be forced to robb and threaten... And these people whom they went to slay are those whom Vyse would have to work with.

He gripped the bar he was holding tightly, rage filling remembering every one of the faces of those he used to call "comrades". He despised the lot of them, he was happy to be rid of them and in his new life. He chuckled, his nerves letting up under the rage. Perhaps this could be a way of karma and revenge. Mostly the latter.

He looked at Taramaz as he approached, and as quickly while still looking professional went and sat. Shaking his head. "Heh, not even close." He said his nerves returning slightly. "Closest I ever got was the fight that led to be finding out my force sensitivity, though that was less of a fight and more of massacre."

Vyse gripping onto a near by bar as their flight grew worse by the moment, for a nao second he worried they might get shot out of the sky, though he remembered that with such important people on they would not be so careless as to not properly protect the ship and quickly calmed himself. "Any advise before we arrive?" He spoke to Taramaz as the ship neared their destination.

Taramaz Arcturus


Armour: Mark-V Centurion Battlearmour
Weaponry: Pride and Freedom, Hellfire Assault Rifle, VG-01 Revolvers
Ship: Scimitar II-Class Star Courier
Tags: Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous Luna Terrik Luna Terrik

Post Two


The Scimitar-II shook as it began it's descent into Kaddak's orbit, encountering extreme turbulence, having skirted the majority of the space battle that continued to rage behind them. It had avoided a few near misses by shot down fighters or stray turbolasers, but the strike team's scimitars had passed through unscathed. The emotionless gaze of his helmet rarely left his apprentice, in a concerned and judging, but caring way. Particularly at his description of the only battle he had ever been in.

"Not too reassuring... don't worry, follow me, keep your guns and saber ready, and you'll be fine. Who knows, one day you could be leading a team just like this."

His grip on the roof loosened as the pilot announced they were approaching their Landing Zone. He offered a reassuring nod to Vyse, silently hoping the apathy projected by the metallic voice of his helmet didn't ruin the sincerity and reassurance in his words. Eventually his hand pulled completely off as he pulled his sabers to his hands and flicked the safety off his rifle, swinging it on it's strap over to his chest. He raised his wristlink to his head once more.

"Grand Marshal Terrik, this is KO Strike Team Lead Lord Marshal Taramaz Laurs, we will be rendezvousing with you momentarily. From now on my designation shall be Nyx Actual, do not hesitate to call upon us for aid, we're on the same side afterall."

His hand did not lower until he had delivered orders to the other Scimitar II-Class Star Courier to synchronise them. He turned his attention back to his apprentice momentarily as he asked for advice.

"Advice? 'Don't die' is a favourite of mine. Oh, and do try to keep up."

He turned his attention back to the ship as it tilted upwards, the ramp lowering with a hiss as he pressed his full palm against the release. The ten foot Lord walked onto the ramp down to the bottom, the magnetic grips of his boots holding him on. He looked down over the ledge then jumped off, landing with a thud a moment later in a dust pile stirred up by the precision thrusters of the light frigates. With a wide wave of his arm the dust was swept to the side, revealing the full squad of ten masters, not counting the Lord Marshal and his Squire.

As the remaining dust settled and the star courier's departed to the relative safety of the Scythe-Class Frigate, violet blades filled empty space as the masters ignited their sabers, the Marshal and his Squire were last, the Lord Marshal's dual sabers a blazing white, with crossguards of a violet similar to the master's. He turned a final time to his apprentice, whom he had given his previous lightsaber to.

"Advice part two, don't lose that lightsaber, the crystals are rarer. Also, if you ever wonder why you're doing this, just think that when we succeed, it'll be on record that you held your own with Knights Obsidian Masters. Also, give em better than you got"

He offered a wink under his mask, though it was conveyed largely through the Force in a variant of telepathy. He then turned back, looking towards the ship and began an all out sprint towards it, sticking to the relative cover of trees and whatever junk laid in the fields they were in, less than 300 metres from the ship.

Tags: Taramaz Arcturus Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
Lightsaber Armor BAW-88 Blaster Carbine CSP “Sidekick” Charric Sidearm
Partner: Taramaz Arcturus

Every shook of the ship rocked Vyse who held onto a near by bar tightly, clearly not used to dealing with such turbulence. Vyse focused on keeping his attention on his master however as a matter of respect. Vyse watched his stare, hoping it was out of compassionate, his insecurity and his maskers mask making it hard to tell.

He pondered for a moment his encouraging words. The idea of leading a team of masters one day himself causing him to let out a slight chuckle at the idea it calming his nerves for the moment.

He looked towards the cockpit as the pilot announced they were near the landing zone, looking back to his master as his grip loosed and he prepared himself. Returning the nod as Vyse made sure his helmet was perfectly on and sealed out of paranoia. Vyse drawing the lent saber to him, it's grip still foreign, and his drew his pistol in the other hand not trusting himself fully with just a blaster yet. Vyse behind his helmet rolling his eyes at his "advise". "Well I thankfully seem good at that so far. So as long as I don't get jinxed I should be fine." He said allowing some of his worries to melt away as he steeled himself as he marched to the ramp behind his colossus of a master.

He followed him and jumped off down along with all the masters, landing near Taramaz and managing to properly catch himself. He nodded at his command to not lose the saber, a wild grin forming under his mask at the idea of his record after the battle. Something not every squire fighting along side several masters was something not many squires could say. "Oh! Will do." He said clearly his worries melting away. Chuckling as something as powerful as the forced was used for something as simple as a conveying a wink. Charging behind his master and aiming to keep as close to his master as he could, seeing no other place safer.


Were she connected to the force, surely the bridge of the vessel she was standing on would have begun to shudder and creak from the pure anger that was pouring from the woman, her fist balled as she watched that insipid glory chasing Porg brained individual push forward without single regard to assisting or otherwise aiding the other Confederacy vessels that were also engaged with the enemy. Bringing her fist up, it was all she could do to keep herself from slamming it into the nearest console and perhaps injuring not only herself but the vessel as well. Taking a moment to close her eyes - which by now had shifted from their usual stunning Golden-Yellow hue to a vibrant Blue - to better collect her thoughts. Slowly she brought her hand down to her side once more before she opened her eyes and peered out into the void.
Watching as the enemy began to flank their disabled cruisers from behind - a daring though otherwise risky move as it put their vessels between her and those that she sought to assist, a decision that was not an intelligent one.
"Ma'am, enemy vessels are engaging the disabled Corvettes, they won't last long. We've also got an enemy formation moving in on our right flank while also engaging Commander Deshal."
A soft hissing growl slipped from her pursed lips, a hint of her fang being revealed as she stepped forward and continued to watch. There were those instances in which acting on emotion was required; though in a fleet engagement such as this, it was those based emotional reactions and glory-seeking pushes that would ultimately cause one to lose the day. No, she was not going to allow her first act as the newly appointed NAVCOM Grand Marshal to be one in which she cost countless lives due to her emotional clutching at glory. Then her voice rang out as she looked over her shoulder for a moment before moving towards the control chair of the Munificent Cruiser; graciously relieving the droid from the seat as she slipped down and began to lightly press the controls.
"Commander Deshal, blade your forces at a 45-degree angle out towards your 10' clock, bring your furthest vessel in to strike the enemy's flanking vessels to ensure that you've got a full field of fire. Focus on the connecting tubes of those Frigates to break them in half."
Looking towards the fleets that continued to move and engage, she noticed a lone ship, one she'd not seen before though quickly brought up the information. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she decided that they could be of some use giving how eager they were to strike at the Venator as they'd already proven more than capable of doing.
"Captain of the vessel named Aegis, this is Grand Marshal von Sorenn of the Confederacy Naval Command. I am requesting that you continue to engage the Venator class Star Destroyer; however, I request that you focus your fire on its engines and bridges. We want it knocked out of the fight to scatter the rest of the fleet."
Quickly shifting channels, she switched over to contact the Fleet Marshal that had assisted Grand Marshal Luna Terrik Luna Terrik in deploying forces to the planet. Taking a soft breath, she opened the channel, no longer content with allowing anyone to do just as they pleased or act as a position higher than that which they were.
"Fleet Marshal Aran, maintain your Fleet's current position and engage at distance. If you've any Starfighter Squadrons, deploy half to assist in pushing back the enemy's attack on Commander Deshal's position. As of this moment, you will only take Orders directly from me, is that clear Fleet Marshal?"
The Grand Marshal was no longer in a kind mood, her blood seeming to boil as she saved the last scathing action for last, even as her own vessels pushed forward to assist the beleaguered corvettes. A heavy hand pressed the coms button and held it for a moment before finally releasing it.
"Fleet Marshal Cypher Rage, this is Grand Marshal von Sorenn; your fleet will hold its position and detach two Munificent Cruisers to strike the Pirate vessels moving on our Right Flank. To the Fleet Marshal's command staff; failure to follow the orders given to you and your commander by the Grand Marshal will not be looked upon favorably, I highly suggest that you follow the directives if you desire to continue to hold your commands."
Another press of the button cut the line before she looked towards the problems that she now had to engage with. Her focus shifting to breaking through to the corvettes before her.
"Bring up the Munificent's Super Heavy Turbolasers and Long-range Mass Driver. Target the lead DP20 Light Frigate; take out their engines then reengage down the line. Our Ion Cannons will focus on the CR90 Corvettes, while two squadrons of Vulture Droids will break off and focus on their gunships supported by a squadron of our Bombers."
Shifting her focus to the flanking forces for a moment, a soft smirk remained upon her lips.
"Our Saboath II Cruiser's will handle the flanking enemy formation and hold out until assistance arrives. Focus the fire of the Heavy Turbolasers on the Nebulon-B Frigate, specifically its connection tube. Once that's been dealt with, engage the Arquitens Cruisers; two squadrons of vulture droids will support the attack and focus on the Frigate. We will keep two of our Vulture squadrons and the second Bomber squadron in reserve for the moment."
Amelia's attention returned to engaging the enemy vessels ahead of her, a heavy growl escaping as she watched the first Deathstalker Corvette erupt in a brilliant explosion as the undefended vessel was torn apart. Now more than ever she was more focused on pushing forward as her Munificent Cruiser began to unleash a blistering salvor of fire upon the enemy formation.
"Commander Foster, this is Grand Marshal von Sorenn, pull Horizon Squadron to my position and assist the strike on the pirate vessels on our Right Flank. For the duration of the engagement, you will be in command of all Starfighter Squadrons from my fleet, congratulations acting Colonel Foster."
Amelia had worked with the woman previously and had taken such an action before. It was easier to command a battle when one delegated to capable individuals; and much as she had done before, the Grand Marshal had faith that Colonel Foster would rise to the challenge.
  • Ordered Commander Deshal to engage the enemy formation at a bladed 45-degree angle for a full field of fire on the enemy
  • Contacted the Aegis, requesting they focus fire on the Venator's Engines and Bridge
  • Ordered Fleet Marshal Aran to engage at range and assist Commander Deshal
  • Ordered Fleet Marshal Rage to Hold position and assist with the enemy's attack on the Right Flank
  • Ame's Munificent Cruiser Engaged the lead DP20 Frigate with (2) Super Heavy Turbolasers and (1) Heavy Mass Driver
  • Ame's Munificent Cruiser Engaged CR90 Corvettes with Ion Cannons
  • (2) Squadrons Vulture Droids and (1) Squadron Gidim Bombers engaging Braha'tok Gunships
  • (2) Saboath II Cruisers engaging Nebulon-B Frigate on CIS Right Flank with Heavy Turbolasers
  • (2) Squadrons Vulture Droids engaging Nebulon-B Frigate on CIS Right Flank
  • (2) Squadrons Vulture Droids and (1) Squadron Gidim Bombers held in reserve
  • Promoted Commander Foster to Colonel for duration of engagement to command Amelia's Starfighter Squadrons

Last edited:

"Fleet Marshal, Fleet Marshal Cypher Rage is hailing us."

Aran regarded the holo-projected battlefield for a moment and sent a few minor corrections to navigation to avoid getting mired in the minefield where enemy and ally alike fought. "Very well," Tyrias replied as she stepped away from the display.

If their conversation had begun, it would be short lived as the Grand Marshal von Sorenn would soon hail them in turn. Tyrias would nod slightly and offer, "Excuse me," to her fellow Fleet Marshall before the channel would be severed. One couldn't keep one's commanding officer waiting in the middle of a battle, after all.

There was no hesitating in Aran's response to Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn 's order, however the Chiss couldn't help but note the edge in the Grand Marshal's voice. It was a rather heated engagement especially for mere pirates; however, they had acquired significant material that had drawn out the confrontation. To von Sorenn's order, Fleet Marshal Aran had only one response, "As you command, Grand Marshal." The other woman was in command of all fleets present. No Chiss worthy of being alive would dare refuse unless it was apparent said commander had lost control of their faculties and required replacement.

Fortunately, this order was no great disruption to movements already in progress. They had only just entered firing ranges a minute ago. Unfortunate they had been delayed in arriving because of the mine field and the low orbital position of the Sapphiric Scorn itself. "Commander, have half of our Starfighters launch immediately, and make for Commander Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal 's Leviathan-class frigates." Most of Tyrias' own fleet lacked a great deal of hanger capacity so their aid would be relatively limited; fortunately the Sapphiric Scorn himself carried quite a few hangers as was its purpose in transporting the Dauntless wherever they were needed.

"Have the remaining squadrons ready to deploy around our fleet. Vessels will prioritize local defense should enemy starfighters approach unless I issue countermandering orders. Standing orders are to engage in long-range suppressive fire on the enemy. Keep them off the Aegis, but check firing solutions for allied fleet positions." The Fleet Marshall turned her head to look out the forward window at the battle occurring at distance from their present location. Not every battle demanded you be thrown into the grinder. In this particular case, however, her fleet was better suited to long-range or capital vessel combat given the lack in hanger capacity. It had been a known and unavoidable circumstance.

1x Providence II-class Carrier/Destroyer (Fleet Command)
  • Sapphiric Scorn
2x Valliant II-class Star Destroyer
  • Shining Spire
  • Resplendent Sun
3x Augrim-class Heavy Cruiser
  • Jade Sword
  • Piercing Soul
  • Queen Victoria
2x Blastoise Armored Escort Cruiser
  • Bulwark
  • Covington

  • The Providence is at the center of the fleet that approached from the planet, which is now taking stationary position at range of the enemy.
    • 3 Hanger Bays worth of starfighters have been launched to back up Commander Deshal.
    • 4 Hanger Bays worth of starfighters ready to launch to screen Tyrias Aran's fleet from enemy starfighter attack.
    • 1 Hanger Bay of support, and 1 Hanger Bay of Dauntless launch remain on standby.
  • The Blastoise Armored Escort Cruisers are at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions, providing fire on enemy capital vessels.
    • No starfighter support available.
  • The Valiant II-class Star Destroyers are at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions to prevent the enemy from flanking.
    • 1 Hanger Bay of starfighters each (x2) ready to launch to screen from enemy starfighter attack.
    • 1 Hanger Bay of support each (x2) remain on standby.
  • The Augrim-class Heavy Cruisers are in a spear head point between the Blastoise Cruisers at the fore ready to mow down approaching vessels, or to draw attention from the Aegis as they approach.
    • No starfighter support available.

She stood on the bridge watching each empion mine explode one after another without challenge, apparently, the enemy had not seen her small task force as a threat yet an error they would come to regret shortly. When the comm opened with the Grand Marshal she stood silent and listened to her orders.​

"Commander Deshal, blade your forces at a 45-degree angle out towards your 10' clock, bring your furthest vessel in to strike the enemy's flanking vessels to ensure that you've got a full field of fire. Focus on the connecting tubes of those Frigates to break them in half."

Shortly after the comm channel closed she sighed. "Really only two frigates, they really are taking me lightly, I am quite offended." she mused with a smirk and turned to her communication officer. The instructions from the Grand Marshall were clear, and Anashla would obey without qualifications "Send to all our ships, break off your attack and come around wide to engage those Nebulon-B Frigates. All fighters and bomber wings launch, fighters screen your bombers and deliver them to the targets"

With the order given all six frigates broke off their attack on the mines and burned hard toward the advancing frigates as fighters and bombers launched from all six vessels one after another, as if declaring their challenge a hail of turbolaser fire began battering her frigates and she just smiled. "All ships concentrate your fire on the connecting tubes of those frigates, break them in half! I want target acquisition with proton torpedoes, target their reactors and fire."

The barrage that followed was impressive, a hail of turbolaser fire with intermixed shots from their ion cannons as well that rained toward the lead Neublon frigate followed by a grouping of proton torpedoes fired from each frigate in turn. Meanwhile the fighters flew cover for the bomber wings as they began their advance on the two Nebulon frigates. The odds were in her favor but it was far too early to celebrate.​

  • All six vessels burning hard to attack the flank of the nebulon-b frigates, firing ion and turbolaser batteries as well as a volley of proton torpedoes
  • All six vessels launching fighter and bomber wings, wings are forming up getting ready to advance
  • All fire is being directed at the lead vessel
will you sink down to me?


Form: Humanoid | Equipment: Anti-morph armor, lightsaber, rifle |
Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos

Exclamations of increasing numbers, and that they were 'OK,' rippled through the line of Omegas and reverberated through the wide bay and perhaps adding to the shaking. Damsy couldn't quite tell. As Berrezz concluded the chorus, Damsy reached out to pat him on the shoulder. "
Standby," she ordered before turning from him towards the cockpit. She squeezed herself into the small cabin between the piloting seats. She glanced from flyboy to flyboy, then dragging her gaze up to the visor. The glass was narrow, but the visibility was enough afford the Major a glimpse at the debris flying all around them.

Icebergs in an arctic sea.

They hadn't been shot. A bird somewhere below them had and a piece of its dislodged hull had hurled into their port engine, as revealed by the complimentary, blinking button of the console. The pilots were busy retaining control of the dropship and hadn't had time to call in the hazard. Not willing to look down for even a moment herself, Damsy fumbled with her wrist com for a moment but patched into Dauntless, rather than naval, air traffic command. "Sécurité, sécurité, transport stations," she began, dry panic but panic all the same seeping into her voice. "Anti-grav debris field at two klicks above mean SL, grid six eight negat point niner. All birds following Omega solus, break off and fly around."

"Are we almost through?" she then asked the pilots, off comms. They needed one of two things - to put her down gentle, or to jump - neither of which they could do until the skies were clear.

Don't know, Major," one answered through grit teeth. She probed with the Force, finding holds for invisible, moldable and energetic hand in between the pilot's physical handholds. Keeping the yoke steady was harder than it looked, and even she didn't have any energy left over from exerting the most basic of control for counter steering.

Get out," ordered Damsy, pointing vaguely behind her to the door. "Suit up. Sound off." As she had already recognized, just now wasn't the time to parachute: they were too high, and there were too many obstacles. That said, she still needed them out. To fall into rank. On an ideal flight, they would have time to ease themselves out of the jaws of danger, but, with anti-air blasts whizzing around them, this was less than ideal. Niobe was a KO who had made herself exceedingly familiar with Dauntless tactics, but she hadn't gone to flight school - either military or otherwise - nor did she have enough command of the Force to control their descent. But Damsy had had more than enough formal and informal training to save them.

Well...perhaps. And hopefully.

After the pilots rose, sashayed past her, both giving her concerned parting glances, and disappeared down the throat of the dropship, Damsy traded her place with one of theirs. "Hold on, boys!" she called, warning to her upcoming veer. It wasn't quite a tailspin, but a drifting list as she allowed physics to take over the ship's trajectory.

One second, two, three, felt like minutes.

She suddenly jerked the yoke downwards, heading into a steep-sloped dive she leveled out nearly as soon as she entered into it. They had left the debris field above them. She glanced down to the altimeter. "Two hundred meters; get ready!" she commed Berrezz. Another button illuminated as he released the boarding ramp, and the rapidly fleeting air rushed into the metal cavity, refugee gas molecules seeking sanctuary from the blaster fire outside. Little did they know, they were just as doomed in here as out there.

"I need a crash zone!" Damsy once again radioed air traffic. A dozen squad's coordinates rushed in; Damsy took note as best as she could, plugging them into the local navicompter and pinpointing a hospitable stretch of land. She hoped no one was hiding, radio silent, under the scarce canopy.

One hundred. "Go!" She couldn't hear, but she trusted Berrezz to usher the Omegas-plus-two out. She wanted to join, but she had to crash. Had to. Otherwise, without guidance, who could tell how much damage to friendlies a dropship falling from the sky might cause. Maybe none, of course, but as long as even one death was possible, she refused to make that call.


Damsy stumbled down into the landscape scar trailing behind the landing flaps, which she had extended midair for drag. It was the only conceivable cover around, not that she needed the protection from enemies, but a moment to catch her breath. She rose she right arm to get at her diagnostic gauntlet. With a push of a button, it displayed a translucent, three dimensional model of everything that just happened: the descent, the moment they had, in fact, been hit by debris, Damsy taking over, Omega jumping, and her crashing. Two calculations unfolded in real-time. She patched into Luna's personal line to report them.

Major Crowe for GM Terrik." She hadn't almost slipped, but it could be evident that she had stressed the last few sounds of her so-called name too much. "Omega parachuted north northeast nearly four klicks off planned LZ. I'm further; had to put down our bird. Calling to advise, and for update. You still want us on you?" Battle chatter had been coming out of the slaver ship all the while that Omega had been fighting to get their boots on the ground rather than splatted into it. Granted, Damsy hadn't been listening at all intently, but what she pieced together from her unconscious now that she had a chance to breathe relatively easy told her the day was about to be won.

And Omega was late.

But still, perhaps there was time.

If yes, "Righto. The cavalry's coming," and, if no, "We'll dig out an evac point. Force be with you all."


Taramaz Arcturus


Armour: Mark-V Centurion Battlearmour
Weaponry: Pride and Freedom, Hellfire Assault Rifle, VG-01 Revolvers
Ship: Scimitar II-Class Star Courier
Tags: Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya
Post Four


Taramaz' boots dug into the ground, leaving a heavy impression of the sole and large foot. His head tilted as he analysed the situation before him. The ship was up on a cliff, a cliff they had dropped on the bottom off. His mask set to work, deciphering the cliff, finding holds and outcrops that they could use to climb. He took the first part of the climb at the sprint, jumping up onto a dead tree and pushing himself off the thick, sturdy trunk with his boot. He grappled onto the rough, jutting cliff, his metal fingers digging into the rock and breaking two holes into it as handholds. He then launched himself up grabbed onto a ledge, pulling himself up. He then crouched down, offering a hand for his apprentice and the masters to take.

He pulled the last master up, the ledge only allowing for two to stand on at a time. He then force leapt up, taking a separate route from the masters, using his enhanced strength to save himself and pull himself up onto ledges the other masters couldn't get too, grunting occasionally from the effort. When he found himself without a path to continue on, he aimed his left wrist to the top of the cliff and fired off his grappling hook, latching it onto a tree branch and pulling himself up by it.

When he reached the top he hit a button on his wrist and allowed the grappling line to retract itself back into his gauntlet. His hands strayed, raising his hand in a silent command for the masters to follow him as he ran and force leapt up onto the ship in a small side hangar. He pulled a saber from his belt with the Force and ignited it, stabbing it into the bottom left of the hangar door, making a perfect horizontal slash followed by a downward stroke, then a another slash to the left, complemented by a final slash upwards and a decisive kick, knocking the thick chunk of metal out of place. He pulled his second saber into his off hand and crouched, stepping into the ship. He deactivated his saber, raising a wrist to his mouth.

"This is Nyx Actual, made entry into compound, making way toward Objective Freedom Cracker now."

He lowered his arm, walking through the hangar and into a corridor, the Strike Team following him, sabers ready but deactivated. He noted the relative quiet atmosphere of the path they had chosen, expecting more forces to be manning the area. Then he reminded himself the possibility of traps, a reminder that he should tread more carefully. He then spoke, his voice a low rumble and a world away from what it truly sounded like, sounding more like a Super Tactical Droid than a human.

"Remain cautious and open your mind to Force Sense, I have a bad feeling about this place."

It's one of life's mysteries, sir...

Horizon Squadron managed to lure a squadron of bandits down below the fleet and action that was going on above them. As Kathryn had thought and hoped, the pirates also did split up and went after one each of the Horizon's. Maybe they were too self-inflated with pride and self-assurance that they thought they would handle CIS ace's one-on-one. Of course, everyone of the Horizon's knew better to never underestimate your foe, but pirates or local paramilitary forces seldom had a good chance against more trained fighter pilots. After a bried one on-one dogfight, Grand Marshal von Sorenn's voice entered the earpieces of her helmet.

"Commander Foster, this is Grand Marshal von Sorenn, pull Horizon Squadron to my position and assist the strike on the pirate vessels on our Right Flank. For the duration of the engagement, you will be in command of all Starfighter Squadrons from my fleet, congratulations acting Colonel Foster."

''Copy that, Grand Marshal. Heading for your position now.'' she replied shortly before making a steep tilt and turn upwards, towards the Saboath cruisers that were in the middle of engaging an enemy Nebulon-B frigate. Opening the internal intercom, she called the rest of the Horizon's in for a V-formation.

''Alright, Horizon Squadron - new orders! We're reinforcing von Sorenn on the right flank. Assume V-formation on me.''

Said and done, the twelve night black T-77 set course for the right flank and were approaching the Nebulon-B frigate's belly. Kathryn made some adjustments to the controls, activating a lead signal to the Vulture droids already engaging the enemy frigate.

Droids. Well, she would admit that they had their moments. It was common proceedure now to be working and fighting alongside one and another. But... It was still not the same as a wingman of flesh and blood, with feelings and humor... All that stuff. Yet, she were impressed by the engineering and technological superiority of their droid forces.

''Shields up!'' she ordered over the intercom as they were coming into reach of the turbolasers.

''Proton torpedoes ready! Aim to disable its shield generator. Quick attack runs, until it's a sitting duck. Horizon One, Two and Three - fire on my command. Three. Two. One. Fire!''

A simultaneously hit upon a capital ship would generally speaking inflict the best damage to it, still you would not like to waste any if you needed them for later. After all, the battle had just started!
Millu was already resigning herself to the talking-to she was guaranteed to get once they got back to Geonosis, when the young woman she had followed to the ship suddenly got up and started excitedly dragging Millu by her right arm. Apparently she knew one of the knights. Oh great. Now the talking-to would come much sooner. "Uh, Bugsy, I think we shouldn't be revealing ourselved to any of the knights..."

It didn't work of course, Bugsy continued to pull her along. And she wanted to know her name. Right. The girl had already forgotten that she hadn't introduced herself. "The name's Millu!" She tried to help the woman before her, that kept hitting things as she tried to move along the starship's corridors. She noticed Bugsy seemed interested in a rose bush. "Those are roses. They grow all over the galaxy. Have you never seen one?" she asked, intrigued.

Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali

Location: Kaddak Ground
Time: 0820 Hours
Callsign: Dauntless Alpha Actual, Colonel Reinhart
Equipment: Project Xiphos Armor | Modular Tri-Blaster | Micro Light Shield | Bayonet | Cryo Grenade (2) | Fragmentation Grenade (2) | Thermal Detonator (2)
Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Tobias Wrynn | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | Maeve Archeron Maeve Archeron | CT-308 Maverick | Krek Libera Krek Libera | Taramaz Arcturus | Eternal Storm

Times like these Tiria wished she have more Joined throughout all of the Dauntless squads to know what was happening. Confined within a vessel like this there was no 'overwatch' position. Radios were not an option either. Their boots rolled over the ground with short strides intended to muffle their number and their presence for as long as possible. Chatter would only be a dead giveaway as it echoed up and down every corridor -- they might as well fire flares in every direction.

It was slow, but steady progress Alpha made infiltrating deeper into the enemy stronghold. Corners were checked. Traps were deactivated. Delta had, of course, done their own work in advance of the rest of the units. Seemed the other teams were here to make the exfil of the captives easier rather than participate in securing those very same. Not every assignment was glamorous, however. Seemed like there were a lot of those lately -- first the monstrosities of Atrisia and now here. Even if she had briefly assumed command in Damsy's stead, her loss and the wanton destruction of the major cities certainly hadn't left any time to 'bask' in the 'glory.' From the experiences of those Tiria had joined, however, she knew that was simply part of the job. There was never any time.

Sounds of weapons fire echoed throughout the ship. Map readout suggested the likely location of the captives was near. Delta was probably already on site. Now wasn't the time to suddenly pick up the pace, however. The closer you were to the objective, the closer you were to screwing up. They'd continue, perhaps at a slightly faster pace, but only because the enemy knew the Confederacy was in the area. No need to let them know Alpha was sweeping in to support those already at work too far in advance.

Tiria paused at a junction within sight of the door that had been opened not long before. Sound of battle came perpendicular to Alpha's course, however. The Colonel paused for a moment before gesturing for a third of the Squad to assume positions. No point being trapped inside with the slaves; they needed to keep the exit free and clear.

Handsignals were passed between Tiria and those closest. They'd advance to the next junction and survey the direction of battle -- where Allya and the not-so-gentle giant had fought. If any of the woman's number loitered outside, the Colonel would give them a nod; there'd be no expectation of hostilities to worry about between allied personnel. If they'd all swept inside, Alpha would back them up -- provided their commander had an enemy commander well in hand.

Equipment: Obsidian-type Strike Armor | Phase II w/ Ri Qorit Disabler | Knights Obsidian Warden Shield | Zlova Rue's Lightsabers
Partner: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | The Monster The Monster | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | Eternal Storm

Zlova looked back at Taiia for a moment. "In war your enemy expects you in one of two ways -- to attack from the front, or to flank them. These are the most apparent, most tried and true ways of engaging on a field of battle. However," the Twi'lek smirked before she turned her eyes forward, "it is often more effective to strike your enemy from a direction or in a way they would not expect. Their defenses will be weaker. Their response slow. Grand plans torn to pieces and fragile ego set ablaze with rage. Ineffectual commanders become simpering idiots." The red woman advanced through the hallways on the path of the would-be King. "You and I bypassed every short-sighted pirate and are within arm's reach of their leader; and all it required was a dropship, the Force, and an iron stomach."

Reckless? Rash? Insane? Irreverent? Zlova could be all of these these when the mood struck. On the hunt, however, she was none of these things. Her smile hid the teeth that would rip a man's throat out, and the eyes of one that drank from the fountain of vice and scorn. Here, on the field of battle, was where a Sith Lord belonged. Not upon a throne commanding others to toil in their name. Perhaps that was simply her way. Perhaps that was merely her code. It had not failed her yet.

As they rounded a corner Zlova found they'd come upon an open chamber of sorts. A crossroads. To her left, the Pirate King. To her right, Blue Team.

"Oh," the Twi'lek purred before her lips peeled back in a grin. "What have we here? This, Apprentice, is one of the light joys of warfare. A moment when you have to ask yourself who your friends really are." The hilts of her sabers snapped out from around Zlova's back and into both hands. A sharp flare and zip of violet blades as they chewed through the air filled the room. So... what were Blue Team's priorities? They'd be far more playful than the King. It'd only take a gesture to kill a single man. Were they going to disappoint a pretty woman like her?
Bugsy was snapped back to attention when the girl named Millu told her that it was, in fact, a rose bush. How exciting!! But what was it doing here? "Ouch!" And why did it hurt?! Bugsy just wanted to touch it. But she ended up pricking her finger instead.
She immediately stuck the offending finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding. "It's not poisonous, is it?"

Whether the plant was of the dangerous or not was not her concern at the moment, however.
"No matter. Let's go find Rue!!"

At that moment Bugsy made to run off again but failed to notice the very imposing Force Master striding past them, and ran right smack into him.

Tags: Millu Lee Millu Lee Kyyrk Kyyrk



Voph instinctively grabbed the individual that had bumped into him by the collar, but he did not make another move. Not yet. He simply looked between the two....children that stood before him. "Squires. I do not recall inviting you to this mission." He fixed the other child with a stare, indicating he was less than happy that the two had stowed away on his ship. Voph released his grip on the girl, whom he only vaguely recognized as a companion of Zlova's.​
Voph pulled his wrist to his mouth and spoke into it, his stare still fixed on the children. "There's a pair of stowaways on the Visage. I will be occupied dealing with them." Voph stood to the side, and gestured behind him. "Conference room. Now." The newly appointed Lord Commander was in no mood for jest. In fact, it seemed that if his displeasure grew any deeper, the two girls might drop dead from the scowl alone...​
Millu tried to stop Bugsy from continuing to poke her finger in the rose bush, as the girl would probably hurt herself. "It's got thorns, please don't touch it too much-" There it goes. It seemed the young woman was way too excitable to listen. She had a bleeding finger now! Well, at least it would be a good excuse for them to have to go back to the room they came from and stay there. Quietly.

"Bugsy, this is just a small cut but I think we should go back and try to find medicine-" Just as Millu was speaking, Bugsy tried to run, seemingly still with her mind set on finding her knight friend. But then, she ran into a tall, intimidating man that was probably of very high rank, and well. Their cover was blown. Oh no. Why couldn't everything just work out for once! We're in so much trouble.

Millu was righteously frightened when the man gave her a stare, and ordered them to go to the Conference room. She was confused though. How was she to go to the conference room if she didn't know where it was? "Uh, master? We don't know how to get to the conference room..." The girl spoke, flinching under the Force Master's scowl.

Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali Kyyrk Kyyrk
Tags: Taramaz Arcturus Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
Equipment: Lightsaber Armor BAW-88 Blaster Carbine CSP “Sidekick” Charric Sidearm
Partner: Taramaz Arcturus
Vyse sprinted after his master, running practically in his foot steps as he aimed to keep pace. Taking in his surroundings as much as he could, his focus main focus though was to keep pace with the giant he chased.​

He quickly had to come to a full stop as his master simply used the force to advance, nearly ramming into the tree as he had to dig his hills into the dirt to stop his momentum.

He looked up catching a glimpse of his colossal master surprisingly acrobatics before being offered a hand, Vyse instantly taking a smirk behind his helmet as he was lifted up. Taking a view of his surroundings before his master was already off. Vyse impressed by his acrobatic abilities as he masterfully made his own route to advance forward as Vyse went with the masters. Preparing himself for whatever they faced when they entered as they reached the opening he so graciously made for everyone. He privately lucky to have him.

He looked around, surprised by the lack of enemies. Should it not be guarded? Perhaps the other attacks drew all the attention. His head shot up form soaking in their surroundings to Taramaz and his warning. Of course traps, would make the most sense. He looked around as he carefully walked, the sound of their suits walking on the metal, taking out his saber. Tense but prepared for whatever comes next.

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