Location: Coruscant, Sector 1Y4F
Allies: A Sith has no allies, just interests and assets.
Enemies: Anyone who gets in his way.
The thought lingered through the Sith Lord's mind as he looked at the holoscreen. Frustration crept in from the subconscious corners of his mind, Kentarch did his best to push his emotions aside. Now was not the time for hate. Glancing over the OSINT material one more time he tried to see if he had missed something. Checking each value, each piece of information, each data point for something. Nothing. Again he began to type away furiously at his terminal, then stopped himself. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results was insanity. Kentarch hated that overused cliched quote, he had forgotten where it had come from. Yet the Sith now realized the warning behind those words. There was nothing to gain in his current course of action. No he would need change strategies completely.
For more than a week Darth Kentarch had hidden in the bowels of Coruscant. The Blackpit Slums were perhaps the best place on the planet to hide. For centuries the local authorities used only droids to police the area, in the capacity to minimize open armed violence in the streets. Between the organized crime, petty crime, and the commonplace corruption, using people for law enforcement was beyond the means of organized galactic governments. If the crime did not get you, the conditions did. Large spider roaches and armored rats scurried about the alleys, worms and slugs the size of a limb squirmed the the cracks and crevasses of the city block units. The causeways and walkways were caked in black industrial soot, mounds of trash and debris were stacked higher than the hight of average person, in more places then Kentarch cared to count. No one would come here to look for him. It was not hard to get here or hide here, no leaving was the real hard part.
Yet the time had finally come. Standing, the Sith Lord moved away from the terminal and through the small sorry excuse for an apartment. There was nothing inside save a chair, a bed, and the holo-terminal. Pulling his hood up, the man's face was shrouded in an unnatural darkness that hid his features. For over week Kentarch had tried using open source information on markets to determine a pattern in army and naval movements of the One Sith. If that information could be obtained, it could be very valuable especially to their enemies.
[member="Strider Garon"]