Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Strider's War: Where Freedom Burns (Infiltration of Coruscant)

[SIZE=12pt]Location: Entering the Kuari Princess Lounge[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: Mandalorians[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: OS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Provide distraction until arrival at destination.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She came in quietly have gotten on at the last stop a late arrival to the growing family. She wore something quite simple, a white dress that went to her knees open at the throat and sleeveless. Her other clothing which would serve during the infiltration was in her cabin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She could see him sitting there with his arms crossed as if someone had just taken away his favorite toy. She knew that was he turned he would see her, he was always watching ever mindful of his surroundings.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Satine saw her father [member="Strider Garon"]. Yes she was truly his child she smiled and waved at him, and his pretend wife Arla Balor. She made her way towards [member="Nolan Detta"].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]For this journey she went by the name Salina, it was close enough to her own to keep her from making a mistake when thinking on what to say to anyone who listened or asked. And there was her pretend sister [member="Anastasia Rade"].[/SIZE]
Location: Coruscant Space
Allies: [member="Kix Tal'Verda"] [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"] [member="Titan"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Aria Lissiri"]
Enemies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"] [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Reverance"]
Objective: Currently to make it through the defensive lines alive.

The ever so gorgeous Arla Bralor had somehow drew the short straw to be his young wife and step mother to women close to her age. There was humor in this but such would have to be laughed about after the mission at hand was completed. There was much work to be done and all of it played the risk of every single Mando and Witch that volunteered for this task. She approached him and then embarrassingly asked if her husband had used the refresher. What am I, a handicap? The much older man would turn to gaze upon her with his perma-snarled face and brown eyes that had seen a lifetime of horror. "Yes babe! I took a constitutional not that long ago." He growled "Always good to know you are keeping tabs on how regular I am"

Strider looked up from his position and noticed that the One Sith's military and custom agents were beginning to round up the passengers for processing. Since this was a plan trip the process should be quick but nerv wrecking as all their covers would have to hold if they were planning to make it through the line alive.

"Lila!" He would grasp his fake wife by the hand "Round the family up, its time to go" He would command the young mandalorian warrior. It was now or never.

Strider would then turn to the two before him, Titan and Nolan "Meet you two on the other side!"
Location: Kuari's Lounge
Allies: Mandos [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Satine D'ulin"] [member="Titan"] [member="Arla Balor"] @The Tal'Verdas [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Enemies: OS [member="Darth Layil"] @Hion the Whale [member="Cordelia deWinter"] @You know the rest
Objective: Get through the Line

Nolan stood straighter when he saw Satine walk into the lounge, Salina as she would be called for the mission, was the most pleasant sight for the Mandos eyes. As she walked over Strider had given the orders to round up and prepared to move as the ship was landing and going through inspection. He grabbed his bag, and turned to the Goliath called Titan, "This way Deimos. You can walk with Salina and myself."

He turned and met Satine, the pearl colored eyes piercing his own, she was his draal ka'ra. Even in their false papers, they would be known as a couple, it just fit so well that it wouldn't be hard to act for the OS officials. Seeing as he'd never had the chance before, he brought the ring with him that he was going to use to ask Satine to become his riduur. It would help get him through customs. He may even pop the question if the mission goes well, the dinner that they had with Strider when she first met her long lost father was too stressful of a situation and he was unable to do so then, but a mission of espionage behind enemy lines seemed like the best time to Nolan. He was a Detta and he was the dini'la Detta at that.

Nolan reached out for her hand, "Do you have all of your things love, or do we need to go back to the room? We are about to go through customs, don't want to leave anything behind on our vacation." He said with a wink.

Catherine Romanov

Location: Kuari Lounge
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Nolan Detta"] @Arla Barlor [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Satine D'ulin"] - All other Mandos
Enemies : One Sith
Objective: Regroup with the rest

Catherine woke up with a start. The vessel had stopped moving. Looking around, she noticed that the room was empty. Where was the rest? Of course it was empty, they must be getting ready to disembark soon. That was why the ship had come to a halt. Leaving the room hurriedly, she made her way towards the agreed rendezvous point.

Checking that she had all her credentials with her, including the fake ID that identified her to be Delia Lorde, the youngest daughter of Jak Lorde. Without weapons, and in a figure-hugging black dress, she felt like a fish out of water.

Hurrying through the many rooms, she finally reached the Kuari Lounge, and giving the rest of the family an apologetic smile as she approached her father , head slightly bowed in apology "I'm here now, I'm sorry I'm late. I fell asleep."
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Kuari’s Lounge[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: mandalorians, [member="Nolan Detta"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: Sith[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Get through customs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Satine took Nolan’s hand, “I sent the bags to the purser to ensure they are taken off, otherwise” squeezing his hand, “I have everything needed for a vacation”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She had all of her credentials, credentials were easy to get how good they were now that could be a problem. She had looked at hers a number of times and they seemed really good. This time they better be great, she didn’t want to sit in a Sith prison.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Is everyone else ready to go?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Nolan had been acting a bit off lately, she wondered if something were wrong. He at times seemed distracted, she knew that the separations did not go well for them. Perhaps he..was tired of them. Or perhaps, he had something he was waiting to tell her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled though, not betraying her thoughts.[/SIZE]
Location: Kuari Lounge
Allies: [member="Satine D'ulin"] [member="Strider Garon"] @the rest
Enemies: OS
Objective: Get through the checkpoint

Nolan felt the warm hand of Satine wrap up in his. She was sly with her comment, he'd walked into that one. The beautiful warrior before him was His beautiful warrior and Nolan couldn't be happier to know that she was his and he was hers.

"Then we are in agreement, I have everything I need as well", Nolan returned the squeeze to Satine's hand. He leaned in to kiss her before the group moved out. The mission was ahead and with Satine by his side, he knew he could accomplish anything.
Location: Kuari Lounge/space
Objective: Get through the Checkpoint
Allies: [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Satine D'ulin"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Kix Tal'Verda"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Sylvanan Tal'verda"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Cordelia deWinter"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Reverance"]

Titan grabbed his bag and slung it over his mountain sized shoulder. He and the other undercover Mandos would move towards the line of passengers going through the checkpoint to the planet.

"I hate lines. They move so slow. I have to take normal people steps not to step on others."

He was ready to start the mission of gathering the info they needed. But he had to get through the Line first.

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