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Submit your ideas for potential rank titles in the hierarchy

After discussion with the rest of the Faction staff, we are more than willing to accept recommendations for new titles with in the one sith.

Once we go through them, we will add a select few of them into the hierarchy.

After that, we will attempt to do a neat process to present these positions. It is in the works to keep it as fair as possible, which will honestly be determined on the level of faction activity and IC push of the One Sith agenda in that position.

We would love for everyone to feel that they earned that position fair and square!

So please, give us your ideas by using the following format.

Title: ( what the title will be)
Availability: ( Is this unique or are there more than one? 3? 5?)
Description: What does this title mean? What sets it apart from the rest?
Title: Executor
Availability: 1
Description: The Executor, conqueror, tyrant and warrior among the One Sith. The first in and the last out, laying waste to all that opposes she or he. Effectively, the Executor is a Lord of the Sith tasked with the complete destruction of the One Sith's enemies. Unlike the Voices and Hands of the Dark Lord, who both lead the One Sith to their grand vision over the galaxy, the Executor is primarily a Sith Lord that is tasked solely with the destruction of the Galactic Republic and other factions that would stand against the One Sith.

As an Executor, they are not confined to the five sectors led by Voices. The scope of their reach is only limited to where the next enemy world that the Dark Lord of the Sith wishes to be annexed and taken into the domain of the One Sith.
Title: Loremaster of the Ancient Scripture (Also known as just Loremaster)
Availability: One or two (Could be more, could be less. It's up to the admins to determine what number is adequate.)
Description: The Loremaster of the Ancient Scripture is the appointed individual who lords over the various recorded literature, history, and other important information prudent to the One Sith and their cause. This individual is also responsible for collecting new information pertaining to our ancient order, and all orders that have preceded it, and decided what will be kept, and what will either be edited or omitted from the historical records. This is to ensure a revised history of the Sith that better fits in with our current ideology and purpose, and to perhaps curb any blasphemous thoughts being born from past heretical individuals, institutions, or events.

Basically, this individual molds and shapes whatever written history we can get our hands on to what we desire.
Harley said:
Warlord of (insert planets name)
Warlords or Moffs aren't exactly needed. We've got the Voices to oversee sectors of One Sith space and whatnot and don't have enough members to direct individual worlds while still retaining the base of our pyramid. Once you give everybody power, then they're all equal and that kinda upsets the balance of everything.

While it's a good idea, I'd just stick to writing out a story to lead a world. Kinda of how like [member="Darth Praelior"] is the Queen of Alderaan currently. Do some threads and integrate it into your character's story. I was once the fabled God-King of the Sith on Tantorus when I wrote Darth Arcis.

Do something like that, we just don't need it to be OOC-IC hierarchy.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

Mordecai Zambrano said:
Kinda of how like Darth Praelior is the Queen of Alderaan currently.
No I am not I just kind of make our with the new queen and she lets me mine phrik or breed leviathans under her palace.

I would suggest a "Prime" position for the voices. Their favored and most trusted who could be in case of LOA or something happening able to oversee their sectors maybe.
Title: Champion of (Sector name)
Availability: One for every sector
Description: The Voices are very busy people. And while they have alot of work on their hands, they can't deal with the day to day activities within the sectors they control. As such, the Champion acts as the right hand man for the leader of the sector. They will can be the apprentice of the Voice or Hand of the Dark lord, However, as Apprentices are told to travel with their masters until a time deemed worthy, Someone else can take the place as the Champion.

Each Sector can choose their champion by any way that the Voice, or Hand, deems is a reason to be called such a title. Should they have to fight the Voice or Hand and last for a time, or fight in a different setting, or even if they wish to, a vote. Each champion is selected differently according to each sector.

[member="Darth Praelior"], You mean like this?
Darth Isolda said:
Put up your recommendations xD
Subaltern - official Yuuzhan Vong rank. Typically commands a squad or small Force. Likely has few biots, yet has undergone the brutal training regime of the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior Caste. Roughly equivalent in combat prowess to a Jedi Padawan. [Canon title]

Pala'taan - experienced Warrior who has proven themselves in battle many times. Has probably been shaped several times to increase their abilities with a number of biots. Roughly equivalent to a Knight in combat prowess. [Vonged up version of "Paladin"]

[I want something else for master equivalent, not Commander or Supreme Commander, any ideas?]
[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Overlord is a position held by one Yuuzhan Vong, traditionally. I'd rather this was a Master-equivalent to show combat prowess more than that.

However, perhaps one of the alternative titles for Overlord would do. Dread Lord, and God-Chosen stand out.

So: Subaltern, Pala'taan, God-chosen


Warrior, Chosen, Dread Lord

as the Acolyte, Knight, Lord equivalent

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