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Submit your ideas for potential rank titles in the hierarchy

Title: Heart of the Dark Lord
Availability: 1 (Presumably)
Description: Unlike the various other positions within the One Sith, the Heart of the Dark Lord would be a solemn one and a lonely one. Following his mortal departure during the incident at the throne room, one "lucky" member of the One Sith would be chosen and groomed as an emergency vessel for Him. If his mortal body were to ever experience death again, be it by betrayal or otherwise, this Heart would surrender themselves to His spirit and become His vessel to carry out the remainder of His life.

[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
"Warlords or Moffs aren't exactly needed. We've got the Voices to oversee sectors of One Sith space and whatnot and don't have enough members to direct individual worlds while still retaining the base of our pyramid." -Mordecai
(On my phone so I can't quote well).


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Vitium"] I would disagree with you, we should have moffs. To give nfu a rank of some sort, they did exist with the original one sith. Though the power was very much curtailed, which lead to them trying to revolt.
Title: Dark Lord's Reach
Availability: 4
Description: While the majority, if not all, the other titles associated with the Dark Lord and the One Sith's hierarchy belong to force users, the Dark Lord's Reach, or Reach of the Dark Lord, is a title bestowed to the four greatest non-force users within the One Sith to act as leadership for infantry and vehicular forces during skirmishes, invasions, and other related events wherein a Voice is not present or is not within their own jurisdiction. Unlike the Voices, whom are considered a first among equals and speak directly to the Dark Lord, the Dark Lord's Reach is intended to be the arm that reaches out to touch upon systems and sectors that may require it. The idea is to split this up into four general sectors of the galaxy that are on the outskirts of each of the Voice's territory, nearest the territory of the galactic core and territory of the First Voice.

(I can make a brief outline of the map for their overlapping areas, as their "territory" is meant to overlap with the territory of three other voices at a time.)
Darth Vitium said:
Title: Dark Lord's Reach
Availability: 4
Description: While the majority, if not all, the other titles associated with the Dark Lord and the One Sith's hierarchy belong to force users, the Dark Lord's Reach, or Reach of the Dark Lord, is a title bestowed to the four greatest non-force users within the One Sith to act as leadership for infantry and vehicular forces during skirmishes, invasions, and other related events wherein a Voice is not present or is not within their own jurisdiction. Unlike the Voices, whom are considered a first among equals and speak directly to the Dark Lord, the Dark Lord's Reach is intended to be the arm that reaches out to touch upon systems and sectors that may require it. The idea is to split this up into four general sectors of the galaxy that are on the outskirts of each of the Voice's territory, nearest the territory of the galactic core and territory of the First Voice.

(I can make a brief outline of the map for their overlapping areas, as their "territory" is meant to overlap with the territory of three other voices at a time.)
The only problem I have with this is that there is still very little upward mobility for NFUs like myself in this faction. So I can aspire to be a Dark Lord's Reach, or Reacher(? not sure what to even call myself)... at which point I am still subordinate to a bunch of other Sith Lords. Still unable to take orders from the Emperor directly. Why not? Moffs, especially Grand ones, answered directly to the Emperor. With this position I'd basically be doing what I'm doing now, in charge of a bunch of military forces... just more of them. This position sounds somewhat like a nerfed Executor position, since Executors too would answer directly to the Emperor, and there was typically only one of them.
Ludolf Vaas said:
Still unable to take orders from the Emperor directly.
In the Reach's area you are essentially equal to the Voices. The only reason you don't directly speak to the Dark Lord, as mentioned above, is because he speaks through the voices via long-range telepathy. It was an inclusion of lore.
Darth Vitium said:
In the Reach's area you are essentially equal to the Voices. The only reason you don't directly speak to the Dark Lord, as mentioned above, is because he speaks through the voices via long-range telepathy. It was an inclusion of lore.
That seems different from how it's worded. "act as leadership...wherein a Voice is not present or is not within their own jurisdiction. Unlike the Voices, whom are considered a first among equals and speak directly to the Dark Lord, the Dark Lord's Reach is intended to be the arm that reaches out to touch upon systems and sectors that may require it."

So what happens when both the Voice and the Reach are present at the same time? Leaving aside the questions that this raises (like why the need for the middleman? If the Emperor can communicate telepathically, why not just directly communicate with the people he needs to?) this role sounds identical to Hands of the Dark Lord. And if Voices and Reachers are essentially equal... okay. Then that's three different ranks who all basically do the exact same thing.

Not to be a Negative Nancy here. But I see this entire faction's heirarchy in need of major improvement. I have an issue with how we're dividing the entire galaxy into sectors as well. What is the point of dividing the galaxy when we don't even control 4/5ths of it? So someone has "jurisdiction" over a sector in which the One Sith controls exactly zero planets. What exactly do they do?

It seems to me a much more logical idea to simply go with planetary governors on planets we already control. You know... Moffs, basically. The person's role will be much clearer and there will be actual stuff for them to do.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Voices: Control the actions of One Sith in their sectors. The One Sith began as infiltrators, spies, plotters, and all of that. This continues through to the faction today. All actions taken by One Sith within a Sector is done under the supervision and advice of the Voice of that Sector. They are first among equals, meaning they can deny ideas, stop certain actions, and prompt certain other actions. They are basically the overseers of these sectors and maintain a great deal of autonomy, with the Dark Lord communicating his will to them but not necessarily how they achieve what he wants. Being a Voice is not necessarily about the governorship of planets, but more about reigning in the actions of Sith in their own sector and ensuring that goals are achieved.

Hands: Hands are completely different from Voices. Unlike voices they are directed by the Dark Lord to achieve certain tasks. These tasks can be anything from taking a specific world to assassinating a member of a foreign Governors. Whereas Voices are hands off leaders and overseers, Hands are directly involved in everything they are ordered to do.
Ludolf Vaas said:
So what happens when both the Voice and the Reach are present at the same time? Leaving aside the questions that this raises (like why the need for the middleman? If the Emperor can communicate telepathically, why not just directly communicate with the people he needs to?) this role sounds identical to Hands of the Dark Lord. And if Voices and Reachers are essentially equal... okay. Then that's three different ranks who all basically do the exact same thing.

We're essentially facist communists. Welcome to the contradiction. Everyone knight-level and above are considered equals, with the Voices & Eye (and potentially the Reach) being "first among equals" (basically means: they are more important, and act as proxies for the Dark Lord, but are not the end-all-be-all of that area. If the Eye or the Dark Lord slap their hand for doing something wrong, or tell them to do something else, then they do not get to disobey.) That being said, the Reach is intended to be "the arm that reaches" the Dark Lord's influence out to areas that the Voices are less apt to be, more specifically the borders of three Voice's territory. Neither of the two answer to the other, both answer to the Dark Lord. Think of the Voice as being like a head of state, they try to influence various portions of the map, incur changes that are good for the One Sith, but they can only go so far. The Reach would essentially do the same, but clearly would not be the same as the Voices, otherwise we'd have to redraw territories. (By the way, we have non-force user Voices, a la Tsavong Kraal)

Equal in power does not mean equal in role. The Hand of the Dark Lord and the Voices do not do the same thing. A hand is someone who acts for the Dark Lord, the Voice is who speaks for the Dark Lord, and occasionally acts in instances that they must, while the Eye .. Well they watch stuff (Isolda does quite a bit of behind-the-scene work that I don't want to get into). The Reach is much like a hand that is also a voice, just rather than speaking for the Dark Lord, they act out his wishes in various portions of the galaxy, sometimes contacting the Voices as the Hands would for direction. To be quite blunt, the issue of position of rank has little to do with the titles we have set in place among the hierarchy. It's more of an honor-based list of titles, as we're essentially fanatics - the moderates end up leaving, as seen by my first master, whom was also once a Voice (and possibly a hand if I recall).

Ludolf Vaas said:
What is the point of dividing the galaxy when we don't even control 4/5ths of it? So someone has "jurisdiction" over a sector in which the One Sith controls exactly zero planets. What exactly do they do?
A great example of what the voices do outside of our air space is what [member="Darth Vornskr"] does. He controls an area of space within the Fringe Territory, the entire planet of Panatha and various areas around it - this is recognized by the Fringe's faction admins and owners and members and is officially known (the fringe have a sort of map of their own territory from what I understand). Essentially a Voice, and their territory, is the area of the maps in which those specific Voices are intended to lead the Sith into. Think of them as generals if you want, though I'd wager the idea for the Reach is more of a direct translation to a general than the voices are, and they act as politicians on occasion. To put it simply: Those areas of the map are where the voices are supposed to take over in the long-haul. Vornskr's takeover of Panatha is an excellent start and example, and I suppose Coruscant and Alderaan and Teta by Junra prior.

Edit: What he said above, too.
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
I also meant while in the Voice's territory (deeper in). There's a noticeable gap, intentional or not, that would be totally for the Reach to push into. The Reach would be the arms that, as metaphorically mentioned above, spread out the Dark Lord's will, influence, etc. in those areas. Feel free to start guerrilla warfare with factions in those areas if you must, that's literally what it is for. The Reach is to have a proactive push into enemy territory in order to spread out the faction influence.
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
We don't have a real traditional hierarchy, I'll agree, but it works with how unorthodox the faction is. We sneak attack, we act with influence in worlds that are not our own, and we ignore other faction territory, because all their base belongs to us.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Aren't we now just making things more complicated than they need to be? Not to be a pain but... Dark Lord's Reach? Really?

We can make really specialized roles and titles and lores and whatever but will we ever have enough players to make it really function? No. And by creating an excessively complex system, we're only going to make it prohibitively difficult to get new people involved. By all means let's make the faction hierarchy something unique to us, but I think we also need to model ourselves off the traditional Empire at some point - something that new people can identify with without being overwhelmed by the multitude of Dark Lord's Appendages.

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