Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submit your ideas for potential rank titles in the hierarchy

I gotta be honest, this entire heirarchy gives me a headache. I'm going to avoid addressing the seven or eight different contradictions I see in the descriptions of these roles, and the fact that we could honestly eliminate a lot of these roles which basically act as "middle-men" and have a much more streamlined hierarchy. Who cares about that, it honestly doesn't matter.

Let's just make this nice and simple.

Keep the roles we have already. If you want a high-ranking role for NFUs (and I do appreciate the gesture), let's just go with a planetary governor system. A.K.A. Moffs. We can keep the whole "sector" idea and whatever other mumbo jumbo is already in place. But for the planets we DO control, we institute a Moff system. Each planet is controlled by one, idealy a non-Force User. The Moffs make up some kind of Moff Council which answers directly to the Emperor. They control the day-to-day planetary military, government, infrastructure, etc. of the respective planets under their jurisdiction. As we gain more planets, we gain more Moffs.

So the Sith have their Eye/Hand/Arm/Feet/whatever of the Dark Lord system that is already in place, which concerns itself more with the greater galaxy at large.

NFUs have the Moff system, which is only concerned with territories under direct OS control.

And there you have it.

[member="Darth Vitium"]

Sorvae Sunfell

Am I the only one who thinks Moffs are so 2013? Honestly, I see them being in the Galactic Empire, sure, but this faction here... I think if they had a better name - a new name - they'd be amazing, though truth to be told, the One Sith is about Sith, not about Moffs the Empire had. So a new name for them would, in my opinion, be better, if we want to give NFUs more to do.

Just throwing in my personal opinions. *prepares for possible incoming hate*
Jhoren Drenall said:
Am I the only one who thinks Moffs are so 2013? Honestly, I see them being in the Galactic Empire, sure, but this faction here... I think if they had a better name - a new name - they'd be amazing, though truth to be told, the One Sith is about Sith, not about Moffs the Empire had. So a new name for them would, in my opinion, be better, if we want to give NFUs more to do.
So...2013? Lol.

Anyway, disagree 100%. This faction is basically modeled after Krayt's Empire in all but name and is the successor state to the Sith Empire. Literally none of the Empires in Star Wars, whether it was the Sith Empire, Palpatine's Empire, or Krayt's Empire, was "just about Sith". The Sith were in fact a minority due to simple logistics. If this faction is supposed to be for Sith exclusively, then I don't know what the hell I'm doing here.

Moffs are a classic part of Star Wars. Please don't rename them into something goofy...

Sorvae Sunfell

[member="Ludolf Vaas"]

There's a slight miscommunication (though I may have not used the best wording, either). I didn't mean the faction's for Sith only. Just that it's mostly Sith rule these days.

Anyways, I agree that Moffs were, are, and will be an extremely important part of Star Wars. Just that all Empires in Star Wars and Chaos have used the title and it has lost its originality. Originality which the One Sith has become famous for (yes, the faction's not completely original in the Star Wars lore, but is original to the board as such things have, at least to my knowledge, not been brought to RP before). None of the Sith factions in this board have showed that much new, amazing things as this one has. I don't have anything against the Moff title itself, but some new things would keep the board and story more interesting than just repeating the same old things would.

Sorvae Sunfell

Ludolf Vaas said:
I think that's kind of like saying the titles of Jedi and Sith have lost their originality.
Well, if you think so.

Anyways, all of they're just opinions and looks like I'm a minority here, anyway. :p


The Second Seal, broken.
Well, honestly, just changing the name won't make them any more "original". It'll just be a change of name, so, really, no point.
If you really want to do something new and/or original, why not alter the role of the moffs instead?

There has been a vast number of Sith empires to date, and despite all the knowledge lost to wars/plagues/general ignorance, why don't we assume that, perhaps, people (yes, even Sith, lol) have learned something from history? Being a minority and hoarding all the power for yourself usually ends in bloody massacre (e.g. Sparta, if you want RL examples)

I say keep the Moffs and actually have them be the governing body / individual of that planet (or system, whatever). And just like [member="Ludolf Vaas"] said, have them comprise some sort of council that reports to the Emperor. The Sith Lords still get to keep their executive power and move around, while the NFUs have a high ranking position to aspire to that isn't such in title only.

then again I'm just the newbie, so.. *shrugs*
skin, bone, and arrogance
Darth Vitium said:
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
It was simply a suggestion put forth because I got tired of seeing people complain about a lack of titles for Non-Force Users.
No, no, I didn't mean to single yours out, it was more that it was just the most recent suggestion. I think it's a good idea to incorporate NFUs, I just think we should do it in a more... approachable manner.
Avadreia Lacroix said:
Aren't we now just making things more complicated than they need to be? Not to be a pain but... Dark Lord's Reach? Really?

We can make really specialized roles and titles and lores and whatever but will we ever have enough players to make it really function? No. And by creating an excessively complex system, we're only going to make it prohibitively difficult to get new people involved. By all means let's make the faction hierarchy something unique to us, but I think we also need to model ourselves off the traditional Empire at some point - something that new people can identify with without being overwhelmed by the multitude of Dark Lord's Appendages.
Not sure how valued my opinion in this discussion is, but I am kinda getting confused by what some titles mean. More particularly the biologically named ones. I've always known the Sith as (leat to greatest) acolyte, knight (3 specializations) , lord, council, then dark lord. The structure is there, but like i said some titles are a tad confusing. As for military I've seen it work best when titles are Enlisted. NCO, commanding officer, general/admiral, then moff. Haven't even tried looking at armed forces ranking yet, and god only knows idk anything about vong

Like i said, new member. Not certain how it all works . Hope maybe i gave a little insight though
skin, bone, and arrogance
Faye Terrik said:
Not sure how valued my opinion in this discussion is, but I am kinda getting confused by what some titles mean. More particularly the biologically named ones. I've always known the Sith as (leat to greatest) acolyte, knight (3 specializations) , lord, council, then dark lord. The structure is there, but like i said some titles are a tad confusing. As for military I've seen it work best when titles are Enlisted. NCO, commanding officer, general/admiral, then moff. Haven't even tried looking at armed forces ranking yet, and god only knows idk anything about vong

Like i said, new member. Not certain how it all works . Hope maybe i gave a little insight though
I think a new member can provide really valuable insight into this matter. For the people who are existing members, it can be difficult at times to see things from the outside because we're right in the middle of it. What may seem perfectly clear and natural and organic to us might not resonate well with new members who aren't in the thick of it yet.

It's important that we make our rank structure both a) faction-lore friendly and b) accessible to new and old members alike

Thank you for sharing your input, [member="Faye Terrik"]. :)

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