There were some very apparent misgivings about the current situation of the hall. Consequences of ignoring the status that could mark gravely in future endeavors - and it wasn't doing any favors for the half-blood. The Mandalorian people were nomadic by nature, independent to a fault, and prone to violence at the drop of a buy'ce. However, there was no greater spark to the flame of their collective temper than the idea that someone was messing with their culture, or their time-honored and long held traditions. Bringing dishonor to any of the Resonln'are was something that all the Mando'ade far and wide would rally against. They had all at one time or another pledged their life, their loyalty, and their spirit to the Manda, and the six tenants. Someone had the audacity to throw a proverbial wrench into those gears to grind away -- retribution would come swift, and come brutally to their front door. Azrael was no exception, as the glaive stayed precariously poised in accusatory threat while the woman who now stood from the throne before him.
The Field Marshal however had to draw his gaze away, turning the crimson visor towards the blonde at his side who for all her bravado was certainly not doing herself any favors by insinuating in words plainly lanced out that she was the first to have crack at the woman who would have gall enough to grace her presence on a throne that had been fashioned for their sole ruler. A creasing of his brows formed beneath his helmet, as a memory recalled to earlier days on the scrap yards of Ord Mantell. Boy..a word he'd become so inherently sick of in those years while he toiled away for a paltry some of credits. His name was so rarely used on that planet, sometimes he even forgot he had one. Years of that treatment had worn on the salvager, and it wasn't until either Lahswee had used his name, or more prominently the Manda had seen fit to lead him off the world under the care of Ordo and Kila that the word 'boy' had never again been used in reference to him. He was both brother and son to the Mandalorians, and it was a echoing of hatred that burned through his veins. Action was eminent, and he could feel the grip of his crushgaunt tighten against the E'tad Kal. Thankfully both were made of Mandalorian Iron, or else he might have bent the weapon of any other alloy. The next words gracing the mysterious stranger's lips though heralded his attention with a snap of focus.
Shock etched his hidden features, and his arm slacked for a moment while confusion washed over the Field Marshal like waves upon an ocean, crashing upon his memory to try and piece together how this event could be. Azrael hadn't been in the path of the resurrected before, and he wasn't even aware that the possibility existed. He'd known about clones assuredly, but not in the light that they were used to bring back the dead and gone. His stunned silence giving pause between Monroe and Olivia as their discourse flew like verbal darts, though he had to say that Monroe was remaining far more calm. Quietly the half-blood attempted to process the information from the events he had witnessed first hand. Images of Coruscant flew through his mind, as the death wails of the vode echoed in his buy'ce when Monroe perished at the hands of the Dar'jettii. His own attempt to avenge her thrown off-track by the doom of a protectorate vessel made a nose dive for their location. He'd brought her body to Mand'alor after that for a proper memorial, one in which he'd not soon forget. It was a lot to take in, but one saving grace on Monroe's part was that Anija had come without hesitation and brought up a weapon of her own. He didn't know Anija personally as much as others, but that kind of loyalty was reserved for family - and if Mia was seated on the throne, and given a blade so freely - Azrael had no intention to question the validity as Olivia did.
The next sound between the three gathered impacted against the Great Hall. A strike from the aft of the E'tad Kal slammed upon the tiling below his boots, creating waves of resonating sound that tore out and thundered back from the lofty ceiling rafters, beckoning attention from all within the walls of the ceremonial chamber. Reverberations of metal tainted the sound with a ring to echo back as Azrael commanded attention in a single act. He had heard enough, and he was not going to be standing by while this escalated further. He'd take his time to speak with force if necessary.
"Silence!" His voice amplified to booming levels from the speakers of his buy'ce, drawing his voice into a mighty swathe of sound. A moment's pause was given in obedience to his own words, attempting to not only hush the tones of Mia and Olivia, but the vode en masse gathered within the hall itself. His visor turned once more towards Mia and he stood watching her for a longer while, studying her features. He'd not forget this face. "I watched Mia Monroe fall in honorable combat at the hands of the Dar'Jettii, and I returned with her body to deliver her to the arms of the Manda. While I do not see the reflection of her in your face, the actions of others and your words resonate truth." He stated plainly, giving credence to her legitimate claim. Despite not having all the facts and figures worked out, it was harder to stay in disbelief than it was to have faith in his vode. His speech did not end though. "However, while the Liberator was the first A'lor I ever knew, you gave up your claim to the title." His bionic arm rose drawing a metallic digit towards her. "Entrusting ner'vod Verz Horak to take up the reigns of our people. You are no longer Mand'alor - and though you be the Liberator reborn, you have not proven yourself worthy to reclaim that which you have given away vod. It is a balm however, to this warrior's heart to see that you live again sister. Welcome home." He'd not insult the woman that he saw as a sister and somewhat of a mother figure if he was to be completely honest. His attention shifted though momentarily to that of Olivia.
"And you." His voice dropped an octave no longer amplified by the buy'ce, but clear as a bell in tone and volume to the blonde. "If you're so concerned about who sits on that throne, open your eyes. She no longer touches it. Your quarrel is over - while you investigate further to put your mind at ease with facts and figures." His form turned, and his arm dropped, while he took a measured step closer. "You are family, ner'vod - a daughter of the Manda. Consider your tongue a gift of mercy at the moment, but if you use it to call me boy again, expect to lose that mercy." Azrael was not playing around, and he'd just as soon make good on his promise than he'd gut a Sith. For a moment, his crimson visor held the gaze until he once again relented and drew his attention towards Mia. "You have challenged the title of Mand'alor again, and you will prove it against me, so come my Liberator, and test your metal against the heir of the Architect."
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Devorah Khaladan"] | [member="Ordo"]